Chereads / High School DxD: The Game Master / Chapter 55 - Chapter 55 : Rias into a devil

Chapter 55 - Chapter 55 : Rias into a devil

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Tsubaki and the rest of the girls in the room looked enlightened by that information. Tsubaki spoke for all of them, "So... he really did beat you, twice?"

Sona nodded as regally as she could, "He did."

"Then that means..."

"Correct, he is now my fiance."

The other girls began to chat among themselves at the news that Ryuji would become Sona's husband. Tsubaki studied Sona's face for a while before letting out a quiet sigh. Sona was lying.

She'd spent enough time next to her King to tell when Sona was being truthful, and when she wasn't. Right now she clearly wasn't but Sona's pride just as clearly wouldn't let her admit that she'd lost to someone who obviously didn't have a clue how to play chess like a master.

Sona stared at the chess board and silently wished she could go back in time to that morning and punch herself in the face. After she'd reviewed the first chess game against Ryuji, she'd realized he barely knew how to play chess and was just using moves he'd seen elsewhere. His play style was completely wooden.

So, she figured a second match would let her completely crush him and prove he wasn't her equal. She'd expected the second match to be a one-sided beat down.

Oh how wrong she had been.

Sona prided herself rather heavily on her skills at chess. She believed herself to be a master at the game, it was why she'd used it to get out of her own arranged marriage and said she would only marry the person who could beat her.

As such, beating someone like Ryuji should have been a simple walk in the park. She just needed to bait him into a trap using as few moves as possible and she would open up his defenses and pounce.

Only the idiot didn't fall for her provocations on the board. A trap was only good if the target walked into it. He flat out ignored the bait pieces she'd put in place and did something else random.

Every time she thought she had a new path to victory, he'd move a random piece and completely throw off the flow of her plans.

At her level of play, it wasn't uncommon to think a couple to a dozen moves ahead. Of course, thinking of those moves was useless if the opponent didn't react in the expected way!

She played the game with the cold calculating precision of an expert assassin staring down the scope of her rifle at her target. A single shot at the right moment and victory was hers.

He played like a half-drunk hillbilly driving a car while the horn blared 'La Cucaracha' and fired random shots out the window at his target and miraculously managed to hit something.

Now, she wasn't implying Ryuji was stupid. His grades and performance in class showed he was rather intelligent and capable. He just wasn't up to her level and standards and it grated on her nerves that she'd lost to him, twice.

She could put off informing her parents without tarnishing her honor by telling herself that she had only lost the first time due to being so distracted by him raking her over the coals for her complete mismanagement of the school as the student council president.

However, she could think of no possible excuse that would soothe her pride at having lost a second time. To not report this to her parents would be a blow to her pride that she would never recover from.

With a world-weary sigh, she lifted herself out of her chair and moved to the one behind her desk.

With a simple communication spell, she called her father, the head of the Sitri clan. She had news to give him and she had no idea how he was going to take it.

Oh maou, she was engaged to a human!

Ryuji was complaining to himself on his way home. Souna being a pain in the ass over losing a chess match? Honestly, he'd meant to lose the one they'd had today but he'd seen that opening and couldn't resist taking it.

He regretted it, deeply.

If she was such an annoyance over a single loss, how much more annoying was she going to be over a second one? He wanted to go back in time and slap the crap out of past Ryuji.

That dick was always leaving shit for him to clean up or deal with. He was very much NOT looking forward to going to school tomorrow.

He came to a stop in the middle of a footbridge and leaned on one of the railings to give himself a moment to lament his poor life choices. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

All he wanted to do was make his scenarios and get stronger so he could make more scenarios and just have fun! He didn't want to be a main character, a hero, or a villain.

As he was trying to figure out how he was going to deal with an even more aggressive and aggrieved Souna tomorrow, a girl's voice came from nearby, "Uhm... uh... E-excuse me, Okane Ryuji-san?"

Ryuji turned to look at the girl that had spoken. She was a rather cute one with long dark hair and purple eyes similar to Souna's, which honestly just annoyed him at that moment.

She was wearing an unfamiliar school uniform, definitely not a Kuoh Academy student, but it wasn't like he'd memorized all the local school uniforms.

However, there was something familiar about the situation he found himself in. He wasn't sure what but he didn't want to be rude so he replied, "Yes, I'm Ryuji."

The girl smiled brightly, though she still looked nervous and was fidgeting in place, "Uh-uhm, I-I'm Amano Yuuma." she suddenly bowed nearly ninety degrees at her waist, "W-will you go out with me?"

Ryuji stared at the situation with flat eyes. Right, he remembered this now. It was the beginning of the anime and Issei was standing on a bridge like this one when this same girl asked him out on a date.

Then she killed him at the end of that date so he could be revived by Rias into a devil. She was the one, the only, the exceptionally incompetent Raynare.


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