As the waves rocked the ship back and forth Berry drifted into a deep sleep. He stood above himself covered in blood. He was surrounded by screaming faces and hands pointing at him. They cried out murder and killer in a chanting chorus. The faces swarmed together and swallowed him whole. Berry woke to the sound of knocking on his door. He opened it to see Jenna standing there in full armor. "Sorry to wake you, we could use your help. Gear up and meet us on deck." Berry turned and grabbed his shirt. As he did Jenna was able to see his back and the long claw marks apon it. Berry put on his chainmail and harness. He hadn't worn his equipment at all during the voyage. He joined Jenna on the deck were a few of the crewmembers had gathered. "This is captain John Lee, captain this is Berry Hardfall." A tall man with thick eyebrows and a muttonchop beard extended a hand. Shaking it Berry asked " what's going on?" The captain walk over towards the sturn of the ship and pointed "We spotted a ship off in the distant, she's gaining on us. Figure they'll be here within a hour or two" Jenna stood beside him. "Captain asked for anyone that can fight to be prepared. So I thought you would be able to help." She noticed all he had brought with him was a dagger. "Do you need another weapon?" She asked a little doubtful about his weapon choice. He seemed confident in himself so she didn't push it. "Can we go any faster?" Berry asked. The captain shook his head "afraid were already at full speed. That's the unusual part, how is she catching up to us?"
Berry watched in anticipation as the ship crept closer. Despite hoping for a peaceful trip he found himself itching for a fight. They pulled up on the side of the ship. Everyone waited for them to bord or attack but nothing happened. There was no movement from the ship at all. "Ghost ship!" Someone called out and ran away. Muttering began amongst the crew as everyone waited for something to happen. "I'll go take a look" one of the crewmembers said swinging over on a rope. As soon as he landed he was swarming by the crew of the ghost ship. He was ripped apart in seconds as they devoured his flesh. He then stood to stand as one of them. Horrible creatures with rotting flesh that use to be human. With a howl from one wearing a large brimmed hat and pointing a cutless the rest charged. Berry launched his dagger at one hitting it in the skull. It pulled the dagger out unfazed dropping it to the floor. "That won't work, you need to crush the skulls." Jenna said gripping her weapon tight. Berry picked up the large millet the retreating crewmen had dropped. Planks were carried and placed crossing the short distance between the two ships. Others of the damned crew swung across on ropes affixed to the mast. Berry and Jenna stood side by side smashing the undead left and right. Each swing of Jenna's weapon radiated with her aura. It felt like gravity shifted with the direction of each swing sending everything in its path flying. Berry moved with a quickness that was unperceptible "quick step" Jenna said "be careful you don't exhaust yourself" quick step was a very handy for a quick burst of speed but it took a hefty toll on your stamina. Combined with using the over sized weapon Jenna wasn't sure how long he would last. That's when she noticed him began to glow with aurora of colors. As the little orbs circled him he began to disappear and reappear crushing one enemy then the next. Something unexpected happened when his healing orb came into contact with any of the undead crewmembers, their flesh began to dissolve rapidly. In combination with his swings and his newest skill the damned crew was quickly delt with. All that was left was the undead Captain. Jenna had made her way toward him well Berry delt with the rest of his crew. With the movement of a seasoned veteran Jenna attacked. Each swing was devastating and the captain went down in less than a minute.
The crew let out a shout of victory as the two returned to the ship. The other vessel began to fade as soon as they left it. Berry went about healing all the crewmembers that had received injuries. "We would of all died if it wasn't for you two." The captain said thankfully. "Your pretty handy in a fight" she said patting Berry on the shoulder. "I'm still not strong enough" he replied looking around at all the injured men. "We never are" she agreed knowingly. There was always someone stronger waiting to cut you down, always a next level you needed to strive for. Berry had felt himself growing but knew he was still no match for someone like the reaper that destroyed Mistrun. How many others were on that level scared him and made him feel weak. Berry felt like he had gotten as far as he could on his own he needed help. Jenna was willing but didn't believe she would be much help to him. He was almost on her level already. "I heard of a weapons master living on a remote mountain range. I don't know if he will take you on as a student but it's worth a shot." She marked a spot on his map telling him about a nearby village he might be able to find more information.
The rest of the voyage went on rather peacefully, with only a few drunken brawls here and there. After the long six month journey they finally reached their destination. It was a large port town within a day's walk from the capital. Due to the growth from the harbor the town was estimated to be connected to the larger city within a few years. "It was a pleasure to meet you Mr Hardfall" Wendy said giving a elegant bow. "Stop by and spare with me some time. I can't wait to see how strong you will become." Jenna said shaking his hand. Berry said his goodbyes and went on his way.