Chereads / One Piece: An Immortal Legend / Chapter 9 - Any Port in a Storm.

Chapter 9 - Any Port in a Storm.

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Glory to my chief Proofreader: Solare. For he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

Word Count: 3791.


11 Days Later…

Adam clashed with Dorry with his Back Flames off, his Haki coated hand blocking Dorry's own Haki clad Greatsword while the ground around them cracked and crumbled from their power. Sparks shot around from their clash as the distinct sound of metal scraping against metal sounded through the air.

The Lunarian pushed the sword away then took a step back, causing it to crash into the ground. Adam then took his chance and ran forward, stomping Dorry's Greatsword into the ground with a Haki coated foot before jumping off of it and towards the Giant's face.

Dorry was taken off guard by this move but grinned and quickly tried to smack him away, Adam saw this coming and blasts flame below him as well as using 'Sky Burst' to quickly shoot over Dorry and fire off multiple blasts of fire along his back.

With the use of both Observation and Armament Haki, all of the damage is mitigated by Dorry. The Giant turned around and back handed Adam out of the air, this sent Adam flying backwards through a few trees and coughing up bile.

The Hardened Warrior didn't let this chance get past him and rushed forward to end the fight, Adam shook his head to shake off the incoming dizziness. As he recovered, he noticed the lumbering Giant coming at him with Greatsword at the ready and hurriedly dragged himself up from the ground.

Adam rolled out of the way just in time to avoid Dorry's Greatsword spiking him into the ground, the blade followed him through the earth as it ran through it as if a knife through butter. The Lunarian kept barrel rolling away from the blade with the Giant right at his heels as his blade cut the earth in twain. 

A few seconds later, Adam growled in annoyance and implanted his hands against the ground before pushing with all his strength. This sent him flying upwards into the sky and out of the range of the Greatsword, he reoriented himself mid air to face Dorry directly before using a 'Sky Burst' straight at him.

Adam shot forwards at the Giant like a bullet with a flaming arm pulled back, an Inky Black coating of Armament Haki covered it just before he reached his target. Dorry himself couldn't pull his blade out of the ground fast enough to react and so was forced to simply brace for impact by protecting himself with Haki.

The Lunarians fist smashed into Dorry's face with an earth shattering explosion of flames, the Giant was nearly tipped over as the sheer impact of the below sent a shockwave that reverberated through his body and into the ground, causing it to crack and shatter.

A smirk covered Adam's face as he could very much feel a subtle crack from the Giant's skull, knowing that his attack did real damage. However, one thing stood out to him; 'Uhh… Why is he not falling over?'

Through the smoke that covered Adam's vision, two hulking Inky Black hands shot forwards and clamped around him. The air was nearly forced out of his lungs as they locked together like an unbreakable lock, he couldn't break out he wanted to.

"Good hit, little Brother! That one definitely hurt!" Dorry said as the smoke cleared away enough to reveal his blood covered face, a deep purple bruise running down the side of his skull. "But you're gonna have to try a lot harder than that to put me down!"

Sweat poured down Adam's body, he could tell this wasn't going to end well for him; "Now I know what you're thinking 'Should I crush him?', and the answer may surprise you- ARGH!"

The Lunarian's speech was cut off when Dorry began crushing him with a vice grip unlike anything he had ever felt before. He struggled against his grip, trying to push his hands apart with both of his own to no avail.

Eventually, the clamping force around his body caused his ribs to squeeze against his lungs violently, accidentally creating an unexpected sound that took everyone off guard.


The two fighters paused in their place as they tried to process what they just heard, Dorry spoke first with overwhelming amusement.

"GYAGYAGYAGYA! That's fucking hilarious!"

On the other hand, a vein nearly burst on Adam's forehead from a combination of sheer rage and embarrassment, "Oh to Hell with this!"

Flames began licking around the Lunarian as he threw all caution and care to the wind and simply began forcing out as much hellfire from his body as possible. The Giant quickly tried to increase the strength and thickness of his Armament Haki to try and mitigate the damage, but Adam kept cranking up the heat.

"HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT!" Dorry screamed in pain, yet his arms still clamped around Adam even as they began to be burned through his Haki.

"If it's that hot just let him go, Dorry!" Brogy tried to advise from the sidelines, starting to grow worried for the forest around them as the sheer heat radiating from Adam began setting it ablaze before even the flames reached it.


"Oh, I see! Do carry on!"

Adam interrupted their chat with an apoplectically indignant shout, "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!"


Dorry was sent flying nearly a kilometre backwards from an explosion of Yellowish Orange flames that turned everything within 200 metres of the epicentre to ash. The sparks that radiated from the explosion alone started wildfires throughout the forest around them with smoke billowing into the skies.

A few seconds later, that smoke began to dissipate slowly to reveal Adam slowly floating down to the ground with fatigued flaps of his wings. He breathed heavily with a trickle of blood leaking from the side of his mouth.

"Hah.. Hah… Fuck you…" He tiredly muttered under his breath before finally allowing his body to go limp, causing him to fall down onto his ass on the charred ground of their former battleground. 

He then laid back on the ground, looking up into the sky and taking in the clear skies that were slowly overtaken by smoke. A few seconds of panting later, he felt subtle termours in the ground that grew with intensity with each second that passed.

"Good work, little Brother! I think that was the hottest your flames have ever reached in the past 2 weeks!" Brogy said as he reached the tired Lunarian, he crouched down to him and continued with a grin. "There were bright yellow flames in the mix too, you've never gotten past orange before!"

A low growl escaped Adam's throat, he still didn't appreciate being called 'Little Brother', but since the two Giants were one of the few people he could respect, he would allow it to pass. 

He then looked back up at the forest around the two of them, feeling some sweat pour down the back of his neck at the hellish sight. "However, those flames of yours are starting to eat the entire forest alive, you might want to reign them in soon…"

Adam sighed in annoyance before closing his eyes, spreading his mental chains out from his body and latching onto all of the fire around him. And then, with a single mental pull, all of them were snuffed out instantly.

A second set of subtle, albeit more heavy, tremors echoed in the ground beneath him. The Lunarian pulled himself up from the ground, letting himself sit upright and stare at Dorry as he also dragged his own heavily burned body to the two of them.

"Those were some pretty hot flames, Adam! Looks like all you needed to break past your limits was to be pressed against them till they broke! GYAGYAGYAGYA!" Dorry laughed goodnaturedly while patting down his clothes, removing the ash from them as they were mostly protected by his Haki at the cost of his own body.

"Tch.. Whatever!" Adam clicked his tongue and turned away towards a certain corner of the forest, although he had indeed told them about his wish to break past his flame's limits, he didn't appreciate what he had to do to get there.

"Kababababa! You and your Shielded Heart!" Brogy called out from the side, seeing straight through Adam's rough exterior. 

The Lunarian just ignored him and sent out a weak surge of Conqueror's Haki to the forest beside them, as if expecting something. He was proven right a few seconds later when a large Tiger cub hopped out of the foliage, in its mouth was Adam's satchel which he had trained her to fetch.

The tiger cub laid the satchel in front of him, leaning its head down beside him with expectant eyes. He sighed and rubbed its head before grabbing his satchel. He opened it and reached inside, grabbing his Log Pose which he had ignored and forgotten about for the past 2 weeks.

His eyes widened in confusion as he stared at the still wildly spinning Log Pose, he turned to Dorry and Brogy who sat next to him to inspect what he was doing. "You two, do you have any idea what's wrong with this island's signal? It's been two weeks and my Log Pose has still not reset."

"Hm? Oh yeah! I guess we forgot to tell you, but this island's signature must be really powerful! It takes a whole year for it to finish Recording! Gyagyagya!" Dorry answered absentmindedly as he cleaned his ear with his pinky finger.

Adam's eyes twitched as a vein popped up on his neck, "...And why did you never think to mention- ARGH, WHATEVER! Banging my head on a brick wall…" 

He stood up from his place and reached into his satchel again, retrieving the Eternal Pose for 'Alubarna' he had stolen from the Cipher Pol 3 ship on a whim. It turns out that his newly gained pirate pillaging instincts had paid off well for him.

"Well in either case, I'll be heading off now. I can't stop my journey here, so as fun as it was being with you two the past two weeks, the Sea awaits me." Adam called out to the two Giants, drawing two similarly Giant understanding grins.

"Thank you for the fun battles and cooking advice, little Brother!" Dorry called out as he watched Adam turn and walk away with a small "Humph!"

"Kababababa! Be sure to visit us someday along your journey, perhaps when you find yourself your own crew that you can be proud of!" Brogy exclaimed with a cheerful laugh, waving to the Lunarian who simply scoffed and lifted up into the sky with his wings.

"I don't need anyone else!" 

"GYAGYAGYAGYA! What are you talking about? Someday, you'll definitely find Nakama! No one is born in this world to be alone after all! " Dorry proclaimed with an uproarious laugh, his words gave Adam slight pause.

He turned back slightly with a hand on his hip while in the air, "Huff.. Whatever, I'll see you two when I see you. Do try to not kill each other in the meantime."

""KABABABABA/GYAGYAGYA! NO PROMISES, FAREWELL!"" The two Giants called out in unison as Adam turned into a streak that flew across the horizon.

"...How long do you think it'll take for him to find himself a good crew and come back?"

"Gyagyagya! I bet 2 Dinosaurs that he'll take less than a year!"

"I'll take that bet! Kababababa!"

Some Time Later…

Adam gathered all of his belongings, including his now cleaned up and sewed change of clothes, and placed them into his satchel. He took one last look around the small cave he called home for the past 2 weeks to make sure he didn't miss anything, then with that confirmation, he walked out of the cave.

He absentmindedly reached into his pocket and pulled out the 'Alubarna' Eternal Pose, it pointed directly East of his position. So he cracked his neck and grabbed a nearby vine, using it to tightly tie the Eternal Pose to his wrist, just to be sure that it wouldn't fall off during his flight.

"Considering its my only way to get to the next island on a reasonable time, I better hold on to it like a fucking lifeline." Adam muttered, patting the harness on the Eternal Pose with a small smile. "That's not going anywhere."

Adam then took off, hearing a small whimper as he did. When he turned to see where it came from, he saw it was that same Tiger cub he had allowed to stick around him during his stay there. She had small tears in her eyes with an expression that asked him to take her with him.

"Little one, go stay with those two Giants, they'll be sure to take care of you." He called out, watching it seemed to contemplate his words with a sour expression. "Ugh.. Don't worry, I'll be back eventually. For now, just go stay safe with them."

That had gotten the Tiger cub to cheer up, it seemed to thank him before eagerly running off into the distance. To this, Adam just sighed and shook his head before lifting off into the sky and flying away towards his next island.

"In the name of those Bastard Gods – if it's another damn Desert island, somebody is going to Die…" He muttered heatedly under his breath, looking back slightly and watching the island of 'Little Garden' slowly fade away into a pinprick in the distance.

"I hate sand, it's coarse and gets absolutely fucking everywhere, especially between my damn feathers somehow…"

And so Adam sped off into the distance, cutting through the waters of the Grandline's Paradise like a bullet. He stopped along some small abandoned islands along the way to take some small rests, although he tried to keep his flights as long as possible to push his stamina further.

It wasn't always possible, since he never knew when the next island would come, so he had to take breaks when he could then tire himself out.

Or atleast, that was what he should have done.

"Are you fucking shitting me?!" Adam shouted to no one in particular as the Grandline's infamously temperamental weather seemed to have decided it was time to take him for a ride.

And what was that ride?

It was a spontaneous Hurricane forming around him, of course.

The winds flickered and raged around him, nearly throwing him off course, with thunder echoing throughout the atmosphere. The smell of ozone shot through the air around him, causing Adam to gain a sinking feeling in his gut.

"This isn't going to end well..." The Lunarian muttered under his breath, he considered activating his back flames to gain more durability at the cost of his travel speed. "...Argh, fuck it! I'm just gonna try to bust through the damn hurricane!"

Then began a pseudo game of cat and mouse between him and the storm, for every centimetre he gained using his combined speed of 'Sky Burst' and 'Speed Mode', the Hurricane only got more and more wild. 

It got more and more difficult to stay on course, every second he took his eyes off of the Eternal Pose, he seemed to get turned around and be sent off course.

Something had to change, he wasn't going to make it out of the Hurricane like this, Adam knew that much. So he changed his strategy, he swapped to his 'Invulnerability Mode' and felt a sharp increase in his core balance.

He then swerved around mid air and quickly surveyed the entire sea within eye distance, he didn't immediately spot any nearby islands but he gritted his teeth and kept searching. A low rumble echoed through the atmosphere, causing his eyes to widen.

Adam swerved to the side of his path from pure instinct, it was just in time too as a lightning bolt fell exactly where he was a second ago. The smell of ozone stayed constant, although Adam knew there was a good chance he would be fine after a lightning strike; that didn't mean he wanted to test his chances and risk his Eternal Pose shattering on impact.

So he continued his search hurriedly, avoiding the lightning falling around him while struggling against the harsh winds. Thankfully for the young Lunarian, he finally spotted a light at the end of the horizon.

Literally. Adam spotted a flash of light from the corner of his eyes, whatever it was, it must have originated from some kind of land mass. Whether it was a ship, an island or even an iceberg, anything was preferable to this Hurricane.

"I guess that's why they say 'Any Port in a Storm'!" Adam shouted as he immediately swerved around and shot downwards at top speed towards the light, switching to his 'Speed Mode' to force his way through all the harsh wind resistance.

With a final 'Sky Burst', he was finally sent past the reaches of the hurricane. He let out a sigh of relief, happy that he had gotten past the worst of it; that sigh got slightly strangled in his throat however as he looked down, he was approximately 2 seconds away from getting a face full of rock hard ice,


Adam smashed through the ice like an anvil, sinking into the frosty water underneath. A low growl escaped his throat at the annoyance and humiliation of being nearly bested by a mere storm, the water around him began quickly heating up at his annoyance and then with a small twitch of his body, it all began bubbling.

Very quickly, the water around him reached boiling temperatures, an ironically much more comfortable temperature for the young Lunarian. He absentmindedly checked his person as he swam to the surface, finding that he shockingly still had everything and didn't lose any items during the crash.

A few seconds of swimming later, Adam broke through the surface of the now warm water and wiped away the sea water from his face. He blinked his eyes open and looked around himself, finding a large island in front of him.

It looked to be a mountainous rocky island entirely with permafrost, it had multiple huge snowy spire-like mountains reaching up to the skies. And atop the biggest one of them was what looked to be a castle, that alone told him this island must be inhabited somehow, either currently or at least in the past.

Adam only had one thing to say to such a sight.

[Image (In Discord)]

"...Well, at least it isn't a Desert Island."

Meanwhile elsewhere…

"Man.. I hate Desert Islands…" Muttered a man in an all white suit, he reached up to his collar and pulled on it to allow heat to escape. He loosened his black tie even further, letting it hang low to increase airflow which revealed his tanned skin. He had on a white bowler hat and all white makeup that hid his identity. 

"Guernika, must you be so unprofessional?" Chastised an extremely tall man in similar all white clothing, instead he wore a long white robe which covers his whole body and a white beaded necklace. Instead of makeup, he had on a dark red mask with an angry expression, he had long black dreadlocks hanging from his hood.

"No seriously Gismonda! Who the hell even likes Deserts? It's hot as balls all the time, sand will get absolutely everywhere no matter what you do." Guernika whinged, proceeding to demonstrate his point by removing his right shoe.

He then turned it upside down, causing a comically long downpour of sand to fall from it. Gismonda stared at him without any visible reaction, his mask doing its job in hiding it all well. 

"Well…" Gismonda awkwardly shifted in his place and turned to face the sandy but populated city before him that the two of them were surveying for the past nearly 2 weeks straight. "That's just how things are, you just have to deal with it. "

Guernika scoffed slightly, turning away and whispering under his breath. "Easy for you to say when you're wearing a light robe like that…"

"I heard that." Gismonda said, causing the other agent to flinch slightly. The enormously tall man sighed tiredly, "...Since you're new to Cipher Pol 0, I'll overlook your unprofessionalism for now, as it's my responsibility to guide you as your senior."

These two were CP 0 Agents, or as it's more properly called: Cipher Pol "Aigis" Zero, it is the strongest intelligence agency among Cipher Pol, working directly under the World Nobles/Celestial Dragons.

Gismonda continued on while digging a hand into his robe, retrieving Adam's Wanted Poster from within. "Either way, we must keep focused on the mission. We can not afford to miss the target when he arrives on this island, you do remember how irate Saint Figarland was, don't you?" 

"Yeesh.. Don't remind me, his face was almost as Red as his hair!" Guernika muttered, imagining Saint Figarland as an angry tomato with the same crescent hair and beard shape. "But speaking of our target, where the hell is he?!"

The junior Cipher Pol 0 agent turned to the city from their place on a rooftop, watching over the sea of people walking through the busy town centre with a purpose in their day to day lives. "We've been waiting in this god forsaken desert for the past week and half, he's not here!"

Gismonda sighed and pocketed the poster, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, there isn't much we can do about that. The only location we know for sure that he'd come to is here, since the team that investigated the fallen Cipher Pol 3 ship found only the 'Alubarna' Eternal Pose missing."

"Be thankful that at least we were tasked with surveying the city…" He then said, crossing his arms while looking back towards the city. "I heard that Joseph was ordered to comb the entire Desert for any signs of the Lunarian, at least we're just combing over the capital."

Guernika seemed to crack a small smirk at that, reaching to the side and grabbing a cup of cold tea. "I'd be sad for him, but he beat my ass really hard while training for my promotion, so he can suck it up! Jokukuku!" 

The Red masked Cipher Pol 0 agent stifled a small amused laugh, beckoning to his Junior to hand him a cup of iced tea which he got a moment later. "I suppose that is what the young ones call, a 'Skill Issue'." 

"Since when do you use 'youngster slang', Gismonda?!" Guernika asked incredulously, but the other agent simply raised a finger to his mask's face while drinking his tea through the mask skillfully. 

"Shuush.. We should split up, we must make sure to not miss the Lunarian once he makes it to the capital."

"...I will remember this."

"I know."


Author's Note:

On a side note, with the recent revelations that Oda-sensei has given us, I officially give up on trying to guess where the story is going next. So if some things are off from canon, you'll have to forgive me.

Please Upvote/Like the story and Comment if you can! It really helps me a lot and I'd Greatly Appreciate it!

Next Chapter Title: Scoping Out the Competition.

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