Chereads / One Piece: An Immortal Legend / Chapter 13 - An Island of Fools.

Chapter 13 - An Island of Fools.

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Glory to my chief Proofreader: Solare. For he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.


Adam sat on a boulder in the middle of a grassy plane, he was covered by the cool shade of a huge Acacia-like tree that looked as if it belonged in a Savannah. In front of him was a small campfire that burned without wood, instead being sustained by his own personal flames. 

In his hand was a stick which he had sharpened and then coated with Haki, and spiked at the end of the stick was a huge piece of meat, slowly roasting in the blistering heat of Adam's flames. A few seconds later, he removed the meat from the fire and stood up.

Adam held his meat-on-a-stick with one hand and bagged up his hammock which he had used to take a short 5 hour power nap with, all of his things were stuffed into his satchel. Adam absentmindedly reached for his water canteen and noticed that it was empty, signifying that he needed to get a refill soon.

He then connected his satchel onto his coat and started walking inwards through the island, trying to find any semblance of civilization. As he did, he walked past a huge corpse of an Elephant which looked to be sliced in half, presumably by one of Adam's 'Dismantles'.

5 minutes and a piece of meat later, Adam finally spotted a town at the edge of his vision. He nodded before taking off into the skies with a single flap of his wings, his newly gained coat fluttered in the wind as he reached the small town within a few seconds.

As he landed at the edge of the town, he looked around for a moment, taking in the quaint architecture. He could spot dozens civilians gathered around shops and going about their day, Adam just shrugged and walked into the town. 

Several of the villagers noticed him, and while many didn't think much about him and only noted his extremely unique appearance, some had looks of terrified realisation. Sounds of whispering began echoing in the air as Adam ignored them all and just explored the town, looking for something to entertain himself with.

'Hm.. Not all that hungry, guess I could go take a look at renewing my sewing supplies. Repairing these new clothes could be a pain, so I should look into getting them treated for flames. Otherwise, I'd have to make sure to use Haki on them during all fights or they'd burn up.' Adam thought, placing his hands in his coat's pockets as he kept walking around the town.

After a few minutes of looking, he got tired searching and simply turned to a black haired girl walking down the street to his right. She had a tired look on her face as she held in her hands a stack of books, Adam shrugged and called out to her.

"Hey, you, Mongrel girl."

The black haired girl turned to the source of the voice, meeting eyes with the Lunarian as a small blush covered her face almost instantly. She pointed a finger at herself nervously and asked, "M-Me?"

"Do you see any other Mongrels in my presence?" He asked with a deadpan tone, causing her to look around herself before turning back to him.


"Well, now that we've established that, do you know where I might find Sewing supplies on this island? A sewing shop, fabric shop or even a general store? You people have those, right?" Adam questioned with an eyebrow raised while crossing his arms.

The black haired girl just hugged the books to her chest as she took a moment to think before replying, "S-Sewing supplies? I think we have those in the general store down the street…" 

She turned away from him and nervously pointed at the red roof of a large building which he could barely spot, "It's the building with the red roof, it has a huge boulder with 'Rick's General Store' engraved on it with big bold letters, you can't miss it."

"Hmm… Thanks, Mongrel girl." Adam said plainly as he walked away from her with a dismissive backhanded wave, causing her to stare at his retreating winged back blankly.

She turned away as an expression of slight disdain covered her face, "...He's Hot, but 'Mongrel girl'? Seriously? What kind of pretentious asshole even says that shit nowadays..?"

"I heard that." Adam called out bluntly without turning back to face her.

"EEP!" The black haired girl jumped slightly at his words, turning behind her and seeing him still getting further and further away. "...How the hell could he have heard me?"

A minute of walking later, he stood before a large building with a red roof and the sign he expected engraved on a nearby boulder. Adam nodded in satisfaction and opened the glass door which held an 'OPEN!' sign, he needed to lean down quite low in order to enter, but thankfully the inside ceiling was quite tall.

"Ring~! Ring~!"

The sound of a bell rang through the air as the door was opened, inside a light brown haired store clerk that looked to be in her early twenties stood. She looked towards the door as soon as it opened and spoke with a practised tone.

"Good evening, dear customer! My name is Muti, how can I help you today?"

Adam turned to her slightly, looking her up and down before turning away. "Do you have any sewing supplies?"

"S-Sewing supplies?" She muttered in confusion, the cognitive dissonance of his looks and what he was asking for were quite staggering. His wings and tall stature, for one, were certainly eye catching and oddly familiar.

Muti shook her head to clear her mind before pointing towards the back of the store and answering him, "Yes, we do. They're at the back, next to the shoe section."

"Hrn…" Adam just grunted and walked there, he found most of the items he needed besides the heat treatment materials needed to make his new clothes fireproof.

The Lunarian made his way out of the store, walking past the awaiting store clerk and opening the store's doors. Muti looked at him with confusion and called out to him before he could leave.

"Um, Sir? You still have to pay…" Muti said almost incredulously, Adam turned and looked at her with a deadpan stare before walking up to her silently.

He stared her in the eyes for a moment before a single Gold and Black spark of electricity ran down his shoulder; a moment later, the store clerk lost consciousness and fell face first onto the counter as her mouth began frothing.

Adam's face cracked a small amused smirk, watching as she slipped down the counter and fell onto the ground. He looked at the counter with a bit of curiosity, spotting a shelf which he opened to see many Berry bills stacked on each other within.

"Pfft…" Adam snickered slightly as he reached forward to grab and pocket about 10 thousand Berries, turning away from the unconscious store clerk. He grabbed the 'OPEN!' store sign and flipped it to a 'CLOSED!' sign as he swung the door open.

"Thanks for your hard work~! Kuhahaha~!" Adam called out mockingly, walking out of the store and making his way down the street with a wide grin on his face.

With hands in his pockets, Adam began considering what else he needed to do before he could take a chance to rest his eyes some more; he had been flying for over a 14 hour stretch and was quite tired after all.

'I suppose all that's left is to go get some water, my canteen has gotten pretty dry over the flight.' He thought, removing his right hand from his pockets to rub the back of his neck. Thankfully for him, he spotted a small restaurant to his right which would probably be where he could find what he wanted.

As the Lunarian walked, for some inexplicable reason, he felt almost as if he was being watched. He looked around himself without making it obvious, eyeing up all the villagers around him. While some of them were indeed looking at him, they weren't the source of this uncanny feeling.

It was more of a primal gut feeling, the best way he could describe it would be a '6th Sense' finally awakening, albeit he wasn't even sure if that was the case or if he was simply imagining things.

'Could this be it? After all my training with the two Giants and my fight with that Knight since then, maybe I'm finally getting close to awakening my 'Observation Haki'?' Adam reached up with one of his hands and rubbed his chin, he walked into the restaurant and absentmindedly made his way to the counter.

He reached into his coat's pocket and pulled out a 100 Berry bill which he placed on the counter, "Give me a Barrel of water, biggest one you have."

The employee raised an eyebrow at the odd request but shrugged, he could just be a sailor or even a pirate looking to restock his ship. A minute later, Adam walked out of the restaurant with a huge barrel of water on his shoulder.

"Hm… Honestly, I could go for a bath, a real bath. A man can only wash up in a river so many times before even that feels unclean…" He muttered, setting off to find an Inn next. There he would sleep and bathe, after that he would check his Log Pose and set off for the next island.

'Although… Still can't shake off the feeling of being watched…' Adam thought, walking down the street and ignoring the growing amount of eyes on him. 'Am I just overthinking things, it could be just the rest of these Mongrels, no?'

Adam stopped in the middle of the street, looking around himself for a moment with squinted eyes before sighing.

"Huff.. Whatever, fuck it."

With a shrug of his arms, a few Goldish Black sparks ran down his body followed by a tidal wave of his Conqueror's Haki flooding through the whole town. One by one, each of the civilians around him fell to the ground unconscious.

'And yet, I still have that odd feeling…' Adam tilted his head slightly, that feeling of unease and being watched disappeared for the moment. He outwardly shrugged and kept walking through the street, finding an Inn and entering it.

'They could still be there, I should keep my guard up…'

Adam found a room for him to use in the Inn while still keeping an eye out, he took off his clothes and began taking a bath, still fully ready to activate his Armament Haki on full strength as well as his 'Invulnerability Mode'.

Halfway through the bath, the overwhelming sense of danger returned, sharp and undeniable. It told him someone was standing just beyond the bathroom door. Without hesitation, he thrust his hand forward, unleashing a powerful blast of flames. The explosion obliterated the door and the wall behind it in an instant.

Wasting no time, he quickly washed the soap from his body and ignited himself, the fire drying him in seconds. Moving with urgency, he darted to his clothes and dressed as fast as he could. By the time he slipped into his trench coat, a voice echoed through the room, calling out to him.

"Ah, a bit quick on ze upkeep, are we?" 

The smoke caused by his flames began to fade away to reveal a figure standing in the remains of the incinerated outer wall of the room. He was dressed in a spotless white suit with red gloves and a matching cape lining, wearing an ornate mask with intricate patterns, hiding his face with a black rose that decorated his chest.

"Greetings, Lunarian. I am Cipher Pol 0 agent 'Fenti', would you kindly make zis easier on ze both of us and give up? It is impossible for me to Lose, after all."

Adam scoffed in disgust while running a hand through his slightly wet hair to fix it, "I'm not taking words from a cowardly Monkey that tried to attack me while I was taking a bath and nude. Only my future wife is allowed to see me naked in all my glory."

"I think you're missing ze point…" Fenti said, utterly taken aback by what the reaction of his target was. He had expected fear or even rage, but this was definitely not on the list of things he had expected.

"I'm going to kill you now." Adam bluntly stated, causing the Cipher Pol agent to almost stumble back from confusion and whiplash.

"Ugh.. Why do I always get stuck with ze weird ones…"

"You're one to talk, peeping tom."

Adam burst forward at Fenti, noting that he had begun moving backwards even before he himself had moved. He started by firing a Dismantle which Fenti dodged perfectly and responded with a Rankyaku, sending a wind blade at Adam's neck.

"Tch, this again?" Adam muttered as the flames on his back lit up, he swiped an Armament Haki clad hand to the side, parrying the wind blade before rushing forward once again.

Fenti launched a Haki-coated kick, which Adam countered with a kick of his own. The two clashed, their strength nearly evenly matched as they struggled against each other. In a sudden move, Adam unleashed a burst of flames from his foot, forcing the agent backward. However, Fenti seemed to have coated himself in Haki just before the flames ignited, shielding him from the worst of the attack.

Spinning within the flames, Fenti aimed a sweeping kick at Adam's head. Adam dove to the side, evading the attack and quickly raised his hand in a gun-like gesture. A flurry of Dismantles shot toward Fenti, who evaded each one with flawless precision, moving as if anticipating every attack.

Fenti deflected the final Dismantle with an Armament Haki-coated hand before charging at Adam, all fingers outstretched like claws. With ruthless precision, he thrust his entire hand forward, aiming to pierce straight through his opponent.


Adam could almost sense the danger of that attack and knew it would be a bad idea to take it head on, so he rolled to the side, avoiding the attack which hit a nearby building and pierced straight through it. Adam then slammed his hand onto the ground with flames sparking around it.


The ground beneath them is shattered into smouldering rubble, the outburst of flying clumps of earth forces Fenti backwards as Adam then uses a 'Sky Burst' to send himself into the sky.

"Oh, don't even think about running, Lunarian!" Fenti shouted, leaping toward Adam. Using Geppo, he propelled himself higher into the air, rapidly closing the distance between them.

"Run away? Me?" Adam shot back rhetorically as he swiped a finger across a metal pike implanted on the roof of a nearby building, it instantly cut apart as Adam reached it. He turned around to face Fenti mid air while grabbing it with one hand, it immediately began being coated with Armament Haki and flames.


The impromptu flaming spear shot forwards like a bullet, despite the odd mode of attack, the Cipher Pol agent didn't seem surprised in the slightest as he simply used Geppo against the air to move to the side and avoid it.

Adam's eyes narrowed, immediately catching Fenti's reaction. The two landed opposite each other, with Adam perched on the edge of a building, glaring down at Fenti who stood on the street with cold disdain.

"You.. Even with Observation Haki, that move should have at least surprised you somewhat. You must've had some kind of reaction. But you didn't, almost as if you knew it was going to happen." He pointed out, while crossing his arms.

"Ho ho? Seems like you're a clever one, aren't you? Yes, I did know it would happen." Fenti replied almost smugly, as if begging him to ask why.

"Humph.. Well, I doubt a filthy Monkey like yourself could have the ability to see into the Future somehow, so some kind of Devil Fruit?" Adam commented, watching as the Cipher Pol agent burst out into laughter before stepping forwards and placing a hand on his chest.

"Fukokoko! You're surprisingly close! It is a Devil Fruit! I ate ze 'Loss-Loss' Fruit, turning me into a Losing Human! I can see any possible way for me to Lose in ze near Future, there is no way for you to beat me! Just give up now and make zis easier for ze both of us!"

Hearing his boastful words, Adam just tilted his head with a mildly surprised face and spoke candidly. "Well, I have to admit, Mongrel. I am definitely impressed! Never in my life have I heard someone literally call themselves a Loser with such confidence!"

Fenti nearly fell over in his pose, all of the confident wind was blown out of him from that comment. "I-I think you're missing ze point… Again."

"What does it matter if you have a Devil Fruit or not? By the end of this, you're still going to be beaten, battered, and begging for Death under my boot heel like the Mongrel you are." Adam stated bluntly, the hardened Cipher Pol agent was taken aback slightly by his words and grimaced despite himself.

Adam gave Fenti no time to react, raising a finger and unleashing a relentless barrage of fire blasts. Fenti sprang into action, darting forward with incredible speed, weaving and dodging each fiery projectile as he closed the gap.

The Lunarian kept a close eye on his opponent, immediately catching onto the split second he was off balance to rush down at him, trying to pierce straight through his abdomen with a fist. Fenti noticed him incoming and backflipped at the last second, narrowly avoiding death and sending himself up into the air.

He then swerved around mid air and sent 2 Rankyakus at Adam who shot his own Dismantles at them, the wind and fire slashes cancelled each other out. Adam then used a Sky Burst to shoot directly at Fenti but he used Kami-E to dodge the attack at the last moment.

And then with Adam's guard open, he shot his claw-like hand forward with a loud shout. 


The attack dug into Adam's gut, drawing blood, but the Lunarian retaliated with an explosive punch to Fenti's face, forcing some distance between them. Adam touched his abdomen, feeling the warmth of blood seeping into his clothing, before lifting his gaze back to the Cipher Pol agent with an annoyed glare.

Fenti just smiles as the smoke clears, revealing him to be not very injured as he protected himself with Haki. "See, Lunarian? Zis is just like I told you! No matter what you do, you can't beat me! Any way that you could, I will have already seen it! Zis is the terror of my Lose-Lose Fruit!"

Adam looked at his blood stained hand for a moment before clenching it, flames beginning licking at his arm as a response to his simmering rage. A second later, he sighed and closed his eyes, and then to Fenti's shock, the flames on his back flickered away.

"Oh? Are you finally listening to reason and giving up? Has it finally sunk in zat you can not beat me?" Fenti asked with a hint of shocked yet mocking disbelief, although he was happy that his mission was coming to a close soon.

"...Giving up?" Adam repeated, opening his eyes to meet with the agent's. Fenti was taken aback by the complete and utter calm within them. "I'm afraid those words do not belong in my vocabulary."

"Surely you can't be that deluded? Without Observation Haki of your own, you can't hit me in a way that matters!" Fenti shouted incredulously as the Lunarian just smirked at him.

"You must be stupider than I took you for, Mongrel. If I need Observation Haki to beat you, then that's what I'll get!" 

With those heated words, Adam burst forwards faster than ever before, taking Fenti off guard as he quickly brought up his arms to block a haymaker to the face. The Cipher Pol agent then saw a vision of him being pierced by a Cleave, causing him to let go of the arm and pull Adam to the side.

Adam stumbled forward before getting kicked in the gut, he lost his breath from the attack but grinned through the pain and grabbed the leg. Cleaves immediately were fired point blank as he turned around and threw Fenti away, the Cipher Pol agent was sent into the wall of the building.

Fenti recovered just in time to dodge a blast of flame, then retaliated with a swift Rankyaku. Adam activated his Haki to block, but misjudged the attack's size and range slightly, causing the razor sharp air slash to slice through and draw more blood from him.

Adam just ignored the damage and shot forward at Fenti again, not giving him a second to breath. Punch after punch he threw at the cipher pol agent, each one was dodged with grace. But despite having the obvious upper hand and with Adam on the ropes, Fenti felt no joy.

'Why… Why does my fruit tell me I'm heading towards a path of Losing?!' He thought with horror, gritting his teeth and going on the offensive. 'I just have to beat him quickly, before anything can go badly!'

"Shugan: Oren!" Fenti shouted, thrusting forward with all five fingers extended. He unleashed a rapid flurry of strikes, stabbing at Adam with his entire hand multiple times in quick succession.

Adam hurriedly began blocking and avoiding each move, with each hit a splatter of blood escaped him but despite that Adam kept calm and closed his eyes. He remembered an off-handed comment he heard from Brogy while they were sparing to help bring out Adam's Observation Haki.

"It's fine if you don't get it now, as my old captain once told me, 'The Flower of Haki only truly Blooms under the great stress of Battle'. The more you are pushed to your limit while facing stronger and stronger enemies, the faster your Haki will bloom! KABABABA!"

'If fighting this filthy Government Mutt as it is now isn't enough danger for me to Awaken, then I'll simply handicap myself even further!' Adam thought as he prepared to fight while robbing himself of his sight and insane Lunarian Durability.

Fenti gritted his teeth in rage at seeing his opponent actually give him handicaps in the midst of their battle, he pushed forward with renewed will and full intent to run him through. "You damn Lunarian Slave! You dare mock me by closing your eyes?! I'm gonna turn you into Swiss Cheese!"

Despite the insult to his pride that would have normally sent the Lunarian into a blind rage, Adam stayed shockingly calm even as the Cipher Pol agent's knife-like fingers began stabbing into his body. 

A failed dodge that cost him a punch to the gut, a failed block that allowed Fenti to knee him in the face, a feint that caused him to fall off balance and be drop kicked into a wall. For the first time in his life, Adam finally felt the true presence and possibility of Losing a Life or Death battle.

A wide, bloodstained grin covered Adam D. Valentine's face even as the Cipher Pol agent went to finish the fight with a punch to the face. Suddenly, almost as if a blaring alarm shot through his veins, Fenti jumped backwards with a panicked expression on his face.

"W-Why… Why did my fruit tell me zat attacking you would mean my Loss? What kind of trick are you pulling, Lunarian?!" He shouted with a terrified tone, this only brought out a demonic laugh from his opponent.

"Kuhahaha!" Adam looked to the sky as he laughed, turning back down to Fenti a moment later as he spit a glob of blood to the side. "I think you and I both know the answer to that, Mongrel…"

He then raised a hand and beckoned for the Cipher Pol agent to come at him with his eyes still closed, causing a low frustrated growl to escape Fenti as he shot forward using a combination of Geppo and Soru. Adam awaited him with a loud laugh and spread apart arms, almost as if welcoming him to try his best.

"Shugan: Madara!"

Fenti activated his signature Shugan technique, transforming both hands into iron claws sharp enough to tear even Adam's durable body to shreds. With lethal precision, he lunged forward, aiming to drive his claws straight through the Lunarian's exposed body and leave him crippled.

And then, it happened.

Almost as if he felt a third eye open, Adam could somehow see everything around him in 360 degree vision. With this new vision, he swerved his body to the left, barely allowing Fenti's claws to brush past him. The Cipher Pol agent didn't let up, charging forward with a frustrated growl and swiping at him like a rabid animal.


Adam ducked.


Adam jumped back slightly.

'Right again.' 

Adam tilted his head to the side.


Adam turned his body slightly, causing Fenti to miss and over extend himself, leaving his guard open.

The Cipher Pol agent's Devil Fruit powers gave him a vision, a vision of his mask being shattered by Adam's fist. 


Fenti's panicked thoughts were interrupted by Adam's Haki clad fist swerving past the agent's arms and slamming into his masked face, the tribal mask he wore instantly shattered into tiny shards as he was sent tumbling away with an explosion of fire.

And then, Adam D. Valentine finally opened his eyes. His once Orangish Red fiery eyes were changed, now glowing with the signature Crimson glare of Observation Haki.

"Oh~.. I feel wonderful right now!" Adam muttered giddily as his glowing eyes seemed to flicker before going out, showing that he was not in complete control of his newly gained ability yet.

The Cipher Pol agent quickly picked himself up from the ground, knowing that he needed to get back in the fight. But then, another vision was forced into his mind, a kick to the gut.

'I need to move-!'

Fenti coughed blood as Adam's foot rocketed into his abdomen, a loud crack echoing in the air as he was then sent flying into a nearby building.

Yet another vision assaulted him, a foot stomping him through the building.


He could not finish his words as just as his powers foretold, Adam's foot slammed into his chest, shattering his ribs and causing the wall behind him to crumple on impact. This was followed by a blast of hellfire that blew him straight through the building and into the street behind him.

Fenti was laid out on the ground in agony, he could feel several 2nd degree burns covering his body as most of his upper body's clothing was reduced to cinders from Adam's last attack. He placed his strained limbs against the ground, beginning to push himself up from the ground.

Loud steps began echoing through the air as Adam slowly walked towards him, patting himself clean of any dust as he watched Fenti pull himself up to his hands and knees. The Cipher Pol agent seemed to struggle for a moment before he vomited up blood stained bile onto the ground beneath him.

"Pfft.. See? It's just like I told you." Adam said smugly as the flames on his back fired up once more, taking a moment to enjoy the satisfying sight of Fenti's broken form. "Beaten and battered. Now all that's left is the last one; go on then… Start begging and I might decide to let you live."

The Cipher Pol agent growled in rage, ignoring the blaring alarms of his Lose-Lose Devil Fruit powers and jumping up from his place on the ground at Adam.

The Lunarian simply grabbed his fist before crushing it in his grasp, sending him back to his knees in agony. He then raised his other arm and pointed a finger directly at his face; Fenti found himself beginning to hyperventilate in fear as he stared at the ball of Hellfire building at the tip of his finger.

Adam just smirked slightly at the agent's hopeless expression and asked, "Out of curiosity, does your Devil Fruit tell you you're about to Die?"

Fenti's mind overflowed with possible futures of Loss. 

Jumping backwards would end with him being torn in half. Attacking would lead to his arm being broken before he was run through by Adam's fist. Groveling would only get his head crushed into paste on the ground. Doing nothing would end with his head being blown away.

And so, naturally, the Cipher Pol agent picked the most painless Death.

He swallowed his blood stained saliva before speaking up. 


Adam's smile only widened cruelly, "Tsk.. Ah ah ah~! No Lying."

The ball of flames at Adam's finger tip exploded outwards into a beam of flames, it pierced straight through the Cipher Pol agent's head, killing him instantly. Adam just scoffed, pushing the corpse off of himself and allowing it to fall backwards.

He looked down at his clothes, finding them to be covered with blood as well as a lot of wear and tear from their battle. 

"Tch… Damn Government mutts, I just got these clothes…" Adam muttered with clear annoyance, knowing that he would have to clean and sow them again. But then he noticed something out of the corner of his eyes, a snail had crawled out of Fenti's back pocket.

It was armoured with a black exterior that had the World Government's logo on it, showing that it was a Den Den Mushi meant to be carried into battle if necessary. Adam reached down and grabbed it, looking at it closely.

He then shrugged and pressed the button on its back, deciding that whoever it would call must be someone important he could at the very least piss off or make fun of for his own amusement.

"Purururururu~! Perurururu-KACHA!"

The snail's expression immediately changed as a familiar voice sounded out from it, one which brought a small smug smile to Adam's face, especially when they introduced themselves.

"Agent Fenti, this is Saint Figarland. You said you had eyes on the target and were going for abduction, is the mission successful?"

Adam nearly burst out laughing at this, but he held himself together long enough to then say two words. "Pffft… Guess who~?"




Author's Note:

Observation Haki, Acquired.

Also I'm sure nothing back will happen cuz Adam didn't bother to hide himself in an island filled with civilians that recognised him, no sirie~!

Next Chapter Title: Speed is 'Weight'.

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