Gael slams his back into the wall of hard stone, smashing me into it. My grip around his neck doesn't lossen, I strangle the large man, just like I strangled men in the pit.
This man's neck... it's been shackled.
He slams me into the wall several more times, each time harder than the last. My eyes shine with blue radiance, as Gael's head is engulfed in blue flames. He doesn't panic, nor does he drop his bow. Even if the flames burnt him, he wouldn't allow anyone too pass him.
My grip lossens slightly, and that's all Gael needs - to throw me onto the ground. Glaring down at me, with empty eye's... hidden behind his red hood.
Nocking an arrow, he stares down at me, a young boy with barely any meat on his bones.
Gael's emotionless eyes turn sombre. 'Must I kill this boy?' His last thought.
bang! He falls to the ground, with a loud
thud; as smoke whistles out of Maggie's flintlock.
Standing up, weakly. I look down at the red hooded man's corpse. Crimson blood seeps out from his shattered skull.
"You... we're a slave as well, weren't you?" I ask the dead man. His eyes didn't change when he died. He must've died a long time ago.
"Rest well... your free now" I whisper to the corpse.
"Mav. You alright?" Maggie asks me, springing up from her hiding place.
"Aye, let's hurry." I reply. We're finally here, there's no time to waste.
biting my hand again, struggling to keep myself awake.
We approach a large door, made of dark stone.
As we push the large door open, a putrid stench assaults my senses, the unmistakable smell of death hanging heavy in the air. How nostalgic...
Entering the prison, we're met with the dark void of a bottomless pit. My eye's shine with fierce blue radiance.
How dare they keep Shadar in this pit?
Blue flames engulf my surroundings, racing rapidly, devouring everything, lighting up the entire upper level of the underground prison.
My body is freezing, I've never used this many flames.
Maggie glances at me, worried. Blue flames surround her, but they don't burn... they're cool and refreshing.
I wish my flames burnt humans.
A guard notices the flames, his lifeless eye's brought back to life. "Alert! Intruders!", He shouts, his hoarse voice echoing throughout the prison. They sound the alarm - a large bell, it rings through the prison.
The bell is old and rusty, clearly hasn't been used or maintained.
Something stirs bellow, the loud noise forcing it out of it's peaceful slumber.
My flames are hungry, hungry to devour the darkness of this lightless pit.
The guards are shocked by the appearanceof sudden flames. There is an intruder, and he is not ordinary. No, far from it... what is this monster... this demon, that has crept it's way into hell.
Maggie has long since disappeared, concealing herself within my flames. Searching for her prey.
The guards charge towards me, their steel swords in hand. They rush up the lightless steps, fear in their eyes. Blue flames burn all around them. I don't have any wepons. I don't need any, I'am the wepon.
Slicking my hair back, I can't help but smile.
Blue flames dance within my deep black eye's.
The four-starred man, turns his head, at the sudden appearance of blue flames .
Mavro? Could it be? No, it has too. Who else could break into this hell-hole and set it ablaze, in blue flames no less.
"So... his alive." I whisper to myself, tears rolling down my sunken cheeks.
Concentrate. Focus.
The four-starred man turns to me, his eyes widening. Not at the flames, but at what walks out of them - A girl.
"No... it can't be..." He mutters
"Oh, but it is." She says, with a smile. Her voice is cold, even more so than the flames which flow throughout the prison.
"You... should be dead, like your parents!"
The girl's smile fades, her green eye's glow as blue flames engulf our surroundings.
"Did you think you could bombard our island and be done with us? No. You'll never be free, as long as I breathe."
"Then... let's change that." He says, suddenly calm.
Boom! Sounds from above. Ah... Mavro sure is wreaking havoc. I chuckle
I don't know what's up with these two, but I'd better move into the shadows. My shoulder still hurts, the bullet went through - not hitting anything important.
Bang! The man fires, but the girl has dispeared within the flames.
How did she know the flames don't burn? Did she come with Mavro? Hmph! I was first, just so you know missy!
The four-starred man searches for her with his remaining eye. I can't do anything, my shoulder hurts and I'am weponless.
But it seems I won't need to do anything. A bullet flies through the cold flames, straight into the man's knee cap. He reels in pain, falling to the ground.
The walking out of the raging flames, her green eye's glow with murderous intent.
She walks up to the man, as he squirms on the floor in pain. He gazes up at her, in pain.
She glares down at him, "How pitiful."
She aims her flintlock against his forehead. But right at that moment, it felt as if the entire world had begun to shake.
A ferocious roar travels throughout the prison. Forcing me to cover my ears.
The girl is stunned for a moment, and the four-starred man takes the opportunity to tackle her to the ground. Their bodies locked in a fierce and brutal struggle.
The girl is losing. She's not built for physical fights.
She stabs her finger into his wounded knee-cap, forcing him to yelp. That is not enough, the man will not give in.
"What were your parents like when they died? Where they scared, shocked, brave?" He asks, a deranged smile on his face.
They roll around on the cold floor, pummeling each other.
Gritting her perfect teeth, "You bastard... why... did you do it?", Her eye's burn with hate.
"Because they were a threat to the Crown." He replies, simply.
"Arghhh!" She screams, sinking her teeth into the man's arm.
The prison trembles. Their savage battle is interrupted by, a deafening boom!
Which echoes through the prison, signaling the awakening of a terrifying monster. The walls shudder as a colossal, worm-like creature rises up, its massive body undulating and twisting as it fills the prison.
A monster had arrived, and it's not the maniac laughing above.