Chereads / Lesser Low / Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

I walk out the building and down the street sighing a bit. I look down at my hands thinking about Tomura and his plan to invade U.A. All for one was right... it's not like I can just waltz up to a hero and tell them that U.A is getting invaded and that the villains are planning on killing All Might. 

"As if they would be able to kill him..."  I sigh. I walk down a staircase towards the train. I put my headphones on, listening to one of my favorite artists. I stand in front of the train, pulling my hoodie over my head and sighing. The train arrives and I get on. As I ride the train a couple sit down next to each other and quietly holding hands. I lean my head against the window, looking out of it. As the train goes, I think about UA and the entrance paper exam and how I completely flunked the test. All I have left is to take the physical entrance exam.

I hold out my hand, slowly examining it. I haven't used my quirk before... well correctly... All I know how to do is heal people. Is that all I have to my quirk...? I furrow my eyebrows wondering how I will be able to get into the school if I'm not smart enough or physically strong. I haven't been to school since before the incident, so I don't know how to solve problems or read books. 

The train stops moving and everyone in the train car starts looking around and some start to stand up.

"There's an emergency in one of the train cars, stay calm and stay seated... A hero is on their way." A voice says from the speakers. I look out the window to see nothing but the streets down below. I hear screams from the other train car. 

"AHHH" Someone opens the train door running into the same train car that I'm in. "A VILLAIN!" The woman yells, people push her running through the train car. A fire monster swishes through the train. My eyes widen when I see the villain.

"RAHHHHHH" The villain roars. Everyone screams and runs through the train car into the other train car. A man pushes me, causing me to fall and slide under the seats. 

"RIKI! STOP!" A voice yells out. My eyes widen when I hear that name. That name sounds familiar... I thought to myself. I peek through the top of the seat to see a woman with long blond hair and amber eyes. She looks familiar in a way, but I can't figure out who that is. 

"THE HERO'S ARE HERE!" A voice yells out from a distance. The woman stops walking and freaks out looking towards the direction of the person that yelled out. 

"AMBER! WE HAVE TO GO!" Another woman yells out closing the train door behind her. Amber turns around and looks at the woman.

"No... but Riki... my brother... I can't-" Amber starts.

"He's gone Amber... We have to go... otherwise the heroes will catch us and by then..." The woman pauses and sighs. "You can stay and get caught with Riki or you can leave..." The woman states, breaking open the train door and jumping off the train. Amber looks at Riki who's smashing his way into the other train. She sighs and jumps off the train behind the woman.

"A...mber...?" I quietly say. 

I crawl from underneath the seat, standing up and walking over towards the monster that's on fire. He's aggressively banging on the train door towards the other car. I reach my hand towards him. An aura starts surrounding me as my hand gets closer to him. 

"HEY KID! STAY BACK!" The voice yells from behind me. A hero jumps into the car, wrapping water around Riki. Riki starts shrieking causing me to cover my ears. He faints and falls to the ground. The hero stares at Riki confused then he looks back at me. I stare at him blankly. "Are you stupid kid...? You can't just approach a villain like that. Leave the heroes to stopping villains." The hero motions. I sigh and walk off the train. "HEY... WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" The hero yells out.



I walk down the train tracks, jumping off onto a building, and sliding down the building holding onto the metal attached to the building. I sigh and slowly walk down the alley.

"This is all because of that stupid drug..." A voice says in the distance. 

"Amber... relax..." Another voice says. I furrow my eyebrows and stop walking. I slowly walk towards the building, leaning against it a bit.

"How can I relax...? I just lost my brother to those stupid heroes." Amber sighs.

"I know..." The woman starts.

"How would you know...? I keep losing people. All I had left was my brother... but he's gone now... AND YOU'RE ASKING ME TO RELAX?!" Amber yells as tears fill her eyes.

"I understand more than you think..." The woman replies. I slowly move closer to get a better look at them, but I accidently step on a piece of glass, making a crack sound. I quickly move to the side to hide my body.

"Who's there?" The woman says walking towards me. I quickly turn around and start running down the alley. I hear a swoosh noise, and the woman appears in front of me causing me to jump backwards. "Who are you and why were you spying on us?" The woman questions walking closer to me. She has long black hair with a single white stripe in her hair, black eyeliner and cat like eyes. 

"I... uh..." I hesitate to answer still walking backwards. Amber walks behind me causing me to turn my body and slowly walk away from the two of them. 

"She asked you a question..." Amber says. The woman nails grow long and sharp, almost like cat claws. Amber grows fire claws, and her hair turns into fire. My eyes widen and my chest starts to feel tight. I back up against a wall. I can't fight them... I don't want to. I quickly pull off my hoodie revealing my face. Amber stops walking causing the woman to stop walking. Amber stares at me with wide eyes.

"Violet?" She softly says. I slowly nod.

"You know who that is?" The woman asks. Amber slowly nods.

"You've grown so much..." Amber comments. Her hair goes back to normal, and her fire claws go away. The woman sighs and her nails go back to normal. 

"Violet, you said?" The woman questions looking at Amber. Amber slowly nods, furrowing her eyebrows. "The kid who you said collapsed an entire building?" She adds. 

"Wait... so that really did happen?" I ask. Amber nods.

 "Wait... Violet... Why are you-" Amber starts.

"Why did you leave me?" I ask slowly putting the hoodie back over my head.

"What?" Amber looks at me confused. I stare at her for a bit before looking down and shaking my head.

"Nevermind." I say squeezing past her and trying to walk away.

"Hey... kid... how did you find us?" The woman says grabbing my arm.

"I-" I panic.

"Nora... just leave her..." Amber motions. Nora sighs and lets go of my arm. I slowly look back at Amber feeling a pit in my stomach.

"I saw you on the train." I answer. Amber looks at me.

"You did? Did you see what happened to Riki?" Amber asks.



"And he got detained and apprehended." I continue. Amber relaxes her body and sighs.

"I figured..." She quietly says.

"Did you follow us here?" Nora asks. I shake my head.

"No that wasn't my intention... I just wanted to get away, but I came across the two of you again..." I reply.

"And you chose to listen in on us?" Nora questions.

"Kinda..." I respond.

"Kinda?" She questions leaning towards me.

"Violet... you thought I left you?" Amber asks.

"What?" I look at her confused.

"You just said that..." She adds. I sigh and look away.

"Yeah... why did you?" I question.

"That wasn't my intention... I was young... I didn't want to leave you... I had no choice... I really wanted to take care of you but-" Amber states. I slowly nod and sigh.

"It's okay... I understand." I interrupt. "I would of abandoned me too after I destroyed an entire building and became a target to heroes..." I continue.

"That's not..." She reaches towards me.

"I wish you the best luck with Riki... I hope you can get him back... I have to go..." I softly say walking away.

Amber watches me walk away, softly sighing.

I walk out the alley way and quickly walk towards where I'm staying. I walk up a pair of stairs and towards my apartment. I unlock the door and slowly walk in, closing the door behind me. I lean against the door and sigh. 

"Was that your sister?" 

"AHHHH!" I scream jumping back a bit. I quickly turn on the light to reveal Shigaraki who's sitting on the couch. "What the hell... how did you..."

"You signed up to go to UA... I should have known..." He sighs holding some papers in his hand.

"Welcome home Violet." Kurogiri says from behind the kitchen counter. "I've made you a meal... I'm sure you're hungry... there wasn't much in your fridge." Kurogiri continues as he cleans a glass cup.

"That's how you got here." I sigh looking at Kurogiri and then back at Shigaraki.

"You're really trying to be one of those useless heroes..." Shigaraki adds. He switches to another piece of paper. I furrow my eyebrows and quickly walk over to him.

"Don't touch my stuff..." I say snatching the papers from his hand.

"Hey Hey... how rude... You shouldn't be snatching things like that from your elders..." Shigaraki rasps.

"Yeah... as if you care about manners..." I reply. "Why the hell are you two here...?" I huff. "And how long have you been following me?" I ask Kurogiri.

"Do you really think they will let you into UA? I mean... you were raised by the most wanted man after all..." Shigaraki asks.

"..." I stare blankly at Shigaraki.

"What? Cats got your tongue?" Shigaraki scoffs. He stands up and rests his hand on my shoulder, only resting four of his fingers. "Do you really think they would let a villain into a hero school?" He rasps leaning his face close to mine.

"They won't know..." I say looking away.

"Oh? So, you're going to lie to them? Is that it?" He scoffs. "Oh yeah... you'll be a great hero..." He chuckles tightening his grip. He pulls me closer to him. I can feel his breath on my face. "You're not going to that UA exam..." He adds.

"What...? Yes I am..." I reply.

"No you will not... You will quit your stupid little tantrum and come back to me..." He rasps.

"I'm not coming back to you..." I say trying to pull away from him.

"I don't think you have a choice..." He sooths into my ear, rubbing his hair against mine. I stand stiffly.

"I do have a choice..." I reply.

"You want to save people... is that it? Is that why you want to be a hero?" He asks staring me in the eyes. I slowly shift my eyes towards him. "Let's say I go down there... into that busy street just outside of here and kill twenty innocent people... would you be able to stop me?" He asks. My eyes widen. "You can heal... but can you reverse death...?"

"You wouldn't-"

"Oh, but I would... I will kill twenty innocent people... starting with that girl you care so much about... and it will be all your fault." He sooths into my ear. I clench my body, looking towards Kurogiri. "So, which will it be? Twenty innocent people... or will you come back to me?" He asks. I stand silent not knowing what to say. I don't want either choices...

"You're taking too long... I will just go start killing those people until you give me an answer." He says letting go of me and walking towards the front door.

"NO- STOP!... Tomura..." I shout. Shigaraki turns and looks at me. I sigh and look down, slowly drifting my eyes towards the paper on the table. "Fine... I will come back..." I softly say. Shigaraki slightly smiles at me.

"Good girl..." He quietly replies.