Chereads / Lesser Low / Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

The whole day I felt weird, as I kept spacing out. 

After school, Amber came and got me. We rode the bus back home. Once I got back to the apartment complex, I went straight to my apartment and laid down on the floor in the living room. Amber came into the apartment not long after.

"Violet... are you okay?" She asks peering over at me from behind the couch.

I lay quietly on the ground not responding to her. Amber sighs and jumps over the couch. 

"Are you okay?" She asks dropping down next to me and shoving me a bit. I slowly turn my head around to look at Amber who's smiling at me.

"My friend got her quirk..." I softly say.

"She did? What kind of quirk did she get?" Amber asks looking me in the eyes.

"A water quirk... she can make water move." I slowly say. 

"Are you sleepy?" She asks. I shake my head. "What's wrong?"

"Everything feels weird..." I say. 

"Feels weird? What do you mean by that?" Amber asks sitting up. I sit up and rub my head. Amber tilts her head to the side, furrowing her eyebrows a bit. "What happened to your hair?" Amber says pointing to your hair.

"What do you mean?" I ask touching my hair.

"Your hair... Its white..." Amber replies, touching my hair.

"It's white?" I question.

"Yeah... did you do that at school? I never noticed it..." She responds. I stand up and run over to the bathroom, jumping up on the sink to look at myself in the mirror. Half of my hair is white... way more than it was earlier. 

"Violet?" Amber says walking into the bathroom. 

"My hair is white..." I say holding the pigtail with white hair.

"... Did you put something in your hair?" Amber asks. I slowly shake my head.

"AMBER!" A voice yells out from the hall. A boy opens the door to the apartment and walks in. Amber peaks her head out the bathroom door. I jump down from off the sink, grabbing onto Amber's hand.

"Riki?" Amber says. The guy stops beside the door and looks down at me.

"What happened to her hair?" He asks. Amber shrugs.

"What do you want Riki?" Amber asks.

"Didn't mom and dad say to stop taking care of her...?" Riki questions.

"If I don't then who will? She's only four." Amber replies.

"And you are thirteen... what makes a difference... You need to stop taking care of her. She's not your kid." Riki adds.

"Riki... just go away." Amber huffs, pulling me along with her. 

"No. I won't go away. That man needs to take care of his own kid. Not you." Riki says grabbing Amber's arm.

"Why all of the sudden everyone cares about what I do during my free time." Amber fumes, yanking her arm away.


"Everyone wants to fuss about me taking care of her all of the sudden... why?" She asks with a stern tone in her voice.

"Because you know what they want you to do... but you've been avoiding it. You don't know how much I have to put up with just to keep you out of trouble." Riki sighs.

"Why don't we just bring her with us? She can live with us. It's not like her father would care or anything." Amber suggests. 

"THAT'S KIDNAP!" Riki yells. "AND YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WE CAN'T BRING HER EITHERWAY..." He adds. Amber scrunches up her face and turns her back to Riki, pulling me into my room and closing the door behind her. 

"What's wrong?" I ask looking up at Amber. Amber sighs and stares down at me.

"STOP AVOIDING, AMBER... LETS GO!" Riki yells from outside the room. Amber sighs and looks towards the door then she looks back down at me.

"Violet..." She softly says.

"Hmm?" I hum.

"If you want to be a hero... then go for it... I believe in you." Amber sooths. I smile to Amber's words.

"Really?" I question.

"Yeah." Amber smiles at me. I nod feeling really happy.

"But to be a hero... you would need a costume!" Amber says pointing at the closet. 

"YEAH!" I bubble, skipping over towards the closet.

"I will be back later... but work on your costume, okay? I want to see it when it's done." Amber softly says as she grabs the doorknob. I slowly nod, watching her walk out the room, closing the door behind her. I open my closet door and scatter through the things inside. I find purple leggings which isn't much, but I like it. 

I open my bedroom door and run into my dad's room. I open his dresser and go through it. There is a white T-shirt inside that I grab, and a striped tie. I stand on my tip toes, peeking my head over the dresser to see what's on top of it. There is a shiny looking bracelet on top of the dresser that catches my eye. I climb the dresser, reaching my hand over to grab the bracelet. As I grab the bracelet, I feel the dresser tip over and fall. I fall on my back, looking up to see the dresser falling over towards me. 

I hold my hands up over my head, clenching my body and squeezing close my eyes, scared to get crushed by the dresser. But the dresser stops, making contact with the bed. My eyes widen noticing I got saved by the bed. I crawl from under and try to pull the dresser back up, but I struggle to do so. I give up and walk back into my bedroom holding the bracelet, tie, and T-shirt. 

I grab a pack of markers from a box in my room and begin to color on the white T-shirt. I draw some squiggly lines and a messy heart. Then I put the purple leggings on and then the white T-shirt. I grab the tie and tie it around my head, walking into the bathroom, jumping on the sink and examining my outfit. I notice the white is spreading to the other side of my head. I take out the pig tails out, letting my hair down. 

I look at my outfit again, questioning what to add. I jump down off the sink and into my dad's bedroom again. I open the closet and grab a belt that's hung up in the closet. I tie the belt around my waist then I grab a scarf and wrap it around my neck. I smile to how I feel in my new costume. I run into my room, grabbing my toys and putting them in places that I plan to save them from. 

I walk out the room and close the door, giggling a bit from the excitement. Then I open the door and jump up and down, throwing my fist in the air. 

"I AM HERE TO SAVE YOU!!" I yell out, jumping onto my bed, where I have the stuffed animals on. I grab the stuffed animals and jump off the bed, hugging them. "There there little babies... I saved you... you don't need to be scared..." I softly say laying them down on the ground. 

I furrow my eyebrows; I feel like there's something off. I walk out my bedroom and into my dad's office. I climb onto the spinning chair, turning on the computer. I wait for the computer to turn on before dragging the mouse across the screen, pressing the internet logo. I click search and then you pause at the keyboard buttons, staring down at them, confused on what to type.

"Hero... H... I... R... O... W..." I say to myself. I click search and wait for the screen to load. The screen appears and all it shows is a bunch of random stuff. I furrow my eyebrows, confused on what I'm looking at. I click search again.

"H-III-ROOHH-... H... I... R... O" I press search and it only shows a person. I sigh, starting to get frustrated.

"How do I spell... Hero..." I click the search again.

"H... E... R... O" I say as I type. When I type in Hero, I find a bunch of news and things on heroes. I smile to the fact I figured out how to type Hero. I click on a video with a man covered in fire.

"THE NAME IS ENDEAVOR-" The computer says. My eyes widen as I watch the hero Endeavor talk and do superhero things.

"Wow... Endeavor... he has fire quirk like Amber..." I say to myself. "FWOOOM! FWOOOOM!" I swing my hands around as if I were blasting fire. "Endeavor is sooo cooool." I bubble, jumping up and down on the chair. I lean forward towards the computer screen, watching fire grow around the building and Endeavor saving the people. My eyes widen as the camera zooms in on his face. I blush a little, feeling a bit tingly in the legs, causing me to fumble and fall off the chair. I grab on to the cord hanging off the desk to stop my fall, but instead I cause the whole computer to fall down with me. 

I sit up, looking at the broken computer to my right. I sigh, getting up and walking out the office. My stomach grumbles. I feel hungry but Amber isn't here to feed me. I stare at the kitchen thinking about what to do. Then my eyes stop at the stove.

"Fireeeee..." I slowly say. I walk over to the stove, and turn the knob, causing the fire to start. My eyes widen when I see the fire grow. I smile and skip to my room grabbing a stuffed animal and then running back into the kitchen. I place the stuffed animal on the stove and run out the kitchen, giggling a bit and preparing to save my toy. 

"ohhh no... someone heeeelp meee" I cry out, giggling a bit. 

"DO NOT WORRY! I AM HERE TO SAVE YOU!" I say jumping into the kitchen. My smile disappears and my heart drops when I see the stuffed animal burning. 

"UUHHH... OH NO!" I scream out. I try grabbing the stuffed animal, but the heat hurt too much. I turn off the stove, but the fire still kept going. I start to panic thinking about how to stop the fire. I run into the bathroom and turn on the bathtub. I run back out the bathroom and into the kitchen. I grab the stuffed animal. The fire burns my hand as I throw the stuffed animal into the bathtub. It sizzles as it falls into the water. I sigh as I look down at the toy. 

"I saved... you" I quietly mumble. I lift up my hand to examine the pain I caused to it. There's a lot of red marks on my hand that hurts a lot. I stick my hands into the bath water that causes it to sting. But after the stinging feeling it starts to feel better.

I stare at the stuffed animal, grabbing it and pulling it from out the bath water. 

"You look so hurt... I'm sorry baby..." I softly say hugging it. I stare down at the bathwater and my eyes widen when I get another idea. I run out the bathroom and into my bedroom grabbing a bunch more stuffed animals and a box. I place the stuffed animals into the box and put the box on the water. 

"Doo, doo doo, doo doo... and to our left... we have a beautiful view of the city..." I giggle holding a stuffed animal. 

"Ohh... how pweeety..." I squeak, making the other stuffed animal talk.

"OH NO! A WHALE!" I shout, grabbing the burnt stuffed animal and smacking the box, causing it to flood and sink.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP US!" I scream, holding one of the stuffed animals.

"SUPERHERO... uhhh..." I zone out trying to think of a name to give myself.

"SUPERHERO PRINCESS PURPLE BUTTERFLY HELP US!!!" I scream out holding the same stuffed animal. I jump up, letting go of the stuffed animals and run out the bathroom. Then I run back into the bathroom doing a superhero pose.

"PRINCESS PURPLE.... uh DRAGONFLY... wait no.... PRINCESS PURPLE BUTTERFLY IS HERE!!!! I WILL SAVE YOU!" I yell. I jump into the bathtub, slipping and falling in, sinking into the water. I stick my head out the water, grabbing the stuffed animals. 

"DO NOT BE SCARED! I'VE GOT YOU!" I yell, jumping out the bathtub. When I jump out I slide across the floor, dropping all my stuffed animals and hitting the side of my head on the sink, causing me to black out. 

Everything sounds so loud. I can hear my heartbeat racing and blood pumping. I can hear the water pouring out the bath. I can smell mildew from the ground. I can smell the burnt plastic from the stuffed animal. I can hear the water slush and splash on the walls. 

I slowly open my eyes, feeling strange. My pupils are huge again and my hair is fully white. I lift my head a bit, the water surrounding me is red. My head hurts and everything looks blurry. 

I slowly reach for my head, feeling the spot that hurts. I pull my hand away, looking down at it. It's covered in blood.

"Blood... BLOOD! I'M BLEEDING... AMBER! AMBER!!!" I cry out. I slowly stand up, walking through the flooded ground. "AMBER! HELP! AMBER!" I cry. I open the front door, slowly walking over towards Amber's apartment. I knock on the door, bawling and crying.

"WHAT THE HELL! WHY IS IT FLOODING!" A voice yells out from downstairs.

"AMBER!!! AMBER!!!" I scream, hitting the door. My eyes widen and my body starts to feel weird. I fall against the door, grabbing onto your head. "AHHHHHHHH" I scream. I feel immense pain and pressure in my head. The man from downstairs runs up the stairs and stops when he sees me. My hair is floating, and I have a purple aura surrounding me. 

"Hey... Kid... Are you okay?" The man asks slowly approaching me. I turn to look at him. Blood is dripping out my eyes and nose. The man's eyes widen when he sees my face. Purple veins start appearing all over my face and my eyes become bloodshot. 

"Hewp... me..." I quietly say, reaching out towards the man. I flinch, grabbing my head again and screaming. The aura around me grows more, causing the guy to panic and run away. A shriek noise fills the air right before a huge boom goes off, causing everything around me to implode.