Chereads / One Piece: An Immortal Legend / Chapter 7 - The Birth of a Legend.

Chapter 7 - The Birth of a Legend.

There is a discord for this fic. It has Live Updates about chapter progress and when they are completed, pictures for characters, lots of tidbits about the story, among other things. I'm also very active there and am likely to respond to any message sent there. Join at 

Glory to my chief Proofreader: Solare. For he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

Word Count: 5234.

There's gonna be a lot of pictures linked in here, my apologies in advance.


Adam walked out of the innards of the ship, in his hands he held a bottle of Rum. He brought it to his lips and took a sip, he frowned a moment later before removing it and staring at the bottle with disgust. With a casual, dismissive toss, he threw it behind him and walked off.

"Tch.. Disgusting, I should have expected as much from a Monkey product." The Lunarian scoffed, raising a hand before snapping his fingers.

Following his snap, the alcohol burned alight with flames, bursting up into a brilliant inferno within seconds. The flames licked upwards and transferred around the ship, slowly engulfing it completely with intent to reduce it to ash for its Master.

While that was happening, Adam simply jumped off of the ship and started walking down the harbour docks. As he did, he took a look at the town of Whiskey Peak, the flames he had thrown around haphazardly burned way out of proportion and had damn near burned down the entire town.

To that, all he did was chuckle slightly in amusement before digging into his satchel. He pulled out the Map of Paradise he found a few minutes ago along with his Log Pose, giving them his full attention while walking towards the edge of the harbour.

"Hmm.. So it seems like the island my Log Pose is connected to is… 'Little Garden'. This should be interesting…" Adam muttered under his breath while putting away the Map, he then strapped his Log Pose onto his arm for quick use during his flight.

With that done with, he lifted off from the harbour and flew away from the island, using his 'Speed Mode' and 'Sky Burst' to boost his momentum along the way. This brought him to speeds reaching Mach 1.5 or about 1852 Kilometres per Hour, a travel speed completely unheard of for 99% of the world.

Yet despite that staggering speed, he still flew for about 19 hours in combined time, stopping along the way on any small or abandoned islands he saw along the way to rest. He took the opportunity to drink some water and eat some small snacks he carried with him like Jerky and some fruits when possible.

Not only was this method of travel dozens if not hundreds of orders of magnitude faster than the average ship, it also served the double purpose of training. His legs and wings were strained to their limits and beyond in every moment as he did not allow himself to falter or waste an opportunity to improve.

This training would improve not only his base physical strength, but also hone his stamina to great levels. Eventually, he could even train enough to be able to fly across entire stretches of the World's Oceans with ease where it would take others months to do the same.

Eventually after a tiring bout of flight, he spotted a Green looking island at the edge of the Horizon. He sighs in relief before speeding up one last time, reaching close enough to get a good look just a few seconds later.

The island was circular shaped, on each end of the island are 2 identical mountains that looked to be the skulls of two Sea Kings. Many of the trees and plants seemed to be fauna from a Prehistoric Era. The island also housed many volcanoes, some were ever showing signs of being active.

This was 'Little Garden', an island referred to by some as 'The Isle of Ancients'.

[Image (In Discord)]

Adam landed on the island, taking a moment to breath and relax his wings after such an arduous journey. He then looked down at his Log Pose for a moment, seeing that it's begun the process of recording, he nodded in satisfaction.

He took off the Log Pose and returned it to his satchel, he then began to walk into the forest to look for shelter and some food. He is stopped when he spotted a T-Rex run out of the forest while chasing a sheep, the Dinosaur ate the sheep in one bite before noticing his existence.

The both of them entered into a staring contest for a moment, as if sizing each other up. Eventually it seems like the Dinosaur got tired of his existence, sprinting at him with mouth agape to swallow him whole.

To that, Adam simply grinned Devilishly, "...That works."

He raised a finger and pointed it at the T-Rex, he then swiped a line across its neck just as it went to bite him. Its head instantly flew off a moment later thanks to a flaming Dismantle that shot forwards into the sky before dissipating. 

The T-Rex's body fell to the ground in front of him while he just looked at it with a smile, "Thank you Lizard, your contribution as my meal is appreciated." 

With another swipe of his hand, a leg of the T-Rex is separated from the body, he then walks forwards while bringing out a knife. He skins the leg clean of any of the T-Rex's hide before walking towards the sea.

"Normally I'd season this personally and add some herbs; but with something this big, why even bother? I just want to sleep…" He muttered, dipping the Dinosaur's leg into the sea while making sure to not dirty it in the process.

He then puts the dino leg up a bit before setting it ablaze with a controlled fire, a few seconds later the fire turns off to reveal a perfectly cooked leg.

"Heh.. Perfect." 

He began eating the leg while walking, he yawned along the way from tiredness and locked his focus on finding a quiet place to sleep away from the sun.

A few minutes later, he found a large cave in which grew vines and some shrubbery next to a fresh water spring. He takes off his clothes, leaving only his underwear, and makes a mental note to find a clean water source to clean his clothes and maybe sew them together.

Adam absentmindedly placed his equipment to the side on a nearby rock, reaching into his satchel as he did and retrieving a hammock that he had taken with him. He took a minute to set it up before laying in it and falling into a deep, restful sleep within seconds.

Seven Hours later, he is woken up by the thunderous sound of a volcano erupting in the distance. He tiredly leaned in his hammock to look outside, spotting a Volcano near what he assumed to be the centre of the island erupting.

He shrugged at that, closing his eyes and tried to go back to sleep since he assumed all the noise would stop after the Volcano finished its eruption.

This was proven wrong when he was kept awake by the sudden sound of clashing and loud thunderous strikes from afar, it was almost as if the island itself was being shaken to its core by whatever the source of the noise was.

Adam was filled with annoyance and curiosity at the sudden sound, so he decided to get up and investigate. He considered wearing his clothes but decided against it since they were still dirty, so he simply washed up and walked off with only simple shorts on.

After a few minutes of jogging, he made it to the source of the impacts, feeling wind wash over him as many animals ran away from the epicenter. Eventually, loud uproarious laughter filled the atmosphere.



The sound of odd laughter confused and intrigued him even further, he walked towards the source even as the forest around him was torn apart from shockwaves. A huge shockwave then obliterated the trees in front of him, allowing him to see what or rather who was the cause of the shockwaves.

"...Giants? Here?!"

The two towering giants stood locked in a fierce stalemate, their weapons clashing in the middle. On the left Dorry grinned with wild energy, his rugged face framed by long, dark hair and a weathered helmet. His muscular arms gripped his massive sword and shield, veins bulging as he leaned into the clash.

On the right Broggy mirrored Dorry's resolve, his broad, heavily bearded face illuminated by a toothy smile. His horned helmet and thick fur cape gave him the air of a seasoned warrior, his shield and enormous axe. 

[Image (In Discord)]

However, in the middle of their heated battle, their instincts and Haki picked up the presence of a threat that approached them with their guard down. And in the heat of the moment, their battle hardened instincts took over.

Dorry and Broggy instantly stopped their struggle, bringing their weapons together to one side before swinging it Adam at full strength while shouting. 


"What the-?"

Both weapons slammed into the confused Lunarian, he barely had the time to quickly activate Tekkai and turn on his back flames to block the attack. Despite this, the combined attack crushed his defences and sent him flying backwards.

Blood erupted from mouth as his inner organs were damaged severely, 2 shallow cuts digging into his chest courtesy of the two Giant's dull weapons. He flew through the air, crashing through an entire forest before slamming into a nearby Volcano with a choked gasp.


Blood spurted out of his throat again as he fell forwards, the Volcano erupted right afterwards from the force of his impact. He was covered head to toe in ash and soot as he lay at the bottom of a Volcano, losing consciousness a few seconds later.

This was the first of the multiple Loses that 'Adam D. Valentine' shall suffer throughout his Pirate Career, it was at the hands of the Twin Giant Captains: Dorry and Broggy.

It was also a reminder; a reminder that the World was Truly a Large and Wonderful place – Adam D. Valentine can not afford to stagnate on his Path to Power, not for a long long time…

And while Adam slept off his first Defeat, the World was buzzing from the news of his existence. 

After the fall of CP3, the news of his actions were finally allowed to spread throughout Paradise and the East Blue, and quite a reaction it was.

Some reacted with Horror, some with Surprise, some with anticipation, some with Annoyance and some even with Glee.

The following is a compilation of the reactions of figures that shall play a part in moulding the Great Pirate Era.


Old Man Raoul stood at the counter of his busy Bar, in hands was a Newspaper that he was reading with great focus. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he did, the things he read on it shook him to his core.

"D-Did you really do all that, Adam? What could have made you burn down an entire town?!" Raoul muttered under his breath, he had never expected the young man he met to have done such an act.

The visitors of his Bar did not hold his same apprehension, they cheered and drank happily at the news. Anything that hurt the World Government was something to celebrate to them after all, this was especially so for a certain group of pirates.

"You guys, Sir Valentine really made it to the Grandline!" Jarek called out, brimming with excitement at reading about the actions of the man they admired so much.

"Yeah, for real! He's a Real Man! The Marines must be really fucking scared of him now, look at his Bounty!" Finley agreed, laughing cheerfully before gulping down a Tankard of Ale.

He finished it before turning to Raoul at the Bar's counter, "Hey, Old Man Raoul! Top us up, will ya'?!"

"Y-Yeah, sure one second!"

The group of Pirates cheerfully ate and drank with impunity, truly enjoying their time and freedom after Adam destroyed the Marine Base. Eventually, one of the pirates there stopped eating and sat there in thought.

"Hey guys, I have an idea…" The Red haired Pirate said, drawing the attention of everyone there.

"Hm? What is it, Eustass Valve?" Finley asked, tilting his head slightly.

"Why don't we all head out to sea?! Let's gather up a crew and go out to the seas, maybe we can find and help Sir Valentine with his goals! Whatever they are…" Valve exclaimed, his voice filled with ambition. This ambition seemed to spread like wildfire as every pirate on the table made cheers of agreement.

"Hell yeah! Good idea, Valve!" Jarek said, reaching forwards and patting the Red haired man on the back. "Why don't you be our captain?"

"Smohohoho! It'd be my pleasure!" Eustass Valve declared with immense cheer, bringing his Tankard forwards along with his soon to be Comrades as they all cheered.

"W-Wait guys, we haven't considered the most important part here!" Jarek exclaimed suddenly.

"Hm? What is it?"

"What'll be our Pirate Crew name?!"

They all sat in silence for a few seconds before Eustass Valve stood up and shouted.

"I know! Let's call it: The-"

Twin Capes.

Crocus read the Newspaper with a small smile, it was a confirmation that Adam did indeed kill a Rear Admiral then Destroyed a Marine Bas. In addition it also said that he was a cruel Pirate who burned down an innocent city for no reason.

"HAHAHAHA! I should expect nothing less from that Kid! He really is something else!" Crocus laughed, the water beside him rippled as the giant Whale Laboon emerged to inspect the loud laugher. 

Crocus showed the Whale the Bounty Poster, Laboon seemed to recognise Adam on the poster and cheered up immensely. However as he did so, a weary thought entered his mind.

'Hm… Why would Adam burn down Whiskey Peak though? Bah! Must be the World Government on their bullshit again, won't you leave the poor kid alone? It's bad enough what you've done to his people…'

Paradise, Jaya.

The Pirate 'Desert King' Sir Crocodile stood over the defeated remains of a pirate crew, they were all crumpled over each other and were covered with sand. He wore a dark furry overcoat and a brown shirt, he took a deep drag of his cigar with great satisfaction.

[Image (In Discord)]

The sand around him quivered at a twitch of his fingers, it all moved at once under his will and latched onto the fallen pirate crew. They were all brought together into a pile, allowing his own crewmates to come forwards and inspect their bodies to loot anything of value.

Crocodile scoffed while crossing his arms in disdain, "Everyone here is too weak, I should just head over to the New World already!"

His train of thought was interrupted when one of his crew came running in from afar and shouted, "CAPTAIN! CAPTAIN YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!"

Crocodile turned to him and asked, "What the hell are you on about?"

"The Bounty of a new rookie pirate was just released, you gotta see this!" He replied, handing him the Bounty Poster before putting his hands on his knees and heaving in breath.

Crocodile grabbed the Poster with obvious confusion, "Why the hell would you shout for tha…" His words trailed off as he read the Bounty, his face being overtaken with pure shock.

"...4-460 MILLION?! 460,000,000 BERRIES FOR A FIRST BOUNTY?!" Crocodile shouted incredulously, causing most of his crew to gasp as well.

He turned to a crewmate that was reading the newspaper and asked, "What the hell could he have possibly done for that big of a Bounty?!"

The crewmate replied tentatively, "Um… It says here that he killed a Rear Admiral and destroyed the Marine Base of Loguetown and then burned down Whiskey Peak! He has some kinda flame powers too, captain! They say he has some kind of Devil Fruit, he's no joke!"

"HAH?! He got such an inflated Bounty just for that?! I can do that too, gather up everyone! We're gonna destroy the nearest Marine Base!" Crocodile announced, his competitive spirit not allowing this to slide.

The entire crew cheered at that announcement but a few seconds later, a man called out to him, "Uhhh… Captain?"


"You should take a better look at the Bounty Poster…" He said as he turned the Bounty Poster to face his captain.

Crocodile sighed and said, "Oh, what is it now-?!"

He trails off when he reads it again, everything was silent for a moment as they all took in the contents of the paper. Then Crocodile spoke with complete and utter confusion.

"...The fuck?"

Paradise, World Economic Press Headquarters.

Following the news and Bounty of Adam, everyone in the World Economic Press kept moving along. Sure, it was interesting news for the moment but the New World was way more interesting than that! In fact, the Pirate Emperors Kaido and Whitebeard had just clashed, stealing the higher powers' attention from Adam.

He was considered just some random no name pirate that flew too close to the sun and would be captured by the marines soon enough. A blip on the enormous radar of the World Economic Press, a candle flame that will be snuffed out soon enough.

That was the consensus for most, except for one Blonde haired young man.

"These old fogies just don't see it! This Adam D. Valentine is not just any pirate, not at all! I can feel a buzz in my feathers, they've never led me astray! He will be the grandest 'Supernova' this World has ever seen!"

He brought the Bounty Paper in his hand down, revealing that instead of 'WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE' his Bounty actually said 'WANTED: ONLY ALIVE'.

"I can see it now, every single part of this man is going to be BIG NEWS!" He shouted, drawing the attention of everyone around him. A second later, the entire room burst into mocking laughter at his expense.

"...HAHAHAHA! Looks like 'Little Albatross' Morgans has gone crazy again!" "Let the little kid off the hook would ya?! It's not that weird to Dream of being a bird, I had Dreams like that too as a kid!" "Yeah, but atleast you outgrew them right? He refuses to!"

Despite the mockery, the grin on Morgans' face never faltered, 'Let them laugh, when they see just how much he will achieve and how much I will grow… Soon, I will be the President of this Company! And Adam D. Valentine… You are going to be my big break, I just know it!'

North Blue.

Shanks leaned casually against the ship's railing, his signature straw hat casting a soft shadow over his fiery red hair. A carefree grin played on his lips as he let the ocean wind carry away a Bounty Poster. He wore a black cloak with a white shirt underneath which was unbuttoned from the top.

Beside him, Benn Beckman stood with a quiet smile, his broad shoulders in a relaxed stance. His long, dark hair was tied back neatly, a cigarette hung from his lips, curling smoke into the salty breeze. He was dressed in a simple black shirt and light-colored sash.

[Image (In Discord)]

"Well, Shanks? What do ya think? Did this Adam guy really kill that Rear Admiral and burn down Whiskey Peak?" Benn Beckman asked, wanting to hear the thoughts of his newly met Captain.

"Hm? Well~, who knows really?! But if I had to guess, there's probably at least some Truth in what they sent out. Whether or not he did it because he's evil is still up in the air though~! Dahahaha~!" Shanks said with a cheerful laugh.

"Although…" He muttered a moment later, drawing the attention of Benn Beckman.

"Hm? What is it?" The black haired man asked.

Shanks rubbed the back of his head in thought, "Eh, it's nothing. Just… I wonder where he came from? I thought they were all extinct?"

"Who was extinct?" 

"A Race that we found out about on my journey with my old Crew, they were quite the spectacle back in the day from what I know! Never thought I'd actually see one for myself, a Lunarian!" The red haired man exclaimed, a grin covering his face.

"Sounds to me like he really caught your attention, Captain~! Do you have anything to tell me~?" Beckman questioned teasingly while hitting him in the side with his elbow, making Shanks sputter for a moment.

"H-Hey! Watch it! I don't swing that way!" He denied indignantly while placing a hand on his chest. "I only Love Women!"

"Oh really~?"

"Yes damn you!" Shanks exclaimed comically with some heat, it dissipated a moment later. "But well-! Hah… Yeah, I guess he really did catch my attention." 

Benn Beckman just laughed uproariously while patting his captain on the back, "Well I hope we do meet him along our adventure to satisfy your curiosity!"

"I'm not too worried about that…" Shanks said with a smile, resting his hands against the railing of the ship again.

"Oh really? Why's that?" Beckman asked while removing his used up cigarette and stomping it out.

"Something tells me that we will meet for sure during this Adventure! Almost like it's… Fate!" 

"...You sure you don't have anything to tell me? I don't judge!"

"Oh shut up!"

Paradise, Sabaody Archipelago.

"D-Doffy, p-please! I beg you, I just need some more time! I can pay you back everything, I just need a little more time!" A black haired man dressed in torn rags begged on his hands and knees.

A blonde haired man sat on a leather chair with an annoyed look on his face, by his side stood a shirtless man with long purple hair and golden pauldrons. 

"I don't have any time left to give you, Jack. Think about your worthlessness in Hell." He said coldly, withdrawing a gun from his suit.

This sight caused the black haired man to panic, "Doffy- No, S-Sir Donquixote Doflamingo! I promise, I just need a little more time-!"

He was cut off by the gun firing, piercing a hole straight through his head. Jack fell forwards straight first, blood beginning to seep from his body in droves.

"Yo Doffy, you should take a look at this! Something very interesting just happened!" Called out a large man in odd clothing, drawing the attention of the blonde haired man.

"Oh? What could be so interesting for you to interrupt me, Diamante?"

Donquixote Doflamingo lounged effortlessly, his pink feathered coat draped behind him, a pool of blood spreading at his feet from the lifeless body of his victim. Dressed in a sharp burgundy suit and crimson tie, he twirled a smoking pistol in his gloved hand, a cruel grin stretched across his face.

[Image (In Discord)]

Diamante walked forwards, in his hands was the newest Newspaper and a Bounty Poster. He handed the Newspaper to the Blonde haired Captain, Doflamingo grabbed the Newspaper and read it intently. On his face was great focus and intrigue.

"Let's see here… 'Overwhelming Flames'... 'Unbelievably Cruel'... 'Evil Beyond Measure'... 'Senseless Madman'... Fufufufufufu~! Destroying Loguetown's Marine Base and killing its Rear Admiral 3 days after Roger's Execution, then burning an island to the ground?" Doflamingo chuckled darkly in amusement.

He flipped through the Newspaper with a grin, "You're right Diamante, this is quite interesting indeed! What a fiery debut, don't you think?! FUFUFUFU~! Hm.. Wait… Dark skin, Red eyes, Black feathered wings, flame powers… And that name? Diamante, give me that Bounty Poster."

Hearing Doflamingo's order, Diamante did as he was told and handed it over. Doflamingo stared at the Bounty Poster with a blank look of shock for a moment, looking into the piercing Red eyes of Adam on it surrounded by pure devastation.

And then he took notice of its specifics, '460 Million Berries' as a Reward and 'ONLY ALIVE' as the condition.

[Image of the Bounty Poster (In Discord)]

Doflamingo suddenly began shaking, then Laughing.

"Fufufufufufu~… EhehehehehehahahaHYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!"

The sound of Donquixote Doflamingo's Mad Laughter took everyone off guard; clearly, he knew something that they did not. The blonde haired man continued to laugh his heart out, the Demonic melody sending shivers down the spines of all present, friend and foe alike.

"Fufufufufu~... Don't you 5 Old Farts think you're being too obvious here? A disproportionately huge Bounty with an 'ONLY ALIVE' Condition?! Fufufufu~! The Mindless Sheep may be fooled, not me! A Lunarian, huh? And one of the Royal Bloodline to boot?!" 

Doflamingo kept laughing with a mix of Cheerfulness and Venom, taking immense amusement in the news. "The only reason this news was delayed so much is because you failed to Capture him with your Cipher Pol 3, didn't you?! Fufufufufufu~!"

"D-Doffy? Are you okay? What's a Lunarian?" Pica questioned worriedly, his voice was oddly high pitched for a man of his enormous stature. 

Donquixote Doflamingo just kept on laughing, barely calming himself down from his joy to speak after a few seconds.

"Hehehehe~… Nothing Pica, I'm just in a really good mood now! 'Adam D. Valentine', huh? I look forward to meeting you someday! Let us Burn down this Wretched World together, Shall We?!! EhehehehehehahahaHYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"


A Marine ship flowed through the start of the waters of the Grandline's Paradise, atop it many Marines casually spoke to each other. Their main speaking topic was about the Pirate that had called for this ship to be sent out in the first place.

"Man, I really hope we can find this 'Flameborne' guy and put him to Justice already! Killing Rear Admiral Goro and destroying a Marine Base was bad enough, but burning down a City?!" 

"Well what'd you expect? He's a pirate, all they are is scum!"

Smoker overheard this chatter while cleaning the deck of the ship, it was his duty as a Choreboy after all. He came closer to the group, grabbing one of the Newspapers and beginning to read from it.

Sweat covered his face as he read it as a low mutter escaped him, "Adam burned down an island for no reason, him?! No… That doesn't make sense, he wouldn't! I know he wouldn't! What happened, Adam? Was what you told me all a lie?!"

"Yeah, you're right. Vile Pirates really are the scum of the earth, that damn Roger doomed us all with that last speech! Vice Admiral Garp should have killed him when he had the chance!" 

"I just hope we can find 'Flameborne' and put an end to his evil ways for good, this world does not need another pirate to dirty it anymore."

These words made Smoker grind his teeth in frustration and shout in his heart, 'Is that True, Adam?! Are you an Evil Pirate who hurts innocents too?!'


His train of thought is cut off by a cheerful laughter from the side, causing them all to turn to the source.

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

[Image (In Discord)]

This man was widely renowned as the Greatest Rival to Roger as well as the man who brought in the Pirate King. He was Monkey D. Garp, The Hero of the Marines!

Garp laughed carelessly and spoke with a grin, "Don't worry about it everyone! All Pirates will be taken care of in time, just relax!"

The marines around simply laughed with him and dispersed, they had absolute confidence in him and didn't doubt his words for a second. Garp then turned to Smoker, noticing the perturbed expression on his face.

A remorseful expression covered his own face as he kneeled down next to Smoker, "I promised to train you personally to make sure that you are never put in danger again! You shouldn't worry about that pirate coming to hurt him, I won't let him hurt you again!"

Smoker shook his head, "It isn't that…"

"What is it then?" Garp was confused by his words but still willing to answer whatever questions his new disciple had.

Smoker was quiet for a while before asking, "Garp-san… Are the Marines- No, is the World Government the Good side?"

Garp was immediately taken aback by this and asked a question of his own, "...What brought this on?"

His pupil was quiet once again before ignoring his question and asking one of his own, "Can a Pirate be a Good Person?"

Garp was taken aback even further at the odd questions, he was quiet for a few moments as he processed the question. The image of Roger's ever smiling, ever cheerful face filled his mind.

"...Yes, Pirates can be good people who only want to be free. But most pirates aren't like that so you shouldn't worry about them, consider them all evil unless proven otherwise." The Vice Admiral said, answering to the best of his abilities.

He then patted Smoker on the shoulder then stood up while speaking, "Go get some food and then sleep, Kid. We'll start your training for real when we get to Marineford."

Smoker took in his words for a moment before tentatively nodding and walking away, Garp just stood there and watched him go. Eventually, an uncharacteristically tired sigh escaped him, he rubbed the back of his head before walking away to his office.

When he entered, he immediately went to a cabinet and opened it, from there he took a large bottle of expensive Wine. Garp walked to his office's balcony absentmindedly, he leaned against its railing while staring into the starry night sky ahead.

Garp then drank heavily from the bottle, within moments it had been completely emptied out. He moved it away from his lips and shook it, confirming that it was empty before throwing it into the sea. The Vice Admiral sighed with exhaustion, rubbing his temple to nurse an incoming headache.

"Roger… Was this the Era you wanted to create? Is this what you planned for? What could you have possibly seen on that damn final island that led a man like you to start an Era as Ugly as this?!"

The face of his Great Rival and Dear Friend entered his mind; the final grin he had even after Death and mad bellowing laughter he let out in his final moments as he used the last embers of his life to start an Era of Turmoil not unlike the one started by Rocks D. Xebec before him.

He then remembered the Final Promise he made to Roger, one he did not take lightly.

"The World Government will definitely dig up my whereabouts for the last year, and find her and kill her. But they can't Blame a Child who hasn't even been born yet! Garp! We've tried to kill each other more times than I can count, that's why I can trust you as I do my Crew!"

'...That damn fucking shiteating grin!' 

"You Must Protect my Baby, Garp."

Monkey D. Garp sighed tiredly, his proud shoulders slumping from his stress and frustration.

"...Portgas D. Rouge was it? Haaah… Damn you, Roger. I really hope that this 'Great Pirate Era' you made doesn't take the Lives of too many innocents…"

No one around the World knew it at this moment, but this day was one that will be remembered for all of History. As it is the Day a Legend was Born, a Legend that will be spread far and wide across all corners of the globe.

Soon, all shall know and remember the name 'Adam D. Valentine' for the rest of History!


Author's Note:

Please tell me what you think of this chapter, lots of set up for the future has been done!

Please Upvote/Like the story and Comment if you can! It really helps me a lot and I'd Greatly Appreciate it!

Next Chapter Title: The Guidance of Ancients.

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