Chereads / Trapped by the Prince / Chapter 22 - Very busy man

Chapter 22 - Very busy man

"Aww, I thought that you would miss seeing me." he teased. She did not look impressed at all.

Ian knew that his remark would not cause a change in her expression, however, he just wanted to try. After all, he had not seen her smile, not even once, she always seemed to be so stiff and serious.

He had never come across a lady so austere especially when in front of him. Forgive him for thinking such a thing but, no matter how beautiful she was, her behaviour was more than enough to chase away suitors, maybe that was why she came looking for him.

"Unlike you your highness, some of us do not have the opulence to freely joke with others." she replied.

"I see... are you always this serious?" he asked receiving no reply from her.

"I guess you are." he answered himself.

"I believe that we have discussed all we have to say. If you are ready now your highness I can escort you on your way." she said knowing that if she did not end things here Ian would start talking idly.

He seemed like the type of chattering man, and she hated men who talked unreasonably. 

"Is that your poor attempt at chasing me away?" he asked amused,

"No, not at all your highness, as you said earlier, you are a very busy man, I just want to make sure you do not neglect all your important duties because of me." he could clearly hear the sarcasm in her tone.

He smiled, no woman had ever spoken to him so freely, they were always trying to impress him, trying to get him to like this, but Angelica was not like that at all. She was very curt and straightforward.

"You are correct Lady Angelica, thank you for reminding me that I truly am a very busy man." he smiled.

"You are welcome." she replied standing up. She had a feeling if she did not move he would do the same and they would continue sitting here staring at each other, or at least he was the one staring at her. 

"Allow me to escort you back your highness." she said walking to the door of her study and opening it.

"With pleasure." he smiled as he stood up and followed behind her.


Dariel shook his head, the prince had been gone for more than twenty minutes. He truly wondered what he was discussing with his daughter.

He was starting to get worried, he could not leave and go to check on them or else that would make him seem suspicious, but staying here was just increasing this perturbing feeling he felt constantly. 

And to top it all off this blasted chief guard had not stopped staring at him since the prince left.

Dariel could not believe he had allowed himself feel uncomfortable in his own home.

As soon as the twig in his head was about to snap Angelica walked into the room followed by Ian.

"Greetings father." she said bowing her head as he stood up.

"Greetings, I hope that you treated his highness well." he said the warning in his tone unmissable. He knew Angelica well and her frigid personality was more than enough to make men lose interest in her.

He did not need that happening now that all his plans had been set in motion.

"Of course she did viscount, you have a very lovely daughter, clearly her charming looks were inherited from her mother." Ian uttered clearly he meant for his comment to sound insulting, but he was sure Dariel would be able to refute him.

Undoubtably Dariel found himself unable to reply, a clearly irritated smile on his face but that was it.

Easton on the other hand who had been upset almost forgot his anger as he found it hard not to laugh.

Even Angelica looked at Ian, surprised that her father could keep his mouth shut at such an insult.

"Her mother indeed is a very beautiful woman." he managed to spit out after a while.

"I would truly like to meet Viscountess Ohara, my future mother in law." he smiled.

"And she is delighted to meet you." Dariel lied through his teeth. Angelica resisted the urge to scoff. That was a lie and he knew it. 

"I look forward to that day, but for now, I must take my leave." he smiled.

"It was a pleasure seeing you Viscount Dariel." He said in a sarcastic manner. "I look forward to seeing you again Lady Angelica." he looked at her and smiled.

"And so do I." she replied and with that he turned around and took his leave. Easton followed behind him not before turning to take one last look at Dariel as if warning him before he disappeared behind his prince.

"What did you and the prince discuss?" Dariel asked instantly, he did not even waste time.

"Nothing that you need to be informed with." she replied.

"Do not sound ungrateful you insolent child! Tell me what you discussed!" he demanded.

"Maybe if you tell me why you asked for an increase in your stipends I might answer." she calmly replied.

Dariel cursed under his breath, that blasted prince had told his daughter what they had discussed. Anyway, why was he worried? She was his daughter, she was supposed to be scared of him and not the other way round.

"My title will be promoted, so should be stipends." he replied shamelessly.

"You know what... had your request not been a selfish one, had it been so we would have the resources to make our home better, I would have been more understanding, but no, it is nothing but your greed." she sneered.

"You have no right to talk to me in that manner! I am your father and you will respect me!" he ordered.

"At this point father... I am not surprised." she replied as she left.

Dariel groaned in rage, he felt like breaking something, but he just had to control himself. Was it his imagination or was his daughter becoming bolder ever since two days ago?


"Stop frowning like that, if your face remains that way you will start to look ugly." Ian laughed.

The annoyed look on Easton's face did not change at all, if anything he looked even more vexed.

"I am being serious, your handsome face will be ruined if you keep on looking like that." Ian laughed.

"I seriously do not know what seems to be so funny." Easton hotly replied. "Of all the—girls in the entire kingdom you could have set your eyes on it just had to be the daughter of the most hated man in the kingdom!"

"That is false Easton, Viscount Dariel is not the most hated man in the kingdom, factually Baron Tron is, and you know it." Ian said swiftly.

"I expected more accurate facts from you Easton." Ian tisked.

"Oh do not dare play that card with me Ian! You know exactly what I mean!" Easton shouted. At that very moment the carriage rolled over a stone causing Easton to jump up while Ian remained gracefully seated.

"You see, that is what happens when you continue to be vexed with no reason." Ian shook his head.

"You just shut up Ian, just shut up." Easton murmured.

"Did I hear you right?" Ian asked. "Did I just hear you tell me to shut up? You do not that I could accuse you of treason for saying that." said Ian as he smiled, it was not threatening, but rather in a teasing manner.

"Oh you better just do that already, I would rather be charged with treason than have to face whatever gruesome punishment your father will have planned for me as soon as he finds out what you have been up to." Easton cried.

"You know, you should be more afraid of me than my father." Ian said sighing.

"No, I am more afraid of who is king and that is your father." Easton replied.

"I will be king soon, then you will have to answer to no one but me." Ian responded, a menacing glint flashing through his eyes.

"Well yes, but until then I have to tell your father what you have been up to, and I am sure he is already suspicious of how brief I was during last night's report." Easton said worriedly.

"Can you just relax for once?" Ian sighed. "My father would never do anything to harm you, not as long as I am here." he added.

"As true as that may be, I do not think you have the same power effect on my father." Easton cried even more.

"Oh why did you have to do this Ian? Why? If you want a wife so bad you should have told me, I would have found you a more suitable woman." Easton said sighing. He was starting to get a headache from all this stress.

"What tells you that Lady Angelica is not suitable? Have you seen her?" Ian asked. "She is charming to say the least." Ian smiled almost too brightly.