If Berry knew anything about horse he might of asked for a different one, or perhaps refused one all together. It was entirely plausible that he was given this horse as a joke. On the first night after leaving spider town everything seemed fine, however he was woken by the horse urinating on him. The damn thing seemed to get a good laugh out of this. Later in the day out of nowhere the horse bucked sending Berry flying to the ground. It then proceeded to kick dirt in his face. Clearly the horse was very intelligent and didn't like him. After a week of torment from this unruly animal they finally arrived at a new town. Before Berry did anything he payed a hefty sum to a kind couple that ran the stables. "I don't like this damn horse but hopefully you can find him a good home." Berry said gathering his belongings and saying good riddance to his latest companion. Now that he had some time to himself and wasn't being rushed off on some crazy quest or fighting for his life. Berry decided to get more information about monster cores. He knew they were used in enchantments but what other secrets did they hold. After a little asking around Berry found himself at a local guild haul. The guild was a place for adventurers to get quests, buy and sell goods or get a good meal. It was also a good place to find information normal people wouldn't be interested in. When he entered the building he was greeted by a kind older gentleman with a neet mustache. "First time in a guild?" He asked with a knowing smile. "It's written all over your face. Come with me let's get you registered." Berry followed him to a quit little office away from the tavern like hall filled with rowdy adventures. "Fist things first what is your name?" He asked pulling out a large book filled with names. "My name is Berry Hardfall" he wrote it down in a empty spot with a string of numbers next to it. "Next we need to determine your ranking level." He pulled out a crystal ball and placed it infount of Berry. "Put your hand on the ball. It will read your stats and skill levels and then average them out for a approximate ranking. Then you will be evaluated by two guild members of a higher rank." Berry nodded and touched the ball. It felt cold and warm at the same time. After a quick pulse it finished. "Let's see here, bit of a mixed bag of tricks you got here." He said and listed all of his info down in a separate book.
Light orb b+
Purifying light orb b-
Healing Light orb c-
Recovering Light orb d+
Absorbing Light orb d-
Survival instincts b+
Mana recovery c-
Taunt e+
Melee weapon b
Quick step e-
It was odd to see all his stats written down. It gave him a strange feeling. Almost like someone had took a peek at his soul. "OK so each rank has a number score given us a average of your skills. It puts you at rank C-. Not to bad for a new adventurer, but that doesn't measure combat capabilities. You may receive a higher rank depending on recommendations." Berry was a bit overwhelmed by all this newness. But he decided to go with the flow. "I'll have a spare arranged shortly. You can take a look around the guild until I call for you." Berry headed back out into the main room. To one side was a bar serving drinks and food. Tables were set up in rowes down the middle of the room. Along the back wall was a large board with papers pinned to it. As he approached the quest board he was able to see how each quest was marked. Quest each had a symbol in the top corner to show what type it was followed by a rank and then the pay. Then there would be further details describing the quest. As he was browsing one caught his eye. It was a monster hunt quest for spiders in a abandoned mine. Berry laughed to himself pulling the paper down. The location matched and everything. "Found one that interests you." A man said from beside him. "You look pretty new to this. Just go to one of the receptionist and they can get you taken care of." Berry thanked the tough looking man and went over to the counter. A cute girl with brown hair pulled back into a ponytail greeted him. "I cleared out this mine on my way to town." He said handing her the paper. The quest was a rank B and only offered three gold, probably why no one had taken it. "OK I'll need to see you guild plate" she said holding out her hand. "Oh they haven't given me one yet im still waiting for Carl to finish my evaluation." She looked at him quizzicaly "oh um OK I'll hold on to this and you can just come back and see me when your done with that."
Just then Carl called for him. Berry followed him out to a court yard with a wide range and a circle in the center. "This is Mark and Anthony they will be conducting your evaluation today." The two men gave a slight nod in greeting as Carl left back into the building. "Like he said my name is Mark I'm a rank B mage and this is Anthony he is a rank B warrior." One man wore a heavy set of steel armor and the other lose fitting robes. They both carried themselves like experienced fighters. Berry was confident in his abilities against monsters but for some reason standing here with these two made him nervous. "My name is Berry and I'm a close range fighter. Oh but I do use a bit of magic. It's mostly just buffs tho." Anthony stepped forward "OK let's see what you can do" he said cracking his knuckles.