Monster was right. The thing was huge. Double headed and at least a foot long…so thick Lisa could barely fit her hand around it.
"And may I ask why you would bring this to give me for a sparring match? What do you plan for me to do?"
"Well I can think of a couple things," Rangiku giggled.
Lisa's face contorted. "You want me to do that during the fight?"
"Of course not," Yoruichi paused. "Well, I mean you could, but I wouldn't think you'd want to with everyone watching, and I'm not too sure how Ikkaku would feel about it. Anyway you don't have to take it. I just brought stuff I thought you might like."
"Like lube and big purple cocks? And what do you mean by everyone?"
Yoruichi tapped her finger to her chin. "You know as well as I that a sparring match in the eleventh is as good as a party. I'm sure half the Seireitei will be there."
The Visored snorted as she slammed the penis on the floor. Yoruichi was right. The eleventh division celebrated violence like normal people did birthdays. That would certainly make things more difficult. If she didn't want her literal ass on display for the world to see she would have to figure out a way to get her and Ikkaku some privacy. After a few unproductive seconds Lisa shook her head and decided she would just wing it. "What else is in here?"
She rummaged through the bag of clothing and supplies pulling out a number of suspicious-looking things until she spotted something under what looked like a lace cat suit. Moving her glasses to the tip of her nose she moved a little closer. Her eyes widened. "You idiots!" Lisa snatched the lace thing out of the way and reached into the bag pulling out a jug of saké. She glared at Yoruichi then Rangiku.
"Yay! Lisa saved the day," the cheerful president of the Secret Society declared right before Nanao dropped to the floor in relief.
Yoruichi sauntered over to the bearer of her precious saké to take it from her hand. "We've wasted enough time with your foolishness. Now get back over there while I pour us some drinks."
A nerve in Lisa's head pulsed dangerously while she stomped towards Rangiku who in turn shoved her down into the chair. "Don't move," the phony beautician told her as she started the tedious task of styling Lisa's hair.
A couple hours later the makeover was finished and they were all a little buzzed. Nanao and Yoruichi had long finished setting the clothes out. They sat in silence as Lisa appraised herself in the mirror. She had never seen her hair look so good. Rangiku hadn't done anything special, just straightened it and tamed her bangs, but she had to admit that the blonde had done an excellent job.
Nanao couldn't remember the last time she'd had this much fun. Being able to spend time with three of the people she looked up to the most was more than she could have hoped for. She'd sat quietly most of the time just listening and trying to learn as much as she could. "I wonder who I'll get?" she whispered to herself.
"Who do you want?"
Startled, Nanao turned to see Yoruichi gazing at her with an expectant look. Blushing furiously she replied. "Oh…uhh, I don't know."
"Come on, don't be like that. You can tell us." She looked up at Lisa, "Hey Lisa who did you wanna get?"
The petite woman gazed in the mirror a few more moments before turning around to face the others. "Definitely Starrk."
"Oh, good pick," Rangiku nodded her head tipsily. "I wouldn't mind trying that out myself. What about you Yo? I mean if there's anyone that you haven't already slept with."
"Real funny." Nanao tried to stifle a giggle. Yoruichi glared at the little lieutenant. "You think it's funny?"
"No," she snapped her mouth shut and looked away.
After a few moments of staring at the back of Nanao's head Yoruichi slowly turned back to Rangiku to answer her question. "Jushiro."
"Really?" Nanao blurted before she could stop herself.
"I want to see if he's really as sweet and innocent as he pretends to be." She paused for a moment before continuing. "And I want to pull his hair," she said matter-of-factly. "What about you Ran?"
"Kisuke," the blonde answered immediately.
"Well don't think too long about it," Yoruichi teased with a chuckle. "Anyway, you can't handle Kisuke."
"What?" Rangiku frowned. "You mean he can't handle me."
There came a shake of a purple head. "I can barely handle Kisuke."
A does-not-compute expression was plastered on the other women's faces as they stared at their sexual idol. She had to be lying, but her expression was completely serious.
"Are you joking," Rangiku questioned disbelievingly.
"What does he do," Lisa asked, still unable to believe that there was someone Yoruichi couldn't hold her own against. She just seemed like she knew everything. It was a scary thought.
"What doesn't he do?" Yoruichi answered with a naughty smirk.
"How big is he?" Rangiku whispered.
The women watched impatiently as Yoruichi thought for a moment. "You've seen my purple monster-" Rangiku's eyes widened. "I have one called 'Kisuke'—since he designed it for me."
"Holy shit Yoruichi! Don't scare me like that!" Rangiku blurted, her knees weak. She plopped down in the chair. Looking at Nanao and Lisa she could tell she wasn't the only one who'd thought, if only for a minute, that Kisuke had a foot-long cock.
"I'll show it to you…if Nanao tells us who she wants to pick," Yoruichi finished with a smirk.
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