After days of traveling, Koman and Amon had almost reached the edge of Manzenier. The landscape had changed: the closer they got to the west, the more fertile the land became. The heat gave way to a pleasantly cool breeze and the streets became wider and busier. It seemed like they were much closer to civilization.
As they passed a small village situated in a hollow between two hills, they noticed a striking silence. The streets were empty and the windows of the houses were tightly barred. Something was wrong. Amon sensed the tension in the air and pulled Koman to the side.
"Something's wrong," Amon whispered as they walked slowly through the village.
Suddenly a bearded man in rough clothing emerged from a side street. He had a group of five other men with him, all carrying sharp weapons and eyeing Koman and Amon suspiciously. The man stepped forward and grinned, showing his rotten teeth.
„What do we have here? Two strangers strolling through our village without paying a coin? "That's not exactly smart," said the leader, stepping closer threateningly. "You are on the lands of Halvo's band, and we demand a price for protecting the villages."
Koman and Amon exchanged looks. Amon already had his hand on his dagger, but Koman remained calm. He first wanted to understand what was really going on here.
"You call that protection?" Koman asked calmly, looking intently at the leader. "It looks more like you're terrorizing people here."
Halvo's smile disappeared. "The people here have no choice. If they don't pay us, the next raid will wipe them out. We offer them an opportunity to live in peace. Of course it costs."
Amon was ready to make the first move, but Koman held him back. "Why don't you help instead of taking advantage of these people?"
„Why should we?" Halvo laughed hard. "There is no justice in this world, boy. Everyone takes what they can get. And if you want to join in, it could pay off for you. You look like you're capable. Join us and we could all benefit."
Koman felt a wave of anger rise within him. The world he had left had been the same - full of those who exploit the misery of others to gain themselves. But Amon saw things differently. He knew the hard life and saw Halvo's offer as a way to make quick money. He thought about the time he lost everything and how money could change everything.
"It would be easier to get money," Amon said quietly to Koman. "Maybe we should consider it."
Koman turned to him, surprised. "Are you really going to stoop so low? Take away from people what they hardly have anyway? Is that the kind of strength you want?"
Amon gritted his teeth and looked away. "You don't know anything about what I've been through. Sometimes you have to take what you can get to survive."
Koman looked at Amon for a moment before replying, "Perhaps you are right. But I won't become like them. I've already seen too much."
The conflict between the two was palpable, but Halvo interrupted. "What will it be now? "You can either pay, join us, or... work it out some other way." His hand was on the hilt of his sword, and the men behind him stepped closer.
"There is always a choice," Koman said firmly. "And my choice is clear." With a quick jerk, he drew his sword and stood ready for battle.
The tension was palpable. Amon hesitated for a moment, then drew his weapon, determined to fight at Koman's side.
The fight was short and brutal. Koman and Amon, experienced through the journey, fought determinedly against the gang. They didn't have the same number of fighters, but they were faster and more accurate. One by one the bandits fell until only Halvo remained, breathing heavily and angry.
"This isn't over yet," he growled before running away while Koman stopped chasing him, but Amon ran after him and took all his money and eliminated him.
„You should give the money back to the villagers" Amon said no and kept the money for himself and their trip together. A small argument started but Koman left it at that.
The battle was won, but the villagers remained fearful and kept their distance. They had seen strangers fighting for them, but in their eyes Koman and Amon were now also outsiders - perhaps even a threat. Koman and Amon looked around and realized they were not welcome.
„We should go," Amon said, holding back the anger in his voice.
Koman nodded and without another word they left the village.
Koman thought about Amon's decision and how it could influence him in Manzenier, because everyone is aware that money plays a big role there.