Chereads / One Piece: An Immortal Legend / Chapter 6 - A Pitiful Farce.

Chapter 6 - A Pitiful Farce.

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Glory to my chief Proofreader: Solare. For he is the one who points out mistakes and acts as my favourite wall to bounce ideas off of.

Word Count: 3971.


Adam turned to them completely while patting down his shirt with a deadpan stare. The cp 3 agents stepped back for a moment before gritting their teeth, knowing that failure was not an option and they would most likely be killed for coming back empty handed.

A small grin then covers Adam's face at their fear, his Conqueror's Haki then began flood out from his body and crush them to the ground. This alone wasn't enough to force them unconscious, but Adam still burst out in laughter and began clapping for them.

"Kuhahaha~! My, My~! What fantastic expressions you Mongrels have! But I hope you aren't thinking about running away now, not even flying into the sky will save you from me!" He called out with vindictive glee, throwing their own words right back at them.

The trio of agents stood up straight before looking at each other and nodding, deciding that they must keep going. Failure was not an option so they might as well give their all and hope that Adam tires out soon.

They rushed forward together with Arden leading the charge and Axel right behind him, Sable followed them despite being their sniper since she had no choice and they would need all the help they could get.

Arden started the assault with a frontal slash at Adam which was dodged, the Lunarian's hand shifted to the side a moment later to block a punch from Axel. He grabbed the Hybrid's extended arm and yanked him in front of himself, blocking an Air Slash from Sable with the Bull Man's thick hide.

Adam then kicked Axel into Sable's direction to slow her down and get him out of the way, he instantly turned to Arden and went for a punch to the neck. The swordsman parried it with his blade at the last second and went to stab him, Adam swerved out of the way before shooting fire out of his feet.

"Not this again!" Arden muttered as the fire shot Adam over him with a backflip, as he expected a wave of flames tried to scorch him but he was able to slice it apart to avoid a direct hit.

As soon as Adam landed, turned to the side and saw Axel charging at him horns first to run him over. To this he smiled and charged forwards as well, a moment before they collided he dropped to the ground and slid under him.

Axel gasped in surprise before stopping himself and looking behind him, he could only watch as Adam reached where Sable was and began breaking her guard apart.

Sable blocked a punch to the face with all her strength, the impact of which caused the ground beneath her to crack slightly as Adam then followed up with a knee to the gut. The air was knocked out of her lungs, her body bending slightly from the Lunarian's attack.

Without even needing to turn behind him to look, Adam swerved from his place while swiping his hand to the side. A burst of flames followed his swipe, blocking Arden's path for a moment before the Swordsman sliced the flames apart.

This proved to be far too late as soon as they parted, they revealed Adam standing there with an arm held out and a blast of flames reading at his fingertips. The swordsman's eyes widened with surprise and horror since he knew he couldn't block that while the Lunarian simply grinned maliciously.

"Hello buddy~!"


Sparks of flames burst forwards into an inferno aimed at Arden's face, the sheer heat alone could have melted alloyed steel in an instant. However, luckily for the swordsman, Adam's aim was thrown off course when a giant Bison crashed into him horns first.

"The hell-?" Adam gasped out as he felt the horns dig slightly into his body, doing some damage despite his 'Invulnerability Mode' being on.

"Get off my teammates you damn Lunarian slave!" Axel cried out, beginning to charge forwards and carry Adam forwards with him.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A SLAVE, YOU FUCKING FILTHY ANIMAL?!" Adam shouted with nigh apocalyptic rage, pushing the horns out of his body as sparks began building around him.

Before Adam could explode with flames, air was forcefully knocked out of his lungs as he was crashed into a building by the charging bull. He gritted his teeth in rage before planting his feet into the ground to try and stop their acceleration.

Axel refused to stop his charge, pushing Adam into building after building, trying to wear him down with continuous impacts. The Lunarian understood this plan immediately and changed his own tactics from stopping the charge to simply killing the Devil Fruit user.

Adam kneed Axel in the Bison's chin, forcing him to look up but he doesn't stop his charge even as Adam starts burning his skin off.

"You Filthy…"

Another knee crushed into Axel's skull, rattling his brain as cracks began forming in his teeth from each impact.


Despite that, the Bull kept charging through the unbearable pain, crashing the two of them through another building. Adam growled in rage and indignance before kneeing again, causing blood to spurt out of the Bison's nose.


Axel's jaw was then shattered by the Lunarian's final knee, the damage finally caught up with his mind as the Devil Fruit user's body finally gave out on him. He stopped his charge in the middle of a street, Adam wasn't done with him however as he raised an elbow before smashing down at the top of his head so hard it cracked his horns.

"Revolting animals such as yourself…" He growled, reaching forwards and grabbing one of the horns before breaking it off. He raised it atop the Zoan user's neck before pointing at it with the horn's sharp side.

"Should know their place!"

He spiked the horn down as hard as he could, it pierced through the top of his neck and entered his throat with a huge spurt of Blood.

Adam stepped back as Axel fell to the ground, choking on his own blood. He looked down at the Zoan user, watching as he transformed back into a human slowly before raising a foot above it.

At that moment, Arden and Sable finally appeared just in time to witness their partner's execution.


Adam stomped his foot down, slamming it straight down into the horn. This damage proved to be too much for Axel's body to handle as his neck was torn apart, separating the neck from the rest of the body.

The head began to slowly roll away from his body, pain and terror obviously marking his face in his last moments. Adam simply stares at it blankly for a moment before slowly turning his face up to look at them and saying one word.


Arden was unable to handle watching his teammates slaughtered in front of him twice without being able to help them, so he decided to throw caution to the wind and rush forward at Adam.

"Y-You damn bastard!" 

"Arden, w-wait!"

The swordsman began to close the distance between the awaiting Lunarian and himself, he was followed closely by Sable who shot a Rankyaku at their target mid run. To their shock, Adam turned off his back flames, swapping into 'Speed Mode' and swerved around the air blade with ease.

"Crushing your will wouldn't nearly be as fun as it would be if I made you think you had a chance, now would it?" Adam snickered mockingly, raising a hand and beckoning them to come at him.

Sable stopped her approach and immediately pulled out a high calibre rifle, aiming in just as Arden reached the Lunarian. The swordsman pulled his Great Grade blade backward before swinging it at Adam's neck with all his skill and power.

"One Sword Style: Gale Sever!"

Adam jumped backwards to avoid the blade, escaping its edge by a hair's breadth as a trickle of blood spurted out of a shallow cut on his neck. He turned around mid air and shot a blast of flames at the sniper just as 3 bullets fired from her rifle.

The steel bullets met with the Lunarians flames, they kept their trajectory for a moment before melting away into slag and dropping to the ground. Sable just clicked her tongue at this before reloading and aiming again.

Adam ignored her for the moment and rushed forward at Arden, the swordsman met his advance with a blade poke that transitioned into sidewards slash. The Lunarian narrowly avoided the stab before ducking underneath the second attack.

Then before Arden could correct his misstep, Adam's right elbow implanted itself into the Cipher Pol agent's abdomen. He immediately followed up with a gut punch, knocking the wind out of him and even forcing him to cough up blood.

Sable interrupts his combo with a Rankyaku which he dodges but cuts some of his hair off, she follows up with 3 bullets which dodges 2 then blocks the last with a Tekkai on his arm

'How troublesome. However, this gives me an idea…' Adam thought as a devious smirk covered his face.

The Lunarain shot a blast of flames at the ground, pushing Arden backwards before turning to Sable. His right hand lashed outwards, sending a wave of fire to blind her for a moment. This movement looked to be a mistake to the Swordsman as it left him completely undefended and unable to dodge.

Arden shot forwards at Adam with his blade held high, squeezing out all of his power into a downward slash to end the fight while their opponent's guard was open.

"One Sword Style: Iron Guillotine!"

Adam simply grinned with Malice and anticipation, pointing a finger forwards before swiping it to the left across the Swordsman's right arm while chanting.


A razor sharp arc of flames forms at Adam's will, flying ahead faster than either of the Cipher Pol agents could sense. It instantly reached its target in the middle of Arden's forearm, an arm flew into the air a moment later.

Arden stumbled forwards with shock as his blade fell down from his grasp, he stopped in place and stared at the cauterised stump where his arm used to be. He unconsciously fell down to his knees while staring at his arm, the pain had not yet entered his mind from the sheer quantity of adrenaline in his system.

He then slowly looked up from it to Adam, the Lunarian was pointing at him with one finger. An amused smile strewn across his face while crimson sparks coalesced into an Orb of Hellfire at his fingertip.

"Oh.. I see… We never stood a chance to begin with, did we?" Arden said, although it was framed as a question it was obvious in his voice that he wasn't looking for an answer.

He got one anyways as Adam spoke with a smug chuckle, "And you finally get it~…"

The orb of flames then shot forwards in a compressed beam that pierced straight the left side of Arden's chest, shooting straight through him and into the ground behind him. The Cipher Pol agent coughed blood before falling forwards on his stomach, he happened to be facing where his partner stood.

She had an expression of horrified surprise, the rifle in her trembling hands shook. Arden coughed blood one more time as his body began failing him faster and faster, he only managed to say two words before fading away.

"R-Run.. A-Away…"

Adam stepped forwards, crushing the corpse's skull into the ground and slowly made his way towards the last Cipher Pol agent alive. Sable's terrified black eyes met with 2 crimson orbs that seemed to look straight through her soul as the Lunarian spoke.

"Well.. You heard the Mongrel, didn't you? Run, little Monkey. RUN." 

That was all Sable needed to hear as her rifle dropped from her hands and rattled against the ground, she left it behind and sprinted away using 'Soru' as if the Devil himself was behind her.

"Just look at her go~! KUHAHAHAHA!" 

Adam's cruel laugh echoed uproariously into the skies, sending shivers down Sable's spine even as she ran away. The Lunarian quieted down a few moments later into a low chuckle before stretching his wings outwards.

They then clenched inwards along with his legs in preparation, "Now then, shall I end this pitiful farce? I'd call it a hunt, but that would imply this was in any way challenging."

A 'Sky Burst' shot him into the sky, leaving a sonic boom in his wake as he immediately had the nearly entirety of Whiskey Peak within his sights. After a moment of scanning, he spotted a white and black blur in the distance heading for the harbour.

Another burst sends him flying across the sky, clearing half the distance between him and Sable in a single bound. He aimed a hand forwards, sparks forming at his fingertips before shooting forwards in multiple blasts of flames.

The blasts of flame crash next to her one after another, singing her with their heat but not hitting her directly, setting the town on fire in the process. As Sable ran past multiple of the unconscious bounty hunters and islanders, they all seemed to wake up from their Conqueror's Haki induced sleep. 

They all looked around in horror at the city around them, it was all on fire with what looked to be a meteor shower setting everything in sight ablaze.

"Pfft.. Kuhaha! You make quite fun target practice, you damn Rat!" 

After a minute of narrowly avoiding the salvos of flames, Sable finally made it to the Harbour. Their ship stood in waiting at the very edge of the harbour, there was only the final 50 metre stretch between her and its presumed safety.

Adam just laughed at this before using 'Sky Burst', blurring ahead in front of her faster than she could run. He crashed just before her in the middle of her path, cracks ran down the dock's wooden frame which barely held itself together.

She stopped in place and watched as he stood up to full height towering over her, he turned to face her with a smile. 

At that moment, the elite Cipher Pol 3 Agent 'Sable' simply gave up.

Adam D. Valentine's smile only seemed to grow at this.

"And there it is~.. That look of Hopeless, Crushing Despair that I wished to inspire in you Maggots!" He called out almost cheerfully.


"No no no no~... You don't get to beg for your life now. Weren't you the ones that tried to capture me to hand me over as a Slave to those Lard Lizards you call 'Celestial Dragons' just a few minutes ago?" The Lunarian coldly questioned, his previous cheerful nature instantly evaporating.

He raised a finger in front of himself, hellish sparks formed from thin around him as the flames on his back fired up. Tears began building up in the Cipher Pol agent's eyes, she didn't say anything and simply shut her eyes.

"Save your tears for Hell, Mongrel. I don't care for them."

Then, almost unceremoniously, the sparks around Adam fired up into a razor sharp arc of flames with a swipe of his finger. The 'Dismantle' immediately shot forwards faster than even a bullet could hope to go, hitting Sable and flying past her where it cut a nearby ship nearly in half.

A second later, the Cipher Pol agent's head fell off from its place and onto the docks. Her body then dropped down right afterwards, its impact caused the head to roll slowly off the wooden dock and fall into the sea.

The World Government's Cipher Pol 3's First Division had been completely and utterly Crushed.

Adam patted down his shirt, removing some ash and soot from it with an incredibly peeved frown on his face; "These damn filthy Mongrels dirtied my clothes! They deserved a more painful Death…"

His clothes had suffered a lot of wear and tear throughout the battle, cuts and blood stained its once pure white cloth. He knew how to clean and repair it thanks to some lessons from his Mother, but he was still quite peeved at the situation.

The Lunarian turned around in his place, looking behind him at the dark ship that was used by Cipher Pol 3 Division. He cracked his neck before jumping onto the main deck of the ship, deciding to check out the place to see if they had anything interesting within.

"Plundering your enemy's ship after slaughtering them all is a Pirate's signature move, no?" Adam commented as he walked down deck and into the inner sanctum of the ship.

The wooden walls were all painted grey, lacking all semblance of life or joy. Eventually, Adam made his way into what looked to be a kitchen. He passively opened their fridge out of curiosity, finding it to be filled to the brim with hard tack and rations.

"...I'm not sure what I expected from these World Government Rats." He remarked dryly before slamming the door shut, looking to the side he found a barrel of fresh water which stole and carried with him.

The Pirate filled up his personal water canteen to the brim, letting it hang by his side for whenever he needed to drink on long flights. He kept walking through the ship and found what looked to be the cartographer's office, he looked around for a while to look for anything interesting.

In his search he found multiple different Eternal Poses to many different islands along the stretch of Paradise, none particularly caught his eye among them however. Adam just grabbed and pocketed an Eternal Pose to a place called 'Alubarna'.

"I suppose I'll keep that on me just in case I somehow get lost and need to find an island in an emergency." He muttered, deciding that was enough things to look at and began to make his way out of the room.

Something caught his eye just as he reached the door, after getting closer he realised it was actually a map. It looked to be a detailed map of the first half of Paradise, in the top left corner it had the mark of the World Government.

"Huh, interesting.. So it seems like the World Government equipped their Mutts with good maps. I suppose it only makes sense that they'd have such detailed work, they had 800 years to make them after all." Adam commented, grabbing the map and walking out of the cartographer's room with it.

He inspected it as he walked, using it as a reference to try and find out which island his Log Pose had locked onto. 

"Hm.. If I'm reading this correctly, then the next island is going to be-"


"A Den Den Mushi?" Adam muttered as his train of thought was interrupted by the loud call of a Den Den Mushi from one of the rooms.


Out of sheer boredom and curiosity, the Lunarian made his way towards the source of the call, finding it to be in what looked like the Captain's quarters. The snail rang away at a large desk in the middle of the room, he presumed it to be the office of the first Mongrel he killed.

Adam made his way towards the desk and sat down on the leather chair, staring at the Den Den Mushi and realising that it wasn't the only one. However oddly enough, this one had Crimson Red hair in a moon crescent shape made by its hair and beard.


He leaned back in his chair, resting his legs on top of the desk before him in a crossed over form. He tilted his head in thought for a moment before reaching forwards and grabbing the handle of the Den Den Mushi, picking up the call.

"Purururu- KACHA!"

The snail made a noise to signal that the call was picked up as it immediately spoke, "Cane, this is Saint Figarland – Report."

An amused smirk covered Adam's face, he knew exactly what to do; "I'm afraid the Monkey can't come to the call right now."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I fear he has come down with a terrible case of Incineration." The Lunarian said, his tone was a mixture of faux sympathy and mockery.

Figarland was immediately taken aback, "W-What-?"

"By that I mean I reduced the Mongrel to ash." Adam elaborated, he couldn't help but snicker slightly at the dead silence he received in return.

"...I presume that means that the rest of Division 1 is also Dead?" 

"Hm? Well~, I suppose you could say that~! The other 2 fool's bodies are probably still in that burning trash pile they called an island. As for the Woman, you could probably save her head if you come here fast enough – That is if you can arrive faster than the fish can eat it clean!"

Saint Figarland Garling was silent for a few moments as Adam laughed uproariously, grinding his teeth slightly before speaking, "This must be you then, isn't it? You're that stray Lunarian. It seems that Cipher Pol 3 wasn't enough to handle you."

"Oh wow~! That's such a good guess~! Good job Monkey! You want a cookie or something?" Adam called out as he clapped slowly, both actions were obviously dripping with sarcasm.

"Tch! Listen here you little shit-!" Figarland began shouting, unable to handle being patronised but was interrupted before he could continue.

"My name is Adam D. Valentine, the Last of the Lunarians. And trust me, by the time I'm done with the World Government, you won't be anything more than the shitstains the other Monkeys feed on."

"You really think you can take on the entire world alone, you're nothing but a damn Slave-!"

"Quiet. I don't have time to chat with a Monkey. I'll be sure to give you Lard Lizards a visit in that so-called 'Holy Land' soon enough. In the meantime? Feel free to send your Mutts to try and nip at my Greatness."


The Den Den Mushi's broadcast was abruptly cut off when it was reduced to ash by a beam of concentrated flames. 

Adam stared silently at the charred remains of the Snail for a moment, his finger smoking slighting from the blast.

A small satisfied smirk covered his face a moment later.

"Oh I feel really Good about my Life right now~!"

Red Line, Holy Land 'Mary Goa'.

Saint Figarland Garling grinded his teeth in his luxurious office, every part of it was gilded in Gold and Silver. The humiliation he had just suffered from that call alone was more than he had ever received in his entire life.

He got up from his chair and stormed out of the office, shattering the door on his way out from sheer Rage. Suited figures in masks that were standing in attention jumped from the sudden sound, turning to him as he began shouting.

"You fools! Get the Bounty Poster for that damn Lunarian out and start hunting him down this instant!" 

"O-Of Course S-Saint Figarland! W-What was the Pirate's name again?" The Cipher Pol 0 Agent asked meekly.

When asked, the Red Haired man then finally processed Adam's name and said, "...Wait, 'Adam D. Valentine'? The Blood of that detestable Alexander lives on?! DAMMIT ALL!"

Saint Figarland's face turned a colour that matched his hair with this realisation: The Royal Bloodline of the Lunarians still haunted the World. 

He then turned to the rest of his workers, shouting at the top of lungs.

"I WANT THAT LUNARIAN KNEELING BEFORE ME NOW-! Wait shit, what does that fucker even look like? I WANT A PICTURE OF THAT LUNARIAAN!" 


Author's Note:

Someone's angy~! Also stones pls

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Next Chapter Title: The Birth of a Legend.

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