"The hell are you doing?" her half naked opponent asked. "You gonna play games or fight?"
"Why can't we do both?"
Ikkaku's raised eyebrow. His overall look of confusion told Lisa that this wouldn't be as easy as she'd hoped. He snorted at the question and not wasting a second more, attacked. From that point on the fight was extremely one-sided. Lisa no longer initiated attacks, but simply dodged and ran trying to preserve her hair and outfit. She defended herself when avoiding the attack was impossible, but for the most part she was simply trying to devise some kind of plan before he killed her. The more she ran, the angrier he got and the more fearsome the contest became.
Lisa didn't know how long they'd been at it, but fatigue was beginning to kick in. It was time for drastic measures. She summoned her hollow mask once again and returned her sword to its sealed form; her reiatsu flared. The boost in speed was exactly what she needed. One minute she was halfway across the field and the next she was close enough to kiss him. Ikkaku's eyes widened, but to his surprise and everyone watching, she did not attack. Instead her hand moved down and gripped his surprisingly hard manhood. She smiled as she thought of the fun she'd have with it later. 'This fight needs to be over NOW.' She would have simply dropped her zanpakuto in the dirt and jumped him if she wasn't afraid he'd take the opening to cut her head off.
The action silenced their audience, confusion written all over their faces. What kind of sparring match was this?
"That's what I'm talkin about," yelled a voice Lisa immediately recognized as Kukaku's.
She got in one good stroke before he knocked her hand away. He looked even angrier now. What the hell was wrong with him? Couldn't he take a hint?
"Your secret attacks won't work on me," Ikkaku sneered.
Seriously? Lisa was glad her mask hid the blank stare she gave the now-charging bald man. She easily sidestepped his rush. He reached out in an attempt to grab her only to find she wasn't there.
"Behind you," whispered the slightly distorted voice. She reached around Ikkaku's body and raked her nails down his chest hard enough to draw blood. He grabbed her wrist and flung her halfway across the field. A cloud of dirt surrounded her as she landed hard and slid across the ground. Wasting no time, she jumped back to her feet and flash-stepped toward him. Ikkaku got down, ready to counter whatever she threw at him. Like a trained gymnast she leapt into a somersault, coming down on the topless man. Their zanpakuto clashed as her knees connected with Ikkaku's chest knocking him to the ground.
Behind her mask Lisa smiled. She would make sure he understood this time. Straddling his torso and pining his hands above his head, she squeezed as hard as she could, stopping any attempt he made to get up. He was obviously surprised by her strength.
"Pinned ya," said the warped and surprisingly seductive Hollow voice.
Ikkaku wrestled one hand free to punch Lisa directly in the mask. Catching the second punch she slammed his arm back to the ground.
"Pinned ya again."
The nerve on Ikkaku's head throbbed dangerously, his eye twitched, and his reiatsu flared far beyond what should have been possible for a third seat. It was amusing to watch albeit a little scary. She leaned forward, her mask dissolving from her face in a golden glow. With a quick look into his wild gaze, she smashed her lips onto his. His eyes went wide and his body stiffened. It was like kissing a brick wall.
The entire situation was awkward. It was quiet…too quiet. The crowd had obviously been stunned into silence. She could feel the hundreds of eyes on them, but tried to ignore it. Lisa softened the kiss willing him to relax. It didn't happen. Deciding to take a risk she slowly released one of his hands. When he didn't move to attack she reached up to stroke his head.
She'd closed her eyes as soon as she went in for the kiss, for the simple fact that she didn't want his crazed expression to turn her off, but now she needed to see him…needed to look into that expressive face. Lisa pulled back ending the kiss (if it could even be called that) and looked down.
His face was unreadable. He didn't look mad, but he didn't exactly look like he wanted to skip through a field of sunflowers either.
"It can't be that bad," she purred as she stroked his head.
His eyes narrowed in feigned agitation but he didn't reply.
"Don't be like that just because I kicked your ass. You can kill me another day."
He seemed to seriously consider that last part. For a moment Lisa thought that she would be the first one to fail a mission by way of death. But then something completely unexpected happened. Ikkaku smirked.
"Shut up. Idiot. I went easy on ya."
"Hmf." she grunted before suddenly attacking Ikkaku's mouth again, not interested in whatever else he had to say. She released his other hand, fairly sure he wouldn't try to escape, placing it on the side of his face. He still didn't kiss her back, but he didn't tense up. Progress had been made.
"If you assholes ain't gonna fuck I'm leaving."
Read 25 Advance Chapters-