Chereads / Trapped by the Prince / Chapter 27 - But nothing

Chapter 27 - But nothing

"I apologize my king, I apologize sincerely, it is just that when in the presence of a revolting animal, one cannot help but react and most times in an unpleasant animal." Endrick apologized as he fixed himself.

Dariel just cackled, there was no point of saying anything, it was clear his half brother was the first one to attempt to attack him, he just responded accordingly to defend himself.

"If the both of you are unable to control your emotions do not come here to display the insanity evidently present in your family." Lord Endron scorned.

"Oh please Lord Endron, I assure you; insanity does not run in my family, or at least my side of the family." Dariel smiled.

"Last I recalled your mother claimed to see the dead right before her passing." Dariel mocked as Endrick balled his hand into a fist.

If he wanted this investigation to go on he had to behave himself seemingly pleasant.

"Viscount Dariel, watch you tone and your words. Do not provoke your brother to anger." Phillip frowned.

"I apologize my king, but you know how younger siblings can be, they always claim to know better than we elders." Dariel smiled as Phillip ignored him.

"Moving on, Lord Endrick, you claim that there is, or at least there was a will?" he asked his eyes fixed on Endrick.

"Yes sire, there was." he nodded.

"And who or what makes you so sure of the existence of this will?" he inquired. "Because it is your word against his and clearly if he had held the title for as long as he has, disputing his appointment now." he added.

Dariel fought the urge to scoff, clearly there was some corruption present. Or else why would the king particularly take up this matter?

Dariel had a feeling that Endrick promised something he could not afford in exchange for this hearing.

"My king, my mother told me directly that my father had indeed written a will, however, it was never found to be read because this man you see standing in front of you all today burnt it!" he shouted pointing an accusing finger at Dariel who looked uninterested. 

"Is this true Viscount Dariel?" Lord Endron asked as everyone had the same shocked expression on their faces.

"Oh please, honourable men of the king's court, my king, should we really believe the words of a woman who claimed to see the dead?" he asked. "May I remind you that the insanity that runs in his side of the Rivethans family originates from her." he smiled.

"Shut your mouth!" Endrick shouted while Dariel remained calm. He knew just where to hurt him.

"The both of you be quiet, I do not want a repeat of what just happened mere moments ago." Phillip glared.

"I apologize sire, but this man should have his tongue cut off." Endrick scoffed.

"Moving on, Lord Endrick, your claim of a will existing or existed is mere hearsay." Phillip moved on.

"Even if my mother, may her soul rest in peace was sure of it and she was sure of seeing him burning it!" he exclaimed.

"Even so, any evidence that was never known to have existed will not be taken as proof of anything." Phillip said.

"But my k—"

"But nothing Lord Endrick, there is no point of going back and forth." Lord Endron rudely interjected.

"You should be well aware that we are busy men, and we did not come here to watch you make a fool out of yourself like a commoner." he sneered.

"This is the king's conclusion for today."

"There has been many revelations, we will end today's hearing for further investigation, we shall all report here tomorrow at the same time." he concluded.

"Are we clear?" Phillip asked.

"Yes sire." they all replied.

"Good, I have another meeting to attend to, excuse me." Phillip said, he stood up and walked out of the room, Lord Endron following behind him and so did the two guards present.

Endrick scoffed looking down at his feet, this was not how he expected things to go at all. He did not get his title back, instead just bruises, punches and ridicule, not to even talk about the immense disrespect given to his darling mother's memory.

Endrick looked up, he felt something, rather someone staring at him. Right he was, he was instantly met with the derisive smile on Dariel's face.

Dariel gave a little wave before leaving. If they all thought that he was going to give them what they want without a fight, they were sorely mistaken.


Dariel was back in the carriage, it moved slowly through the crowded streets. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

What an utter waste of his time. This entire court hearing was just to waste his time. He was fed up, he could not wait till he saw the shocked looks on their faces when it would be announced that he was to be in law to the king himself.

"That would show them, that would show them all!" he said to himself as he laughed.

Just they wait, he would have them all in derision very soon.

Dariel opened his eyes and looked out the carriage window. He disliked how slow they were moving, this town was always very busy, especially in the mornings.

He watched as the traders set up their stalls for the day, some had already started trading, he could hear the faint noises of negotiations and fights from outside.

As the carriage progressed slowly, something outside suddenly caught his eye. 

He looked surprised, he could not believe what he was seeing.

"Stop the carriage." he said instantly as the carriage hastily came to a halt.

Dariel wasted no time, he opened the door of the carriage, hastily he exited confusing the carriage driver greatly.

In the matter of mere minutes he had returned. He entered into the carriage whom people had been cursing for parking right in the middle of the street.

"Continue on." Dariel said as the carriage driver responded quickly moving before they were stoned.


Dariel walked into the manor, his eyes cold as usual, a poor maid was busy dusting when she felt a chill run down her spine.

It was right there and then that she knew the master was back, and definitely not in a good mood.

"Where is your lady?" he asked her as she slowly turned around avoiding his gaze.

" in... her room... my lord..." she managed to say.

He left without saying a single word. The maid sighed in relief, he did not seem to upset as to shout at her unnecessarily as he was prone to do.

Dariel walked up the stairs and straight to their bedroom, his hands were behind his back.

The cold look on his face changed as soon as he entered the bedroom, instead it was replaced with a soft smile.

"Ohara... my love." he called as she was seated on the bed, a book in her hand.

She looked up momentarily before proceeded to ignore him. She still was not speaking to him, she was still hurt.

"Please, do not remain upset with me, I beg you." he said walking closer to the edge of the bed.

"I know that I have hurt you, and there is no amount of apologies than can undo the hurt I have done." she continued to ignore him. "I love you, you have always been by my side, and there is nothing I can say to thank you for your endless, continuous support Ohara." he said.

"But the least I can do is here with me." he said. "Here is a token of my love for you, my dear lovely Ohara." he smiled as he pulled out bunch of blue chicory flowers.

In the same moment he heard her gasp, her indifferent front changed as her cold eyes melted.

"Where did you find these?" she asked her voice soft.

"I saw it in the market on my way home and I instantly thought of you and how much you would love them." he smiled.

"Oh, I do love them Dariel, so much, do you remember that these were the first flowers you ever got me." she smiled.

"I remember my love, back when I had nothing, I promised to buy you a bouquet of flowers, but I seemed to have forgotten that." he laughed sheepishly. "I know this is not much, but this is what I have to offer you."

"I never wanted much from you Dariel, you know that." she smiled.

"Does that mean you have forgiven me?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes, yes, I have." she smiled as she embraced him and he breathed a breath of relief. He did not know what he would do if the only woman in the world who truly loved him stopped loving him.


"Endron, what do you think of this recent case between the Rivethans brothers?" Phillip asked as he and Endron walked side by side in his townhall garden.