Chapter 12 - A Tense Situation

[Player D_Destroyer sent a friend invitation to you]


[Yes] [No]

A notification panel appeared before Caleb, confirming the friend request from D_Destroyer. Carefully, Caleb accepted the request.

[DING! Congratulations on making friends with player D_Destroyer]

John smiled as he nodded. Before, he tried to make friends with player Darklord. Unfortunately, the attitude of the player Darklord always annoyed John. That's because he always destroyed outposts that John built.

But, the Darklord player no longer existed. The annoying threat in the east of his town hall had gone. Still, John didn't expect a bigger threat from the south, and that was Caleb.

By making friends with Caleb, he could breathe a sigh of relief for a while at least. John would not attack Caleb, which meant the man would not be attacked by Caleb.

'Friends don't guarantee Caleb won't attack me. At least, I've shown good faith towards him,' John explained.

'I need to build an alliance center building soon so that I can protect myself. Caleb is a good potential ally,' John added.

Unlike the friendly relationship between Caleb and Liliana, Caleb forbade John from sending his scouts to RustyAxe's Town Hall area. 

Caleb would cancel the friendship and start hostilities with John if he was caught doing so.

"Don't worry. I'll keep our agreement."

The two did not have much to talk about. John said goodbye and returned to his town hall, as did Caleb.

During the walk, Caleb sent a message to Liliana. He said he would visit RedLotus505 Town Hall, owned by Liliana. He wanted to discuss his talk with John directly with her.

[Friend Chat!]

[Liliana_P] [Sure! I'll welcome you warmly]

[Caleb] [Thank you. I'll go with my troops]

Arriving at RustyAxe's Town Hall area, Caleb was immediately presented with many information panels, ranging from resource info to added villagers. 

This was because the trip back and forth from RustyAxe to ACCCidRAINN took four hours.

Resources had increased four times, while villager additions had risen twice. Caleb could clearly see the notification panel.


[Wood: 3037] [+680]

[Food: 3090] [+680]

[Gold: 2725] [+680]

[Stone: 1590] [+340]

[Villager: 69/105] [+20]

[Idle Villagers: 25] [+20]

The amount of resources increased from around 2000 to 3000 for wood and food. He also did not expect that stone resources managed to reach more than 1000 until now.

The total idle villagers available in town reached 25 people, which was more than enough to summon level 2 infantry and cavalry bundles.

Before going to RedLotus505's town hall, Caleb used the two bundle level 2 items. The notification panel reappeared, displaying the process of 20 units of troops spawning.

[Item used]

[Infantry Bundle Level 2]

[Cavalry Bundle Level 2]

[DING! Congratulations on getting 20 units of level 2 troops]

[10x Heavy Scout Level 2]

[10x Light Swordsman Level 2]

[Kingdom Power: 4300] [+600]

From the front, Caleb saw two large magic circles appear before him. The right magic circle summoned 10x Heavy Scout, while the one beside it summoned 10x Light Swordsman.

From these additions, the man gained a total of 43 troop units in his kingdom, the majority of which consisted of infantry and cavalry units.

Other units can be used, such as archers, siege weapons, and castle units. Yet, to get these three units, Caleb must wait until his town hall gets the appropriate level to build Archery, Engineer, and Castle.

For castle units, it is based on the chosen civilization. Each player can only select one civilization when their town hall reaches level 10; once chosen, they cannot change it.

Civilization functions varied, ranging from changes in building structures, clothing suits, architecture, and language to buff characteristics of each civilization.

There are 12 civilizations to choose from. Each civilization excels in one or two things, so players must wisely choose one that suits them.

Of the total 17 cavalry that Caleb has, he will go to Liliana's town hall with 7 units of them. The rest would be on standby at the first and second town halls, as well as the infantry units.

Caleb ordered them to go into the two town halls, at least making the town hall capacity full for a while.

In the case of a surprise attack from another player, he would remove all units from inside the TH and allow the villagers to take cover inside the TH.

[DING! Congratulations on completing technology research]

[Technology Type: Military]

[Technology: Leather Equipment]

[Building: Infantry Camp]

[Increases Defense by +10% during combat || Increases unit march speed by +5]

[Kingdom Power: 4600] [+300]

[DING! Congratulations that the troop unit has been upgraded]


[10x Militia]

[Kingdom Power: 4700] [+100]

'That's good. After all the technology has been researched, I'd better start increasing my TH level. The higher it is, the better and more powerful my position will be,' Caleb said.

The man pressed the Town Hall building icon, displaying a detailed building status panel right before Caleb. There, Caleb could see the cost required to increase the town hall level.

[Town Hall Level: 2]

[Durability: 500/500]

[Attack: 7+10+(full capacity of Town Hall settlers)]

[Defense: 12+15+(full capacity of Town Hall settlers)]

[Range: 10 m + 7 m]

[Accuracy: 45%]

[Capacity: 12 people]

[Upgrade to next level: 800 wood || 800 food]

[Upgrade Town Hall?]

[Yes] [No]

After seeing that the cost to upgrade the town hall level was more than enough, considering his resources, Caleb immediately confirmed it by pressing the Yes button. The panel received confirmation of the town hall upgrade from Caleb, another panel appeared.

[Town Hall upgrade approved]

[Level 2 -> Level 3]

[Duration of renovation: ]


It took a whole day to upgrade the town hall. However, Caleb didn't mind. He knew the construction duration would be long since the upgraded building was the main building, the town hall.

While the construction was underway, Caleb wanted to ensure the town's defense mechanism was working properly.

He set all units in Def Stance mode. This meant that units from other players would be targeted as long as they crossed into the RustyAxe town hall area.

"Alright. It's time for me to go to—"

[Friend Chat!]

[Liliana_P] [IT'S BAD!]

[Liliana_P] [Another player came to invade my town hall!]

[Liliana_P] [Can you come to my town quickly?]

[Liliana_P] [CL_Ellise is about to invade my town!]

Caleb gasped, never expecting a player named CL_Ellise to come to destroy Liliana's town.

For Caleb, he could not lose Liliana in this game. This was a golden moment for Caleb to gain the woman's full trust.

Liliana would owe him a favor if he could repel or even eliminate the invading army from CL_Ellise.

Which in turn would make her even more obedient and loyal to Caleb. That would work in Caleb's favor, as he planned to use Liliana as a resource barn for him due to her player farmer model.

[Caleb] [Hold out for two hours. I'll come quickly with my Heavy Scout!]