Chereads / Chained Freedom / Chapter 11 - Don't be

Chapter 11 - Don't be

The sun shines brightly as I sit on a large rock, gazing out to the sparkling sea. We're going to work on the ship. Once that's complete we'll sail after the Crown's ship and rescue Shadar, where ever his being held.

Maggie said they wouldn't kill him if they need information, so as long as he doesn't talk he should be alright... alive atleast. Suddenly feeling angry, I bite my lip. Why is she taking so long?

Maggie said, she needed a bath... so unnecessary. It's not like she was covered in mud. Suddenly sniffing myself, I head to the beach, behind a patch of rocks.

I remove my torn up clothes, my olive skin underneath is covered in a thin layer of mud... so is my long black hair. Stepping into the water I notice Maggie to my left, bare peach skin. I turn my head and sit down. The waters cool and refreshing. I wipe my skin and the water becomes muddy, then the mud disapates.

As I enjoy the coolness of the water, a wooden bucket is thrown violently against my head.

"Ouch!" What's her problem?

"I'm gonna gut you, perv." Maggie says, coldly. Covering herself with a towel.

"Why, I didn't do anything? I just decided to wash up." I say, simply. I don't understand this girl. Always getting angry for silly things.

She pulls out a flintlock. Wait, where did she get that from?!

"One. Two..." She begins counting. I don't wait to find out what happens when she stops! Swimming away, I realize I forgot my clothes...

Now standing on the beach, covered by some sea weed, wrapped firmly around my waist. I crouch down making sure to avoid the gaze of that red haired devil. I'd really like to avoid catching another bullet in my chest. Make my why to the shack.

I search inside dor something to wear. There's a small closet... I'm sure she won't mind. Inside the closet isn't much, just some women's clothing. My eye's widen noticing a fine tailored coat, it's blue, to big for my small body though. I hold the coat up, I like it. I should ask...

"That's my dad's." Maggie says, standing by the door, her hair wet.

"Oh... sorry." I say, I should put this down...

"Keep it. It suits you, also if you ever go through my things again, I'll kill you." She says. "And about..." She tries to continue.

"Really? Thanks, Maggie" I say, thoughfully. "Nobody's really given me anything before." I add, with a smile.

"W-well as long as your thankful..." She says, sheepishly.


I wear the blue coat over my torn clothes, Maggie didn't have any others. Although she did give me a pair of shoe's. I've never worn shoe's, and yet my feet are perfectly fine... only a few scars.

Speaking of scars... Maggie noticed I had many, so I told her where I came from and what I've been through. She listened to my story with an expression I haven't seen before... perhaps shock? I'm not sure, but it seemed as though she realized something.

"So that's why your such an idiot..." She muttered.

After talking and eating a light lunch, which consisted of old oats and stale bread. It was time to get to work. The ship was indeed small, but still a ship nevertheless.

The ship looked like a patch work of different wood and materials, the sails incomplete and triangular shaped, meant to be held up by one tall mast. Though there are no ropes to tie the sails, it seems she's been weaving them out of sea weed.

There isn't much on this little island. It reeks of death. Not even fish come near. The few tree's that were here - have already been chopped down... by a red haired menace.

I sit down and begin weaving sea weed into rope, it's a long process but I'm patient. Maggie's on the deck hammering something. We switch tasks from time-to-time, though I don't know what must be done, so a lot of instruction is needed... Maggie's not very patient. Yelling if I don't do something she's explained without fault. She might be worse than the spectators...

We work from dawn till dusk. I want to continue but my tired body refuses, and so does Maggie's. We allow our bodies to fall onto the sandy beach. Letting out sighs of relief, after a moment of peaceful silence I turn to Maggie and ask:

"How long before the ship's complete?"

A few minutes pass as she thinks. "Three day's, I'd wager." She says, finally.

Three day's... that's too long. Who knows what's happening to Shadar right now. But there's nothing I can do, besides work until my hands bleed.

Siting up I grab a batch of sea weed and begin weaving, tiredly. Maggie watches me in silence, then she grabs a batch of sea weed for herself and begins weaving as well.

The light of the blue moon shines beautifully in the starry night sky, just like the night we felt freedom for the first time. I wonder if Shadar can see the moon... I think to myself as I weave, my hands are sore but I don't stop.

Maggie glances at me and asks:

"This Shadar guy... is he really important to you?"

I look up at her, my expression indifferent. "I wouldn't be weaving my hands bloody if he weren't." I pause. "His my friend... my family."

"Are you related by blood?" She asks, curiously.

"No. I prefer it that way." I reply, indifferently.

"...why?" She asks, concerned.

I keep weaving, grabbing another batch of sea weed before I answer.

"I told you I was sold as a slave, but I didn't tell you who sold me... it was my own parents. My own blood sold me like an animal, while I was still a mere infant.", I say, my voice unintentionally cold.

Maggie looks at me with wide eye's. Her beautiful green eye's illuminated by the bright moon.

"I'm... sorry..." She says, sombrely.

"Don't be." I say, with a smile.