It was early in the morning. Lincoln yawned as he had just gotten up and had gone to the kitchen to get some breakfast.
Luan was there, currently pouring herself a glass of fruit juice. "Hey, Lincoln. Want some punch?" She asked.
Luan then got out an extendable boxing glove and punched her brother with it, sending him flying and screaming through the kitchen. Luan laughed at his expense. "If that joke knocked you out, don't miss my performance in the Junior Comedian's Contest tomorrow at the Chortle Portal."
Luan got out a flyer and handed it to Lincoln before offering her hand to help him up. "It's sure to generate a lot of..."
As Lincoln grabbed her hand, he ended up with a shock as Luan had a joy buzzer in her hand. "Aah!"
"!" Luan laughed before running off.
In the bathroom, Lori was putting on her mascara and Leni was putting on some lipstick. Luan then barged in, making both of them ruin their faces.
"Did you guys hear that the lipstick and the eyeliner got into a fight? Don't worry. They'll makeup!" Luan laughed and nudged Leni. "Get it?" Both of them sighed before Luan handed each of them a flyer.
"Come see me perform in the Junior Comedian's Contest tomorrow. It'll definitely leave you feeling..." Luan flushed the toilet. "...flushed!"
Luna then screamed as she was currently taking a shower and the flushed toilet caused the water to get too hot. She stuck her head out to glare at Luan who simply placed a flyer into her soaped up hair.
In Lisa's room, Lisa was working on some chemicals before Luan barged in. "Hey, Lisa, what's 3.14159?"
Lisa scoffed. "Pfft. Don't waste my time. That's pi."
"Did you say pie?" Luan asked before pelting Lisa with a pie. Luan laughed. "I'll be serving up a big slice of comedy at the Chortle Portal, tomorrow." Luan then gave Lisa a flyer which she used to wipe her glasses' lenses.
Lucy was in her coffin when Luan knocked on it. "Knock knock!"
"Who's there." Lucy asked with slight irritation in her tone.
"Ivan who?"
Luan then opened up the coffin causing Lucy to hiss like a vampire. Luan held up Lucy's bust, Edwin as she put on a Transylvanian accent. "Ivan to suck your blood!"
"Please don't touch Edwin." Lucy told her before taking Edwin off her and closing the coffin.
"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to be a pain in the neck!" Luan laughed. "Hey, come see my act at the Chortle Portal. I promise it won't bite!" Luan put a flyer into Lucy's coffin, still laughing as she started to leave. She then saw Lynn about to come in and quickly put a whoopee cushion on her desk before Lynn sat down on it, predictably making a fart sound.
"Gas what? You're invited, too!" Luan joked before giving her a flyer. Lynn gave her a deadpan look in response.
In Lana and Lola's room, Lola was having a tea party with her dolls. "Thank you all for coming to my tea party. Who would like a finger sandwich?" Lola offered her toys before Luan's own puppet, Mr Coconuts, suddenly appeared on her tray.
"Finger sandwich? I was hoping for toe-fu! Har har! Get it, toots?" Luan, while putting on a voice as Mr Coconuts, joked. Lola frowned as Luan gave her a flyer. "Don't be a dummy. Come to my show." Luan gave Lola's dolls some flyers as well before leaving the room.
In the garage, Rick was working on some kind of experiment before Luan barged in, making Rick jump.
"Jesus Luan, w-what are you trying to do? Blow the house up and kill us all?" Rick asked angrily.
"Well I'll be killing it with my act at the Chortle Portal. Come see it tomorrow!" Luan joked before handing Rick a flyer. It took every ounce of Rick's self control to not rip the flyer up and throw it into Luan's face.
Later on, the siblings and Rick had all gathered in the living room to air their grievances against Luan.
"I got punched!" Lincoln told them.
"I got flushed!" Luna complained.
"I got pied!" Lisa stated.
"Toe-fu? Really?" Lola asked, unimpressed with her sister's humour. Lana then entered the house with egg yolk and a flyer on her head.
"Let me guess. Luan?" Lincoln asked.
Lana sighed. "Ugh. She said she had a 'yolk' that would 'crack me up'. PS: it didn't."
Unbeknownst to them, Luan was on the stairs with Mr Coconuts, listening to what they were saying.
"I can't wait for her Chortle Portal thing to be over." Lynn stated while bouncing a basketball on the wall to let out her frustrations. "She's been driving me nuts!"
"Tell me about it!" Lola agreed as she was receiving a manicure from Leni. "It's not even funny! It's just obnoxious!"
"She's so annoying!" Leni added.
"Seriously, how exactly did she start a business with this kind of humour?" Rick asked, genuinely curious. "Like who is she trying to appeal to? 5 year olds? Doesn't she know that puns are the lowest form of comedy?"
"I just wish she would just stop!" Lincoln admitted.
As Lincoln got a chorus of agreement, Luan closed her eyes in sorrow. She never realised that her family hated her jokes that much. Was she really that unfunny? Had she really just an been annoyance all this time? She went back upstairs, wondering if the comedy business was even worth it anymore.
The next day, Lincoln came down to the kitchen, noticing Luan pouring some fruit punch which caused him to flinch. "Oh, boy. Is that punch?"
"Yep. Want some?" Luan asked.
"Not this time!" Lincoln then picked up a skillet to protect himself with. To his surprise, Luan simply poured another glass for Lincoln and offered it to him.
"Oh. Thanks?" Lincoln thanked her, despite his confusion, before Luan walked off.
Meanwhile, in the garage, Rick was dissecting a rat. "T-t-t-this is just sloppy craftsmanship." Rick stated before taking a drink from his flask.
Lincoln then showed up. "Hey Grandpa Rick. Nice day today, huh?"
"Oh, yes, Lincoln. It's almost unbelievable, isn't it?" Rick answered sarcastically.
"Oookay? By the way, I think Luan might have heard us yesterday. She seemed kinda down this morning."
"Oh, sure, buddy. Yeah. Sure. B-brilliant. Very convincing." Rick said dismissively.
"Um? Convincing?" Lincoln asked, confused at his Grandpa's behaviour.
"Oh! Responsive, too! In real time! I love it!" Rick stated sarcastically, pretending to be impressed.
"Uhh..." Lincoln trailed off as his mom then showed up.
"I am going to work." Rita stated robotically, getting into the family van. "Lincoln, good morning. Rick, good morning. I am going to work. Goodbye." Rita then drove off.
"What's with Mom?" Lincoln asked.
"Oh, what's with Mom? So, you're saying that she's acting weird? How sophisticated." Rick then started shouting at the ceiling. "Careful, guys. You're gonna burn out the CPU with this one."
"And it looks like everyone's acting weird this morning." Lincoln stated.
"Whatever, quote-unquote 'Lincoln'." Rick said dismissively.
"Ok, well I guess I'll see you after school then." Lincoln said before walking off.
Lincoln was at school currently in a math class being taught by Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Johnson had dark pink hair, which is wrapped into a bun styled, and held together by a pencil. She wore a light green turtleneck sweater and wore a dark green skirt with a black zigzag stripe. "Alright, who can tell me wha is?" The students whispered among themselves before Mrs. Johnson called out. "Lincoln?"
"Oh!" Lincoln exclaimed not expecting to be called out. "That's 45 right?"
The students all gasped at Lincoln's answer. "Lincoln, that's exactly correct! 5 x 9 is 45! Come up here." Mrs. Johnson asked, sounding amazed that Lincoln could answer that question. The students cheered for Lincoln as he walked to the front of the class.
"Whoo! Way to go, Lincoln!" Clyde cheered.
Mrs. Johnson put a hand on Lincoln's shoulder. "Everybody, this is the best student. I want you to be the teacher today." Mrs. Johnson then sat down at an empty desk. "Teach us, Lincoln!"
Meanwhile, Rick was outside, spying on the scene through the window. "Interesting..."
"Uh, what exactly do you want me to teach you?" Lincoln asked, looking somewhat confused by what was happening.
A random student then raised his hand. "Ooh, ooh! How do you make concentrated dark matter?"
"Oh, that's a good question." Mrs. Johnson chipped in.
"Uh, the what now?" Lincoln asked, confused.
"Concentrated dark matter. The fuel for accelerated space travel." Mrs. Johnson explained. "Now, do you know how to make it?"
"Uhhh..." Lincoln stood there not knowing what to answer.
"Come on, Lincoln. Isn't your grandpa, like, a scientist?" Ronnie Anne asked.
"Well yeah but-"
Before Lincoln could finish, Rick kicked open the door. "Lincoln, u-uh, come on. There's a family emergency."
Rick grabbed Lincoln's arm to drag him out the classroom. Mrs. Johnson then grabbed Lincoln's other arm. "Stop right there! If he leaves, I'm giving him an F!"
"He doesn't care." Rick stated before dragging Lincoln out of the classroom.
He then dragged Lincoln to the locker room. "Whoa, Rick what are you doing?" Rick had dragged Lincoln into the shower area.
"Take a shower with me, Lincoln." Rick commanded as he turned on the shower head.
"What?!" Lincoln asked incredulously.
"Listen to me, Lincoln. Get your clothes off and get in the shower right now." Rick demanded as he stripped naked. "Y-y-y-you got to trust me, Lincoln."
Lincoln looked away in disgust. "Ugh, fine. Please tell me you have a good reason for this?" Lincoln asked before stripping nude himself.
"Listen Lincoln, t-t-t-that wasn't your teacher. This isn't your school. This entire world isn't real. We're inside a huge simulation chamber on an alien spaceship."
"So all of this is fake?" Lincoln asked in disbelief.
"That's right Lincoln, Nanobotic renderings, a bunch of… crazy, fake nonsense, Lincoln. I couldn't say so until we got in the shower. They won't monitor us in here."
"Monitor us?" Lincoln asked who then covered himself up. "Who?"
"Zigerion scammers, Lincoln." Rick explained. "The galaxy's most ambitious, least successful con artists. You know, it's lucky for us they're also really uncomfortable with nudity."
"I think most people are really uncomfortable with nudity." Lincoln stated.
Meanwhile, in the space ship's control room, a group of zigerions were groaning, trying to avoid looking at the display of nudity on their screens. The Zigerions were humanoid aliens with four arms and a pinkish purple skin tone. They have elongated heads with a small number of spiky protrusions. They also have long antenna-like appendages that serve as their ears. All of them there were outfitted with a type of space uniform. "Oh, God, sir! They're still naked! Ugh." One of the zigerions moaned.
"Well, check every five quintons and tell me when they're not!" The zigerion sitting in the center of the room commanded. This zigerion was Prince Nebulon, the leader of this operation.
"I think we should make Kevin look, sir." Another zigerion teased.
Kevin, a nerdy looking zigerion, got flustered. "What?! No! W-w-why would you even say that?"
"Uh, sir, we have a situation over here." Informed one of the zigerions.
"If there's a wiener on that monitor, I swear to god, Stu." Prince Nebulon threatened.
"Something is drawing a lot of processing power. Oh, wait. No wonder." The screen then displayed Luan who was currently walking upstairs with a depressed look on her face. "There's another real human in the simulator."
"How did this happen?!" Prince Nebulon asked. "Where's the Abductions Department?"
The zigerions then started to argue with each other. "Hey, man, Abductions just follows the acquisition order."
"Don't put this on Acquisitions! We only acquire humans that haven't been simulated!"
"Well, Simulations doesn't simulate anybody that's been abducted, so—" Kevin chuckled before Prince Nebulon interrupted the argument.
"Oh, I see! Oh, oh! It was no one's fault. Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Well, then, problem solved. Oh, wait, no." Prince Nebulon started shouting in anger. "There's still another human in here! Who is she?"
"Rick's granddaughter, Luan Loud." Stu answered. "So far, she hasn't noticed she's in a simulation."
Prince Nebulon sighed. "Well, cap her sector at 5% processing, keep her settings on auto, and we'll deal with her later. Rick Sanchez is the target."
Meanwhile in the Loud house, Luan made her way to the bathroom. High school was closed today so she and her older sisters had the day off. Although now that she thought about it, she hadn't seen her younger sisters at all today. She entered the bathroom to see Lori and Leni, who were both stiffly brushing their teeth, completely in sync with one another.
"Hey girls." Luan greeted them. Both of them unnaturally turned a complete 180 degrees to face Luan.
"Listen, I heard what you guys said about me yesterday and I've decided, I'm out of the comedy game."
"Literally." Lori said.
"Totes." Leni said.
Luan sighed. "You guys were probably right about me. I'm not funny. I'm just annoying, aren't I?."
Luan flinched, not expecting such brutal honesty. " guys did me a favour. If I'm annoying to my own family, think how annoying I'd be to an audience full of strangers."
Luan sighed again. "It just sucks, you know? I always felt like comedy was my passion."
"Plus, what am I gonna do with Funny Business Inc.? I don't think I can just abandon that." Luan realised.
"Wait. So you don't think I should give up on comedy?" Luan asked, hopeful.
"So does that mean you find my jokes funny after all?" Luan asked, smiling.
"Aw, I knew you guys couldn't resist a good pun!" Luan then came up to give them both a hug, making them tilt awkwardly. "Looks like I'll be going to The Chortle Portal after all!" Luan announced.
Luan then left the bathroom. She then peered into her own room to see Luna randomly pressing on a keyboard with a blank look on her face. The keyboard was making odd beeping sounds.
"Hey Luna, watcha playing?" Luan asked.
"Human music." Luna replied.
"Hmm, human music...I like it." Luan admitted as she listened to Luna's 'music'.
Rick and Lincoln were still naked as they ran down the street. Lincoln was trying to cover himself.
"Granda Rick!" Lincoln called out as Rick put both their clothes into the sewer.
"Uhp, uhp, uhp! Lincoln, keep your hands off your ding-dong! It's the only way we can speak freely." Rick grabbed Lincoln's shoulders in order to show him why the place is a simulation. "Look around you, Lincoln. Do you really think this world is real? You'd have to be an idiot not to notice all the sloppy details. Look, that guy's putting a bun between two hot dogs."
Rick pointed Lincoln towards a hot dog vendor. "I don't know. I think I've seen people do that before."
"Well, look at that old lady. She's-she's walking a cat on a leash." Rick pointed Lincoln towards his neighbor, Scoots.
"Ok, I don't remember her ever owning a cat." Lincoln admitted. "In fact, I don't remember her even walking anywhere."
"S-see? Now look at this." Rick then pointed Lincoln towards a pop tart walking out of a toaster house and into a toaster car before driving away.
"Ok, that is definitely strange. I mean, why would a pop tart wanna live inside a toaster? That would be the scariest place for them to live." Lincoln stated.
"You're missing the point, Lincoln. Why would he drive a smaller toaster with wheels? I mean, does your car look like a smaller version of your house? No." Rick argued.
"Ok, so we are in a simulation. But what do they want?" Lincoln asked.
"Well, that would be obvious to you, Lincoln, if you'd been paying attention." Rick stated. Suddenly, both of them could hear a siren as an ambulance then drove up to them and the backside doors opened up.
"We got the president of the United States in here!" The paramedic inside panicked. "We need 10cc of concentrated dark matter, stat, or he'll die!" Rick then slammed the doors shut before walking off.
"Concentrated dark matter... they were asking about that in class." Lincoln realised.
"Yeah, it's a special fuel I invented to travel through space faster than anybody else." Rick explained. "These Zigerions are always trying to scam me out of my secrets, but they made a big mistake this time, Lincoln. They dragged you into this. Now they're gonna pay!"
Lincoln gulped. "What are we gonna do?"
"We'll scam the scammers, Lincoln." Rick stated. "And we're gonna take them for everything they've got."
The whole family, sans Rick and Lincoln (to Luan's confusion) were at the Chortle Portal. Apart from Luan, all of them had blank looks on their faces.
"Thanks for showing up everyone." Luan thanked. "I knew you didn't really mean all those things you said about me. Though I know I can be a little bit much sometimes. I'll try to tone it down."
"Normally I don't care for inane human emotions but." Lisa didn't finish that sentence.
"I want die." Lucy stated.
A man then came up onto the stage. He bent over to the point that his head touched the microphone. "Up first. Luan." The MC then walked off, still bent at an angle.
"Oh, looks like I'm first!" Luan stated as she got up to go on stage. The audience slowly clapped in sync with each other.
As soon as she got up on the stage, Luan took a deep breath to steel herself before starting her performance.
"Why did the students eat their homework? Because their teacher said it would be a piece of cake!"
The entire audience laughed though it sounded more like canned laughter from a sitcom rather than natural laughs. The audience then erupted in applause as if there was a stadium full of them. Confetti rained down on Luan as streamers were then fired off. It was like Luan had single handedly won the superbowl. The MC then came up to Luan, holding a trophy.
"Congratulations. You're winner." The MC said, handing Luan a trophy.
"W-what? Really? That's it?" Luan asked.
"Yes." The MC replied before kicking her out of The Chortle Portal.
While confused about what just happened, Luan was happy that she had won. She decided to walk home as she passed her neighbor, Mr Grouse, some random woman and the mailman all standing in a row.
"Hey, guess who won the Junior Comedian's Contest?" Luan bragged, showing off her trophy before walking off.
"My yard, my property!" Mr Grouse said.
"Lookin' good." The woman said.
"My man!" The mailman said, slightly confusing Luan. She didn't seem to notice the exact copies of those three standing near them on the way.
Back with Rick and Lincoln the two of them had their clothes back on and were on a stage. They were backstage, preparing for a performance. Both of them were wearing chains and Rick had adjusted his clothes to look more disheveled.
"Uh, isn't this more Luna's forte?" Lincoln asked, nervously.
"Lincoln, relax. It's just a bunch of 1s and 0s out there. You're gonna be fine." Rick then lowered Lincoln's pants slightly and put a cap on him to complete the rapper look. "Just follow my lead." Rick then gave Lincoln a fist bump before the two walked out. "Yo, deejay, drop that beat." Hip hop music started playing from the speakers. There was a small crowd outside, cheering as they came on stage.
"Uh-oh, Lincoln." Rick spoke into the microphone. "This crowd looks too small for one of our famous rap concerts. I don't think we can perform our new song, 'The Recipe for Concentrated Dark Matter,' for a crowd this tiny."
"You got that right, Rick." Lincoln replied into the microphone. Suddenly, a horde of people came out of nowhere, cheering for Rick.
"Now that's more like it! Lincoln, here we go. Let me hear everybody say 'hey-oh!' yeah!" Rick instructed the crowd who did just that. He then started giving more instructions which the crowd attempted to obey.
"All the ladies say, 'yeah!' Everybody over thirty, do this with your hands! Everybody with a red shirt, jump up and down!" As the crowd tried to follow Rick's instructions, they started getting more and more glitched.
As Luan walked home, she slowly started to frown. That was too easy she thought. She didn't really feel like she earned this trophy at all. She didn't do anything special to earn it. Then again, did she ever do anything special. Doubt started to plague her mind again. Was she ever really funny? She thought before noticing those same three people again.
"My yard, my property."
"Lookin' good."
"My man!" The mailman seemed to be glitching into a tree.
"Ok, something is definitely wrong here." Luan stated to herself. She then noticed a large crowd of people currently glitching out while watching a stage. She then saw who was performing. "Is that Grandpa Rick and Lincoln?"
"Yo, everyone whose first name begins with an 'L' who isn't Hispanic, walk in a circle the same number of times as the square root of your age times ten!" At Rick's last request, the crowd glitched out so hard that the simulation froze. Rick and Lincoln then jumped off stage. "Run, Lincoln! Before the system reboots!"
Luan then ran towards them. After catching up, Luan asked. "Grandpa Rick! What's going on here?"
"Luan? What are you doing here?" Rick asked back before concentrating back on what he was doing. "Screw it. We don't have time. Come on."
"Where are we even running to?" Lincoln asked.
"Out of the simulation, Lincoln. Normally, the chamber operates like a treadmill, with the virtual world disappearing behind us and being rendered in front of us as we move through it, but while it's frozen, Lincoln, we can get to..." as they ran, the textures of the simulation started to disappear as they got to the end of it. "The edge. Here we go." The three then jumped off.
"Whoa..." Lincoln stated in amazement.
Luan sighed. "I knew it was too good to be true."
"Come on kids!" Rick demanded as they ran off into the spaceship.
Back in the control room, the zigerions were still watching them. "Sir, they're over the edge."
"Yes, they are. Just as planned." Prince Nebulon laughed with the other zigerions joining in. "Oh, this is going to be such a mindfuck!"
The three walked around a corridor, being mindful of any zigerions that might be around. Luan was still looking down.
"Are you ok Luan?" Lincoln asked.
Luan sighed. "Not really."
"Kids, keep your eyes peeled for the central processing room. That's how we're gonna scam these idiots." Rick stated
"So, why are these aliens coming after you anyway? Don't they know you're a genius?" Lincoln asked.
"It's an obsession for them at this point. The zigerions have been trying to outsmart me for years, Lincoln. Every time they do, I'm one step ahead of them." Rick explained. The three then came across the central processing room. "Aha! Here we go."
The three entered to to see a room full of diamond-like chips embedded into giant rock pillars that were hooked up to the machinery. Rick started taking the chips. "Grab as many processors as you can carry, kids. These guys aren't good at much, but they're really good at making these chips."
The two then started to collect them. Lincoln held them all on his shirt. He then walked up to Luan to try and cheer her up. "Hey Luan, look. I've got so many, I can barely hold them all!" One then dropped onto the floor. "Oops. Dropped one."
Rick then joined in. "Don't worry about it, Lincoln. There's plenty of them, you little goofball." Rick then tossed a chip at both of them. Lincoln laughed and Luan started to cheer up as they started throwing chips at Rick.
"Come here, kids!" Rick then ran after them before lightly tackling them to the floor.
"Hey come on, quit it!" Lincoln laughed.
"Hey stop it!" Luan also laughed, the three then kept throwing shards at each other on the floor.
"Nothing wrong with just a little bit of horseplay every now and then, little fella." Rick said as he came up to give Lincoln a noogie.
The three then left the room, holding the shards in their shirts and made their way to the escape pods which was currently being guarded. The three hid behind a corner. Rick threw one of the shards to distract the guards as both of them then ran off to check what the noise was. The three then ran towards an open escape pod and closed the door, getting ejected into space with little problem.
"Well that was easy." Luan commented.
Rick closed his eyes to relax. "Totes malotes, dawg."
"It's almost hard to believe." Lincoln thought out loud.
"Believe it, Lincoln. And once again, I'm flying away with everything I can carry, and the Zigerions got nothing of mine."
The escape pod soon landed on Earth. Everyone got out as the door opened.
"Get in, kids." Rick commanded, directing them to the garage. "I'm gonna be able to use these processors to make some real important science stuff." Rick tipped a book to reveal a hidden safe. He then typed onto a keypad which then made a beeping sound, flashing the word 'Denied'. "Huh. I thought I entered the code right." Rick typed the code again which made another beeping sound.
Suddenly, the textures of the garage faded away as the second level simulation vanished. Prince Nebulon and some guards then came into the room. "Well, what's this? W-what could this possibly be? Because it looks like you're inside a simulation…inside a simulation. You're still on the ship. Game-day bucket go boom!"
Rick looked shocked at the zigerion prince before frowning at him. A short, female zigerion then came up to talk to the prince. "Sir, the, uh, doctor's appointment to examine the discoloration on your butthole flaps was—"
Prince Nebulon interrupted her. "Too loud, Cynthia. Too loud and too specific." Cynthia then walked off before Prince Nebulon addresed Rick again. "We've known how to make concentrated dark matter for a long time. But now we also know the code to your fabled safe, Rick Sanchez!" Prince Nebulon started to shout. "All your most valuable secrets will now be ours!"
"Uh, yeah, until I get home before you and change the combination, you bunch of idiots!" Rick insulted.
"That is why you're never getting home. Get them!" Prince Nebulon commanded. His guards then tried to grab the three before Rick suddenly pulled Lincoln's pants down. The zigerions covered their eyes, giving the three the opportunity to escape.
"Run kids!" Rick commanded as the three ran off while Lincoln pulled his pants back up. As they ran through the space ship, more guards started to come after them. Rick then grabbed Lincoln to prevent him falling as they had reached a giant room filled with all types aliens hidden behind yellow, hexagonal cells.
"Holy cow!" Luan shouted in surprise. The bridge then activated as the three then ran to the centre of the room. Lincoln and Luan looked over the edge as Rick found a switch to turn off the gravity. Rick flew up and grabbed Lincoln and Luan as he floated his way upwards. A guard then managed to grab Luan's leg but she managed to just kick him off. The three made it to another level where Rick then found another switch to turn the gravity back on, causing the guards to fall.
The group then kept running through the spaceship and eventually found a sign leading them to the escape pods. Once they entered the room, Rick closed the door and broke the control panel to keep the guards out. Luan placed her hand on some kind of wall panel in order to catch her breath which then activated and created a digital clone of Luan. The guards then managed to open the door, prompting the three to keep running.
The three then went through some kind of testing room where the zigerions were doing experiments on pop tart people and looking at a hologram of a chair. They then went through a room full of digital clones of Lori, Leni and the mailman who were all repeating 'Literally', 'Totes' and 'My man!'
They eventually reached a room full of spaceships. Rick pushed over a guard before getting onto one.
"Luan, I may need you to work the lasers." Rick told Luan who was sat at the side as Rick and Lincoln sat at the front. Rick activated the ship and flew out while a group of other ships piloted by zigerions gave chase, firing lasers at them.
"Oh no, they're hot on our tail, Grandpa Rick!" Lincoln panicked as he looked at a radar.
"I guess they really do have concentrated dark matter." Rick stated.
"Well, you know how to make it, too, right?" Lincoln asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, check the engine room. We just need cesium, Plutonic quarks, and bottled water." Rick ordered. Lincoln got up and went to the back. Very shortly after, he came back in with all the ingredients.
"It's all here, Rick!" Lincoln stated.
"Wow, Lincoln. Lucky break. Grab that bucket." Lincoln then picked up the bucket before Rick continued giving instructions. "Okay, two parts Plutonic quarks, one part cesium."
"Okay. Uh-huh. Alright." Lincoln poured the ingredients into the bucket before shaking it.
"Now empty the water bottle into the bucket and pour it all into the fuel tank so we can get the hell out of here!" Lincoln did nothing. "What are you doing, Lincoln?! There's no time!"
Lincoln stood there with a blank look on his face as once again, the simulation faded away with, along with the fake Lincoln. Luan's trophy that she had held onto the whole time also faded away. "Oh no." Rick said.
"What the?" Luan said in shock.
"No!" Rick shouted. Prince Nebulon and a few other zigerions then came into the room, laughing at Rick as they rode over to him on a cruiser. Prince Nebulon then got off and made his way to Rick.
"Oh my God, Rick. How dumb are you? You're inside a simulation of a simulation... inside another giant simulation!" Prince Nebulon gestured to the room as he laughed harder at Rick. "W-We never had the recipe for concentrated dark matter. But we do now! We do now, sucka!"
"You simulated my grandson's genitalia?! Y-y-you bunch of diabolical sons of bitches!" Rick tried to attack the prince but he and Luan were being held back by the guards.
"Kevin fought real hard to supervise that project." A zigerion remarked before giving a high five to Cynthia.
"You said you weren't gonna tell anyone! I'm never gonna live this down, am I?" Kevin asked, embarrassed.
"All right. Ok. All right, great. Wonderful. You win. Can we go home now?" Rick asked.
"I don't know. Can you?" A zigerion asked before fist bumping Prince Nebulon.
"Ha! Okay, okay. Show this gullible turd to his shuttle. I'm done with him. Oh, wait. Let me get a picture." He ran over to Rick with a phone to take a picture of himself with Rick who was frowning at something. "Aww. Look at his face. He's trying to figure out if he's in a simulation still. Are you, Rick? Are you?" He then turned to Luan. "Oh and look at the little comedian! So did your grandpa teach you how to make jokes?" He laughed again. "So pathetic."
Luan closed her eyes, trying not to cry while Rick glared hatefully at the prince. The guards then took them both away as Prince Nebulon called after them. "Oh, a-and, by the way, I don't have discolored butthole flaps. That was part of the simulation."
"Oh. Uh, sir, should I cancel that appointment, then?" Cynthia asked.
"Yeah! Of course you should!" He then whispered to Cynthia. "No, keep it. Move it up, actually, if you can."
Rick and Luan were ejected from the ship in a shuttle. Rick then noticed Luan looking down as she stared out into the deep vastness of space. "Uh, you doing alright there Luan?"
Luan sighed. "Yeah...I just feel like a big dummy is all. Though I guess that makes two of us huh?"
"Maybe you're right, Luan. Maybe you're right." Rick said mysteriously.
Back on the ship, the zigerions were having a party to celebrate their success. "All right, everybody. Two parts Plutonic quarks... One part cesium..." Prince Nebulon called out as he poured the ingredients. He then addressed his colleagues. "A-And listen, I'm sorry for shouting earlier. I-I couldn't ask for a better staff. I love you guys, and I love all your families." He then readied the water bottle. "And the final ingredient..."
Luan then heard a massive explosion and looked behind her in shock. "What the heck just happened?"
"Why don't you ask the smartest people in the universe, Luan?" Rick asked before taking a sip from his flask. "Oh, yeah. You can't. They blew up."
Luan lightly chuckled. "Heh, good one Grandpa Rick." She then went back to looking down.
"All right, what's wrong? Spit it!" Rick demanded, now sick of her moping.
"I heard what you guys said about me yesterday. You guys were right. I'm not funny, am I?" Luan asked.
Rick groaned before turning to face her. "All right, look at me Luan because I'm about to get real with you here." Luan turned to face Rick as he then continued. "I'm not gonna tell you to just keep doing what you're doing and not change at all because that's not how real life works. I'll be honest Luan, I don't think your jokes are funny." Luan lightly moaned before Rick continued. "But you know, I didn't exactly start off as the genius I am now. I worked for it. If I couldn't do something, I worked at it until I could. That's what you should be doing Luan. You don't have to give up your passion. Y-you just need to do better. If something isn't working, try thinking of better material! Try something different! Just don't give up so easily. You understand Luan?"
Luan was taken back by Rick's inspiring speech but still understood what he was getting at. "Yeah. You're right. I don't have to give up comedy. If I'm not getting any laughs, I'll just have to think of better material that'll be sure to knock them off their feet."
Rick placed a hand on her shoulder. "Atta girl Luan." The two then sat in silence, staring off into space as Luan took the opportunity to think of some new material as they made their way back to Earth.