I woke up in my bed with my girlfriend beside me. I was the assassin in the family and made money that way, but she had retired from it and was now working a 9-5 job as a computer consultant for the new company Agreus. Though her position had recently risen much higher in the company.
Agreus was a bank that got a lot of customers. The owner was currently buying all the restaurants along with many other companies. In my eyes it looked like he was trying to boost his sales and make money in all aspects of entrepreneurship.
For the moment my girlfriend was getting paid around five hundred every two weeks. I got paid more for my assassin jobs but they didnt come as quickly as they used to back at school.
Thinking of school reminded me of when my father called me. He had told me he was proud of me and how he had heard of all my successful missions.
He sent me a picture one time that he had hung up on the wall. That picture was literally the first time I had seen him smile in a long time.
Ever since mom left for a mission and never came back he hadn't been himself.
Thinking of mom brought a single tear to my eye. I let it run down my face and drop to my cover as I sat up.
My girlfriend being a retired assassin woke up with a kitchen knife in her hand.
"Woah, woah. Terva. It's just me." I said thrusting my hands in the air.
"Oh… Sorry." Terva said smiling. She had really warmed up to me and wasn't shy around me anymore.
She got up and went to her closet, pulling out an outfit and changing into it.
She was getting ready for work early from the looks of it. After she got dressed she went to the kitchen which was downstairs and down a short hall. By now I was dressed as well, and was on my way to check the mail.
We had long since graduated school. They never found the bodies of the assassins we killed because I had a few of my guards cover our tracks very carefully.
It had been ten long years since that night I faced off against Michael. I hadn't seen the hooded man since then, I always wondered if I'd regret sparing him. But from the looks of it, he was long since forgotten about.
Snapping out of my thoughts I arrived at the mailbox. I opened it immediately noticing a letter signed with an assassination contract insignia.
The contractor didn't put their name but they put my target's name On the letter. It read;
Dear Kamelio,
Everyone knows the legend of the greatest assassin who ever lived. In fact you got the nickname Death when you absolutely destroyed five assassins at the same time! If you ask me that's amazing.
She is highly dangerous and she knows what she's doing. You're mother was asigned to her when she disappeared. If this intimidates you and you dont wanna accept the mission dont turn the page.
I automatically turned the page interested, wanting nothing more than to avenge my mother.
But, There is someone who has a big reputation for making all the assassins that are given the task of killing her disappear. I know you don't accept the task of killing, or even hitting girls or anything, but she is also the same person who your mom was assigned to when she disappeared, so I thought you might like the opportunity. The lady is widely known as Westy. A name she got when she killed someone yelling we equal stigma's time. Someone just took the first letters of each word and threw them together, adding the 'y' at the end for the fact that she was yelling or something. Anyway, no one ever figured out what she meant by that. Until now. It turns out Stigma is actually an assassin's name. He is actually her right hand man and her lover. He also has accomplished feats like yours, but he kept it under wraps because he is her little surprise for any assassins that try to kill her.
Now that you know everything you need to, If you accomplish this mission I will make a random transaction of seven hundred and sixty thousand dollars to your bank account. Yes, I said seven hundred sixty thousand, she is that dangerous.
P.S. Killing Stigma gives you an extra ten million, we have reason to believe he is at least 25 times more dangerous than her. Which is why he's supposed to be the secret.
I immediately went to my girlfriend who was now eating a bowl of cereal at the table.
"What's that." She asked noticing the note in my hand.
"It's an… assassination contract." I told her stuttering slightly.
"Is it serious?" She asked me wondering if I would die or disappear like my mom.
"Dont worry about it. I'll return for sure." I kissed her and left out. She would be leaving out soon for work too.
But for the moment I had a problem, Because Westy and Stigma were always on the move. I know this because Westy moves in the light, and most of her moves are somewhat public. Its almost like she dares someone to come try her. I had to find them, wherever they were, then assassinate them. This mission is definitely high risk. I just hoped it wouldn't put Terva in any danger.
——- A Few Days Later——
My shadow assassin bodyguards, (they've been with me through thick and thin now) found Westy almost instantly. But Stigma was still off the grid.
I immediately took all of my guards and we headed to her apartment.
When we got there we automatically went to her room and kicked down her door.
"What are you doing here!" She yelled. I starting appreciating the fact that this place didnt have security.
"We are here to kill you." Bena, one of my guards, said looking at the target.
"But she's a shadow assassin!" Jaqhs exclaimed immediately noticing Westy's distinct aura.
Oh no! Karma is coming for my life right now! This is exactly how I killed the king! Only difference is he wasn't a shadow assassin at all. I may not be a full shadow assassin, but i'm part shadow assassin.
So maybe they won't all turn on me and backup Westy. Shadow assassins stick together no matter what.
I might be the only exception since I'm also a demon assassin and their loyalties are more personalized.
Jaqhs Is a guard of mine who has always been my right hand. She has authority over all my guards. If she goes they all go or they will be disregarding what few orders I give them. This might be bad, but the situation can be salvaged.
"But Kamelio Is WAY stronger than her!" Jubi said crossing her arms and glaring at Jaqhs.
"She has a reputation for making all the assassins that come for her head disappear! We know she's killing them! Besides he is just another assassin dumb enough to face her! She is definitely stronger." Jaqhs said, speaking on past attempts to help her cause.
"That's not true!! Kamelio is a mix between a demon assassin and a shadow assassin. He has more of an arsenal than Westy. Our loyalties should remain with the boss!" Jubi screamed glaring at Jaqhs.
If it wasn't for the fact I knew shadow assassins stick together through thick and thin, I would've assumed she was preparing to attack.
"Why dont we let them go at it one and one and we just stick with the winner." Bena said looking at me and Westy.
"Ha, make sure to make this interesting." Westy taunted me smirking.
"Yea you too." I said throwing a poisoned knife at her. She caught it by the handle and came at me with it.
I dodged and ducked collectively avoiding it altogether. Then I thought I had an opening and I picked her up.
I was going to throw her out the window since we were on the 8th floor but she moved slightly. My arms also were shifted and the tip of my index finger touched the tip of the knife.
I immediately jerked my hand back checking to see if the knife had cut me and put the poison in. But it hadn't so I breathed a sigh of relief forgetting I was in the middle of something.
In the world of assassins, you lose your life in these moments. So i was glad when all she did was kick me. But when I flew backwards and went right out the window, I cringed.
I was scared now. I was about to die but I still had so many goals. I had killed the teacher who stabbed me all those years ago, but I never got to really enjoy my time with Terva.
I mean the time that we spent was amazing. But we were always gone because of work reasons so we missed out on more than we got. I was nearing the bottom now and all I could think about was how I loved Terva.
I landed hard, it was unlike anything I had ever felt before. The cold hard concrete that caught me as I was falling did more harm than good.
I was bleeding and spitting blood. I had blood pouring from a huge wound on my head and I had more wounds like it all over my body. I looked like a pancake with strawberry syrup on top. It was a really gruesome scene for all who saw me lying there.
Eventually Westy came down the stairs and out the lobby's front doors. She was taking her precious time seeming to enjoy every moment of it, before finally she kneeled down beside me.
"Before you die I just want to know the name of the assassin who will never be seen again." She said smiling.
"You wanna know a name, make a name, how about that." I mocked her gasping for air.
"So the pigeon can talk. Heh. Tell you what, I'll spare you. But there's someone close to you who has to say goodbye soon." She said after Jaqhs whispered something in her ear.
"You're all dead!" I yelled glaring at my guards who I was now wishing I hadn't brought.
"Now now, play by my rules or she will disappear and die rather than just disappear." She was grinning widely amused with herself apparently.
"You wont do anything." Someone said behind me. I turned around and saw someone holding Terva hostage.
"Let her go." A raspy growl escaped my mouth as I glared at the man who must've been none other than, Stigma.
"KAMELIO! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!" She screamed seeing me.
"Its nothing to worry about. I'm fine." I said trying to calm her down.
"Hey Kamelio. Tell your girl to shut it or she will expire." Stigma said putting a knife to her throat.
I stopped trying to calm myself down and went to kill them all. My raging features showed and my mask came on like it always did.
I grabbed the knife from Stigma right as he was about to kill Terva. Then I broke his arm and took the knife before shoving it down his throat.
Then I grabbed Westy preparing to throw her when she broke out of my hold and grabbed the back of my neck. Pulling me down into a sharp kick to my face.
I stumbled back before throwing a poisoned knife at her. She grabbed it by the handle but I was there before she could turn it around and pushed it right through her hold and through her face.
Then I wiped out all of the shadow assassins for even thinking of being traitors. I only spared my loyal guards Bena, Jubi, Dano, Brax, Sanemi, and Blu who had managed to survive after the wound Michael gave him. I decided Bena, Jubi, Dano, and Sanika would protect Terva. They were her personal guards now.
Sanika had become one of my guards not because she was a shadow assassin but because she was closest to Terva. Not to mention she had experience since she was an assassin.
I wanted as much protection for Terva as possible.
I had also given a portion of my power to Sanika to make her stronger. Since she had been nurturing said power for the last few years her strength as a demon assassin was top notch.
"I never want to go through that again!" She said, grabbing me and walking towards Stigma's car.
"Me either." I said groaning.
"I also dont want you getting hurt like this again! You wont keep having near death experiences your gonna die one of these days. All it takes is for someone to incapacitate you like this and you're defenseless. You'll immediately die by their hand, and I'll get a very unpleasant phone call. Just give up while you're still breathing. Do it for me." Terva whispered looking into my eyes. How could I say no to her?
"Ok. Im done, being an assassin." I was gasping for air again as the adrenaline had finally seeped completely away.
"Ok, lets get you to a hospital for retired assassins." She said as we got in the car. There was a guard in the front seat and one in the back seat next to me.
They drove me to the hospital and I was just fine in less than a week. I quit the job as a assassin and decided to take over Agreus with Terva.
I may or may not have assassinated the guy who ran it beforehand. He wanted Terva to take over if anything happened to him, because he was childless.
Not to mention he had long since divorced his wife for infidelity so me killing him opened the door for our retirement.
We formed a partnership and the money began to continue rolling in.
So we continued to expand the company and it became the biggest on earth by the end of the year.
Surprisingly no one ever sent an assassin for me. I guess it was because all my targets were dead and their associates were scared to death
For the moment I had solved all my problems. My girlfriend and I had nothing but time on our hands so I planned so many date nights and surprises and had so many gifts.
Life was always getting better for everyone else. Now it was getting better for me.