I awake in the shade of a palm tree, laying peacefully on the sandy shore. It's so peacefully... where's Mavro?
Leaving the shadow of the palm tree, Iam surrounded by six more shadows just as I notice the anchored military ship. A red sail with the sigil of a golden crown.
The Crown... they've come... but why?
I look up at the six men who surround me. They're tall, wearing red uniforms. How do I escape? No wait, where's Mavro? Did they capture him?
My thoughts are answered as Mavro comes sprinting towards me from across the beach. His eyes glow fiercely with blue radiance.
"Take this boy" a thin man says, he has four stars on his uniform... this is bad. I try to fight back but I cannot. I have to warn Mavro!
"Run away, Mav.!" I shout, desperately. Please run away... please. I know he will not.
Glancing at Mavro, the four-starred man raises his flintlock. No... no, I can't let him! I try to fight back but they hold my thin body down with little effort.
Bang! The flintlock fire's, and Mavro falls down. Huh... what? No. That can't be... Mavro wouldn't die like that, not here... right?
"Please" I beg, losing my voice. They dont listen, and simply knock me unconscious.
Waking up on the cold wooden floor of the Crown's military ship, I stare up at the ceiling of the cell I've been thrown in. My arm's shackled once again, but all that's on my mind is Mavro's lifeless body on the beach. The last thing he would ever see... his friend being captured. Freedom taken away, once again.
Tears build up in my hollow eye's. I'm sorry... Mavro, I'll join you soon. My last thoughts as the four-starred man enters my small cell.
"Pitful." He says, without emotion. I don't hear him, I don't hear anything...
He stares down at me; then speaks coldly, "We searched the facility, all we found were bodies. I doubt a single... two slaves were capable of killing everyone. So tell me, exactly what happened?."
I don't answer, staring up with empty eye's.
He gazes down coldly. "It's fine. Even if you don't speak now... you will eventually, with the right motivation." He says, menacingly. Though I haven't heard a word the fool has spoken.
He leaves the room, leaving no food or water behind, they don't bring anything later either. It's fine. How can I eat while my friend's corpse lay unburied, left to the elements.
Thinking of Mavro's corpse, I'm suddenly filled with hate. Hate for the man that put a bullet in him. The man that took his freedom away.
Sitting up, my eye's no longer empty... only hate and murder burns within them. How could I give up so easily? When the man that took my friend's life, still breathes. He won't be breathing much longer. I will make sure of it.
The ship sways slightly, the sound of creaking wood above fills my ears. The muffled sound of men talking on deck. I hear it all. Breath in. Breath out. Mavro is gone but his will remains, within me.
"Freedom", the only thing he ever wanted. Who would have thought freedom was such an expensive thing? Not even all his life's efforts could afford it.
If we cannot have freedom, then nobody can. I'll take it away from them all.
Though it is easier said than done. I'm just a small, scrawny kid. That's what they think. Mavro saw me as much more, a hungry wolf waiting to devour all.
I'am sorry... brother. I will avenge you.
The ship docks and I'm pulled out in chains. The island we've arrived at is chilling, dark stone fills the entire area. Though that's only how it appears, I'm led into a cave which leads to an underground prison.
The prison is massive... leading down and down, dim torches light the way down. The steps made of the same dark stone, as are the walls. We pass several cell blocks as we descend the lightless steps. The prisoners are quite as we approach, as if afraid of what might happen if they breathe too loud. Their eye's wide, as the four-starred man passes.
The four starred-man stops, and orders the guards to take me to cell block 7, they shiver slightly. Looking at me with pity, glancing at my small body.
Reaching my cell block 7, I'm unceremoniously shoved into my cell. The cell is cold. There's a metal bed, and bucket to piss in. Nothing else. Not bad... compared to the pit.
Sitting on the metal bed I try to distract my self... how will I escape? How will I kill him?
A few hours pass by, they didn't bring anything to eat or drink. Another hour and then another... finally my prey enters the room.
The four-starred man's eyes search the room not finding me, then his eye's widen; as a hungry wolf jumps out from the shadows. Only to have it's jaw broken. The man hits me right in the jaw with immense power, his thin yet strong. My jaw feels loose.
"Pathetic. Was that your attempt at escaping?", He asks, coldly.
I grip my jaw in pain, and crack it into place. Gritting my teeth in pain, I lunged at him with great speed. But I'am brutality kicked, straight into my liver. I fall to my knee's vomiting, nothing besides clear mucus.
I glare up at the man, my eyes burn with hate. He smiles, then kicks me again.
"I need to make a report about the incident at the facility, so I'd like to hear the details." He says, without a hint of remorse.
I raise my hand weakly and lift up my middle finger.
He leaves the cell, making sure to break my finger before he does. Son of a...
It hurts and I'm hungry but Mavro is dead so what does that matter? Gritting my teeth I stand up weakly... and laugh. I laugh so that all may hear. My weak laughter echos throughout the silent prison.