Chereads / High School DxD: The Game Master / Chapter 31 - Chapter 31 : His current facilities

Chapter 31 - Chapter 31 : His current facilities

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Ryuji contemplated the results of Rias running the kobold scenario. He'd honestly not meant for it to be so tough on her. The kobolds were pretty weak.

Even a normal man with a regular weapon, like a sword, should have been able to handle four of them with some effort. Rias should have rolled over them like they weren't even there.

He'd watched the recording through a few times and put it down as a bit of arrogance, inexperience, and a lack of focus. Arrogance wasn't exactly a surprise.

Rias was pretty strong for her age and lack of actually putting effort into training. It was easy to see that had gone to her head. Her lack of experience was also obvious. She'd hardly looked around for the kobold in the forest and hadn't checked her corners until she got ambushed and cut.

Then her lack of focus, she'd clearly forgotten the last kobold out in the forest and took an arrow for it. Arrows she'd been visually warned the kobolds had.

He honestly feared that if he'd put in more kobolds thinking 'oh, she's strong she can handle it' that she would now be dead.

Clearly he needed to be very careful about what he put in his scenarios until she, and likely every other devil, actually got some real experience and could consistently handle themselves.

On the flip side, having to watch the recording over repeatedly led to a startling discovery. When she wasn't lashing out in a panic, Rias used magical circles to help summon and control her Power of Destruction.

Magic circles he could read! He didn't understand everything about them, yet, but he could instinctively tell that, with some studying, he could potentially learn to harness the Power of Destruction for his own spells.

That was a huge discovery! It meant that if he could see, and study, the magic circles for devil clan magic, he could possibly learn them and copy their magical abilities! Okay, granted, he had no idea what any of them were beyond Rias's Power of Destruction, but still! It was an avenue to a lot of power. Or at least he assumed it was given how powerful the Power of Destruction was.

Just the idea that he could study, and then copy, the Phenex clan regeneration was one hell of a boon. He would definitely have to find a way to study Riser's magic, somehow.

After studying Rias's run through the scenario, Ryuji decided to do some work on his Alchemy. He learned a few things really quickly. First, the ability he had that improved his intelligence and memory when dealing with learning magic? That applied to Alchemy as well making learning the basics a breeze.

Second, just handling an ingredient for a bit gave him a very basic concept of what it could be used for, this would make matching ingredients for a desired effect easier. It kind of reminded him of learning about Alchemy ingredients in Skyrim, without having to eat them.

The whole not eating them thing was an amazing boon because he'd found just a single ingredient that helped with fertility among the tier one ingredients. If eating them had been the only way to learn the abilities of the ingredient, he never would have known its effect.

After all, who in their right mind would eat raw, skinned goblin testicles? Just the fact he had a dozen of them in a jar was scary enough, never mind trying to eat one to know what they did. Just the thought was enough to make him gag. Though, he had to admit, the goblin testicles helping with fertility made sense.

In so many stories the little green blighters could breed with anything female and knock them up the first time. Creepy as fuck, sure, but not inaccurate.

Despite the disturbing nature of many of his ingredients, it was nice to learn about them and begin his experimentation. The process of discovering a new potion was easy. Step one, grab two ingredients with a similar nature. For example, two ingredients that have healing properties. Step two, place one ingredient in the left alembic with some water. Repeat with the second ingredient but with the right alembic.

Step three, wait for the magical flames to reduce the ingredients to distillate and come out of the alembic pipes to meet in the center and drip into a vial. Step four, pump some mana into the mixed juices and you're done!

His current facilities only allowed for mixing two ingredients together at a time, the next tier would allow for three ingredients and a second preparation method. Not that he was in a rush to get there.

He was currently saving all of his Dungeon Energy to buy both the Jewelcrafting and Enchanting upgrades. After that, he might consider upgrading Alchemy, if there's nothing more important that needs increasing before then.

He moved over to a table where he'd placed the potions he'd managed to make. They were a rainbow of colors to match their various effects.

His favorites were the damage resistance potions. Unlike in a game, they didn't give a percentage of how much damage they could prevent, but given they were all Lesser potions, he'd guess not a huge amount. No, it was the potential such potions represented.

If he could get them strong enough to almost, or completely, negate any given element they will become game changers.

He was sad about one thing though. His attempt at a flying potion only produced a weak levitation potion. Drinking it only let him float a few inches off of the ground and move at a speed slower than walking. It was mildly entertaining for a few minutes and then lost its luster.

He clearly needed more ingredients and more complex potions to achieve some of the effects he was hoping for.

On the bright side though! The Alchemy facility came with a special machine that let him produce potions with ease. It had two hoppers he could throw ingredients in and a button to start the process.

It used his mana to make the vials, water, and to infuse the potions, but did everything else automatically. This meant he didn't have to make each individual potion when he wanted to mass-produce them.

Right now he had the machine producing a solid one hundred Lesser Healing Potions. He suspected they would be the ones in the most demand.


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