Dariel frowned as he walked through his manor's halls. He was in a bad mood, but that was not surprising.
He stopped in front of Angelica's room, he knocked impatiently.
"Good morning father." Angelica said opening the door as Dariel walked in hastily.
"Good morning Angelica, help me do my buttons." he said quickly as she narrowed her eyes at him. Nevertheless she did as he asked and proceeded to button up his shirt for him.
"What are you doing awake at this time?" he asked her as she frowned.
"I am always awake by this time. I usually go out for a morning walk, but it is too cold outside for that." she replied even though she felt like snapping at him. He barely knew anything about her. She was the one that was supposed to be asking the questions here, not him.
After all, it was not usual for him to ask her to help him get ready, that was her mother's duty, not hers.
"I see..." he replied.
"Well your mother is being unbearable, she has been upset with me since yesterday and has refused to speak to me." Dariel whined.
Angelica resisted the urge to smile delightfully. The last thing she wanted to do was anger her father this morning.
"What do you expect, I am surprised it took her this long to be upset." she said as she swiftly bound the red handkerchief that matched his coat.
"How do you mean?" Dariel asked in anger, his eyes narrowed.
"I just mean father, she always does your bidding always. It is only natural that after so many years of being the obedient wife she wants some equality." she said idly. Ideally on a normal day she would not let her mouth run so casually.
However, today was a different day. For instance her father was here, he needed her help to make sure he looked the best, and they all knew how incapable he was of dressing himself to the perfection he always desired.
In simple terms, he needed someone to help him get ready, his wife was ignoring him, so she was the nest best solution, hence if he got angry from her words and left, he would have no one else to turn to, so he would remain here waiting for her to finish.
"What do you mean equality? She already has a lot of that and more!" he replied.
Angelica shot him a knowing glance. She knew what equality in a relationship was, and this certainly was not it.
"Whatever you say father." she simply replied. Dariel who was annoyed did not like her impolite tone.
"What do you mean by that? Your mother has more equality in this house than other women in most homes." he argued, he always loved to be right.
"Father, she does everything you ask." Angelica said. "It is just unfortunate that the one thing she wants will be impossible to grant her." she concluded as she finished tying his handkerchief.
She smoothed out his collar one last time before taking a step back. She admired her work. He looked really well kept if she said so herself.
Dariel was silent, her words seemed to struck an unpleasant cord in his heart. He was silent was for so long that Angelica was worried something was wrong with him.
"I am done father." she said snapping him out of his daze.
"Alright, thank you." he replied. Angelica was stunned, he had never said thank you to her. She quickly masked her expression.
"You are welcome." she replied.
"I want to make sure I see the looks of disappointment and anger on their faces." he cackled. It was at that moment that Angelica was sure her real father had returned.
"Well may I just remind you that you must still behave as if you do not have the upper hand." she reminded him.
She could see his eyes glimmering in revenge, she knew that had she not reminded him that news of her espousal to Ian was not yet known, he would have certainly made sure to prove to all his enemies that he had been restored tenfold during his hearing at the king's court.
"What do you take me for? Some sort of child! Of course I know better than to roll up my sleeves before the battle has even begun!" he answered sounding irritated. Did she really think he was that incapable of controlling his emotions.
"Your words not mine." she simply replied as she sat down on her bed.
He scoffed, he hated how adroit his daughter thought herself to be.
"I am your elder, certainly I know how to act." he said, he hated that he was even here. He just had an habit of discussing his going in and out with someone, and that someone was Ohara, however, she was upset with him at the moment and he had no one else to speak to, other than his unmannerly daughter.
"All I am saying father is to be discreet. The less the enemies know the better." she said strictly.
"Be silent, I already know what to do." he answered angrily.
"Enough about that, when is that insolent prince going to announce your espousal anyway?" he asked.
"I am not going to tell you, but it will be soon." Angelica knew better than to tell her father exact details of their agreement, he would use it to his benefit and try to find ways to create more opportunities for himself.
Angelica knew how exploitative her father could be; it was in his blood, unfortunately it was not something he could change.
"What makes you think you are better than me your own father!" he asked angrily, clearly he wanted to turn this conversation of theirs into an argument.
"Once again, your words, not mine." she sighed. Honestly, she did not see this conversation going anywhere definite. It was just a waste of her time.
"You know what father, I believe that if you continue standing here, you will be late." she said.
"I—You—How dare you—" he spluttered, she was indirectly chasing him away! How could his own child dare chase him away.
"You know what, you are right, I should be on my way!" he replied. He decided not to pursue this further, he truly did have somewhere important to be.
"How are you going to get to the king's court?" she asked him not because she cared for him but because she remembered that their carriage driver had resigned months ago.
"I hired another carriage driver." he replied simply.
"Why would you do that? We do not have the means to pay his wages, that is the exact same reason why the previous driver left." she reminded him.
"Oh can you just be at ease for a moment? Money is no longer a problem Angelica." Dariel smiled proudly.
"I will soon be an in law to the king." he smiled. "I will be able to pay him his wages at the end of the month." he scoffed.
Angelica stared at her father amazed, how could he be so ignorant? So greedy? So... unable to be content with what they had presently. He was not even an in law to the king yet and he was already hiring workers he could not pay.
"Stop looking like that you wretched child." he scoffed. "We have been in dire need of a carriage driver for months, this was needed." he said, he did not even know why he was trying to explain his reasons to her.
"Just last week your mother had to walk all the way to the market and back." he frowned.
"I am not saying you did not indeed hire someone we need, however, father, you could have least waited till you had the means to pay this man." she said.
"I do have the means to pay child, maybe if you tell me when exactly the prince will announce your marriage then I would have waited till then." he said as she scoffed, very typical of him to justify his actions by using someone else's faults.
"Father, you should be on your way now." she simply said gesturing to the door.
This was the most time she had spoke to her father without them arguing, or him shouting at her, or in rage. Clearly news of being an in law to the king made him really happy.
If only there was another way, Angelica would not have wanted to give him such satisfaction, alas, she had no other choice.
"I own this house." he almost shouted.
"That you do, but I am your only child, which means that at the time of your passing I will inherit this house." she said.
"Are you wishing me an early grave?!"
"Once again father, your words and not mine." she smiled.
She heard him groan as he stormed out of her room and she shook her head. Sometimes she wondered what caused her father to have children when clearly he hated them.