Chereads / The Degeneracy of Shinigami [R-18] / Chapter 43 - Chapter 42

Chapter 43 - Chapter 42

All eyes were on the bespectacled lieutenant. Nanao knew there was no escaping this time. Swallowing the lump in her throat she answered, still a little unsure of herself. "I don't know. Ichigo?"

Yoruichi let out an over-exaggerated sigh, "Who doesn't? Try again."

"Yea, that's like the default answer. I could have said the same thing," Rangiku commented.

Nanao decided to just get it over with and tell them. She really didn't know what she was so nervous about considering her present company. They never judged anyone, not seriously anyway. "Shinji," she proclaimed before squeezing her eyes shut.

The silence was deafening. Nanao cracked one lid open to take in the expressions of the women who were surely judging her, but instead of the repulsed faces she was expecting they almost looked proud.

"Shinji's a freak…and I mean a super freak." Lisa was the first to speak up. "Good choice though. Ambitious."

Rangiku and Yoruichi just smiled as the latter stood and moved towards the ladder.

"Where you going'?" Rangiku asked as she began to clean up the area.

Yoruichi grinned. "To get my Kisuke."

Lisa and Nanao parted ways with their fearless leaders as soon as they entered the eleventh division. There was already a small crowd forming around the training grounds. Damn Yoruichi for always being right.

Just as she'd expected, her attire was bringing unwanted attention, though she had to admit that she did look good. They'd forced her into a black latex cat suit with an extremely low V in the front.

For the first time in her life she was grateful for her complete lack of cleavage. If she was any bigger she was sure the crowd would be seeing more than just a fight.

Her long bangs swept over her eye leaving her completely blind on that side. 'At least the shoes are comfortable,' she thought looking down at the black leather platform boots.

Nanao spotted Momo in the crowd and left Lisa to make her way over to Ikkaku, who was already waiting for her alone on the practice field. He raised an eyebrow while giving her a thorough once over, but said nothing.

They moved to their respective sides and Lisa tried to come up with some sort of game plan. It was hard to think with the noise from those gathered to watch, but she made do. A quick glance up revealed almost all of the members of the Society in attendance. Pulling out her zanpakuto and doing a couple practice swings, she went over the instructions she'd given to Nanao.

Since even she didn't know exactly what she was going to do, she'd just told the lieutenant of the eighth to follow her no matter what happened and never stop recording.

"Yo!" called her bald opponent from the other side of the field. "We just gonna stand here all day, or are you having second thoughts?"

"Now that you mention it, I am." Her back was still turned to the bloodthirsty madman, so she was forced to forgo the pleasure of witnessing Ikkaku's expression. "I should have asked someone stronger. You won't even be a challenge."

Lisa turned, bringing palm to face, summoning her hollow mask. The swirl of her distinctly Visored reiatsu excited Ikkaku more than anything had in a long time. A crazed smile stretched across his face as she charged him.

"Grow. Hozukimaruuuuuuuuuu!" he yelled slamming the hilt of his sword and its sheath together, then pointing the now released spear directly at the masked woman. In a flash of shunpo she was behind him bringing her sword down. He blocked the attack with ease.

"You're fast," he spun to face the latex clad Visored. "But not fast enough."

He lunged forward, bombarding her with attacks from every direction. As quick as he proved to be, she dodged them all. On Ikkaku's final thrust Lisa spun off his shoulder catching him in the back of the head with an elbow. Almost immediately he whirled around swinging the spear around at an alarming rate. She jumped back, but was too late. A gash opened up on her arm and blood trickled out onto her bodysuit.

Ikkaku grinned like a maniac. "Gotcha."

Lisa knew she needed to take this fight to the next level and quick, before Ikkaku got too immersed. She hadn't wanted to go all out because, frankly, the idea of having sex covered in cuts, bruises and dirt didn't really appeal to her. 'Time to try something else.'

Nanao watched the fight with bated breath. She knew full well how serious the eleventh division took combat of any kind, and was beginning to wonder if Lisa would be able to pull it off. She hadn't made a move yet, but her mentor had better turn this around fast before she ended up in the fourth division.

"What do you think she's gonna do?" Momo asked, leaning towards her friend so she could be heard over the cheers of the crowd.

Nanao shrugged. "I honestly don't know."

The little lieutenant gave her a worried expression, then turned her attention back to the fight.

Ikkaku stared at the woman he barely knew as she lifted her hand to her face and her mask disappeared. Her spiritual tang dropped significantly, causing the powerful third seat to frown. "You giving up?"

Her answer came with the next words.

"Smash. Haguro Tonbo."

Ikkaku's eyes lit up when he saw the huge weapon, and just like that she was gone. On instinct he brought his pole up to defend himself. A good thing too, because the next thing he knew it felt like a tree trunk had fallen on top of him. It was hard to equate this sensation with the sight of the cold-eyed female bearing down upon him with her own pike. Then she was gone again.

Ikkaku was having a hard time following her erratic movements, mostly because she didn't seem to be attacking. He felt a hand on his shoulder, then it was gone, taking with it the right side of his robe. Was she taunting him? He quickly ripped the remaining fabric from his body, dropping it to the ground.

Lisa decided to use her small size and agility against him. Her shunpo wasn't as good as a captain's, but it was on par with his if not a little better. She left off her fusillade and settled back in front of him to watch the show. His body was as close to perfect as one could get, which more than made up for his extraordinarily ordinary face.


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