Chereads / High School DxD: The Game Master / Chapter 53 - Chapter 53 : He had no idea

Chapter 53 - Chapter 53 : He had no idea

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Making Artifacts was a simple process that reminded him a lot of the Alchemic Transmutation from Fullmetal Alchemist. All he had to do was draw some spell circles, a central one with as many surrounding it as he wanted.

The central one needed to contain the primary item he wanted to enhance, say a dagger. Then he put items in the outer circles that he wanted to use to enhance the dagger in the center. Say a bottle of poison in one and a hunk of silver in another.

Well, once all the pieces were in place he just needed to add magical power and they would all merge together. In the end he would have a silvered dagger capable of poisoning whoever it cut.

However, if he added something else, such as a gun, he would end up with something that combined all four items together with the dagger in the center. So maybe a dagger that could shoot? It was kind of like enchanting, but less precise and less predictable the more items were added to it.

The upside was that whatever he did make would end up more powerful than the individual pieces. It wasn't just one plus one but ended up slightly more powerful than that. Each new item multiplied the power of the end result.

It would be a while before he could really put his Artifact making to good use, but it was worth having from the beginning. He could practice making small things and work his way up to using the more potent creations of his helpers as they made them.

Which brought him full circle back to necromancy and summoning spirits. He was just lucky that there were multiple ways to do it. Rasputin might have been one sick puppy, but he was also very thorough and listed every possible way to do something.

There were a half dozen methods of summoning spirits from what amounted to just asking, to forcefully ripping a soul from the afterlife and directly enslaving it. Obviously he planned to go with the first method of simply asking.

He was brought out of his thoughts as he stepped through the gates of the academy and heard a familiar voice calling out to him, "Okane-san," he turned to see the ever-angry-looking Shitori Souna staring at him, "Your uniform is out of order."

He made a show of looking down at his immaculate clothing and then back at her with an eyebrow raised in question, "Your tie is five centimeters off center. I expect to see you in the Student Council Offices to discuss this infraction."

His other eyebrow joined the first as he gave her a look that clearly asked if she was really that petty. Clearly, she was, though the slight flush to her cheeks showed that she knew just how petty she was being and how much of a reach the claim was.

Especially when Matsuda walked right between them with his ribbon tie completely missing. Souna flushed a little more but continued to glare at him despite her well-hidden embarrassment.

Ryuji finally gave her a completely flat look. It didn't take a genius to see what she was doing and he didn't appreciate it one bit.

He had no idea why she was still so pissed about him stating facts in their first meeting, but it clearly upset her greatly. Finally, he just let out a sigh and slumped, "Fine."

Without another word, he turned and walked away from her. Maybe she would leave him alone if he just got the stupid meeting over with. He wouldn't apologize, but maybe if he let her rant at him for a bit she would get over it and leave him alone. A guy could only hope, right?

As school came to an end, Ryuji was looking over his gains from the scenario he'd thrown open in the middle of class.

It always amused him when he got the devils of the Occult Research Club, Rias and her peerage, to leave school. Mostly because Rias always looked so annoyed yet happy. The others didn't seem to mind it at all though.

Like always, he'd gained some Dungeon Energy from the group running the scenario and was contemplating how to spend it this time. Usually, he would spend a fair amount of time hemming and hawing over what to buy, but this time he went straight for what he wanted, a book on intermediate-level magic.

He felt it was the right choice given that he had confirmed his magical power matched that of Rias, which was just slightly higher than Akeno's.

While the beginner book had been an excellent source of information and allowed him to extrapolate a lot of information, he wanted a book for a higher educational level to make sure he was making the right extrapolations.

He was also interested in seeing the more complex and comprehensive explanations within the book to further improve his own skills. Being the Dungeon Master of Kuoh was fun, but he really wanted to become a true master magician. It would help him survive in this world.

He didn't know all the threats, but he knew enough to be rather afraid of the monsters hiding in the dark. A mastery of magic would give him a lot of flexibility and protection.

He left the book in his inventory, no need to out himself so stupidly by pulling it out while still in school. It was a good thing too as he arrived at the student council offices a moment later.

With a heavy sigh, he knocked on the door. It was soon opened by the white-haired girl, Momo if he remembered right.

He'd been avoiding all the student council members studiously for a while now so he could be forgiven for being a bit forgetful of their names. He did recognize all of them on sight though!


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