Chereads / Lesser Low / Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

Chapter 5 - Chapter 4

"Tomura... why do you scratch your face so much...?"

"Tomura why do you call the hands your family?"

"Tomura why do you not like birthdays?"

"Tomura why do you not eat your veggies...?"

"Tomura... why do you always wear the hands on your face...?"

"Tomura... can you see me... even with the hand on your face?"


"Can you shut up." Tomura rasps looking back at me.

"Tomura... do you not like me?" I ask tugging on the back of his shirt.

"No... you're annoying." He replies.


"What?" He sighs.

"What does annoying mean?" I ask. He stops walking and turns around to look at me leaning towards him.

"It means you don't know how to shut your mouth..." He huffs.

"Shut my mouth?" I tilt my head to the side. He stands up straight hanging his head back and sighing. 

"Do you want to play a game?" He asks looking down at me.

"MHM!" I hum, nodding and smiling at him. He furrows his eyebrows and looks away scratching his face and neck.

"It's called the quiet game... When I say your name you have to stop talking... but when I say your name again you can talk." He says looking down at me.

"What if I talk?" You ask.

"Then you die." He replies. I stare at him with wide eyes. 

"And If I don't talk, do I win?" I ask.

"... I guess." He rasps scratching his neck again.

"OK OK!" I bubble.

"Okay... the game starts now... Violet." Tomura says.

"Okay!" I reply.

"augh... no... you need to stop talking... are you stupid or something?" He groans digging his nails into his neck. "You need to shut up... no talking... I say your name and it means you CAN'T TALK... OKAY!?" Tomura huffs. I nod. "Violet... now you can't talk..." He motions. I nod my head.

"Thank you..." Tomura sighs going back to what he was doing. I walk over to my toys and sit them down next to him at the table. Tomura slowly glares at me and pushes the stuffed animals again. I pick up the stuffed animals and hold them towards him again.

"Tomura..." I hum. His eyes twitches and he slowly turns his head towards me. He grabs one of my stuffed animals and destroys it. 

"I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP!" He yells storming out the room. I stare blankly at the pile of ash on the ground from the stuffed animal Tomura destroyed. I pick up the pile of ash and carry it in hands as I walk towards Tomura. I push his pile of hands off the table he's standing at and dropped the ash in front of him.

"FIX IT!" I yell. 

"What... the... Who the hell do you think you're talking to?" Tomura fumes leaning in towards me.

"Fix it... NOW!" I yell leaning in towards him.

"I will kill you..." He replies.

"No you will not" 

"You sure...?" He says reaching his hand out towards me. My eyes widen and I stand straight up, taking a deep breath. "What are you doing?" Tomura questioned.

"AHHHHHHH!" I scream in a high pitch.

"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?" He yells grabbing my hair and covering my mouth. I shove him in the neck pushing him away from me. 

"FIX IT!" I scream.

"I CAN'T FIX IT!" He yells back.

"AHHHHHHHH!" I scream again. Tomura grabs my neck, destroying it. I push him away and start coughing up blood. He stares at me with wide eyes and starts panicking. He scratches his neck aggressively as he watches me collapse on the ground and throwing up blood. 

"Violet..." He quietly says reach out towards me. I get scared and crawl away from him, falling on my face as I do so. "ahhh... what did I do... no... violet..." He quavers. "Its all your fault... you should have left me alone..." He starts scratching under his eye, cutting it open with his nails. My eyes widen when he does that. His eyes start to fill up with tears and he bites his lip as he aggressively scratches his eyes. 

You stand up slowly walking over towards Tomura. 

"No... stay away." He quavers. I put my hand on his face, but he pushes me away, destroying a part of my shirt. I reach out towards his face again. He tries to push me away again, but I won't allow him to, causing him to fall over. I sit on his chest, placing my hand on his face, healing his wound. He looks at me with his eyes wide open as I heal him.

He pushes me off him and touches his face. "What did you do?" He rasps narrowing his eyes at me. 

"f-fix... you." I gargle as blood spews out my mouth. Tomura reaches out towards my neck but then pauses. He's shaking a little. He quickly gets up and grabs a cloth, wrapping it around your neck tightly. 

"Why aren't you healing?" He asks. I stare at him blankly. He continues to wrap my neck. The cloth went up my mouth and over my nose before he stops wrapping it. He sighs and stares at me. "You're annoying... so annoying..." He sighs, slowly standing up. He stares at the pile of ash on the table and then looks back at me. "Let's go..." He says motioning me to follow him. I stare blankly at him. 

"You want a new toy, don't you?" He asks. I stare at him blankly. He reaches out towards me before pausing and then sighs. "Lets go." He rasps, scratching his neck again. I slowly nod and follow behind him. I put on a coat and boots and he only puts on a coat and shoes. I follow him outside as he walks to a strange store on the corner. The store has a bunch of random stuff and snacks in it. I look around at the different stuff.

"Want this?" he asks pointing to a creepy looking stuffed bear with a missing eye. I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head. Tomura sighs and starts to scratch his neck again. "What about that one?" He asks pointing at a toy stuffed cow. I tilt my head to the side staring at it. The cow is white and pink... not like how normal cows look. "Want that?" He asks again, glaring down at me. I look up at him and nod. He quickly looks away, motioning me to grab it. I grab the stuffed cow. Tomura walks towards the door of the store, I follow behind him.

"HEY... you have to pay for that." The man says behind the counter.

"Shut up." Tomura rasps, placing his hand on the counter, destroying everything and the guy. He turns to look at me. I stare at him confused and concerned. "Don't worry about it... Let's go." He says motioning me to walk out. I walk out the store and walk beside Tomura who's still scratching his neck. 

When we both get back to the room he goes back to the hands, laying them out again. I slowly take off my coat and pull out a pair of mittens I stole from the store.

"Domuwa..." I muffle from the cloth covering my mouth. Tomura slowly looks at me. I walk over to him and grab his hands.

"What are you doing?" He asks in a panicked tone.

"Mitthens..." I reply. He stares down at the mittens in my hands. I slowly place them over his hands. I look up at him and smile. He can only see the smile from your eyes. 

"You know... I can still destroy these." He sighs. I still smile at him. "Stop smiling at me like that... it's weird..." He sighs. I lean in towards him and hug him. He becomes stiff and shaky. "Let go of me..." He rasps.

"Fank you... Domuwa..." I muffle. He relaxes his body slowly wrapping his arms around you with a blank but dim expression on his face.

"You're... so annoying..." he sighs again. 

10 years later...

"AHHHH... HELP... SOMEONE HELP ME!" A woman yells from outside as she tries to pull her purse away from a robber. 

"So noisy..." Shigaraki sighs leaning his head back. 

"Do you want me to close the window?" Kurogiri asks.

"Whatever..." Shigaraki responds. The sound of the door opens, causing Kurogiri to pause and look towards the door.

"Shigaraki, you have a guest..." Kurogiri says looking towards the door.

"Ah? Violet... the traitor..." Shigaraki says leaning his head to the side to look at me. I stand still staring back at Shigaraki. 

"Tomura..." I reply.

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that." He sighs, slowly sitting up. "What do you want...? Why did you come here?" He asks.

"Is it true?" I ask.

"Is what true?" He rasps.

"That you're going to U.A to kill All Might..." I softly ask. Shigaraki scoffs and then sighs. 

"How the hell did you know that?" He asks.

"People talk..." I reply.


"Is it true?" 

"Maybe..." He replies. "What are you going to do with that information... tell the heroes?" Shigaraki scoffs.


"I will kill you..." He responds.

"No you won't..." I reply. Shigaraki sighs and stands up, slowly walking over to me.

"Shigaraki..." Kurogiri motions. Shigaraki stops walking and glares at me. "Violet... why did you come here?" Kurogiri asks.

"Where's All for one?" I ask looking at Kurogiri.

"That hurts. When did you stop calling me father?" A voice scoffs from a screen.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask looking at the screen. 

"You are a vigilante I hear..." All for one replies.

"Okay?" I squint my eyes at the screen.

"You are wanted for vigilantism... if they catch you, you will be arrested." He continues.

"I know that..." I reply.

"You should come back to us... work with Shigaraki... be with us again." He sooths.

"Work with a villain...? No. I don't work with murders." I huff, glaring at Shigaraki.

"Yeah? Well... I don't want to work with a delusional hero..." Shigaraki replies. 

"The only delusional one is you... All for one is using you and you still don't believe me." I sigh. 

"I don't listen to people who lie and betray me." Shigaraki comments. I take a deep breath and walk towards the door.

"Violet... the heroes aren't your friends. You were once a villain... you will always be a villain. You are wasting your time trying to be a fake hero." All for one comments. "You can go ahead being an idiot who runs around in the streets... but to the heroes you are nothing more than a sore eye. They won't show you mercy and will bring you down along with the other villains just as you are. If you stayed with us, you will be protected." He continues.

"Protected? You want me to join someone who is planning to kill All Might... The heroes will destroy you and your shitty ass dream... and I won't be a part of it. You just want to use and exploit my power... not protect me. I would rather be arrested then to join your shitty expedition..." I huff as I walk out the door. Shigaraki groans and walks towards the door planning to follow me.

"Shigaraki... leave her..." All for one demands.

"She knows too much..." Shigaraki rasps.

"She won't say anything... She will understand she needs you and will come crawling back to you..." All for one states. Shigaraki sighs and starts scratching his neck.

"She's stubborn... and doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut..." Shigaraki rasps.

"Don't worry... Kurogiri... keep an eye on her." All for one orders. 

"Understood..." Kurogiri responds. The screen turns off and Shigaraki sighs and scratches his neck more aggressively.

"So... annoying..." he sighs.