Chereads / One Piece: An Immortal Legend / Chapter 5 - The Isle of Hunters.

Chapter 5 - The Isle of Hunters.

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Glory to my chief Proofreader: Solare. For he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

Word Count: 4811.


4 Hours Later.

Adam flew over the oceans of the Grandline casually, he yawned slightly while looking to his left. There was a Pirate ship sailing through a sea of turbulent waves, however Adam stayed safe from it by simply flying over it all.

He crossed his arms impassively as he watched the pirate ship be swallowed whole by a ginormous tidal wave, burying everyone within it to the bottom of the ocean.

"I'm more tired than I thought I would be after flying all day, this sea really is a pain… Oh well, I should probably just take a nap on this next island." The Lunarian muttered tiredly, the fatigue of flying across entire stretches of ocean began to sink in finally.

His train of thought was interrupted by a sudden growling from his gut, he looked down at it with a sigh, "I suppose I'll be diving later on for some food too."

Adam looked down at his Log Pose to double check his trajectory, aside from him moving a few degrees off course thanks to the Grandline's nonsensical weather patterns. Out of sheer boredom, he started thinking back to that technique he remembered the Rear Admiral doing.

"Hm.. I distinctly remember him seemingly kicking the ground multiple times, after which he gained an immense burst of speed that he couldn't replicate otherwise…" Adam muttered while thinking aloud, moving one of his hands up to rub his chin.

He hummed slightly as he looked down at his legs, "Hmm… I wonder…"

Adam clenched his legs and wings with immense effort, compressing all his power into one movement as he kicked against the air while flapping his wings. A burst of compressed air propelled him forwards faster than ever before, sending shockwaves of wind throughout the skies.

This caused him to burst out laughing and shout, "That Mongrel must've been stupider than I thought he was to not know you could do that with his own technique! But I suppose what should I expect from a Monkey?"

The Lunarian kept flying at immense speeds, propelled by his 'Speed Mode' as well as his newly created technique which he eventually named 'Sky Burst'. After a few more seconds, he spotted an island finally appearing at the edge of the horizon.

A grin covered Adam's face, tensing his body once more before exploding forwards with his 'Sky Burst'. He crossed the seemingly huge distance between him and the island within mere seconds, the same distance could have taken even the fastest sailing ship nearly an hour.

Adam soon stopped as he reached the beach outskirts of the island, looking it over from the skies. It was a complete desert island with almost a hundred houses dotted around the beaches, in the distance you could spot ginormous bulb-like cactuses that took up a good chunk of the island.

This was 'Whiskey Peak', otherwise known as 'The Isle of Hunters' – Known as such thanks to most of its population being made of Bounty Hunters. The first island of Paradise and the true beginning of a Legendary Adventure!

[Image (In Discord)]

"I flew over 4 hours for this?! How absolutely fucking dull, the first island of these Mongrels' famed 'Grandline' and its just a Desert?!" Adam exclaimed incredulously, his dissatisfaction with the anticlimactic reveal was evident.

He scoffed dismissively and scanned the island, trying to find a good enough place to sleep. In the middle of his search, he noticed another pirate ship coming into the island. Curiously enough, the people of Whiskey Peak seemed glad to have them, if their cheers were anything to go off of.

Looking at the pirates and then to the islanders, he decided something in that very moment, "I'm not dealing with this, I just want some peace and quiet. That won't be possible with these Vermin infesting the place…"

He pointed his half clenched hand at the ship, streams of flames building up in the atmosphere before compressing in his grasp. A second later, Adam crushed the flames in the palm of his hand before shooting them down at the ship with a low chant.

"Vermillion Nova."

The pirate ship never stood a chance, it was instantly incinerated and sunk to the bottom of the ocean with an explosion that shook the sea. All of the people on the beach of the island awaiting the pirates froze with horror, their distance and position had given them the perfect vantage point to watch the entire thing.

Adam didn't pay them any mind, simply flying forwards and landing on the beach. Looking around at the terrified expressions of the islanders, a smile found itself forming on Adam's face.

The Lunarian crossed his arms while cracking his neck before speaking a moment later, "Those are some nice expressions on your faces, I must say. However, your heads are held too high for my tastes…" 

Before any of the Bounty Hunters could even speak, a wave of Goldish pressure flooded from Adam and overtook nearly the entire island. One by one, they all fell to the ground unconscious as he simply hummed in satisfaction.

Adam began walking down the street into the heart of the island, stepping on any unconscious bodies in his way without a care in the world. He looked down at his Log Pose, watching as it spun wildly at nothing, this was the sign that a Log Pose was recording an island's signature.

A low sigh escaped his mouth as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, it's gonna take a while for this Log Pose to record this island's signature so I can go ahead. So I might as well just take a break, steal some food and take a nap while waiting for it to finish."

After a few minutes of looking, he found a bar in the middle of town. Entering it, he found everyone to be already unconscious from his Conqueror's Haki. On one of the tables was a man who had fallen face first into a bowl of food, he was having difficulty breathing.

Fortunately for him however, Adam proceeded to kick him off the chair. He was sent flying towards the wall where he slumped onto the ground. He was sure to be in pain when he awoke, but at least he could breath easily now.

He then looked around the bar, spotting a barrel of water at the back of the counter along with a kitchen connected to it. A grin covered his face, he had found exactly what he was looking for.

5 minutes later, Adam emerged from the bar with a bountiful harvest in hand. A barrel of water over his shoulder and a huge bag filled to the brim with food ingredients, he would make his own dinner.

Making his way through the city, he eyed up multiple different places he could sleep. Eventually he spotted something that caught his attention, it was a large hammock being sold at a street vendor who was knocked out.

Adam simply grabbed it and kept moving, he was sure it would be more comfortable than sleeping somewhere a Monkey had slept before. He eventually found a large tree in the middle of town, deciding it would be just as good a place as any – He sat down and began preparing some food.

6 Hours Later.

A small ship with dark colours and no flag approached Whiskey Peak with great speeds. Within it sat a black haired man who was in a suit with glasses and 2 vertical scars over his right eye. In his hand was the responder of a Den Den Mushi, he was in the middle of speaking to someone.

"Are you sure with the information? I can't afford to fuck up here and lose the Lunarian, you know that!" The black haired man said with urgency evident in his voice.

The snail's mouth replicated a frown before speaking, "I'm very sure, the civilians saw him head directly towards the direction of the Calm Belt. So it only makes sense for him to be at Whiskey Peak if he possessed a Log Pose, considering it would be the first island he locks onto from Loguetown."

"And since it takes 7 Hours for it to record the signature, and taking into account travel time to this island plus or minus some weather conditions - it's only logical that the Lunarian must still be on Whiskey Peak." The man on the other side of the snail explained, showing great insight into the situation.

The black haired man grunted in acknowledgement and lowered his head slightly, "I apologise for doubting you, thanks for your hard work…"

"Hah! Don't worry about it Mr Genius, just make sure to not forget us when you join Cipher Pol 1 and get the opportunity to learn Haki under Agent Gismonda! We'll miss you, ya hardass!"

"Huh? How did you know about that?" 

"Of course everyone from CP3 heard it! Our leader is leaving us, it's a big deal!"

Cipher Pol is a series of secret agencies who do investigations, espionage, and assassinations for the World Government. Cipher Pol 3 in particular was a division specialised in acquiring anything that catches the attention of the World Government, that being a Devil Fruit or even any living beings that strike their fancy.

The black haired man's eyes softened slightly, he went to respond but was stopped when the door to the room was opened. A man with brown hair and eyes stood at the door, he also wore a similar suit to himself.

"Sir Elias Cane, we have arrived at Whiskey Peak. Docking in T Minus 5 Minutes." The Cipher Pol 3 Agent reported dutifully.

"Ah good.. Well, I'm sure you heard him, Delsin. I'll be going now." Elias received a confirmation in return before closing the call and turning to his teammate with a seemingly genuine smile.

[Image (In Discord)] 

"Let's get this over with, Arden" He said as he stood up and walked with him to the outside of the ship, they made their way to the ship's railing and watched over the island with keen eyes. 

Then something caught Elias' attention out of the corner of his eyes, "Arden Look."

Arden followed his leader's finger as he pointed towards something in the harbour, it took a second before he noticed what he was pointing at – It looked to be a severely burned ship, as if it had been exploded or something similar.

The two Cipher Pol 3 agents looked at each other for a moment, the report of the remains of the Marine base filled their minds. They nodded at each other with recognition, knowing that the other had reached the same conclusion.

'The Lunarian is on the island!'

Elias turned his head to the back of his ship where two more of his crew awaited his orders, one one a woman with silver blonde hair and a bulky man with brown hair, both wearing the same Cipher Pol 3 uniform.

"Sable, Axel; Arden and I are going to move on ahead to secure the target's location. Dock the ship and follow us ASAP."

""Copy that!""

With those two confirmations in hand, he turned back to the island with a determined glare. He jumped off the railing of the ship and onto the open seas, followed closely by Arden as they both chanted.


Instead of obeying gravity and falling into the sea, the two CP3 agents defied logic by jumping off of the very air itself! They continued doing this time after another as they made their way towards the harbour of the island, cutting through the distance much faster than their ship could.

Geppo is one of the six secret Marine Arts of 'Rokushiki' that allows for 'flight' by jumping off air itself. The techniques of Tekkai and Soru are also considered part of the 6 Marine Arts.

Adam had inherently replicated and surpassed the effect of 'Geppo' by simply seeing how 'Soru' was performed by Rear Admiral Goro and improving upon the base concept for his own circumstances.

It was the mark of a True Genius, to face a technique once and immediately be capable of improving upon it without needing the original technique explained for him.

As soon as the two of them made it close to the island, they immediately spotted dozens of bodies of unconscious bounty hunters on the coast – Knowing of his ability to use Conqueror's Haki, this only confirmed their suspicions.

"The Lunarian must be here." Arden muttered as they both landed on the beach, following his leaders they sped through the island using 'Soru'.

"Hopefully we weren't too late and he already left somehow…" Elias said back, that would be the worst case scenario for them. There would be no truly reliable way to track him after that, he could fly up into the sky above the clouds to avoid all chances of detection for all they know.

The two agents made their way through the city, moving past a trail of unconscious civilians and bounty hunters that littered the island. Eventually, they reached the town centre where they finally found their target.

In the middle of the town square plaza was a giant tree and hanging from its branches was a hammock, in it lay what was undoubtedly a Lunarian. The dark skin, white hair and dark feathered wings were a dead giveaway. 

They stopped their rush and began approaching him slowly with Sea Stone cuffs in hand, they were made of the strongest known mineral to mankind. It was considered nigh indestructible to most, especially those from the 4 Blues and even Paradise.

The plan was to capture and cuff him before he could realise what was happening or run. However, their quiet approach was halted when a tired sigh cut through the air, the Lunarian who looked to have been sleeping rubbed his eyes with his right hand.

"Hah~... Can you Mongrels not see that I'm busy with more important things than whatever bullshit you're trying to pull?"

Before either of them could do anything, the Lunarian lazily raised his other hand and pointed it at them. A moment afterwards, they were forced to take a step back and shield their eyes from the heat.

A bellow of smoke rushed over them for a moment before clearing up and revealing Adam to be standing up, completely awake. The Cipher Pol agents tensed up as their target looked them up and down, holding their breath and preparing for another attack.

They were taken off guard when Adam simply rolled his eyes with obvious contempt before sighing and turning away, he walked off without giving them any attention. He made his way towards a barrel of water and lifted it up, beginning to drink directly from it.

"This damn Lunarian bastard!" Arden growled under his breath, feeling deeply insulted at being ignored and deemed unworthy of attention.

The Cipher Pol agent reached down to his side and unsheathed his blade, a Nagakiba. It was one of the 21 Great Grade or Ōwazamono Blades named 'Happy Spring'. He rushed forwards with incredible yet silent speeds using Soru, swinging his blade at the open back of their target.

However, Adam managed to sense his approach just in time as he swerved around while activating his back flame. The Great Great blade met with his forearm, and shockingly, it managed to dig into his skin somewhat and drew some blood.

An annoyed growl escaped the Lunarians throat at the sensation, bringing back his other arm before shooting it forwards into Arden's abdomen. The Cipher Pol agent immediately activated Tekkai to block the attack as a moment later, an explosion of flames echoed from his gut and sent him flying away into a nearby building.

Adam stood there for a moment as he inspected the cut on his forearm, considering the possibility of if he was too late in activating his flame or was that blade strong and sharp enough to cut into him despite it.

He then turned to look at the approaching black haired agent with a disgusted frown, "Have you Mongrels no Honour or Pride? Attacking a man while his back was turned, I'm going to incinerate you all for this Mockery."

"You needn't worry about that, you should just make this easier on all of us and just come in quietly." Elias replied impassively, honour and pride meant absolutely nothing to him after all. He would do whatever was necessary to accomplish his mission, no matter the cost.

To that Adam simply scoffed with disdain, turning off the flames on his back before bursting forwards with immense speeds. The ground beneath him cracked as he used a lesser version of his 'Sky Burst' technique for higher acceleration. 


Elias' eyes widened as he saw his opponent appear before him with an arm pulled back ready for attack, he immediately activated one of his learned techniques, allowing him to dodge at the last possible second. Kami-e is one of the six techniques of Rokushiki that allows superhuman flexibility to dodge most attacks.


He then used another one of the Rokushiki, this one allows one to use their finger as a weapon in which the user uses their finger to pierce the target's flesh, at a very high speed. Adam's instincts screamed at him that it would be a bad idea to let that attack hit, so he parried the arm before pointing his palm at Elias' face.

Flames licked at his hands before shooting forwards with a blast of fire strong enough to reduce any human to ash in an instant. Luckily for the Cipher Pol agent, he was bailed out of the attack by Arden at the last second who grabbed him with Soru before jumping up into the sky with Geppo.

Adam clicked his tongue before bursting up into the sky to follow them, both Cipher Pol agents turned around to face him before moving with synchronicity. Elias turned his body around before kicking at him as Arden swung his blade with all his power.


2 slashes of wind pressure shot at their target at incredible speeds, Adam stopped his ascent at the sight. The flames on his back fired up at his call as he brought up his arms, blocking the two slashes. The force of them pushed him backwards towards the ground, causing him to lose all momentum.

A shockwave of air pressure stopped his fall as Adam used his 'Sky Burst', looking up at his opponents and finding them to be already rushing down at him. Clicking his tongue again, he threw his hands forwards, a dual stream of flames bursting at them mid air.

The two agents didn't panic at the sight, turning to each other before slamming their feet into the other's and pushing. They were thrown apart from each other and managed to barely avoid the fire, it flew past them into the sky harmlessly.

Yet despite his attack missing, the two Cipher Pol agents noticed a subtle smirk form on the Lunarian's mouth. He swiped his hands downwards, causing them to immediately catch on to what he was doing as a fact that they had nearly forgotten about flooded their minds.

'Lunarians have full control over their flames!'

They swerved around mid air, finding 2 waves of flames flooding towards them after bending and inversing upon themselves. Panic instantly shot down their spines as they realised that they don't have time to dodge or block them since the blasts are too close and too big for them to do so.

Just when it seemed like they were about to be swallowed by the flames, they are saved at the last second by 3 wind slashes from the side which slice the flames apart, giving them just enough space to use Kami-e and barely dodge it.

"The hell-?" Adam muttered, distracted by this as he looked to the side to find where those slashes came from.

However this left his guard wide open as he was then shoulder checked from behind, sending him flying upwards towards the awaiting Cipher Pol agents. Looking behind him, he saw he was hit by what looked to be a bulky man in a Zoan Bison Hybrid form.

Adam gritted his teeth in annoyance and turned to the sky, immediately shooting his arm up to block a blade that was aiming for his neck. 

His previous theory was proven when he felt it drew some blood, it seems that a Great Grade Blade used by a good enough swordsman could still cut into him through his 'Invulnerability Mode' somewhat. 

He wasn't surprised by this too much since he knew his durability would only grow as he did, but the indignity of being cut into by a Monkey was still grating on his pride.

A blast of flames shot from his arm, charring Arden's body and pushing him away. However, unfortunately for Adam, this left him open enough for Elias to get an opportunity to land his greatest technique. Elias' two fists lined up next to each other in front of Adam's abdomen, then a low chant echoed through the air.


A devastating shockwave burst forwards from Elias' knuckles, they crashed into Adam's abdomen and shot straight through his body and rattled his internal organs. The power of the shockwave shockingly did actual damage to Adam as for the first time in this battle, he was forced to gasp in pain.

The shockwave then carried Adam downwards, shooting him straight down to the ground. He crashed into a building, its foundations shook before they collapsed on top of him, burying him under them.

This was the most powerful attack of the Rokushiki martial arts, only those who have absolute mastery of the other six skills can have access to this seventh technique.

The four Cipher Pol 3 agents surrounded the crumpled building from all four cardinal directions, knowing that it wouldn't be enough to knock out a Lunarian. They were proven right a moment later when a low growl echoed from beneath the pile of rubble.

"...I am going to slaughter these Monkeys if it's the last thing I do."

An explosion of flames incinerated the building atop Adam, sending smouldering chunks of rubble flying through the air. A few seconds later, he walked out of the smoke looking none the worse for wear other than some scrapes and bruises.

They watched with some annoyance as the Lunarian passively patted his shirt down, trying to remove the dust from it. Said Lunarian silently thanked his mother's forethought in getting exclusively clothing for him that are fireproof and highly tear resistant.

Adam then looked around and found himself surrounded by all 4 members of Cipher Pol 3, he finally got a good look at the other 2 agents that joined the battle late. One a woman with mid length silver blonde hair and the other a bulky hybrid of a man a bull, undoubtedly the result of a Zoan type Devil Fruit.

The bulky hybrid named Axel was the first to speak, "You better not even think of running away now, Lunarian! Not even flying into the sky will save you from us!"

They're all taken by surprise when despite his worsening circumstances, Adam simply shook his head in amusement and laughed, "Hah! 'Run away'? My, My~! You Monkeys truly are great clowns!"

"What did you say?!" The silver haired woman named Sable questioned incredulously.

"Why would I run away from you Mongrels? You're nothing but Filthy Mutts nipping at the heels of your King."

That sufficiently got the reaction Adam wanted as they were all pissed off enough to rush in at him in synchronicity, all the while he met them with a smirk and blazing hands. 

Axel was first to reach him, the Human-Bison hybrid rushed at him literally head first with intent to ram into him with his horns. To this Adam gladly obliged by running at him before jumping and stepping atop his head, he then jumped off of it to avoid a Rankyaku slash from Sable, the force of which sent Axel's head into the ground.

He then used a 'Sky Burst', instantly closing the distance between him and Sable. The silver haired woman used Kami-e to dodge his first attack barely but she wasn't fast enough to avoid the burst of flames that came a moment later, sending her flying to the side.

Turning around he saw the duo of Elias and Arden rush at him again, however this time he was ready and sent a blast of fire to the ground. This unexpected move caught the duo off guard, they expected to have to dodge flames and instead found Adam backflipping over them with a demonic grin.

"Humph, I see.. A Swordsman, a Sniper, a Devil Fruit User and a Technique Master – Quite the cute little troupe of Monkeys the World Government sent after me!" Adam called out, dissecting exactly how their teamwork was built in order to pull them apart right afterwards.

He then swiped his hand along the ground, a wave of flames blinding the two agents in order for him to carry out the next steps in his plan. Sable recovered from his previous attack and sent another Rankyaku at him, the wind blade barely missed his wings as he used 'Sky Burst' to shoot forwards.

Adam crashed into the back of Arden's head foot first, sending the Swordsman flying away and leaving him wide open for Elias. However this was all part of the Lunarian's plan, he actively turned off his back flames, deactivating his 'Invulnerability Mode' and pretended to breathe heavily.

'He tired himself out, this is my chance!' Elias thought, thinking that they've run down his stamina too much and made him unable to sustain his special durability. 'I don't have the time to set up a Rokuogan, but a Shigan to his vital organs will do immense damage and end the fight!'

The Cipher Pol 3 agent's finger rushed forwards, aiming for his target's abdomen to pierce his internal organs. However, to his complete and utter shock, his finger was unable to damage the Lunarians abdomen despite his 'Invulnerability Mode' being turned off.

Before he could move to retreat, Adam swerved around faster than he should've been able to, his hand wrapping around Elias' neck with an iron vise grip. The agent looked into Adam's crimson eyes and satisfied grin with horror, realising that the Lunarian's muscles were as hard as steel.

"W-What?! T-That's Tekkai!" He choked out, barely being able to breath through Adam's vise grip as he tried to pry the hand away to no avail.

"That's right! Did you think such a primitive Technique was beyond me, Mongrel?!" Adam shouted as the flames on the Lunarian's back fired up, sparks of flames started building up around the two of them as the ground around began melting away.


The other CP3 agents screamed for their leader but knew to keep their distance from Adam's obvious charge up, a blast of flames at full power would incinerate them without a shadow of a doubt after all. They wouldn't be able to hurt him in the first place, especially since he looked to have learned Tekkai.

"However, this is quite the unpleasant turn of events… To be forced to stoop so low as to use the Technique of a Monkey?! You better be ready to give up your life for such a Humiliation!"

Adam D. Valentine gripped Elias Cane's neck even harder as flames began licking at their bodies, they began bellowing upwards from the ground. The Cipher Pol 3 agent screamed in terror to try to stop the inevitable but there was no way out, he had reached the end of the line.



Huge inferno of flames swallowed the two of them whole and fired up into the skies, blotting out the sun for a moment. Waves of hot winds flowed over the other CP3 agents and caused them to baulk in horror, they knew the obvious result of such flames.

A few seconds later the flames stopped, sparks flew through the wind and carried the smoke away from where the two men stood. A few seconds later they cleared up enough to reveal Adam standing there with a deadpan stare. 

In his hand was the charcoal black corpse of Elliot Cane, not a hint of life in it. This was further proven when the Lunarian crushed the neck of the corpse, causing it to break away into ashes in the wind.

He then turned his head slightly, Crimson orbs of hellfire met with the now fearful eyes of the other 3 agents before one Word escaped his lips which made shivers run down their spines.



Author's Note:

Smell the ash in the air?

Also the chapter would have gone out much sooner, but Marvel Rivals has got me by the balls ngl

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Next Chapter Title: A Pitiful Farce.

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