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Glory to my chief Proofreader: Solare. For he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.
Word Count: 4472.
Adam stirred awake, blinking his eyes tiredly as he found himself to be laying on a mat of leaves. He shook his head slightly and looked down at his leg since he felt an odd weight upon it.
He saw a Tiger cub sleeping comfortably between his legs, cuddling up to him to share in his heat. Looking to the side he saw what he assumed to be the mother looking at him with a worried expression and calling for its child.
Adam scoffed in disgust, "What do you think of me, Woman? I'm not going to hurt a child just because he thought I would be more comfortable to sleep with than his own Mother."
The Lunarian petted the cub in his lap for a moment, feeling his hands moving through the soft fur before grabbing him and throwing him gently to his mother. She caught him from the air and thanked Adam with a nod before walking away.
Adam simply grunted in response and looked down, finding himself to be clean of all soot and ash and still only in shorts despite distinctly remembering himself being thrown into a mountain.
He then stood up while looking around, finding himself near a freshwater lake that flowed violently in a whirlpool motion that made it resemble a river.
Adam was confused by this for a moment before just writing it to be Grandline bullshit and deciding to not question it. He kneeled down next to the water and stuck a hand in it, a few seconds later it began to heat up.
Some more seconds after that, all the water within a few hundred metres began boiling. He reached down and began drinking from the water quickly; its boiling heat didn't affect him at all since his Lunarian Biology made him largely immune to burning of all kinds to a stupidly high extent.
'Pretty sure it would take at least Lightning or Magma to actually burn me, and even that's debatable…' He thought, washing his face clean with the boiling water as in the distance a Volcano erupted.
"Huh, Speaking of Magma… Although, I'm getting an ominous sense of deja vu right now…" Adam muttered under his breath, turning to face the forest near him as if waiting for something.
He felt tremors quake through the ground like clockwork as soon as he did, a few seconds later he then spotted the two giants that sneak attacked him while his guard was down last time running at each other with weapons at the ready.
He got understandably pissed at this realisation and immediately burst into the sky before flying over to them. Adam saw them about to clash and interrupted their battle by sending off a wave of Conqueror's Haki.
They stopped in their tracks at the sudden pressure flooding over them and turned to its source, their eyes widening in recognition as they noticed who it was.
"You're the little Lunarian we smashed into a volcano by accident because you surprised us! We cleaned the ash off of you and placed you somewhere to recover yesterday!" The two Giants called out in shock, they hadn't expected him to heal already or even have Conqueror's Haki.
"No. I'm the Lunarian you two sneak attacked for no reason while his guard was down!" Adam growled, raising a clenched fist at them before continuing. "Have you no shame as Giants for attacking a man who's guard is down?!"
Their faces immediately pale at the realisation of what they had done, they immediately bowed their heads to him and shouted simultaneously, "WE SINCERELY APOLOGISE FOR COMMITTING SUCH A DISHONOURABLE ACT!"
"Humph!" Adam crossed his arms with a satisfied nod, "Finally! People who get it! This is why Giants are one of the few other Races I can respect."
Dorry raised his head and looked Adam in the eyes, "What can we do to amend this wrong of ours?"
Adam crossed his arms as he landed down on the ground, disliking the feeling of needing to look up at others immense. He clicked his tongue and answered, "Well, you can start by giving me your names."
The two Giants sat in front of him with wide grins and arms similarly crossed, "We are Dorry and Brogy, the Captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates and Strongest Warriors of the Mighty Kingdom of Elbaf!"
"Well, my name is Adam D. Valentine, Last of the Lunarians. You better not forget it." The two Giants nodded at his words, causing Adam's expression to soften slightly at their evident sincerity. "We should talk over some food, I'm starving."
The Giants agreed to this quite easily and set off to find some food, finding two Dinosaurs closeby and hunting them with ease. Adam spotted some herbs around and collected them, using them to season the food before cooking it with the help of the two Giants.
They all sat down and began eating Dinosaur meat, Dorry and Brogy's eyes widened in surprise immediately as Brogy spoke, "This food is the best I've had ever since we disbanded the crew 80 years ago!"
Adam scoffs and says, "Of course it is, I'm the best in whatever it is I do! And besides, I was also taught how to cook by his mother, so it'd be embarrassing if I couldn't hold my own in the kitchen."
"Yes, I wished to ask about that!" Dorry interjected after eating some food. "We assumed all Lunarians died, how are you here and where have you been?"
Adam shrugged while cleaning some meat off of a bone, "I never really bothered asking much about it but mother said she escaped to safety with the help of my father who died saving her, Mother and I lived mostly in an island in the Calm Belt but ventured out every now and then for supplies."
Brogy nodded along to his words, "I understand, the past is the past so it doesn't matter. However, for now, what can we do to amend things between us for our previous dishonourable actions?"
Adam hummed slightly before deciding, "One of you will fight me in a fair spar, that should be more than enough. I can tell that you didn't do it on purpose or maliciously."
The two Giants tilted their heads and asked, "Are you sure? It didn't end well for you the last time…"
Adam scoffed with disgust and looked away with arms crossed, "You got a cheap shot combined attack in, it wouldn't end that way again."
The two of them stared at him for a moment, then at each other before bursting out into laughter.
"You're right!" Dorry said cheerfully.
He was followed closely by Brogy, "Yo, Dorry! How should we decide who will fight?"
"Gyagyagya! Isn't it obvious?! We shall play a game of 'Mountain - Hurricane - Greatsword'!"
Adam watched on in amusement and curiosity as the two Giants hit their fists against their palms while chanting the game's name, after 3 hits they each threw their own symbol.
Dorry's hand mimicked a Fist or a 'Mountain' while Brogy's mimicked a blade or a 'Greatsword'.
"Gyagyagya! I win!" Dorry cheered as using Mountain on a Greatsword earned him victory. Brogy sulked and ate his food with a disgruntled expression at the loss but accepted it anyway since it was a fair fight.
Adam nodded and stood up, followed by the other two doing the same. He flew backwards slightly to put some distance between them while Dorry withdrew his sword.
Dorry adjusted his grip on his blade and asked, "Should I use Haki or not?!"
Adam growled and shouted back, "You better not insult me by holding back! Fight as if you want to kill me since I will do the same!"
"GYAGYAGYAGYA! I See! Apologies for even asking! I should have known not to question the pride of a Lunarian!" Dorry laughed uproariously, pulling back his blade with a grin. "You should tell us more about yourself after this battle, Adam D. Valentine!"
"HAH! I'll consider it if you win!" Adam replied with a grin, the flames on his back lighting up in anticipation.
Brogy began announcing the start of the Battle from the sidelines, "Alright! Let this be a Fair and Honourable Battle witnessed under the Glorious Sun! NOW BEGIN!"
The two of them blurred forward at each other at the same time, Adam left a trail of flames behind himself while Dorry destroyed the forest behind him in a gust of wind with his rush.
Dorry tested the waters first with a swing of his sword, Adam swerved around it mid air with a flap of his wings and punched him in the face so hard it made a shockwave on impact, forcing his head to the side.
Dorry grins through this pain and head butts offending Lunarian, Adam blocks this with his forearms and is sent flying backwards.
Adam grinned wildly, it was the first time in his life that he had ever been overpowered in a battle. He sized up his opponent who did the same while gripping his blade with two arms, by his estimation; Dorry was about 8 times taller than himself.
This spar was a textbook 'David Vs Goliath' as, again, for the first time in his life, Adam was entirely surpassed in sheer size and brute strength.
Adam flew forward, ducking under a swing of the Greatsword. He spotted a sheen of Inky Black grow over Dorry's fist before it streaked forward, he barely dodged it and threw a Dismantle at Dorry's head.
The Giant's eyes gleamed Crimson, a mark of Inky Black growing on his forehead the instant his flaming Dismantle reached its target. Adam's eyes widened at this, he had barely picked up the changes occurring in real time.
His distraction nearly cost him dearly as Dorry's blade crashed into his open guard, nearly slicing his head off but he had managed to dash back in time and escape with his head still connected to his body.
Adam reached his hand to his neck, touching the cut on it with some surprise. It had cut straight through his 'Invulnerability Mode' as if it wasn't even there; he could tell the sword wasn't even that sharp, yet it still cut him.
It was all too clear to the Lunarian, strong enough Haki made his powers useless.
Adam D. Valentine grinned Demonically.
"Dorry, that was Armament Haki, wasn't it?!" Adam called out excitedly, flicking his hand clean of blood and rushing forwards.
The Giant's eyes widened slightly, it wasn't lost on him that it was the first time Adam had actually called him by his name since they met. His entire tone of voice and demeanor had changed, he could even sense a hint of respect in his words.
"Gyagyagya! Yes, it is! I suppose simply having access to Conqueror's Haki would allow you to spot it!" He shouted back, swinging his Haki clad blade at the Lunarian at full force, leaving a gust of wind in his wake.
Adam shot flames and used Geppo at the same time, bursting over the sword before pointing at Dorry's face with his right hand while upside down. A blast of flames followed this and singed the Giant's face which was protected by Haki just in time to avoid most of the damage.
Dorry shot forward with his right hand and tried to grab Adam but he avoided it barely, landing on top of the outstretched arm. He sprinted down its length, narrowly avoiding the left arm that tried to crush him and reaching the head with an arm pulled back.
Adam's fist clashed against Dorry's Haki clad cheek, a blast of flames burst out of his arm a moment later and singed the Giant. Dorry grunted, feeling the heat begin to seep through his Haki. Grinning despite that, the Giant slammed his Haki clad fist down at Adam.
The Lunarian didn't have enough time to get out of the way and simply brought his arms up, activating Tekkai in anticipation. The impact of the Giant's punch was unlike anything he had ever endured, overpowered only by the combined attack of both Giants that knocked him out previously.
He crashed down at the ground, the earth beneath him cracking and crumbling away from the sheer force of his impact. Dorry looked down at the billowing dust cloud with a grin, his Observation Haki seeing past it all without issue.
"Kuhahaha~!" Adam's uproarious laughter cut through the smoke, followed by a blast of heat that dispersed the smoke cloud. There stood Adam with bruises on his arms and a mad grin on his face. "I can't believe I'm even saying this, but I must admit: You are Stronger than me, Dorry."
"Gyagyagya! That's only because I've had a 136 year head start! I can tell that it won't take you that long to leave me in the dust, Adam!" The Giant said cheerfully, sitting down cross legged in front of the Lunarian who followed suit.
"Speaking of which, would you mind explaining Haki to me? My mother told me about Observation and Armament Haki but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't replicate it myself." Adam questioned while sighing in frustration, resting his head on one fist as he noticed Brogy approach them and sit next to Dorry.
The two Giants hummed at his question, tilting their heads in unison before Dorry answered; "Well, I don't know how to explain it myself, I learned how to use Armament and Observation Haki instinctively during Glorious Battles, one against my former Captain Jarul."
Brogy nodded at his partner Captain's words, "Aye, same with me! My sincerest apologies, but I don't really know how to explain Haki to you, the best we could do is explain how it feels to use it."
"Hm, that would be more than enough. Any advice would be more than helpful." Adam replied with a grin and nodded.
The Giants nodded as well with Dorry raising a hand to demonstrate, "It is not really that complex after you grasp it once, but for Armament Haki: you simply just gather your will power towards where you want it to go and…"
Dorry's raised hand was slowly overcome with an inky black sheen, almost like a second skin made of metal. Adam kept a close eye on the entire process, making sure to memorise it all.
"And for Observation Haki, it is also deceptively simple. You must gather your focus intently and tune into the world around you, to channel it well you must be in complete control of yourself." Brogy explained, his eyes gaining a Crimson glow that Adam did not miss.
"After you gain that control, you must try to sense the world around you as if you are a part of it. But never lose your control, the same thing applies to Armament Haki! One too many times have I lost concentration and been beaten into the ground as a result! KABABABA!" The Giant said cheerfully before bursting out into laughter, not caring in the slightest.
"But as we said before, the best way to learn Haki is through battle. So this is as far as we can help you with it!" Dorry finished up, dismissing his Haki and crossing his arms. He watched Adam's thoughtful expression closely, a smile covering the Lunarian's face a moment later.
"Hmm.. Yes, you're absolutely right. Theory can only take you so far!" He called out with a nod, one which the Giants returned. "Well, I suppose I better get to learning it quickly! Would you two be up to sparring with me until I leave the island when my Log Pose resets?"
Perhaps in another world, Dorry and Brogy would have processed the entire sentence before answering and given Adam crucial information. However, it seems like they had both completely stopped listening when they heard the word 'Spar'.
""We would be Honoured!""
3 Days Later.
Adam rolled his shoulder and yawned as he walked through the forest, he had just woken up from sleep and was making his way towards where he and the two Giants had met up the past few days. Eventually, he could smell the smoke of a fire starting up in the distance.
'Hm.. Sewing up and cleaning my clothes last night took longer than I thought it would…' He thought, patting his shirt and he rubbed his right eye while making a mental note to maybe get a jacket on his next island.
A minute of walking later, he saw Dorry standing over a huge metal pot filled with bubbling water, it was nearly as tall as Adam was. Within it were gigantic Sea King Crab legs, from what he could see they were turning more and more red by the second.
"Ah, Dorry! Did you use Sea water for it like I told you to?" He called out, spotting Brogy grilling a skinned Dinosaur on the side.
"Oh, Adam! Yes my friend! I did!" The bearded Giant responded cheerfully, waving to him while inspecting the crab legs. They looked to have finished cooking just as Adam reached where he stood, the Giant simply covered his arms with Armament Haki and pulled the legs out of the pot with his bare hands.
He placed the still steaming crab legs on a nearby palm leaf to serve, Brogy came towards the two of them just as he did with the cooked Dinosaur meat in hand. He placed it next to the crab legs for them all, the three of them then sat and began eating.
The Giants tore into the food without a care in the world like rabid animals while Adam took his time dismantling a crab leg, savouring the sweet and salty taste. A minute into their meal, Brogy turned to Adam with a considering look before asking him a question.
"So Adam, what did you mean by Giants being one of the only Races you respect?"
Adam's eyebrow raised as he devoured a crab leg's meat whole, he swallowed before answering; "Exactly as I said, Brogy. They are one of the only other Races that know the value of Honour and Strength, the others mere Animals by comparison. And the less I say about those Monkeys, the Better."
"Hrn.. Monkiesh, you mean Hoomans righth?" Dorry asked with his mouth full, drawing a disgusted stare from Adam.
"For the love of… Swallow!" He ordered, drawing a confused look from the Giant who looked towards his brother in arms before shrugging.
"Ahem, you mean Humans right?" Dorry asked again after swallowing his food.
"Sigh.. Yes, I refer to Humans as Monkeys because that is what they are. To call their leaders 'Scum' is an insult to the dirt we sit on. Enslaving everything they meet and taking over the entire world like a fucking Cancer, Vile Lesser Creatures that deserve Put Down, thats what they are!" The Lunarian spoke with clear venom in his voice.
The two Giants squinted their eyes in recognition as Brogy spoke, "You mean those fat ones that live on the Red Line? We've heard about them, I can understand your hatred. I've heard about what they've done to your people…"
"Tch, which is why by the end of my journey, I will either Burn down everything they stand for to Ash – Or Die Trying!" Adam declared, his Conqueror's Haki leaking out from his body unconsciously from his simmering Rage and causing any nearby animals to lose consciousness.
The two Giants took in his words with a solemn silence before turning to each other, no words needed to be spoken between each other as a grin covered both their faces. They turned to the Lunarian before slamming their fists upon their chests and speaking in unison.
""Adam D. Valentine, when the time comes that the fateful day arrives; we, the Captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates, Vow to help you in Destroying the World Government! Upon the Honour of the Warrior Land of Elbaf and the Sun God 'Nika', this we Swear!""
Although the two Giant Captains didn't know Adam too well, from what they did learn over the past 3 days of fun spars and shared meals; he was an Honourable, if slightly eccentric man. Not to mention the fact that he was holding all of the shared inherited Will of his Warrior Race upon his back.
The goal he wished to achieve aligned with their beliefs as well, so joining him in a Glorious War against Pure Evil sounded like a Wonderful Idea.
Adam stared at the two Giants in Salute with a shocked expression for a few seconds, that shock then melted away into an amused grin.
"I'm glad to hear it! Kuhahahaha!" He responded with characteristic cheer, drawing laughs from them as well.
"Gyagyagyagya!" "Kabababababa!"
Adam stopped laughing a few seconds later and ate some of the leftover Dinosaur meat as a thought crossed his mind, "Well, now that you mention Nika. I always wanted to ask, was he a Giant or not? My Mother wasn't very clear on that part…"
Dorry and Brogy paused in their places as they processed his words, thinking them over before turning to look at the other. They saw that they both had a look of apprehension and shrugged, Dorry chose to answer him.
"To be honest, we're not that sure ourselves! We just assumed that he was because of some Legends saying that he was as large as mountains, but some don't agree with that. In the end it doesn't really matter, he is still Joy Boy in the end, no?"
Adam didn't completely agree with that last part, the thought that the only man that achieved his Dream was a Monkey was not a very comfortable thought for the young Lunarian. In fact, the very idea made him nauseous.
Thankfully for him, he didn't have to consider it for very long as a Volcano erupted in the distance. They all turned to the volcano, making sure to inspect which one it was.
"Hm? Oh it's the Volcano at the edge of the island, not yours." Adam stated, prompting the two Giants to turnt to each other and decide to settle things with another game of 'Mountain, Hurricane, Greatsword.'.
He and the Giants had decided that their first daily spars would be decided by a specific Volcano's eruption, much like how their own personal Duel was decided by when the central Volcano in the island erupted.
Brogy had won the game this time, meaning that he also won the opportunity to battle Adam. The two men stood a few feet away from each other and awaited Dorry's signal to start the battle.
"Let this be a Fair and Honourable Battle witnessed under the Glorious Sun! Aaaand… BEGIN!"
The two combatants rushed forwards as soon as they heard Dorry's declaration, Brogy was first to attack with a downwards slam of his axe. Adam avoided the Haki clad blade by the skin of his teeth and used a 'Sky Burst' to rush sideways and avoid the next swipe.
As he did so, he raised his hands and fired Dismantle after Dismantle at the Giant's eyes. This forced him to raise his shield and block it with Haki to avoid burning away his wooden shield, when Brogy lowered his shield his eyes widened as Adam had disappeared.
His eyes then glimmered with a Crimson glow which signalled the activation of his Observation Haki, showing him that Adam was actually directly above him. He could feel heat building up above him with every millisecond that passed.
The Giant swerved around with his Haki clad blade to swipe Adam out of the sky but the Lunarian simply moved backwards while crushing flames within his hands.
"Too Late! Vermillion Nova!"
A spark of flames shot from Adam's hand which then inflated massively into an avalanche of Flames that threatened to burn Brogy from head to toe. The Blue Ogre didn't seem perturbed by this in the slightest and simply laughed while pulling his Axe back with two hands.
"KABABABA! That won't nearly be enough to put me down!" Brogy laughed as he swung his blade forward and chanted, "Sun Crush!"
Ironically enough, his attack blew away most of the miniature solar flare. Revealing that Adam had long since rushed past it and was aiming to slam into Brogy's face with yet another blast of flames charged up in his right hand.
The Giant had seen straight through his entire plan thanks to his Observation Haki and spiked his Axe down through the remaining flames of Adam, catching the Lunarian by surprise. Caught off guard, Adam raised his arms up to block the axe desperately.
'Shit! I don't have time to dodge! I must block or I'll lose my arms!' He thought, adrenaline shooting through his veins as he watched the gigantic Haki clad axe go for his neck.
And just then as Dorry's Axe made contact with his arms, instead of Blood spurting out – Sparks flew through the air.
A thin Black sheen formed over Adam's arm and blocked the Axe, sparks from their point of contact for a moment before the Lunarian's freshly awakened Armament Haki failed him. Blood then spurted out of his arms as he was sent flying down into the ground, creating a small crater on impact.
Despite the blinding pain flooding his nerves, Adam couldn't help himself and just burst out laughing with the two Giants following soon after.
Adam righted himself and stared at his arms with wonder, that nigh ethereal sensation of that familiar yet unfamiliar energy finally bending to his will after so long.
"Ah damn, looks like I still can't use it on command…" Adam muttered as he repeatedly tried to use Armament Haki to no avail, despite remembering the sensation it was still quite hard to use it at will.
"GYAGYAGYAGYA! Can you believe him, Brogy?! It took us years of battling with the Captains and all kinds of other enemies before we grasped it, yet he is unhappy with grasping Armament Haki in only 3 days of constant spars?!" Dorry laughed uproariously, feeling tears building up in his eyes at the sheer ridiculousness of what he was hearing.
"KABABABABABA! You're right, Dorry! How truly ridiculous! I suppose this is what former Captain Jorul meant when he said 'Fear the True Geniuses of this World'! How Terrifying!" Brogy joined his Comrade in laughter, wiping away tears from his eyes.
Adam found himself grinning despite himself and stood up, "The Hell are you laughing at, Brogy?! Our battle isn't done yet!"
The Giant was caught off guard, "Hm? What about that injury, it looks bad. Shouldn't you atleast wait till tomorrow?"
"Ah who gives a fuck?! I gotta master Armament Haki now!" He replied excitedly, prompting the two Giants to laugh.
"GYAGYAGYAGYA! Fear the True Geniuses indeed!"
Author's Note:
If it isn't clear, Adam is quite the prodigy in Haki.
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Next Chapter Title: Any Port in a Storm.
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