Consumed by the cool water of the sea, it feels like I can finally let my tired body rest. I can't see, though I can feel the tremors of the serpents assault. I was too cocky, I underestimated my opponent.
I'm so tired... perhaps I can just rest for a bit...
No. What of Maggie? What of Shadar? How can I rest while they fight?
My eye's radiate fiercely with blue flames.
"Mavro!" Maggie shouts, desperately. Holding an unconscious solider. The serpent glares down at her. Its fierce blue eyes filled with hunger. Then its filled with agony, as blue flames rise up from the depths, engulfing the serpents body. The beast squirms violently, threatening to throw Maggie overboard.
So... cold...
Coating my fingers in flames, and sticking them into the serpents body. I climb up it's body, from the tail .The scales are tough, but against my flames they are nothing.
The cold pain I feel while using my powers hurt... but for some reason, I can't help but laugh. I climb up the serpents body, laughing like a mad man. Reaching it's squirming head, I thrust my flaming hand into its eye... there, that's better. Pressing my hand, until my entire arm is in the serpents head, burning through its skull, melting its brain. The smell of burning flesh pierces my nostrils.
The serpents entire body trembles... then it stops. It's dead. Its body goes limp, and I plummet to the deck, using the serpents body to break my fall.
My chest rises and falls weakly. Breath in. Breath out.
Maggie rushes towards me, dragging an unconscious solider. "Mav. are you ok?!" She asks, worried. Tears building up in her eye's.
"I'm fine... is he?" I ask, referring to the solider.
"Well his alive, he wouldn't come quietly so he got a taste of my flintlock." She says, chuckling.
The serpents body slips of the ship, scales scratching against the wood. sinking back down to the depths from whence it came.
Maggie glances at the drowning corpse, then at me. "You really are a lunatic."
Standing on the deck of our makeshift ship, we stand over the unconscious solider. We don't have time to wait, so I douse him with a bucket of sea water.
He's startled, suddenly forced awake, after being smacked with a flintlock. "Where am I? Who are you people?" The solider asks, disoriented.
"Your on our ship, and we're your captors." Maggie answers, with a smirk.
The solider turns to her, confused. "Captors?"
We came out of nowhere, during a sea monster attack.
"Your going to tell us where your base is located. After that, you'll be free." I tell him, seriously.
"However if you decline, you'll be in the same position at the sea serpent." I add, pointing to the sinking serpent corpse.
He gulps, then nods his head. "...O-Ok but you better keep your word..." The solider says, nervously.
I smile, "Of course, I swear on my parents life." I assure him. Maggie glances at me, not saying anything.
The ship sails calmly, as we reach an island which is entirely covered in dark rocks. "How can there be a prison here?" I asked the solider.
Pointing down, he says, "The prison is underground... though it's more like a graveyard than a prison..." He says, sombrely. His eyes suddenly dull.
Shadar... they're keeping him in there? Another pit. That man... he'll suffer.
As we approach the dock, the solider turns to me; wondering is he should say what's on his mind.
Noticing his annoying gaze I ask, "what is it?"
His quiet for a few moments, then hesitantly answers:
"....Well you see... the island isn't well guarded on the outside because the majority of the guards patrol the inside of the prison. But that doesn't mean there aren't any defenses outside..." He pauses, looking at me with a grim expression.
"There's a man... no a monster. Gael... is his name, he's the wardens strongest solider."
"so what?" I say, calmly. I won't underestimate this man but that doesn't mean I'll fear him. I fear no man.
Maggie docks then ship, roughly. Wiping my tired eyes, I hop down. The rocks are wet, causing me to slip.
Maggie makes sure the solider is tied firmly, I could kill him, but I might still need him.
Maggie jumps down, I catch her in my arms, so she doesn't slip as well.
We proceed cautiously, towards the cave entrance. The solider directed us towards. There is no sign of this "Gael" person.
The wind is calm and quiet. Until an arrow flies past my head, threatening to pierce through my skull.
Ducking down, I avoid death... barely.
Several more arrows fire, cutting through the air; smashing into the dark stone around us.
We find cover behind a large rock.
Out of the monsters sight.
Gael stands tall, broad shouldered, a red hood covering his head. Only he's long grey beard is visible.
He just stands there, a deathly air surrounding him. Maggie shifts slightly, causing a subtle noise.
Something cuts through the air.
I push Maggie down; as another arrow flies through the thick rock, threatening to take her life.
"Mav..." She whispers, her face pale.
I gesture for her to keep quite, Gael... has sharp ears. I toss a stone into the open, and a second later he fires a arrow into it.
He's fast... too fast. I don't have a wepon, I only had enough time to make one spear. glancing at Maggie, who grips her flintlock tightly.
"How much ammo do you have?" I ask, whispering.
"Four bullets, my pistol can fire one at a time." She whispers, not needing time to think.
Four bullets... we'll only need one.
I crawl behind a cover of rocks, Maggie remains on the same spot. I feel my body turning sluggish, so I bite my hand, remembering not to make a sound.
Gael is about five meters away from me. Standing menacingly, a large bow in his wrapped hands. I toss a small stone, but he doesn't react to it; instead he turns his head in the direction from whence it came.
Nocking an arrow, he fires it a second later with no remorse.
An arrow shatters the rocks which conceals me, sending shards of stone flying everywhere.
I dash out from the shadows, my movements swift and silent. In an instant, I'm behind him, wrapping my arms tightly around his thick neck.