Eva and Ashly return back home as the rain starts pouring. Ashly takes her shoes off and runs to the living room. Ashly sees her mom sitting down knitting mittens. Emma looks up to Ashly holding a doll "Ashly, is that a new doll I see" Emma says
"Yes Mama, Mr. Oliver gifted it to me after you and dad helped him fix the cart" Ashly hands her doll to Emma "It's very pretty and it looks just like me" Ashly smiles brightly as Emma returns the doll to her
"Of course it does Ashly," Emma says but Eva tells Ashly that it doesn't look like her at all "Eva don't say that, Ashly is just having fun" Emma stands up and tells Ashly to go to her room. Ashly complies and runs to her bedroom.
"What, am I not wrong the doll doesn't have a face" Eva looks at Emma who is now a bit sad "Ashly is almost 9, she needs to grow up a bit" Eva says but Emma scolds her
"Eva let your sister have her fun, let her imagination run wild. It's not her fault you are to grumpy to appreciate fun" Emma says, this causes Eva to turn around and walk to her bedroom "Geez, that girl is to full of herself" Emma says under her breath
It's late in the afternoon, the sun has set and the rain has stopped. Ashly is taking a nap hugging her doll tightly. In Eva's room, Eva is reading her book and hears a knock on her door. "You can come in" Eva says and Emma enters "Mom, listen-" Eva is interrupted
"I know sweetie, I know you are sorry but I'm not here for that" Emma sits down next to Eva on her bed "Your father didn't tell you or your sister but, he isn't going to be back until tomorrow" Emma hugs Eva "Listen I will be going to the market tomorrow and I want you to look after Ashly while I'm gone, Ok?"
"Yes mother" Eva responds "I'll make sure she doesn't get into any trouble" Eva hugs Emma "I guess I have to talk to Ashly then" Emma nods her head
Eva begins to walk out her room, walks pass the hallway and knocks on Ashly's door. A few seconds pass and Eva knocks again. The door opens and Ashly is sleepy "Yeah, what is it sis" Ashly says yawning "Sorry I was taking a nap"
"It's alright Ashly, I'm here to tell you that Father isn't going to be back until tomorrow" Eva pats Ashly's head "I'm sorry for what I said earlier about the doll" Ashly smiles at Eva and grabs the doll handing it to her "Why am I holding it?" Eva asks
"I know the doll doesn't have a face, and that it doesn't look like me at all" Eva looks at Ashly raising an eyebrow "If you want to apologize, apologize to the doll by giving it a name" Eva look at Ashly then at the doll, then back at Ashly
"Uhh… oh well…" Eva begins to think of a name.
Linda, no that's not right, what about Amanda? No to boring. Eva keeps on thinking and looks directly at the doll "I can't think of a name Ashly" Eva says
"Then you can't apologize until you have given it a name then" Ashly grins which causes Eva to sigh "Alright, but this might take me all night, You won't have it until tomorrow" Eva says but Ashly doesn't mind as long as the doll is apologized.
It's dark at night and Paul is sitting next to one of his coworkers. "I hope my girls won't mind me being gone for to long" Paul says as they finished placing the last log into a cart "I'm tired, Aaron!" Paul yells "It's done, we are finished for today" Aaron a man who seems to be middle aged approaches Paul
"Alright then go and rest, tomorrow is the last day of hauling and chopping all this wood" Paul exhausted, begins to walk to his cart and lies down. Paul looks up into the sky "Goodnight girls, I'll see you tomorrow" Paul begins to drift off to sleep
It's morning and Eva walks up to Ashly who is looking out a window in the living room "Ashly I thought of a name for the doll" Ashly looks at Eva excitedly "I feel asleep not to long after I got to my room but, this name came up to me in my dream" Eva holds the doll handing it to Ashly "It's name is Sophie"
Ashly looks at Eva "Sophie? Like our aunt" Eva stares at Ashly "Well Sophie is a cute name" Ashly says and then holds the doll towards Eva "Alright then, apologize to Sophie" Eva sighs and Aplogiezes to Sophie
"Well it seems you girls are getting along" says Emma, Ashly stands up and runs to Emma "So Eva named your new doll, that's adorable" she hugs Ashly and looks at Eva "See Eva, it's not hard to be a bit creative" Eva rolls her eyes
"Yeah I guess" Eva sits down on the couch "Are you leaving now mother?" Eva asks and Emma says yes. Emma tells the girls that she will only be gone for a few hours, just before Lunch. Ashly gives Emma one last hug and Emma leaves
Half an hour has passed "Eva, can we go to Jessica's house" Ashly asks Eva "I want to show her my new doll and make her jealous" Ashly grins and Eva smiles at Ashly's proposal
"Alright Ashly but I doubt it will make her jealous. She has a new kitten, I doubt unless it's a pet she won't be jealous" Jessica grabs her book "Lets go now"
Ashly and Eva put on their shoes and go outside to meet Jessica. Eva knows Ashly is jelous of Jessica and her new cat but she likes a bit of drama, even if it's two little girls. They arrive at Jessica's house.
Deep inside a forest Paul is cutting down trees with a few other men. Aaron is their supervisor and is checking down a chart. "Alright men, it seems like we might finish early today" the men are happy as they get to return back to their families earlier than expected. "Just one more hour and we go" the men begin to cut and carry the wood with smiles on their face.
"See Paul, I told you we'll finish early" said Wilson one of Paul's coworkers and his friend. "I can't wait to get paid and drink all night" Wilson said
"Go easy then, I don't want to be the one to supervise you late at night" said Paul, they finish cutting the tree "I'll go tell Aaron we finished out part" Wilson agrees and Paul leaves. While he is going to Aaron he overhears two other men talking.
"It's true" one of them said in a low whisper "Can't you see, Arthur has yet to call us back since he arrived home. It's not a matter of speculation it's the plain truth. Just wait until they give us the news" the man continues to talk and Paul feels a bit guilty for ear dropping.
"Aaron we are done, we finished out part can we go home?" Paul asked "Alright, Paul you and Wilson can go but you'll get your payment later" Paul thanks Aaron and walks back to Wilson "We can go, boss gave us permission"
"Alright" Both men finish moving the log to the big cart. They then gather their equipment and begin their journey back home. "So… did you overhear those two right" asked Wilson which Paul nods.
"Yeah, they talked about Arthur" Paul said, this interested Wilson "Thinking of it now, I haven't heard anything from Arthur in weeks. They said something about us getting news about him"
"Yeah it strange that we haven't heard a word from him, It might be something like he was sick or got injured. Nothing to worry about, Arthur is a smart man after all"