Dariel quickly called for one of the maids to escort Ian to Angelica's study room. He did not want to seem to wary or cautious by escorting Ian there himself. He wanted everything to go on smoothly, and he knew it would be better if he allowed Ian to do as he pleased for now.
"She will escort you to my daughter's study room." Dariel smiled as the maid walked into the room and bowed her head.
"Good." Ian said, wasting no time at all he stood up. Easton was about to follow him when he was abruptly halted.
"You stay here, I would like to go alone." Ian turned raising his hand.
"My prince, I can follow you and wait outside the door if you please." Easton replied, resisting the urge to shout at Ian.
"No, I prefer to speak to her alone. Stay here, I will return shortly." Ian declared.
"As you wish my prince." Easton said bowing his head, gritting through his teeth.
He knew what Ian indirectly meant was he preferred to go alone so no one would go blabbering of all he had heard. That made Easton extremely upset, and he was even more upset that he could not express his anger at the moment.
Ian followed after the maid exiting the room. Easton walked back to where he had been standing.
He locked eyes with Dariel. The two of them clearly displayed that they disliked one another. Easton knew better than to speak, so he kept his mouth shut.
Dariel on the other hand did not feel that it would be a wise decision to leave this guard alone in his home. Therefore, he decided to stay seated here until Ian returned.
Ian followed behind the maid. His eyes wandered through the halls. He noticed the worn down walls filled with holes. The floors looked old. To sum it all up, the manor was truly in a poor state.
"Here we are my prince." the maid said stopping in front of two massive doors.
"Alright, thank you." he replied, the maid bowed before taking her leave.
Ian stood there, contemplating whether to knock or not. He raised his hand and was about to knock when he thought of if knocking would be appropriate, and then he thought of how it was be inappropriate if he did not knock considering he was in her home.
He knocked on the door, hearing the familiar soft yet resolute voice he had never known existed till two nights ago.
He opened the doors and walked in, his steps sturdy. He saw Angelica standing in front of the desk, almost as if she had been waiting for him.
"Greetings your highness." he heard her say.
"Greetings lady Angelica." he replied. "We meet again on my second visit as per your request." he smiled.
"You could say that I always get what I want." she replied firmly.
"I believe you do." he smiled.
"May I just say that you truly do look more... pleasant in the day." he smiled. He could barely make out her figure on the night they met.
But he could see that she was a very lovely looking woman. Most definitely her mother was a very beautiful woman.
"Should I be flattered or revolted?" she asked.
"Flattered, you will soon be my wife after all, and I cannot have an unappealing wife. The masses will shame me." he chuckled.
"Hmm." she replied. It was typical of men to dwell more on beauty than on character. Anyway, who was she to complain? Right now she needed everything to work in her favour, including her looks.
"I take it from your answer that my father agreed to give you my hand." she said walking to sit down at her desk.
"He did, which is surprising considering the fight he put up yesterday." Ian chuckled. He did not ask to be seated, he just sat down. If Angelica would not offer him a seat, he would just offer himself one.
He was quick to notice the frown on her face when he sat down without being asked.
"You did not think it nice to offer me a seat, so I offered myself one." he replied tauntingly.
She ignored his words and focused on what was most important, getting married as soon as possible.
"My father is a stubborn man yes, but he knows how to compromise when it truly matters." she replied.
"I see..." Ian said. "I said something about your looks, will you really not say anything about my looks?" she looked at him as if doubting his seriousness.
"Unlike men, we women do not pride ourselves in judging the looks of the other sex." she replied almost in a scolding tone.
"I doubt that sex truly matters." he laughed. "I know many women who like to gossip about the looks of many men."
"I am asking you so I can be aware if you find me ugly or unappealing." She almost felt like rolling her eyes, did this man really think so highly of his looks.
"It does not matter if I find you ugly. I will still marry you regardless." she said assuredly.
"So you would still marry a man you find appalling when given the chance to leave?" he asked incredulously.
"You are not just any man your highness, you are the prince, thus, I would marry you anyway." she replied firmly. Ian almost felt like breaking down in laughter right there and then.
She did not have to be that serious, he wished that he could tell her that, but he could decipher that she was someone who would take his request to be less serious as one to be more serious.
Angelica watched him closely. She was being very careful with her words. After all, she wanted to make sure that this little agreement of theirs would stand. The only way it would stand permanently was when they were married.
"I do not know whether to be flattered or offended." he replied.
"Take it as you will." she replied. Ian watched her bright blue eyes twinkle. Her eyes were so blue they reminded him of the ocean.
"You are truly a very informed woman. How were you so certain your father would request another home?" he moved on quickly.
"I know him well. What was your response?" she asked.
"Of course I insisted that he must continue to live in this manor." he said.
"Thank you." she said. At least he was able to stand his ground.
"No need to thank me. I do have to inform you that your father asked for an increase in his monthly stipends in accordance with his new title." Ian added, he had a feeling she should know what her father had requested.
Angelica sighed, she knew that her father would not be able to set aside his greed for once. What a way to portray himself as an in law.
"Naturally I told him that money would be no problem once we are married." she heard Ian say.
"I apologize on behalf of my father... he is often unable to resist his lust for money." she looked away, almost as if she was embarrassed.
"There is no need to apologize. Your father already has a credible reputation with his greed." Ian sneered, not at her, but at him.
"Why did you tell me of his request?" she asked. Was he trying to test her or something?
"We are to be married, I doubt that hiding things from one another would be ideal if we want to start things off on the right foot." she heard him say.
"Alright, I agree." she said.
"Your home is very lovely." he smiled. Angelica looked at him unable to tell if he was mocking her or being serious. She believed it was the former.
"Thank you, when homes have been in the family for generations, they start to look very lovely like this." she replied and Ian once again found himself amused by her strong choice of words.
"When will we be married?" she advanced. There was no time to waste, she would only feel at ease once she was his wife.
"I see that you are eager to marry me." he teased.
"I am not eager to marry you, I am eager to make all agreements between us permanent." she said.
"Firstly Lady Angelica, you should know that I never go back on my word... never." he stated clearly. "Secondly, considering the situation of your family, it is best that we announce the news of our marriage after your father's court case."
"That would be in four days then." she said.
"Or longer, it all depends on what is agreed on in my father's court."
"I trust that you will not let things go on for that long." he heard her say.
"Of course not." he smiled.
"After we announce the news of our marriage, our families will have to meet to form cordial ties." he said almost disturbed.
"When exactly will we be married?" she asked almost hastily.
"In a month's time if all goes well." he replied.