Chereads / The Degeneracy of Shinigami [R-18] / Chapter 40 - Chapter 39

Chapter 40 - Chapter 39

Kenpachi flicked an eye their way. "No different than normal."

"Ya just gonna stand there all night or what?" Shinji addressed Lisa, who lifted her chin and treated him to a most withering glare.

"I didn't come to drink with you," she snapped at the former renegade. "I have things to do. Where's Ikkaku?"

"Is he what you have to do?" Kisuke perked up, becoming immediately interested at the prospect of some juicy perverted gossip.

"He's around here somewhere. Why?" Kenpachi sounded only partially interested.

Lisa's eyes rolled. "I don't see why it's any of your business, but if you must know—"

"I must," interrupted a smiling Kisuke.

"You're sick," she replied.

He tipped the sakkat back with a finger, "Why don't you stop telling us things we already know and inform us on what you could possibly want with our bald friend at such a late hour."

"Sorry to disappoint you, but all I want is to request a friendly spar."

Kukaku's smirk went unnoticed by everyone but Lisa.

"Awww you're no fun," Kisuke pouted.

Lisa moved toward the table, taking a seat on the end next to Shinji. She decided to wait for a while since she was sure Yoruichi and Rangiku were long gone. Hopefully she could catch them sometime tomorrow before meeting Ikkaku. No sooner had she taken her seat than a cup was being pushed in front of her by none other than Kukaku. To her right Shinji tapped his tongue ring on his teeth the way he always did when he was bored, something that had always annoyed her.

"The hell's that noise?" Kenpachi grumbled.

"Oh, my bad," Shinji commented absently.

"What is that thing anyway?"


"That thing in your mouth."

"My tongue ya dumb shit." the blonde answered nonchalantly.

"You wanna die?" the brute responded. "You know that ain't what I was talking about."

Shinji leaned forward, his long golden locks slightly brushing the table. Lisa was glad he'd decided to grow his hair back, she'd always liked it long.

"It's a tongue ring," Kukaku offered.

"Sounds stupid," the eleventh squad captain remarked.

"That's where you're wrong," Shinji grinned. "Stupid, ain't the word I'd use ta describe it. Ain't nothing better than hearing a chick scream yer name while yer head's buried between her…owwww!"

Shinji grabbed his side in pain as he glared at Lisa.

"You're a perv," she deadpanned.

"See, I'm not the only one," Kisuke announced to no one in particular.

Shinji just stuck his tongue out at Lisa. "And you've obviously never had someone that knew what they were doing. I can see why that'd make ya bitter, but don't take it out on me."

The female Visored rolled her eyes in exasperation.

"And you know what you're doing?" asked a suddenly intrigued Kukaku.

"Wanna find out?" Shinji asked with a smirk.

All eyes were on Kukaku as she appeared to consider the question. The only reason she'd come out was to seduce and ultimately fuck the eleventh squad captain, but things had gotten real interesting real fast. She sat up from her spot on Kenpachi's leg and rested her elbows on the table.

"Captain you lookin for me?"

Lisa's head snapped around along with everyone else's to see who dared interrupt at such a moment.

"Your timing is magnificent," the new Kisuke Urahara said sarcastically.

Ikkaku stood in the doorway, a sake jug dangling from his hand with a bored-looking Yumichika behind him.

"Baldy…Fairy Boy," Kukaku greeted the two leaning back onto Kenpachis leg.

"Oh look, it's a cave woman," the smirking Yumichika replied, not missing a beat.

Lisa smiled knowingly at their teasing.

"Not me," Kenpachi grumbled, finally answering Ikkaku's question. "Her."

Lisa stood up ignoring the surprised expression on the third seat's face.

"Why you looking for me?" the bald man asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"What else does a woman want from a man at this time of night," the original Kisuke commented airily.

Ikkaku seemed to genuinely think it over. It was a difficult question after all. If he was honest with himself, he didn't know what women did; at night or any other time. He'd never concerned himself with what the 'weaker sex' did. Fighting was always at the top of his list of priorities, followed closely by…training to fight?

"Not too bright," Starrk slurred, leaning heavily on Shunsui.

"If it hurts you can always just stop," Kisuke teased Ikkaku's almost pained expression.

He bristled then. "You callin' me dumb?"

"I would never," The playful genius adopted a criminally innocent look.

Tiring of the foolishness, Lisa moved toward her target, "I just want to spar."

"Now?" Ikkaku asked incredulously. Of course he was always ready for a fight. It just seemed a little suspicious that a chick he barely knew was asking to spar at such a late hour and in the middle of a party. Now, if it was someone like Ichigo or Grimmjow, he'd have said 'hell yea'.

"Tomorrow," she corrected.

Ikkaku stared at the Visored for a moment, trying to read her. Was this just a joke or was she serious. The look in her eyes told him everything he needed to know. She meant it. He smiled.

"Meet me at the eleventh's training grounds at noon," he said, his adrenaline already beginning to pump at the prospect of fighting someone new.

"No," she replied. "Sunset."

"You're on," he responded without hesitation, and then left with Yumichika following close behind.


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