Chereads / High School DxD: The Game Master / Chapter 57 - Chapter 57 : Monsters trying to establish territory

Chapter 57 - Chapter 57 : Monsters trying to establish territory

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The soul bobbed as it laughed, "I think you did something wrong kid! I was just a factory worker in life. I don't know anything about that kind of stuff."

Ryuji looked accusingly at the mass-produced factory-made sword sitting in the middle of the circle, "Damn." He focused back on the soul, "Sorry about that old man. I'll send you back now."

The soul laughed some more, "It's fine. It was nice to get out of Yomi for a bit."

Ryuji cut off his mana and ended the ritual causing the glowing soul to slowly fade away as it returned to the realm of the dead. He moved into the circle and picked up the sword, "I guess it was too much to hope that you would work you piece of shit."

With a grunt, he chucked the 'sword' into his inventory where it would likely never see the light of day again. He crossed his arms over his chest as he tried to think about what he should do next.

Since the factory-made sword didn't work, that likely meant he needed something hand-forged. He had no idea where to go to buy something like that in person and ordering it off of the internet would take forever. Not to mention there was no telling if the thing he bought online would be the real deal.


With the expletive out of the way, he walked toward the blacksmithing section of his Home Base. He'd have to make a piece of shit himself and try using that to summon someone. He just hoped whatever he made wasn't too insulting to a professional.

Sona held her head in her hands and she thought about the talk she'd just had with her parents. Needless to say, they were... not thrilled about what had happened. They weren't racist against humans and the fact that Okane-san was a potentially talented magician helped, but he wasn't a devil.

They'd never specified what species her husband had to be in their contract. They'd all just assumed he would eventually lose to, or pick, a devil. This meant that the contract was valid and there was nothing any of them could do to change it.

Well, there was one thing. They could have Okane-san killed. If he was dead he couldn't be her fiance. The problem was, they were a family of healers with the most advanced and famous medical facilities in the underworld. They saved lives as often as they could and saw killing as a last resort.

With them unwilling to compromise their own morals, there was only one option. Okane-san needed to be turned into a Reincarnated Devil. Unfortunately, her parents had forbidden Sona from turning Okane-san herself.

If she did then he would always be subservient to her, no matter how far up the ranks he managed to climb. Her parents wouldn't let her have that kind of control over her future husband.

The only bright spot was that she had time on her side. A specific date hadn't been listed for her marriage, only a specific time frame. If she had remained free until her twentieth birthday the contract would have become null and void letting her pick her own husband in any manner she wished.

With her loss to Okane-san, she now had until she was twenty to marry him. She was currently seventeen and would be turning eighteen later in the year. That gave her just a little over two years to figure something out.

The most pressing thing was, how was she going to turn Okane-san into a devil if she couldn't reincarnate him herself? Rias wasn't an option with her pressing issues with Riser. Rias was saving all of her pieces and on the lookout for a good candidate.

The loss of Hyudou-san and the Boosted Gear had hit her hard. Though the power she was gaining from running the 'dungeons' seemed to be making up for its loss.

She looked at the school profile she'd been studying for a few days now. Saji Genshiro, a boy she was planning to invite into her peerage after sensing that he had a Sacred Gear of his own.

She had no idea which one it was but it would be better than nothing. The boy had nothing else going for him aside from that.

After examining the file a bit more, she closed it and pushed it to the side. She had no interest in recruiting a male now. Especially not one that she knew was romantically interested in her. Not even one with a Sacred Gear.

She'd pass his information along to Rias and see if she wanted to recruit him instead. Decision made, she leaned back in her chair and wondered how she was going to accomplish the next step.

How was she going to tell Okane Ryuji-san that they were now engaged?

Rias placed a piece of parchment describing a job on the counter in front of Lana. It was their second trip into the dungeon today and it looked like things were starting to heat up with the storyline.

They'd been taking out groups of monsters trying to establish territory around the city and finding similar statues in all of them. It was now well established that the Demon Lord Grizus was pushing for war in the name of his cruel god.

She'd never been more excited! Even Akeno was looking excited, though in a different way given her heavy breathing and flushed face. In their normal lives they never really got to let loose with their powers or get into many actual fights.

Thanks to these constant missions in the dungeons Akeno had been able to fully unleash her sadistic side. Now she started to get 'excited' just from walking into a dungeon portal.

Rias almost felt bad for the monsters they were about to fight. Almost.

Lana looked at the mission Rias had selected, "I see. I feel I should warn you that the scouts who spotted the monsters moving in didn't get a good enough look at them to know what's really going on.

We only know there were a few orcs with large crates. Please be extremely careful."


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