Chereads / The Degeneracy of Shinigami [R-18] / Chapter 41 - Chapter 40

Chapter 41 - Chapter 40

Day 2

Lisa and Nanao walked swiftly through the sewer system, trying to ignore the smell. They were supposed to meet Rangiku and Yoruichi at the Shihoin compound at noon. When the elder woman had finally returned the night before, Nanao was sleeping peacefully in her bed and it didn't seem right to wake her. She just hopped in beside the younger woman and was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

Lisa's eyes had opened to a face that was almost identical to her own and nearly jumped out of her skin. Apparently the only way Nanao knew to wake someone up was to stand mere inches from their face and wait. After a frank discussion on appropriate behavior, they got dressed and set out on the second leg of their mission.

"Was it absolutely necessary that we come down here?" Nanao asked, her nose scrunched up. "Do you really think anyone cares who goes to see Captain Shihoin? I mean, I doubt they would even notice."

"It's possible that no one would notice, but we still can't take the risk. There are already enough strange things happening around here with all of the Society's sexual escapades. Believe it or not, men talk more than women. Suddenly all of us are best friends? There's no way that would go unnoticed."

Nanao nodded in understanding. They continued on in a companionable silence giving her some time to think. She was nervous, and it wasn't even her mission. Having to videotape something that should be private and intimate just didn't seem right. Nanao glanced at the woman beside her. There was so much she didn't know that the older woman obviously did. It would soon be her turn and although she knew that she didn't necessarily need to have sex to complete her mission, she knew there was a good chance that she might have to.

One would think that with a captain like Shunsui Kyoraku she would know a lot (if not everything there was to know) about…well everything, but that was not the case. The truth was Nanao was scared to death. Sure he flirted and teased her enough, but she knew it was just that…teasing. If he ever approached her seriously she would run for the hills. Although contrary to popular belief, she did find him extremely attractive. Who wouldn't? There was just no way she would expose her ignorance to him; a man who knew so much.

Nanao eyed Lisa again and decided that it was high time she learned some things. Before now she'd been taking the Society as a joke, but that would change. The dainty lieutenant absently reached her hand up and traced the letters on her necklace.

"Fearless," she whispered.

"What was that?" Lisa asked, turning to her companion.

Nanao smiled. "I said I can't wait for tonight."

"It will be interesting, if nothing else."

The women walked in silence the rest of the way until they reached the underground meeting spot. Rangiku, who'd been waiting for them, opened the door before they knocked and let them in. The room they held their weekly meetings in barely looked like the same place. It was set up like some sort of salon.

"That must have been quite a party last night," Rangiku giggled as she closed the door behind the two women.

"I didn't stay because I wanted to," Lisa replied. "It was unavoidable."

The busty lieutenant wasn't buying it. "Oh I'm sure it was."

"Kukaku was there."

"Of course she was, she's a hooker," Rangiku joked.

"Who's a hooker?"

The three woman turned as Yoruichi leapt down from the bedroom above carrying a large bag.

"Kukaku," Rangiku answered.

"Oh. She is," the goddess of flash agreed, dropping the bag on the floor with a thud. "Nanao help me with these clothes."

"Are these for Lisa?" The lieutenant moved toward Yoruichi. The captain nodded.

"What's wrong with the clothes I'm wearing?" Lisa questioned indignantly as she followed behind Nanao.

"Absolutely nothing…if you're a fourteen-year-old girl. And if you try to peek over here you're dead."

Yoruichi glared at the Visored, stopping her in her tracks. Ignoring the look Lisa gave her she sat down to start rummaging through the large bag. Nanao quietly took a seat beside her. "Let's just lay everything out so she can see it and pick what she wants," the violet-haired vixen told her assistant.

"Take that braid out," Rangiku commanded, pulling Lisa back to a chair in the middle of the floor.

The Visored did as she was told while Rangiku produced enough hair supplies for twenty women. Lisa raised an eyebrow. "You know what you're doing right?"

"Yes," the blonde replied with a huff. "I'm just gonna tame it a little, don't get your panties in a bunch."

The Visored smirked. "I'm not wearing any."

There was a moment of stunned silence before they all laughed, except Nanao, whose face was a deep shade of crimson.

Matsumoto shook her head. "I knew there was a reason I liked you. Now hold still or I'll burn you."

"Wait!" Yoruichi stood, holding her hands up. Rangiku froze. The steaming flat iron inches away from Lisa's head. Nanao dropped an unidentified leather thing with eyes as big as saucers.

"What?" Lisa yelled.

Yoruichi's face was horrorstruck. "I forgot the drinks!"

Rangiku's eyes widened as she dropped the hot piece of equipment. Lisa jerked away to avoid being burned by the falling appliance, and landed on the floor with a thud.

"Ok. Nobody panic. Rangiku spoke as calmly as she could manage under the ghastly circumstances. She looked each woman in the eye to reassure them. "We can handle this. This is what we've trained for our whole lives."

Lisa snorted before she could stop herself as she got to her feet and proceeded to witness the most fantastic display of idiocy she'd ever seen.

"Nanao go boil some water."

"Is someone having a baby?" Lisa muttered under her breath.

Her colleague, however, did not question. The raven-haired lieutenant bolted for the ladder that led up to Yoruichi's room. Halfway up, she was abruptly yanked back down by her collar. She landed hard on her less-than-ample rear, knocking her glasses askew. She stared up in bewilderment at the culprit, Yoruichi.

"You can't go up there, I live here. What if somebody were to see you? We're not friends," the golden-eyed captain scolded.

With a sharp intake of breath Nanao hung her head. Yoruichi didn't want to be her friend? "We're not?" she asked, voice heavy with disappointment. 'I thought we were supposed to be sisters now.'

"No!" Yoruichi exclaimed. Nanao's heart sunk. "Not as far as anyone else is concerned. Do you want us to get caught?"

Understanding came. "No, Captain. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."

'You're in good company.' Lisa thought, as she moseyed over to the gigantic bag of clothes to take a peek. It appeared that Yoruichi had brought any and everything she could get her hands on. Lisa easily tuned the noisy women out and focused on the bag. There were leather pants, tons of spandex, and a countless amount of shoes, bustiers and thongs. 'How the hell am I supposed to fight in a maid's outfit?' She glanced up at the women to make sure they weren't paying attention and almost felt a little sorry for Nanao who was at that moment, being told to go to the world of the living for potatoes. Looking back down into the bag she saw a pair of really cute boots right next to a huge purple dildo and a bottle of...

'Wait! What?'

"A DILDO?" she yelled at the top of her lungs, blowing her cover. The search for their liquid love was abandoned as all heads turned to the glaring woman with the purple penis in her hand. "What the hell is this?"

"My purple monster," Yoruichi answered wagging her eyebrows.


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