"Gimme your food and best drink on the house woman!" he screamed in bit of a high voice. As they poured him a drink, he began talking. "Lousy strawhat bastard. If he thinks he can strike me and get away with it, he's so very wrong. After I execute Zoro, he's next."
"Who will you execute tomorrow?" said Luffy as he appeared behind Helmeppo. Helmeppo froze as his eyes widened before he slowly turned around to see a grinning Luffy standing behind him with his arms folded across his chest. He slowly turned blue in the face as his mouth hung open for a few moments before his eyes rolled back again and he fainted, leaving Luffy to howl with laughter.
"Big baby." he said as the marines who accompanied him carried him off towards the marine base. Luffy stopped laughing as he muttered. "Zoro is definitely joining my crew."
"I am great." said a big man in his office.
"Yes sir." agreed a marine behind him, though he could think of a thousand things about the the guy that proved him wrong. "You are indeed great."
"Then why is it that the 'tributes' from the townsfolk have dwindled?" he asked.
"Sir, the townsfolk haven't the money to-"
"It's not whether they have money! It's about whether they respect me." he said, clearly annoyed by the town's 'disrespect'.
"FATHER!" came the shrill cry of Helmeppo. "There's someone in town that I want you to kill for me!" Normally Morgan, Helmeppo's father, wouldn't even bother looking at his son for something like this. However, he turned and raised an eyebrow at what he saw and heard. "Why is your voice so high?" he asked while seeing Helmeppo holding a bag of ice between his legs.
Luffy was walking towards the marine base again while Coby was yelling at him not to do anything even more stupid.
"Are you okay with this?" Luffy suddenly asked as he looked back at Coby. Coby stopped ranting as he listened to Luffy. "Are you okay leaving this place as it is with guys marines like Morgan and Helmeppo in charge?" Coby slowly let Luffy's question sink in as he remembered how everyone reacted around them.
"Well no-"
"Then shut up and follow me." Luffy said with a smile as he started walking again.
()()()() Zoro was jolted out his sleep. He looked around, remembering where he was before he saw Luffy standing in front of him and frowned again.
"You again? What do you want?" he asked. Luffy smiled as he said "I want you to join my pirate crew. Zoro just raised his eyebrow at him before answering.
"Not a chance. I got things I want to do, and becoming a pirate isn't one of them." Zoro said in a bored tone. Luffy smiled again as he crossed his arms.
"Sorry, but I've made up my mind. You're joining my crew Zoro." Luffy said.
"By the way, where are you swords Zoro?" Luffy asked, ignoring Zoro's refusal. Zoro calmed down as he explained that Morgan's son took them away. Luffy smiled again. "Alright then. I'll go get your swords then."
"And if you want them back, you have to join my crew."
"YOU LITTLE SHIT! THAT'S BLACKMAIL!" Zoro screamed. He just sighed as he lowered his head before looking up and seeing Luffy run off in away from the base. "Hey, it's in the other direction!" Zoro screamed. Luffy looked behind him and stopped.
'Just like last time. I thought the building was this way.' Luffy thought before muttering. "It's a mystery building." He then smiled as he got over the shock and stretched his arms out, rocketing over to the building, freaking Zoro out as he did. Luffy looked up at the roof, remembering that everyone was up there for some reason, and decided to figure out what this time. He then stretched his hand up to the roof, but slowly pulled himself up to see instead of flying over everyone. When he got up there, he peeked over the top to see the marines pulling up a giant statue that looked just like Morgan. He frowned as he looked and saw Morgan himself up there as well.
He was a tall man with blond hair and tan skin. He wore a Marine Captain's jacket, a blueish black button up shirt, pants that changed from light blue to dark blue all over it, and brown boots. He also had what looked like some weird metal jaw over his lower jaw, and an axe instead of a right hand. He also wore an annoyed look on his face due to Helmeppo yelling at him to kill Luffy for striking him.
"Even you've never hurt me before father!" he said, trying to lower his voice as Luffy's attack from earlier still hadn't fully worn off, as evident to the ice bag he held against himself. Luffy had to use all his willpower to not burst out laughing.
"Do you know why I've never hurt you?" Morgan asked.
"I-it's because I'm your beloved son, fath-"