Chereads / High School DxD: The Game Master / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28 : The bartender smiled happily

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28 : The bartender smiled happily

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Rias stiffened at the mention of her mistake. It had been embarrassing to tell her brother that she had been scammed so badly. He'd been understanding, but she felt like something in their relationship had changed, and not for the better.

She didn't like it. She glared slightly at the bartender, "I'm still going to hurt him when I find him."

"Fair, M'lady, fair. My Master also wishes you to know that he feels bad about the situation you are in and he wishes to help to the best of his abilities to make it up to you.

Each of his creations, such as this one, is special in some way. He wishes to use the worlds he creates to help you and all your peerage members, to become stronger. If you enter my Master's creations, defeat the monsters, and complete the tasks within you can gain some power.

The more of these 'scenarios' that you run, the more powerful my Master will become, the more difficult he can make his scenarios, and the more power you can gain from the scenarios."

Rias, still mad, actually looked a little intrigued as she listened to the bartender, "So, Akeno feeling a small increase to her strength from the first 'scenario' wasn't a fluke?"

The bartender shook his head, "No, M'lady, it's merely that his other scenarios thus far have not been the kind to give rewards. To earn rewards monsters must be slain or tasks must be completed.

The stronger the monsters or the harder the task, the more power you can gain from them. Unfortunately, the strength of the monsters within is limited by my Master's strength. Fortunately, the more of his scenarios you complete, the more powerful he becomes and the harder the scenarios he can make. He believes that this gives an opportunity for a mutually beneficial relationship."

Rias considered what she had been told. Clearly whoever was running these scenarios was gaining information somehow. At least, if their assumption that he was new to the supernatural world was actually correct.

It was possible that he knew of the supernatural but had only recently awoken his Sacred Gear. They had far too little information. Though she definitely had more now and it had her thinking.

Their theory of the Sacred Gear only being recently awakened seemed to be proven true given his need for them to help him get stronger by running his scenarios. At the same time, he was going to help them get stronger, something Rias especially couldn't deny wanting.

Then there was the newer, stronger, potion. If he could get stronger and keep making more effective potions, they could be one hell of a trump card in her rating game against Riser. Phoenix Tears were limited by the rules to two per match. Healing potions had no such limitations.

If she could get those and stronger mana potions, she could go for a battle of attrition against Riser. As long as she could outlast him, she could win.

There was also no telling what other kinds of goodies could be made if the scenarios could become stronger. Maybe even something to hard counter Riser's regeneration? She knew, without a doubt, that if she could cancel his regeneration, she could beat him.

She focused on the bartender, "I want to meet your Master."

The man behind the counter gave an apologetic shrug, "I'm sorry M'lady. He has no interest in meeting with anyone. He has no interest in the conflicts between your faction and the others.

He also has no interest in becoming a slave. My Master is only willing to go so far and tell you so much because he feels somewhat guilty and believes you can help each other become stronger. However, he does not require that it be you who runs his scenarios. Anyone who runs them will gain the benefits and provide growth for my Master."

The bartender smiles, "As additional incentive, My Master wishes to let you know, he is aware of your unwanted engagement and promises that he is looking into ways to help you win the upcoming battle.

He's not, yet, sure what he can do to help, but he is researching it." He picks up the Lesser Healing Potion and holds it up, "To prove he is hard at work he has offered this gift to you. It is twice as strong as its predecessor the Least Healing Potion."

Rias thought about it for all of a second before she sighed and nodded, "Tell your Master that he has a deal."

What else was she going to say? No? And what would that get her? Nothing is what. With Boosted Gear looking to be completely out of reach, her only available hope was the mysterious user of Innovate Clear and his promise of help against Riser. She currently had no other possible paths to victory and freedom.

That didn't mean she had to like it. The guy had scammed her after all!

The bartender smiled happily, "Wonderful! Then, allow me to send you on your first quest!"

Rias's ears perked up at the word 'quest', she couldn't help it. This was a chance to live a true adventure! It really got to her and she simply couldn't be anything but excited as she looked at the bartender waiting for more. He didn't disappoint, "You, M'lady Gremory, have found yourself at my tavern, The Tavern of the Beginning, and I need your help. I was expecting a delivery of supplies but it is a day late. It's never been late before and I am worried.

The roads have become more and more dangerous of late. I ask of you to please, find out what happened and, if possible, rescue the delivery driver and recover my delivery."

Rias practically vibrated in place as she was given her first real quest! She nodded her head excitedly, "I will do my best!"

The bartender bowed his head slightly, "Thank you, M'lady. Return here once you have accomplished your task and I will reward you appropriately."


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