Chereads / Lesser Low / Chapter 4 - Chapter 3

Chapter 4 - Chapter 3





I slowly open my eyes. Everything around me is broken and destroyed. I am underneath rubble that's being held up by a broken structure. There's a small hole that's showing the sky from above. My head hurts and eyes burn. Everything looks so blurry, and I feel super exhausted.

"VIOLET!!!" A voice yells out from above the rubble. 

"Amber..." I struggle to yell out. I can't move my body and my voice feels sore.

"VIOLET!!" The voice yells out again. I hear someone step on the rubble above my. The person stops moving and peeking through the hole in the rubble. 

"THERE'S SOMEONE DOWN HERE! COME!" The person yells.

"AH- IS THAT VIOLET!" Another voice responds. I watch the rubble being torn apart to reveal a man. He stretches his arm to me, wrapping it around my waist and pulling me out from under the structure. His quirk, elasticity. 

"That's Violet." Amber says running over to me. The man hands me over to her. She hugs me tightly and carries me away. She stops at the end of the rubble and falls to the ground. 

"Ma'am... she needs to go to the hospital... otherwise she will die. She's bleeding a lot." The man says from the distance. Amber looks at the man confused and then back down at me. I have a huge gash on my head and a hole in my side. Her eyes widen when she notices. I start to drift out of consciousness.

"Violet... Violet... Shit!" Amber gets back up and carries me away.

"HEY... GIRL... WAIT FOR THE HEROES" The man yells out.

"What heroes? They never come out here... that kid is a goner..." Another man comments. Amber runs carrying me in her arms. 

"I don't think I'm going to make it to the hospital fast enough." Amber says slowing down and panting. She collapses to the ground and starts sobbing, holding me close to her chest. "I'm sorry Violet... I should have ignored Riki... I should have taken you with me..." She sobs. I slowly look at Amber, reaching my hand out towards her face.

"Am...ber~" I quietly say. A shadow appears behind Amber causing my eyes to widen then slowly close.

"Young lady..." The shadow says. Amber turns her head to look up at the man. 

"... what do you want?" Amber asks.

"If you don't do anything the child will die." The man replies.

"I know that..." Amber sniffles. "I can't take her to the hospital... it's too far... besides no one will save her..." She sobs.

"Let me take her then..." The man replies.

"What...? Why would I let you do that...?" Amber asks the man.

"She will die otherwise." 

Amber sighs looking back down at me. 

"Fine..." She sighs looking up at the man. "Only if I can go with." The person stares at Amber for a bit before nodding. 

"If that gives you comfort then go ahead."

"AMBER?!?" Riki yells out from a distance. Amber turns her head towards where the voice is coming from.

"Are they looking for you?" The man asks. Amber sighs and stands up.

"Riki..." Amber whispers. "I can't go with you... Please promise me you will take care of Violet..." She begs. The man nods and holds out his hand. 

"I will take care of her... as if she was mine." He replies.

"Thank you" Amber says handing me over to the man before running towards Riki's yells.

After a while I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm in a dim room. I slowly look around to see that I am no longer with Amber.

"Amber...?" I struggle to say. I hear a door open. I slowly look in the direction of the door to see a man walk in. "Daddy...?" I softly say. The man stops beside me. 

"Her father was found dead a few days ago..." The man says looking towards the door.

"Is that what you found out... So, you don't need to kill her father then." The other guy that's walking into the room says.

"mm... what have you learned about her quirk... Doc?" The man asks the Doctor. 

"She has some sort of energy quirk. Something I haven't seen before." The Doctor replies.

"Do you think I can still take her quirk?" The man asks.

"No... If you do It will destroy you from inward- and out..." The Doctor states.

"Destroy me...? Fascinating... That's fine... I will just raise her to help me achieve my goal..." The man responds. The Doctor looks at him and then back at me.

"What about Tomura?" The Doctor asks looking at the man. The man sighs and touches my hair. 

"They will meet... They are both my children after all" The man replies.

"What?" The Doctor looks at the man confused. The man stands up straight and walks out the room. The Doctor stares at me a bit before turning off the light and closing the door behind him.

Days pass and my strength slowly starts to come back.

"Here take this..." The doctor says handing me a pill. I open my mouth allowing the doctor to put the pill in my mouth. He hands me a cup of water, allowing me to drink from it.

"Is the princess getting better?" A man says slowly walking into the room I'm in. The Doctor raises an eyebrow looking up at the man. I slowly nod looking at the man confused.

"Who are you...?" I slowly say, furrowing my eyebrows. He looks familiar but I can't tell who he is exactly.

"We have met before... do you remember?" The man asks. I slowly shake my head. "Remember... on the roof..." He slowly says. I stare at him confused but then I realize. His eyes are red, and his hair is white. I couldn't see his face the time I saw him on the roof so seeing him now makes me feel weird. 

"Who are you...?" I ask again.

"Your new father..." The man replies.

"Father? I have a daddy already..." I say slowly sitting on my knees.

"Yes... but he asked me to take care of you instead..." The man replies.


"Because... he no longer wanted you." 

My eyes widen when the man says that. A sudden sadness spread across facemy but then quickly became blank. 

"You are my new dad now?" I ask tilting my head a bit. The man slowly nods.

"Is that okay?" The man asks. I slowly nod, unsure to the man's proposal. 

"Good... would you like to see your brother?" The man asks. I slowly nod again. The man picks me up and carries me into another room where a boy is. He covered in hands and staring at a metal block on a table. I furrow my eyebrows a bit, holding onto the man tightly. I can see the boy's red eyes glare out at me through the hand on his face.

"Tomura... this is Violet..." The man says letting me down next to him. Tomura stares at me before completely ignoring me. The man walks out the room while the Doctor stays in the room, staring at the two of us from a distance.

"What are you staring at?" Tomura rasps looking at me. I back away a little, looking away a bit. Then I slowly look back at him and point towards the hand on his face.

"Why do you have a hand on your face... and arms..." I calmly ask.

"Don't worry about it..." He rasps. I stare at him blankly.

Me and him would be together every day for the next two weeks. Tomura still gives me a cold shoulder as if he doesn't like my presence.

One day I decide to approach him again.

"Hi..." I softly say walking up to him. He slowly looks at me. He has no hands on his arms or face this time. 

"Why do you wear those hands?" I softly ask pointing to the hands on the table. Tomura stares at me not giving me an answer. He slowly looks away and continues to do what he was doing before. I climb up on the stool next to him, reaching for one of the hands.

"NO!" He yells pushing me away, causing me to fall off the stool. I sit up after falling on the ground. I feel a sudden pain in my arm. I look down at my arm to see my skin is cracked. Tomura stares at me with his eyes wide open. "Don't touch my family... understand...?" He quietly rasps.

"Huh..." I look at him confused.

"I wouldn't have hurt you if you haven't-" He pauses staring down at my arm. I look at my arm too. The crack on my skin is gone... as if it healed itself. No wonder it didn't hurt anymore. Tomura slowly walks over to me causing me to back away a bit. "Stop moving." he says grabbing my foot. He pins me down on the ground grabbing my face. "What the hell are you...?" he asks. I feel sudden pain in my face as Tomura's quirk was hurting me and causing my face to crack and bleed. 

"OW! OW! STOP!" I scream out.

"TOMURA!" The Doctor yells out walking into the room. Tomura lets go of mt face and slowly gets up. I roll over holding onto your jaw that has been decayed and destroyed. The Doctor stares at me wide eyed. He quickly walks over towards me but then stops when he notices my jaw was healing back in place. Tomura stares at me, watching my face heal.

"I can touch you without killing you..." Tomura quietly says in a raspy voice as he aggressively scratches his neck. The Doctor grabs my arm and leads me out the room. He takes me into a small lab in the same building where he examines me. He grabs a small blade and slices open my hand which causes me to scream out in pain. He watches my hand heal within a few seconds. 

"Maybe I was wrong about you having an energy quirk..." The Doctor quietly says to himself as he writes down notes.

For the next few days, the Doctor experimented on me causing me to feel exhausted and stressed. After a few days of experimenting, I get to see Tomura again.

I slowly walk into the room where he's making something.

"You're back..." He rasps looking down at what he's making. I stand still staring at him. "How old are you?" He asks looking up at me.

"Fo..." I start. I stare out the window and then back at Tomura. "I don't know." I reply. "My birthday is when it snows..." I add pointing at the window. Tomura stares at me a bit before looking at where I was pointing at. He stares at the snow falling from outside the window then back at me.

"So, if your birthday passed then how old are you...?" He asks. I stare at him a bit trying to understand his question.

"Five..." I say finally understanding what he asked. Tomura slowly nods and looks back down at the hands piled up in front of him. "How old are you?" You ask.

"Nine." Tomura replies. "I will be turning ten in April... but don't say happy birthday to me on that day... I hate birthdays." He adds. I stare at him blankly for a bit.

"Okay..." I reply. I walk closer to him, looking down at the hands in a pile. "Are those toys?" I ask. Tomura stays quiet a bit before answering.

"No... they are my family..." He answers.

"Family?" I question.

"Yes..." He replies.

"Can I touch them?" I ask. Tomura glares at me causing me to stare back at him.

"No..." He replies.

"Okay..." I respond. "What do I call you?" I ask tilting my head to the side.

"Tomura... I guess..." He responds.

"Okay Tomura... I am Violet." I reply holding out my hand. Tomura stares at my hand blankly before reaching and touching it. Blood starts dripping out my hand. 

"Even though you can heal fast doesn't mean I still won't hurt you..." Tomura says loosening his grip.

"That's okay." I reply.

"Huh?" He hums looking at me confused.

"It doesn't hurt that bad. I'm okay with holding your hand." I smile at him. He yanks his hand away and looks away, aggressively scratching his face again.

"Are you okay?" I ask reaching towards him.

"Don't touch me..." He replies causing me to stop.

"Okay..." I nod. Tomura stares at me a bit before standing up and grabbing his hands. He walks away.

Out of curiosity I follow behind him.