Chereads / High School DxD: The Game Master / Chapter 25 - Chapter 25 : "You promise not to sell it?"

Chapter 25 - Chapter 25 : "You promise not to sell it?"

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There, sitting in a glass-fronted wooden display case, was a large red gauntlet with a green gem on the back of the hand and golden spikes near the elbow.

Her breath caught as she stared at the item she had thought completely lost. Sona, having followed behind her, gasped as she saw the same thing that Rias had. Sona was the one to ask, "Is that what I think it is?"

Rias nodded as she whispered, "Boosted Gear." Rias regained her focus and zeroed in on Azeez like a woman trapped in a desert seeing her first sight of water, "How much for the Boosted Gear?!"

Azeez looked over his shoulder and then back to Rias, "Azeez is sorry beautiful customer, but Azeez cannot sell that item. It is merely a display piece."

Rias wasn't about to take no for an answer. Lately, her father and Riser had begun to put even more pressure on her to get married. She'd been promised that she would have until she finished college, but it seemed like they didn't plan to keep their word.

She'd been expecting them to come and drag her off to a wedding any day now. Her only hope of escape was a rating game against Riser, one she knew she had no chance of winning, at the moment.

If she got her hands on the Sacred Gear of the Red Dragon Emperor sitting in that flimsy glass case she would actually have a chance of winning her freedom.

She was not going to let whoever was making these pocket dimensions dangle hope in front of her face and then deny it. She glared at Azeez with narrowed eyes, "I am not leaving here without it."

To emphasize her words, she released some of her demonic power covering herself in an aura that was red on the edges and black in the center, "One way or another, I am taking the Boosted Gear with me when I leave here."

Azeez looked at her for a moment before he sighed, "Azeez is telling you it is nothing but a display piece, but fine. If the customer wishes to buy it Azeez's master has set the price at one hundred million yen."

Sona gasped at the price. Not because of how high it was, but because of how low it was. Sacred Gears very rarely ever went on sale, but it had happened a few times.

Even the weakest of Sacred Gears would sell for a billion yen. A Longinus had never been on sale before but she couldn't imagine it going for less than a few trillion yen, if not more.

It wasn't exactly an item that a price tag could easily be placed on. After all, this was an item with the potential to kill gods!


Sona couldn't blame Rias for jumping on the opportunity to buy the Boosted Gear for such an impossibly low price.

If she didn't know how desperately Rias would want it, she would have been tempted to try to buy it herself.

Azeez let out a long-suffering sigh and pulled the wooden case containing the item in question down and set it on the counter, "Azeez wonders if you are still interested in his potions?"

Sona, seeing that Rias was purely focused on the Boosted Gear, her aura calmed down by the agreement for the sale, "How much for the potions?"

"For the Least, Ten thousand yen, each. For the Lesser? Twenty-five thousand, each."

Sona nodded, it didn't seem like a bad price, though she still wasn't certain about the efficacy of the potions.

The Satans hadn't seen fit to inform them of their findings. She was only buying the potions to send them off to her sister so they could have more to test. If the potions worked it could be a game changer for her family.

Anything that improved healing was excellent for a group who owned hospitals in the underworld, "I'll take three of each."

Azeez smiles brightly, "Wonderful!" He collects three of each potion and sets them on the counter next to the still-encased Boosted Gear, "For you, miss with the lovely blue hair, your total is One hundred sixty-five thousand yen for twelve potions." He turned to Rias, "What about you miss? Any potions to go with your display item?"

Sona thought it was a bit odd that the shopkeeper kept referring to the Boosted Gear as a display item, but brushed it off. It was just a man created a short time ago through the use of Innovate Clear.

He probably had no idea what the Boosted Gear even was. A quick scan of all the items showed they all had magical signatures, she just didn't know what to look for to prove, or disprove, that the gauntlet was the Boosted Gear.

She was suspicious, but everything she'd seen so far indicated that whoever had Innovate Clear was completely new to the supernatural world. They likely had no idea what they were really doing.

Rias shook her head and pat the wooden box containing the Boosted Gear, "This is all I want."

Azeez nodded amicably, "Very well. Your total comes to one hundred million yen. How will you lovely ladies be paying?"

Both girls looked a little sheepish. Their school uniforms didn't exactly have pockets for them to carry their wallets around with them.

Even if they did, Sona only kept around fifty thousand yen on hand at any given time. She wasn't even sure that Rias had the amount she had agreed to pay. Rias, looking for any option asked, "I don't suppose you would accept a check?"

Azeez's flat stare would have been enough to answer that question, but he added words to make certain, "No. Cash only. But! Azeez is not unfair.

Azeez will hold your purchases for you while you go and get the money. Azeez promises not to sell them to anyone else."

Rias looked torn with indecision while Sona looked blasé about the whole thing. Finally, Rias turned to look directly into Azeez's eyes, "You promise not to sell it?"


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