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After the first body came more. The deeper they went into the cave, the more bodies they saw. Though as they moved deeper the bodies started showing less damage from burns and more from suffocation.
So far Rias had counted nine bodies, bringing the total killed so far to eleven when including the two outside.
Eventually, they found the main source of all the smoke. Dozens of crates were charred black by the very edges of the flames poured down the tunnel.
Some still smoldered from the heat and let off wisps of smoke that would normally cause them to choke. A simple application of wind magic by Akeno kept the party breathing clean air.
Her perverse giggles hadn't lasted at the sight of the burned corpses, mostly because she hadn't been the one to inflict the damage.
After stepping around the first pile of smoking burnt crates, they found themselves in a large open space with a huge hole in the ceiling that was clearly the source of the smoke they'd seen from outside.
Even now smoke rose to the ceiling and out through the hole, though it was thinning as time went by.
As they neared the center of the room there was a loud roar as several crates came crashing down to reveal a waterlogged Orc standing in a barrel that sloshed, "You!" The orc practically shouted, "You're the ones messing with the plans of the Demon Lord!"
Rias stepped forward with an imperious look, the one she called her 'pureblood devil' face. She didn't enjoy wearing it but found it had its uses, such as right now, "That's right. We won't allow your Lord to have his way! We'll stop him at every step and do everything in our power to defeat him!"
She felt a shiver of pleasure shoot down her spine as she spoke those words. Whoever made these places was one of her favorite people because he let her do things like this, things she always wanted to do! She was getting to literally live out her fantasies and she loved every moment of it!
The orc stepped out of the barrel, sloshing water all over the place. Even though he'd managed to get himself into the barrel, it was clear he hadn't been fast enough as his green skin was dark red in several spots showing at least second, if not third, degree burns.
He bent over to pick up the sword he discarded in his haste to hide from the hellish flames, a huge piece of metal that looked like a cleaver that didn't know how long it was supposed to be.
With his sword in hand the Orc faced the group and growled, "You may kill us.
You may inconvenience our dark lord, but you will never stop him!" The orc's mouth curled into a vicious grin putting his pointed tusks on prominent display, "You won't even be able to handle General Grod's Lieutenant when he arrives in four days! Enjoy what time you have left to live. In four days you will all be dead!"
With that final exclamation, the orc lifted his sword high in the air and charged with a deafening roar of defiance. A charge that didn't last long before he was blasted into atoms by Rias's Power of Destruction.
Silence filled the cavern for a few moments before Rias spun around to face her peerage with a massive smile that radiated pure excitement, "Did you hear that!? We're going to have our first boss fight in a few days! We need to be prepared!"
The others smiled good-naturedly at their King's clear excitement. While they enjoyed these dungeons all in their own ways, no one was quite as excited to be doing them as Rias was.
It was just up her alley and it showed with how happy she was every time they finished one. Still practically vibrating in excitement Rias addressed them all again, "C'mon! Let's check these supplies for any good loot and so we can give Lana a good report on what we found."
she threw a fist into the air and said in a super pumped voice, "Who knows what information might help us find things like hidden quests!"
Rias and the others stepped in front of Lana's window prompting the beautiful woman to look up at them, "Welcome back, how did it go?"
Rias put her hands on her hips and stuck her chest out with pride, "We wiped out a dozen orcs trying to turn that cave into a supply point."
Lana looked curious, "Oh?"
Rias nodded, "That's right. The crates they were unloading contained food, water, arrows, swords, shields, and other things you would need to supply soldiers. The last orc we encountered said that a Lieutenant of General Grod would be here in four days."
Lana looked a little concerned at that, "Grod is an Orc King and his division of the Demon King's army has the highest number of orcs. All of his Lieutenant's are at least Orc Knights or higher.
They cannot be underestimated at all. We will need to be heavily prepared before even thinking of taking one on. I suggest you prepare for a dangerous battle as well. An Orc Knight is like nothing else you've ever faced before."
Everyone's mood turned more serious at Lana's warning of the danger. They knew to listen to the people populating the dungeon. Lana had given them pieces of advice here and there and it always helped.
If she said the Orc Knight was dangerous, then it was dangerous and they would prepare accordingly.
With her warning given, Lana placed the reward for the mission, twenty gold pieces, on the counter and pushed it toward Rias, "Congratulations on successfully completing another request. Just a couple more and you can move up to rank D. The strength of your group is rather impressive."
Rias distributed five gold to each member of the group. Akeno now had enough gold to buy a magic recovery ring of her own and was looking forward to it.
She'd been slightly jealous of the one Rias had gotten in exchange for the information on Dimension Lost. Having that ring would let her throw out lighting more often and that was just delicious.
Together the group left the guild and made their way across the street to the shop run by Azeez. Akeno had a ring to buy and it looked like they needed to stock up on some potions for the coming battle.
Rias made a note to buy a good number of the strongest magic recovery and healing potions. They would likely come in handy during any kind of boss fight.
She was only slightly upset that it would take another four days for the boss to show up. She was too excited and wanted to fight it now! She simply couldn't wait.
want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters