Chereads / High School DxD: The Game Master / Chapter 27 - Chapter 27 : "You know who I am?"

Chapter 27 - Chapter 27 : "You know who I am?"

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Rias hadn't been in class that day, Akeno either. He figured they were off pouting because of the replica Sacred Gear.

When he got home, he checked in on the onsen resort scenario, it having been active most of the day. A quick check showed the recordings from that morning...

He had NO idea that Rias knew how to swear like that!

She'd decided to confront the old couple running the resort about being scammed with the fake Boosted Gear.

Of course, the couple knew nothing of it. They only knew what he programmed them to know. He hadn't given them any new programming since he made them sooooo... they were clueless.

That did not please Rias one bit.

He shuddered at some of the threats she'd made. Especially the ones toward his manhood.

He definitely needed to stay off of her radar and make sure that if she ever found out it was him she was mad at, that he could protect himself.

It got worse once she spent her anger. Rias was a beautiful girl, anyone who didn't think so was blind or mentally deficient. Depression was not a good look on her. Having that bit of hope and finding out it was false was devastating to her and made him feel so much worse.

He would have to find a way to make it up to her. He wasn't about to join her peerage but, maybe, he could come up with something else to help her beat Riser.

His eyes trailed over to his Alchemy Workshop. Maybe a potion or poison of some sort to stop his regeneration from working? Perhaps a Holy Oil of some kind Kiba could put on his swords? Of course, those would just be on top of him making scenarios that Rias and her peerage could run to become stronger.

He could help her and her peerage out while simultaneously making himself stronger.

It was a good deal for everyone.

Rias stood before yet another portal to a pocket dimension. All attempts to figure out who was creating them had led to failure thus far. She was especially motivated to find the bastard who had tricked her and ripped her off.

She had no idea what she would do when she found him, but it would be painful! She didn't even want to be here, but someone had to take a look at it and deal with it. Sona was too busy seething over her new minor obsession, Okane-san.

Sona really didn't take criticism well, especially when it made her look stupid. Okane-san had made her not just look stupid but also made her feel like the kind of King she hated, one who ignored their peerage.

Apparently, Tsubaki had tried to inform Sona about Japan's decency laws and had been shot down by Sona claiming she knew all she needed to know.

In other words, Sona's pride had made her look like a fool, and rather than take the blame herself, she was projecting it all onto Okane-san.

She'd tried to get him into the Student Council Offices again, but he'd politely refused all invites stating he would only go if it was a matter that the Student Council had a legitimate reason for him to go there. Since he was a model student, they had no legitimate reasons to invite him over.

It was driving Sona mad and Rias didn't think it would be much longer before Sona would have her peerage stalking Okane-san outside of school looking for any excuse to force him into their offices.

Rias shook off the mildly amusing thoughts about Sona and Okana-san and refocused on the portal. She was stalling and she knew it. With a sigh, she stepped into the portal to see what she was dealing with this time.

Coming out the other side, she found herself inside of a tavern similar to the one within the first pocket dimension she'd visited with Sona. Only, this one seemed smaller and had a middle-aged man standing behind the counter.

What really caught her attention was the second door, directly across from where she came in, and the window next to it showing a world outside of the tavern. A world of trees that blocked her view of anything else.

While she looked out the window in curiosity, the man behind the counter spoke up, "Ah! Welcome M'lady Gremory to my humble tavern, the Tavern of the Beginning."

Rias turned to the man and scrutinized him with narrowed eyes, "You know who I am?"

He nodded, "I do, M'lady. My Master made sure I knew some of those who might visit my humble establishment. You were one of those people, M'lady." He reached beneath his counter and pulled out a familiar red vial, "My Master had a message and gift he wished for me to pass along."

Rias narrowed her eyes and walked toward the bar the man stood behind. She glanced at the familiar-looking vial and paused when she saw that it didn't read 'Least Health Potion' but rather read 'Lesser Health Potion'.

A quick scan with her magic didn't tell her much, only that this potion was stronger than the previous ones. Apparently the man, they assumed it was a man now, had made an upgrade.

If she hadn't been so single-mindedly focused on the Boosted Gear in Azeez's shop, she might not have been so surprised by the Lesser potion. Especially since Sona had purchased three of them right in front of her.

Seeing her looking at the gift, the bartender smiled and relayed the message, "My Master wishes to inform you that he is sorry about the misunderstanding between him and yourself. Azeez was only meant to be a simple creation that could facilitate sales of my Master's potions to yourself, and M'lady Sitri.

The item you purchased, was not actually meant to be sold, it was merely meant to be a display piece. Something my Master knows that Azeez mentioned.

My Master wishes you to know that the replica was only placed there to attract attention and for no other purpose. He has no intention of selling the real Boosted Gear to anyone."


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 15 chapters