"Oh no, I apologize, I did not see her, my eyes were too focused on her avaricious father." Easton replied sarcastically.
"Did you not see how audacious that man was to ask for a home in the highlands! And as if that was not disappointing enough he asked for an increase in his monthly stipends!" Easton exclaimed.
"If that display of greed is not enough to ward you from seeking such a man as your in law, I do not know what is!" Ian felt like he was being lectured by his mother, and his mother in question was a man his age with a deep gruff nagging like an overbearing woman.
"Just imagine what having such a greedy in law will do to the finances of the kingdom!" Ian lazily rested his head on the sill of the carriage window, closing his eyes to rest.
"You do not seem to be taking me serious Ian! For all we know his daughter is as greedy as he is!" It was at that moment that Ian's eyes shot open and he opened his mouth to speak.
"She is not anything like her father." he simply replied.
"Oh, and what makes you so sure?!" asked Easton, he hated it when Ian became so relaxed concerning something serious.
"I am sure, trust me, if you hear her speak, you will know that greed and worldly possessions are the last things on her mind." Easton heard him say.
Easton looked shocked, his mouth dropped open. Had this woman fed Ian a love potion while he was not present or what?! What suddenly caused him to sing her praises as if she was some angel sent from above!
"I think you have eaten something that has turned your head upside down." Easton concluded.
"No, I have not. Why do you think I never accepted anything I was offered in their home? I know better than to eat idly." replied Ian.
"Then maybe the sort of potions they make nowadays is not applied in food but blown into your face because I definitely do not see what makes you so sure of the character of a woman you just met!"
Ian sighed, he was certainly getting exhausted by hearing Easton go on and on.
"Easton, just leave it be, you are starting to annoy me."
"Mhmm, right, just do not be angry at me when your father finds out your plans tonight." said Easton turning away angrily to face the window.
Angelica sat in her room, staring out the window. She watched as the snowflakes fell from the sky onto the ground. Adding snow layer by layer.
Some people read books to relax, some sewed, some sang, well she—She loved to look outside her window and watch the untampered work of nature.
It calmed her, it relaxed her. It made her feel peaceful for once. It was the only means of escape that no one could take away from her.
"Angelica, I need to speak to you." Angelica heard her mother's voice outside the door.
She remained there unmoving. She did not say a single word. Hopefully her mother would take the hint and leave her alone.
"Angelica, I know you are in there. I want to speak to you right now." Ohara demanded.
"I have asked you nicely Angelica, do not dare frown at me when I let myself in." she said as she opened the door and walked in.
"Angelica, what is the matter with you? I called you and you did not reply!" Ohara said looking upset.
Angelica lethargically turned her head to face her mother.
"Mother, what do you want?" she asked sighing.
"I want to speak with you. Now, you know that I have always defended and supported you but... this time, I have to put my foot down." Ohara began.
"Marrying a man you barely know is not advisable my love, I am telling you. You must reconsider this, your father is so blinded that he will not side with me on this."
Ohara frowned, she was going to try her best to end this madness, no matter what she would never accept this marriage.
"Mother... you are late, father has already agreed with the crown prince and so have I." Angelica replied lazily.
"Do not speak to me like that my love. I am serious, very serious, your father will come to his senses soon and agree with me!"
"Mother, that husband of yours will never come to his senses, can you believe he had the effrontery to demand a manor in the highlands as well as an increase to his monthly stipends?" asked Angelica as she stood up.
She heard her mother gasp in disbelief. Her eyes were filled with confusion and anger.
"Are you serious?" asked Ohara.
"As serious as my name is Angelica Rivethans." she replied.
"Oh Dariel... Dariel, Dariel, Dariel." Ohara uttered disappointedly.
"You should know your husband by now, as long as there is a something beneficial for him in the deal, he most certainly will agree to it." she sneered.
"I know that you are disappointed in your father my love but—"
"But nothing mother, in the past I was disappointed, now I anticipate it." Angelica interposed.
"Mother, you know what, you are interrupting my personal time, would you please leave?" Angelica asked.
Ohara did not know what to say, she had come here hoping to convince her daughter otherwise, instead she had heard something she did not want to hear about her husband.
"Alright..." she simply replied leaving the room.
Angelica sighed, sat back down and resumed looking out her window.
"Dariel... why would you ask for a manor in the highlands and an increase in our monthly stipends?!" asked Ohara as soon as she entered his office.
"I can see that gossip truly does spread quickly in this household." he simply replied.
"Answer me Dariel!"
"I do not see why you are upset? What I asked for was only right. Of course if my title rises so should my monthly stipends." he replied casually.
"Dariel, if you cannot see how wrong you were, then you definitely are not as intelligent as I thought you to be." she sighed.
"What did his highness say?"
"I do not know why he adamantly refused to my request of a manor in the highlands, however, he agreed to the increase in my monthly stipends." Dariel scoffed.
"Money is not everything Dariel!" she exclaimed.
"Oh but it is Ohara. Money paid for that dress you are wearing, those jewels, this manor, our maids. It is all money, and the more money we have the better." he said seeing no wrong.
"I never asked for these dresses, or these jewels or this manor... all I wanted was—you." she said. "I wanted to be happy with you and raise our family in peace, but now I can see that is not possible." she sighed.
"You know, when you left during breakfast Angelica asked me if your father had ever lived with us." she laughed sadly as his eyes opened wide.
"And what did you say?" he asked worriedly.
"Nothing, I did not have a chance to say anything because you walked in at that moment." she replied, she heard Dariel sigh in relief.
"Thank goodness." she heard him say.
"Dariel, I think that we should tell Angelica the truth about what happened." said Ohara.
Dariel instantly looked at her as if she had said the unspeakable.
"No, no Ohara, she must never know, and you know why that is." he said shaking his head violently.
"But she is older now, and she is asking valid questions, we will not be able to hide what truly happened for long." Ohara said.
"It does not matter, the less she knows, the better it is for her, and you are fully aware of that." Dariel insisted. "Or would you prefer she knows the truth and it triggers some traumatic experience." he added.
"Alright, fine, I will respect your wishes." she said.
"Thank you." he replied gratefully.
"You know... it is amusing how I always respect your wishes no matter what I truly think because I hold you in high regard as my husband, but you—You have never for once, respected my wishes or try to be understanding with me." there was an unmistakable tone of sorrow in her voice.
"If that does not suggest to you that there is a problem somewhere, then I do not know what does." she said and with that she turned around and left without giving him a chance to speak. She fought the urge to let out tears.
Dariel heard the door to his office close harshly with a thud. He looked down at his desk, his expression was unreadable. He turned to look out the window as he watched the snow fall.
Pleasing Ohara was definitely one thing he wanted to do, but at the moment his priority was saving his title and that would remain most important till he got what he wanted.