Chereads / Lesser Low / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

The sky feels nice as the breeze hits my face. I'm laying down on the dirty roof surrounded by clutter and trash that has been left and forgotten. I don't mind much about my surroundings since I'm so used to it. I take deep breaths listening to my surroundings and the people below on the street. I hear snickering and people yelling. Glass breaking and the noise of a car honking. I flair my nose, sniffing and smelling the air. I smell mildew and the ash of a cigarette.

Cigarette? It smells really close. I thought to myself as I slowly open my eyes. I look to the left of me to see a teen girl sitting next to me smoking a cigarette.

"Those things are bad for you." I say sitting up. The girl sighs and crushes the tip of the cigarette into the ground.

"Why are you on the roof again, Violet? Didn't your father tell you not to come up here...?" The girl sighs looking at me. She has pretty amber eyes and long blond hair. Her quirk, flaming claws. She has the ability to surround her hands in flames, being able to slash and burn through anything... well anything that's not metal or stone...

Me on the other hand haven't gotten a quirk yet. My name is Violet Murakami and I'm currently 4 years old. I have short black hair that only comes down to my shoulders and pretty violet eyes, which is why my mother named me Violet. Speaking about my mother... she passed away... not long after I was born. She was ill after she gave birth to me and had to stay in the hospital. While me and my father were home resting, a fight broke out between a villain and heroes. The hospital collapsed during battle, killing many. This left me motherless and my father an only parent. My father grew angry and blamed the heroes saying they were the reason my mother was killed. I can't entirely tell whose fault it was, but I know that my father sees it one way and will never see it another way... no matter how much a person tries to convince him. My father is a criminal who thrives and lives off gambling and stealing. I am often left home alone. My neighbors who aren't also the best of people watch after me. The girl sitting next to me is the daughter of my neighbors. Her name is Amber... I have no idea what her last name is though.

"Dad isn't home... so I went on the roof." I quietly say. Amber sighs and looks at me.

"Are you hungry?" Amber asks.

"No..." I pout looking away. Amber stands up, holding her hand out waiting for me to take her hand. "I'm not hungry..." I say looking up at Amber.

"Too bad... you need to eat... so let's go." Amber replies still holding her hand out. I take her hand, and she leads me downstairs into her house. Her parents weren't home, so she made me a cup of instant noodles. I sit at the small scratched up table, waiting for the food to be done.

"Amber..." I call out. Amber looks at me, mixing the noodles. "How old were you when you got your quirk?" I ask.

"I was four just like you are now..." She says placing the instant noodles on the table in front of me.

"What do you think my quirk will be?" I ask, taking the chopsticks and mixing the noodles.

"Maybe a mixture of your mom and dad's quirk..." Amber replies. I nod smiling.

"Do you think I can be a hero one day...?" I slowly say, blowing on the noodles.

"Uh... maybe..." Amber hesitates. I smile at the thought of being a hero. Amber slightly smiles before looking away and grabbing herself a snack.

"Do you want to be a hero?" Amber shakes her head.

"You shouldn't be talking about heroes, Violet... Especially not here." Amber sighs.

"Why? What's wrong with talking about heroes?"

"You know how the adults act when you bring up heroes or talk about them... So, let's not talk about them... Let's just... eat." Amber insists. I sigh and look away from the table. Kicking my feet back and forth as they hang from the seat. Amber looks back at me as she sits down across from me. "You should eat Violet... otherwise your noodles will get soggy..." Amber says taking a bite of her snack.

I slowly look back at the cup of noodles before pushing it forward towards Amber and shaking my head.

"I want to go back outside..." I say looking towards the front door and sighing. Amber takes a deep breath and reaches for my cup of noodles.

"If you don't eat the noodles... then I will eat them..." Amber says, grabbing the cup of noodles. I ignore her and continue to look at the front door. Amber sighs and puts the cup back down.

"Violet... please trust me when I say you shouldn't involve yourself with heroes... They are no good..." Amber implies.

"How are they no good?" I ask looking back at Amber.

"They just aren't... now eat your food please." Amber says, motioning to the cup.

"Thats not a good reason... You say the same thing my dad says... there's nothing that can convince me that they aren't good people. They save people... they-" I state.

"Violet... you are too young to understand... You wouldn't know how heroes are truly like." Amber interrupts.

"I'm not too young... I understand a lot... stop talking to me like I'm stupid." I huff. I jump from off the chair and walk out the front door.

"VIOLET- THATS NOT WHAT I- OH MY GOD!" Amber yells from inside the apartment. I walk up the stairs towards the roof, ignoring Amber's yells. Once I get to the top of the roof I see a random man standing and looking down. I pause for a second before turning around.

"Violet... was that your name?" The man says. I stop walking and slowly turn towards him.

"How do you know my name?" I ask.

"You are a very smart little girl... you speak so clearly and so correctly..." The man says, turning towards me. I tilt my head to the side, confused on who the man was.

"Who are you?" I ask. The man smiles at me. He has white hair, but I couldn't really make out his face since it's dark out. I squint my eyes to take a better look, but I still can't tell who he is.

"Have you gotten your quirk yet?" The man asks. I slowly shake my head as I walk backwards. "Don't be afraid of me... I'm a nice man... I wouldn't hurt you." He softly says. I still walk backwards feeling uneasy.

"Amber said to stay away from strange men..." I reply.

"..." The man stops walking towards me and lowers himself. "Do you want to be a hero?" He asks. My eyes glisten when he asks that.

"Yeah..." I reply.

"I can help you. I know how your father can be such an angry man... and I'm sure he opposes the idea. But I can convince him, and I can help you become a hero." The man implies. "Come on... take my hand." He says holding his hand out towards me. I slowly reach for his hand.

"VIOLET!" Amber yells out from down the stairs. I turn to look at the stairs and her walking through the door, towards me. "I thought you went into your apartment... not upstairs... It's late... Let's go." Amber says motioning for me to come. I turn my head towards where the man was and furrow my eyebrows. He's gone. Who was he? I thought to myself. "Come on Violet... you have school tomorrow." Amber says grabbing my hand and pulling me down the stairs.

Amber gives me a bath and then lays me down for bed. I stare up at the ceiling as she hangs my uniform up in the room. "Okay... goodnight Violet. I will see you tomorrow..." Amber says slowly closing the door.

"Wait... Amber-" I say sitting up. Amber slowly creaks open the door to look at me.

"Did you see that man?" I ask.

"What man?" Amber questions.

"The man on the roof..." I reply.

"When was there a man on the roof?" Amber asks me. I stare at her blankly, not knowing how to answer her question.

"Nevermind..." I quietly say looking away. Amber raises an eyebrow before closing the door. I turn to the side and stare at the wall before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

The next morning, I get ready for school. My school isn't very close since where I live doesn't have any schools. I have to travel a bit to get to school. Amber takes me to school before going to her own school. Amber is in junior high while I am in preschool.

Amber helps me onto the bus and pays the bus fare. I sit at the usual seat on the bus by a window. Amber sits down beside me.

"Are kids in your class getting their quirks yet?" Amber asks. I slowly nod.

"I wonder when I will get mine." I slowly say. Amber smiles and nods.

"Eventually..." She replies.

Once we arrive at the school, Amber walks me into the building. She gives me a hug and waves bye. I watch her slowly leave the building and down the sidewalk.

"Violet-" A girl says, tapping my shoulder. I turn my head to see a girl with big blue eyes and blue hair.

"Hi Akua..." I say. She smiles and jumps up and down.

"I got my quirk." She sooths.

"You did? What is it?" I ask.

"I can move water with my hands... look look-" Akua says running towards a water table. I walk behind her but the teacher tugs at my jacket.

"Violet... let's take this off... Okay?" The teacher says. I turn to look at the teacher. The teacher has a soft smile and big brown eyes. Her quirk, Calming Aura. She's able to make a person calm with a single touch. I slowly nod, taking off my shoes and jacket. The teacher takes it and hangs it up. I calmly walk over to Akua who's making the water from the water table float.

"Woah..." I softly bubble. I touch the bubble that's floating, causing it to burst and fall.

"Did you get your quirk yet?" Akua asks looking at me with a smile on her face.

"No... not yet." I say looking down.

"Oh... Maybe it will come when you are five." Akua says holding up five fingers. I softly smile and nod.

"People don't get their quirks at five." A boy says walking up to us. He has black spikey hair and blue eyes.

"Shush up Genkei..." Akua says resting her fists on her waist.

"It's true... She will be quirkless..." Genkei gibes. Akua furrows her eyebrows at Genkei. I zone out looking at the water on the water table. The water has some weird stuff glowing over it. Genkei and Akua argue but I'm not paying much attention to them. I reach my hand out towards the water, touching the weird glow. All of the sudden my body starts to feel weird and everything around me starts to overstimulate. The yelling from Akua and Genkei amplifies. The kids in the classroom starts to get louder. The tapping of the shoes touching the ground gets louder. The water running from the sink makes my head hurt. The smell in the room gets strong too. I can smell the salty playdough that the kids are playing with and a random kid who is taking a poop in their pants. I can see partials floating in the air and a glow around everyone's bodies in the classroom.

"Violet-" I can hear everyone's heartbeats and everyone breathing. I can hear the scratching noise of the chalkboard as the teacher writes on it.

"Violet-" I can see the energy flowing through people's bodies. Some spots have less flow than others. My pupils start to dilate a lot to the point where the purple in my iris is almost gone.

"VIOLET!" Akua yells into my ear making me jump and snap back into reality.

"Yes?" I say looking at Akua.

"Are you okay? I say your name like..." She holds up three fingers. "Three times..."

"Oh..." I softly say.

"What happened to your hair?" Akua asks pointing at one of my pigtails. I grab the one she's pointing at to see a white strip of hair amongst my naturally black hair.

"Was that always there?" Akua asks. I slowly shake my head, confused to why I have a random strip of white hair in my head.