"WRONG!" he shouted as he hit Helmeppo with his fist. "It's because you're a fool who's not worth striking!" He then hoisted him up by his collar with the tip of his axe and brought him to his face. "I allow you to use my status because it doesn't bother me. But don't you forget one thing. I am the one who is great!" he bellowed before dropping him. He then went on about how he got his rank through strength. How titles are what matters and that this statue would show everyone his greatness. Luffy just listened with a bored expression, but perked up when Morgan mentioned a little girl.
"A girl? Yes I dealt with her." Helmeppo said.
"Then that means she's dead right?" Morgan asked.
"What? No. She's just a little kid." Helmeppo said.
"You there. Find that girl and kill her!" Morgan ordered one of his men.
"What? I can't do that."
"Did I just hear you say you won't obey my orders?" Morgan said as he walked over towards the marine. "I said kill that little girl!"
"I...I won't. I won't do it!" the marine said. Morgan brought his axe down, aiming to kill the marine. His blade was stopped less than an inch away from the marine's shoulder, much to his and everyone else's surprise. "That's enough." said Luffy. He had stepped in and was now holding Morgan's Axe in place with his thumb and forefinger, anger in his tone at Morgan's attempt to kill the man.
"What the?! Who are you?!" Morgan bellowed as he glared at Luffy. He tried pulling his axe away, but he couldn't budge it. Everyone stared before Helmeppo started screaming.
"It's him daddy! That's the guy who struck me!" Helmeppo said as he pointed at Luffy. Morgan glared at Luffy before bringing his fist towards him.
"BASTARD!" he screamed. Luffy smiled under his hat before he disappeared just before Morgan's fist hit him. Everyone went wide eyed as they looked around for him.
"Over here." Luffy said, gaining their attention. He was standing between the marines and the statue they were pulling. He then looked at the ropes before quickly bringing his left leg up in one swift motion. Nothing happened as he lowered his leg and muttered "Tempest kick."
No sooner did he say that, the ropes were all sliced, letting the giant statue fall back and break in half, leaving the top half to fall and shatter on impact. Everyone just gapped at Luffy, who was smiling at it all. "Shishishishi."
"SEIZE THAT LITTLE FUCKER!" Morgan belowed to his subordinates.
"Hey you." Luffy said as he appeared before Helmeppo, who just looked at him for a second before screaming and trying to run away. Luffy grabbed him by the collar as he smiled again. "You got something I need." he said before running off through the doorway into the base.
"He's got Helmeppo!" a marine yelled.
"Bring me that straw hatted fool!" Morgan ordered. "And one of you. Find and kill that little brat from earlier!" "Captain. Someone's trying to free the prisoner from the yard!" shouted one of the marines who was pointing down at Coby and Zoro.
"I'm surrounded by treason!" Morgan growled as a vein stood out on his forehead.
"Now where's Zoro's sword?" Luffy asked as he ran through the base, dragging Helmeppo along with him. Even though he'd done this before, he didn't care to remember what room was what in the base.
"I'll tell you where they are! Just stop dragging me across the carpet!" he shrieked. Luffy stopped as he looked at Helmeppo, who pointed down the direction they came from. "My room down there on the left. You just past it."
"Why didn't you say so earlier? Now we gotta go back." "Drop Helmeppo and put your hands up!" shouted a marine as he and his comrades pointed their guns at Luffy.
"Wait a moment." Luffy said before putting Helmeppo between him and the marines and smiled. "Now you can shoot."
"NO NO NO NO! HOLD YOU FIRE!" Helmeppo screamed as Luffy used him to push past the marines.
Coby was down in the yard, trying to untie Zoro from the post.
"You got a death wish kid? If they catch you, they'll kill you on sight." Zoro said.
"I can't sit back and watch these marines anymore. They're bringing shame to what a true marine is."
"Look kid. I've got 10 more days until-" "More like ten minutes. They're gonna execute you anyway."
"What?" Zoro asked as his eyes widened.