Angelica sighed internally. A month's time far too long for her. She was certain that her father's half-brother would try something else to attack her family. They were only truly protected as soon as she was Ian's wife.
Ian could decode from the look on her face that this schedule did not please her. He could feel that she was in a rush. Were things were that bad in her home that she had to rush into a marriage so quickly?
Even he had his own plans, however, he would never allow anything or anyone to make him rush his plans.
"Judging from the look on your face that is far too long for you." he noted.
"Indeed, it is too long." she said, she felt no need to explain to him in great detail why she felt that way.
"When do you suppose we get married?" he asked, truly he did value her opinion. After all, they had a good agreement between them.
He needed a wife, and she needed someone to save her family. They were both doing this for their own reasons, and he had to admit that she was a perfect candidate. Considering that there is no compromise of feelings between them,
"Would it be possible for us to get married in two weeks?" she asked.
"Two weeks?" Ian looked surprised, shocked almost. That was cutting his own schedule in half. If he did not think she was rushing things before, he was certain now.
"Yes, two weeks. I want us to get married in two weeks." she affirmed. She could see the surprise in Ian's eyes, she needed him to know that she was serious about this.
"Two weeks is far too short." he frowned. "Our parents barely formally know each other, and do you know how long it takes to plan a wedding?" he asked.
"I considered your timeline and slashed it in half. What can be done in a month can certainly be done in two weeks." she stated. "Besides, our parents are well acquainted with one another, and I do not want a big wedding, just something small."
"Lady Angelica, you are marrying the prince of Calixas, not having a big wedding is no longer possible." he said almost mockingly.
"Alright the, I can accept that. Wedding preparations should not take that long." she said.
"Oh but in this case it will. Do you know how many foreign dignitaries will be in attendance." he frowned. "The entire kingdom will want to be present, this is no small matter."
"Alright, as true as that is, if wedding invitations are sent in four days time, all the foreign dignitaries will surely be prepared." she said.
"Rushing things is not something I recommend." he replied.
"You are the one that should be rushing considering your title will be revoked soon if you are not married." she said.
"I do not rush, things must be done decently and in order." he asserted.
"Well not all of us are the favourite son of the king." she scoffed.
They both looked at each other. He could see the irritation in her eyes. Her eyes were burning with haste, it made him wonder what fire she has been through to make her so hot.
"Alright... you know what your highness... we need to be in perfect agreement." she sighed. She could not allow all the stress pressure her. Remaining calm would be the best thing for her to do.
"I agree." he said.
"So what do you suggest?" she asked.
"We will announce our marriage in four days as soon as your father's court case has ended."
"On that very day the invitation would be sent to various foreign dignitaries as you suggested." Angelica was surprised that he had taken to her opinion, she did not show it, but Ian's way of speaking to her was starting to cause a change in her perception of him and even she did not know it.
"I will have to inform my father on my choice of wife. Clearly, it is impossible that he will not dislike who I have in mind." he said.
Angelica looked as if she did not care, truly she did not. She had lived all her life under the shadow of her father's tarnished family name. If Ian was truly serious about marrying her, his father's opinion would not matter.
"If you are truly a man of your word as you claim, your father's thoughts will not derail your plans." she said. She was not stupid, he was using her, she was using him, they were both using each other in order to fulfil their own agendas.
Even though she did not know clearly what his true agenda was, she just needed her family to be safe. Whatever she faced later in the marriage would be her cross to bear.
"Of course Lady Angelica, you can count on that. All I am saying is do not be surprised when you are invited to dinner and my father frowns throughout." he smiled.
"You do not need to worry about that your highness, I am used to people's frowns, it does not affect me." Ian smiled, he had a feeling she would say something like that.
"It would seem you are used to many things people do."
"Anyway, as soon as your father's court case has ended, your family will be invited to dinner with my family so create cordial ties the following evening." she nodded.
"Alright, should we bring something along with us as a gesture of goodwill?" she asked.
"No, that is not necessary, my father is the king, there is nothing you can give him that he would be happy with. In fact, I am sure he would find it an insult to bring anything." Ian shook his head.
"You do not have to worry about anything like that. Just honour the invitation, that is more than enough."
"Alright." she said.
"The following day you will appear at the castle for the fitting of your wedding dress, you will send your preferences and measurements to the seamstress."
"She will have to work quickly in order for the dress to be ready on time."
"Oh, and we will need someone to plan the wedding." he added. "My mother can aid in planning the wedding." Angelica replied.
"Are you sure that she would be glad to do that?" he asked.
"Of course, why do you think otherwise?" she narrowed her eyes at him.
"From what I heard from your father, your mother is not pleased with this agreement of marriage."
"It does not matter if she is pleased or not. She will plan the wedding, I am sure of it." she said almost in a commanding manner.
"I see..." Ian replied, noticing how her relationship with her parents were different. With her father she was cautious, and yet, it seemed as if she had no respect for her mother at all.
"It is agreed then." Angelica nodded.
"Oh and one more thing, we need to choose a date for the wedding. That needs to be settled before the invitations are sent out."
"Which date do you have in mind?" she asked.
"None, what do you have in mind?" he threw the question back at her. Evidently, what he was trying to say was, 'you choose it.'
"Alright, then what about the eighteenth?" she asked. Quickly she noticed the way the calm relaxed look on his face was quickly replaced by one of anger.
Even so the look of anger she had just seen disappeared as soon as it had emerged.
"No, not that date, never the eighteenth." he said calmly.
"Alright..." she saw no reason to probe. She had a feeling he had a deeper tie to the date the eighteenth, there was no need to ask questions that she had no place of asking.
"Then what of the twentieth?"
"I agree, the twentieth will be a good date." he said.
"Agreed." she replied then came a grave silence between them. Angelica did not usually find long silences uncomfortable, but this one was.
"When will I meet you again?" she asked after clearing her throat.
"I see you cannot wait to meet me again." he teased, she remained expressionless.
"I just want to be sure so if any thing changes in our plans we will both be informed." Ian smiled, she seemed to be always thinking, her mind was always turning, he liked that, it showed that she was not just a clueless woman, but a well informed one.
"You do not have to worry about anything changing in our plans." Angelica found it hard to believe his words so quickly, it seemed he had a sweet mouth, and she was very wary of men like that.
"But you are correct, I am very busy, most probably I will be unable to see you again after the dinner."
"Meaning we will not see each other till the day of the wedding?" she asked for more clarity.
"Yes." he nodded. "Does that worry you?"
"No, not at all." she replied. She honestly did not feel like she had to see him everyday.
Actually, the less she saw him, the better it was for her.