I was on the couch in the living room, reading a letter alongside Terva that contained a very odd contract.
Considering I had literally just retired a week or so ago, I shouldn't be receiving this let alone reading it.
But nonetheless it was in my hands. The note read:
Dear Kamelio,
Its to my understanding that you have retired from your life as an assassin. After taking down Westy and Stigma two of the most dangerous assassins in the world. I can see why you decided it was time to retire. However there is a matter that requires the touch of a professional.
Now I'm fairly certain you'll try to decline this contract. However this is a contract from the president himself. You know assassins retired or not can not decline a contract from the presidency if they are under the age of 60. So I expect you will be very cooperative.
We have intel that suggests there is something suspicious going on at the school you used to attend. I'm talking about Assassin School of course. We're not entirely sure what's going on, but students who have died there apparently aren't being buried.
We know this because one of their graves was vandalized, yet there wasn't a body inside of the casket. So we checked a few others and they all had the same problem.
With that being said, your mission this time is to investigate the principal and the teachers. Figure out exactly what they are doing with the bodies of those poor students.
President Ficor
P.S. Shan Omerson was assigned to investigate the old principal when he died on a failed assassination contract for a king assassin. I'm guessing the principal sent him on that mission to get him killed and away from the investigation. Which means he was getting close to the truth. He may have notes you can use to aid you in your current mission. The new principal is the old principal's son, so he definitely knows what's going on even if he doesn't have a hand in it. Eliminate all those involved.
P.P.S There's another assassin I have working this case, his codename's Pluto, no one knows his real name. Find him when you get there, he has been investigating this for awhile now. It would be best if you two worked together.
After reading the contract I was speechless. As it stated we were not allowed to turn down a contract from the president. Unless of course we were sixty or older.
Problem is, I know for a fact Terva won't accept it. In fact she will definitely say something to him about this. Its been a long time she was that shy girl I first met. She doesn't even hesitate in confrontations anymore.
How the hell would I explain this to her?
I started trying to focus but it was giving me a headache. I could see the argument coming from a mile away.
My mind was swamped with different ways to bring this topic to my woman's attention without conflict.
She was all into the tv and hadn't noticed the kind of letter I was reading. Then again, she was an ex-assassin, maybe she just didn't care.
Probably expected me to through the contract away like the others. But who in their right mind would've expected such a contract to fall in my hands coming from the president?
"Hey… Terva." I spoke cautiously, trying to find acceptable words.
"What's wrong Kamelio? This isn't how you usually act." She responded looking me in the eye.
Another thing about Terva that seriously scared me is the fact she seemed to see through everything.
Or at least through me.
It was almost as if she could stare right into my soul, and get any info she wanted.
"I got a contract from the president Terva." I didn't know where this was going, but I knew it was bound to be an issue.
"The president? Why, doesn't he know you just retired? It hasn't even been a whole year!" She said clearly upset.
"I know, it's something with the school. Apparently students aren't being buried when they die. The president wants me to go investigate and see exactly whats happening." I explained the whole situation to her in one fell swoop. I was hoping it would help her understand the importance of the mission.
"What the hell? Yeah, something has to be done about that. But why does it have to be you? It's just an investigation, anyone can do that. Unless…" She started but she didn't finish. However I knew what she was gonna say, and she was absolutely right.
"Yeah, multiple people sent to investigate were killed overtime. Including my good friend who taught me how to use my power as a demon assassin." I had a feeling she wasn't too upset about it. I was glad she was so understanding. It made me feel bad for not having more faith in her beforehand.
"Will he acknowledge your retirement if you succeed?" She asked giving me a serious look.
"I'm not sure, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. At any rate, I need to head up there and get started. The sooner I finish this contract the better." I stood up preparing to head out.
Terva didn't speak, she just quietly observed me before continuing to watch tv.
I walked outside jumping into a car and heading back towards my old school. But not before instructing the guards to take care of Terva while I was gone.
Although they were adamant I take a least one guard with me. So naturally I decided to bring Sanemi, Blu, and Brax along with me.
Not only were they some of my most loyal guards, but they were also some of my most efficient.
I had long since graduated, but this contract came from the president. So i'm assuming he made arrangements for me to come back in some way.
Either way I still had a house up there that wasn't in use currently.
When we finally arrived at the house it was just as I had left it. Clearly someone was taking care of it while we were gone. But I hadn't left anyone here to do so. Nor did I give anyone a key to have access to my house.
So who the hell was doing this?
We entered the house carefully, checking each and every room for any signs of life. However no one was home at the moment.
Maybe Shan hired a maid or something prior to his death that I didn't know about.
But if that was the case we would've met that person during our stay here.
We all met back in the living room to discuss what to do. How could we ever conduct an investigation on someone else if we couldn't even figure out who was present in the house?
"Status report." I spoke quietly, too deep in thought to wonder if they heard me or not.
"Bedroom was clear and cleaned, as well as the bathroom, the guestroom, the kitchen, the garage, and of course the living room." Brax reported diligently.
"We were preparing to check the basement, it's been untouched so far." Sanemi spoke looking directly at the basement door. Almost like he knew this is where the culprit would be.
"Lets go check it then, I'll lead the way." I started walking to the door, it was the only thing in the house that looked different. It was a metal door now. With no handle on it, just a button next to it.
I pressed the button not knowing what to expect and a red light came out suddenly scanning my retinas,
"Boss!" Blu yelled.
"Look out!" Sanemi said pushing me out the way.
However the scan had already been completed.
"Welcome back Kamelio, I've been awaiting your return. Master Pluto is waiting for you." A robotic female voice spoke out suddenly. Her angelic voice echoing off the walls before disappearing as if it was never there.
And then the door opened slowly from the wall. Showing a beautiful staircase that lead down into the depths of the house.
There were white lights on both sides of the staircase. The staircase was some kind of metal maybe platinum based on the way it sparkled.
When we descended the staircase the basement looked nothing like the torture room it was before. There was a red arrow on the floor pointing to the left. In front of it laid a door that simply said, Torture Room.
However next to that arrow was a blue arrow pointing to the right. There was another door to the right of that arrow it simply said, surveilance.
Right in front of us was a very large computer with a hooded man working on it diligently.
"If you're done admiring, we should properly catch up." He spoke suddenly, his voice oddly familair bringing back memories.
He was the man who was smoking while standing guard in front of that cave.
He was the one we spared before slaughtering everyone else. And now he was here in front of me, and he was the man on the same contract as I was. He was Pluto.
Sanemi began gripping his blade but I signaled him to wait. The hooded man never saw us that night. Its possible he won't know we had anything to do with what happened to his friends.
"Pluto, my name is Kamelio. I was sent here by the president." My words were neither positive nor negative. Just a statement with no emotion.
I would decide how I felt about Pluto after I observed his character for some time.
"I know who you are Kamelio. You killed Hendrix, my friends were very upset about his death. Hell we were planning on getting revenge. But they all disappeared, abandoning me and the mission." He said not even looking at me. But then he spun around in his chair looking directly at me. "Between you and me though, I'm not mad at you about Hendrix's death. I never really knew Hendrix, his death didn't bother me. I was only involved because of my boy Michael. Other than that I didn't care."
I stared at him in shock behind this revelation. No wonder the principal wanted us to work on this together. There wouldn't be any bad blood between us because of me killing Hendrix.
However that didn't mean he didn't care about any of those guys at all. I wouldn't tell him about how we slaughtered them all that night.
Luckily he thinks they abandoned him, lets keep it that way.
"I look forward to working with you Pluto." I said extending my hand for a handshake and refraining from introducing the three guards I brought with me.
But he didn't seem to mind the distrust as he shook my hand, and began informing me of what he knew so far.
This school had secrets, and we would find every single one of them.