The leaves began to turn a golden brown as the first signs of fall appeared. It was time to start harvesting the crops. The little family owned farm on the edge of town had a better year of growth than normal. So much so that they had to hire on seasonal help. So when a young man from out of town showed up it seemed like fate. Jake had inherited the land from his father and now worked the land with his son. The young man was kind and helpful despite his intimidating first impressions. It was clear he had been through alot just by looking at him. The world weighted heavily on him, but after weeks of harvesting it seemed like that weight was lifting. "What's it like to be an adventurer?" Jake Jr. Had asked. "It's a hard life." Was all he said. It was clear he didn't want to speak about his past or encourage his way of life. He slept in the barn on a pile of hay and never complained. It was the final week of harvest when they first received the troubling news. The Frostharrow army had been decimated by Mistrun. It was likely they planned on taking the whole continent. Even though there continent was the smallest, in had never been united. The five kingdoms held relatively equal power until now, the belence had been tilted.
Whatever the reason for what happened next never became clear to Jake. No matter how many years passed it was something he would never forget. On the last night of harvest after every thing was prepared to go to market some men showed up. They demanded everything he and his family had worked so hard to grow. One of the men claimed to work for baron Aaron. Jake pleaded with the men saying his farm would be ruined without the profits from the crops. The lead man struck Jake across the face with the back of his hand knocking him to the ground. That's when something unexpected happened. The man's chest started to bleed, everyone was looking in shock as he fell to his knees. Before they could move the other two men also fell to the floor. There heads rolled from their shoulders and blood spewed forth mudding the dirt were they lay. It all happened so fast Jake barely seen the young man move but one second he was behind Jake and the next he was behind them and they were dead. He piled the body's and set fire to them before gathering his belongings and leaving. "I'll make sure you aren't blamed for this." He said before leaving and never returning. In the next few days Jake and his family went about selling their goods. He was constantly afraid more of the barons men would come for retribution but no one ever did. Sometime later Jake heard the barons mansion had been invaded. Everyone there had been killed and not a single person witnessed a thing. It became a local ghost story, a warning about greed to those who abused their positions. Jake new what had happened but never spoke a single word about it. Not even to his own family.
Berry purchased passage aboard a large ship heading for the country of Glenwinter. It was a large country on a far off continent. Berry wanted to put as much distance between himself and his past as he could. This voyage was to be a fresh start for him. He had paid a little extra for a small cabin on the second floor of the ship. He didn't want to be crammed into the lower level were everyone fought for space on the floor or one of the many hammocks hung from the ceiling. He also didn't find it necessary to pay for one of the luxury rooms on the first floor. He had plenty of money to afford one but didn't want any unnecessary attention. His room had one bed, a dresser and a chair. It was very simple but was more than enough for him. As the ship set sail Berry leaned over the rail of the ship watching the waves. "Feeling sea sick already" a voice called to him. Berry turned to see a beautiful older lady wearing custom fit armor over a light blue outfit of high-quality. Her long black hair was tied back into a neatly done braid. "No just watching the waves." Berry replied doing his best to sound friendly and not like a troubled man running from his past. She gave him a slight smile and continued along her way. It was clear to him she was scouting the deck for any possible treats. Shortly after she made her rounds she returned with a elegant looking girl in a very elaborate dress. Berry tried to ignore them as best he could, nothing good would come from getting involved with them. When the lady knight had spoken to him she seemed very comfortable and at ease. However her hand remained close to the very intimidating mace at her side. Berry could tell she would of had his head split open before he could move if she wanted to. His survival instincts warned him to not upset her.
At dinner Berry had once again returned to the deck. He enjoyed the open air and didn't want to deal with the crowded mess hall. He watched as the sun began to set over the shrinking landscape behind them. "You have the look of a man leaving home for the first time." It was the lady knight again. "I don't have a home, never have." He said surprising himself at the sadness in the statement. "Looking for a better life or running from something?" She spoke like someone who he could relate to. Most of the others on the ship seemed soft but she had the same look in her eyes as him. The look of someone that has seen alot of death and taken many lives. Perhaps that is why she kept approaching him. She wanted to see if he would cause trouble for her during this long voyage. "My name is Jenna "she said holding her hand out to him. Berry took her hand noticing the firmness and strength behind it. Before he could respond another voice cut in "Jenna! Look at the fish" a pack of flying fish were following the ship hopping out of the water and gliding for a few seconds before driving back under. "Oh who's this?" She asked just noticing him. "My name is Berry Hardfall." He replied with a friendly smile. "This is lady Westwillow" Jenna said. Berry gave a slight bow "nice to meet you malady" this got a slight giggle from her. Berry excused himself and returned to his room. He had no idea how to act around high class people. All the ones he had encountered before he had killed.
He spent the next few days in his cabin not wanting to get involved with them anymore then he already had, nothing good would come of it. There was enough room for him to do his exercises in his room but no way to run well they were out to sea. This was going to be the most difficult part for him. He ran most days, it was a good way for him to clear his mind. It didn't take long before he began to feel trapped, so once again he found himself back up top. "Are you following me" he asked as they approached him again. "No its just, you seem like the most interesting person on this ship" the young noble had said. "Definitely a mystery" Jenna agreed. "What about you lady Westwillow, why are you making such a dangerous voyage." He asked trying to get the attention off himself. "Call me Wendy, I don't care for formalities." Berry had no real interest in them but didn't want to cause any unnecessary issues. It was going to be a long trip and it looked like they wouldn't leave him in peace. "I'm returning home. I was to be married here but when we arrived" she stopped abruptly. Jenna continued for her "the baron she was engaged to had been murdered. Everyone in his mansion was slaughtered without a fight." Wendy was clearly shaken by this "it was the worst thing I have ever seen." Jenna nodded in agreement but had definitely seen worse. "Anyway that's why we are heading home and Im not worried about danger, as long as Jenna is with me." Berry didn't say anything in response to the barons death. After he left the farm he watched the barons mansion. Every thing him and his people did was pure evil. He had saved her from a fate worse than death without her even knowing. Berry didn't want to become some hero of justice or anything like that but he also couldn't over look evil when he could stop it.