Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 19 - THE DEAL

Chapter 19 - THE DEAL

All Jake saw was darkness...

All around him. Enveloping him.

He was at peace.

Naked, but at peace. He felt cautious, aware of what might happen if he let his guard down

But it didn't hurt him. Not this time.

But why?

Hey!" Jake shouted, annoyed to be back here again.

Listen you nasty bitch! I don't have time to be here! My best friend is dying and it's all my fault! I don't need to be here!"

Actually my seed that's precisely why you need to be here."

At that moment a hand grabs Jake's back and sends him flying upwards.

He was in the room again

And Barry was sitting right in front of him.

Sipping a nice coffee.

Ah, this coffee thing really hits the spot doesn't it? If I knew about this sooner I would have been more serious with the invasion!"

I don't have time for your shit Barry! My friend is.."

About to die. I am aware my seed. And I am greatly concerned."

If you're so concerned send me back now you brains for shit!"

Now now! Language my seed! I am not concerned with your pathetic friend. I am concerned with your overconfidence."

Overconfidence? Seriously! I'm out of here." Jake said and tried to jump multiple times, hoping the darkness would understand his message to leave.

Why so you let another friend  die?"

That's when Jake stopped."

What the hell are you talking about?"

Well my seed, since it is clear you do not, as you say, give a rat's ass about yourself, consider the others you endanger with your recklessness."

Look I know what happened to Zack is my fault but..."

But what? You want to leave so you can try it again? Just like in the slaughterhouse."

That's when Jake remembered, all those innocents turned into monsters. That girl, Lucy, met an untimely end. He could've done better.

He should've done better.

But at least he could save some of them

B..but I saved those people. I couldn't save Lucy but I.. I could save those people."

They are all dead Jake."

What?! No I.. I cured them I ..."

The process of transforming so suddenly but then into shock.. And they ended up getting simultaneous heart attacks."

You're lying." Jake said nervously. About to break down.

My instincts don't lie. You know that."

Jake fell in the ground and began hitting himself and screaming.

Grinding at the floor below he had one question.

How did I not know? Why didn't you tell me sooner."

She wouldn't let me."


Barry merely pointed up.

Jake understood immediately.

Why? Why would this thing hide..."

Because she wants your body. If you knew about this, you would be more cautious and cautious doesn't get you killed. And she needs you killed if she can get your body."

I..I thought you would get my body when I die?"

I made a lot more deals to keep you alive and in control Jake."

Jake looked up at the darkness above in horror. All it wanted was his body? For what? Why? Then Jake had an insane. question.vWhat would it do to  get it?

That's when he had an insane idea.

Hey" Jake said, looking up, which immediately alarmed Barry.

If you want my body so bad. I can give it to you."

H...h.hey! My seed! You can't do this! You have no idea what..."

For a limited time of course. And for a price. Give me a way to save my friend and I give you control over my body for 10 minutes. Whenever you want.

How does that sound?" Jake said desperately, still looking up.

My seed no! Have you learned nothing! I am trying to stop you from being reckless to save your life and you are here doing the most reckless thing imaginable."

Yes. It's called saving a life."

At the mention of those words, multiple black hands descended from  the darkness and grabbed Jake, sending him into it.

And back to reality.

Oh my seed. You have doomed your world. Why couldn't you fear the Shadow?"




It was Stacya. She was screaming and began to cry.

Jake was back in the real world. All what he saw was a load on him. But it wasn't time to concentrate on that now.

Now his friend was dying.

Wh..what are we going to do friend Jake?" Stacya said, tears dripping down her cheeks. Seeing her cry made him so sad. And so angry at himself for letting this happen.

But he was gonna fix it.

Don't worry Stacya. I'll fix this." Jake said. Stacya nodded her held Zack tightly.

But Jake didn't know what to do.

How was the darkness going to save Zack?

Was his deal in vain?

Suddenly he put his hand on Zack's chest. He didn't know why but a strange and strong compulsion to do it had enveloped his whole being.

What are you doing friend Jake?" Stacya said as her whole face was covered in tears.

Saving my...our friend." Jake said with his hand on Zack's chest.

But nothing happened.

Police cars raced by.

But nothing happened.

A news chopper passed above them.

But nothing happened.

Nonononono.. this was a mistakeci can't believe I actually tried to..."

Jake look!"

Out of nowhere, a black liquid substance leaked out of Jake's hand and oozed into Zack's body.

Jake and Stacya watched in awe.

What are you doing? How are you doing that?"

Uh... It's a one time thing I guess hehe." Jake said awkwardly as he was just as confused as her.

But you really care about him. You're leaking like a broken pipe." Jake mused at her.

W..well he was my only friend. Although Captain Rocket was a mentor, and he had my respect, Zack here has truly been a friend to me.

Especially after I was removed from my home." Stacya said, wiping her tears.

Oh I'm sorry I didn't know...I "

It's okay. It's feels  nice to talk about it. Especially with a friend."

You think of me as a friend? But we just met."

Well Z..Zack and I became friends the moment we met too."

The two started to inch closer.

Their eyes locked and not letting go.

And it seemed the world was nothing to them. The robbery, the urgency.. there was just them and their eyes...

Until Zack woke up.

Aaaaah?! W..what the hell?!! What's going on?!" Zack shouted, confused and disoriented.

Oh Lord Neptune!"

H..holy shit it worked! Jake said as he and Stacya jumped up and hugged each other tightly. Rejoicing that their friend is alive.

But they soon let go awkwardly when Zack watched them.

You okay buddy?"

Y..yeah I'm good. Why did something happen?"

Uh.. nothing. Good to have you back. C'mon! You ready to stop some bad guys?"

W..well  sure but only if someone said our team battlecry." Zack said to Jake enthusiastically.

Oh hell no! I'm not saying that cringy ass.."

But his eyes then locked with Stacya's eyes which had the same enthusiastic glow Zack had.

Ugh.. Danger Squad, time for danger!"

With Jake's words said and done, the trio ran, stretched and swam into battle.

But someone was watching them intently. Several someone's actually.

In a black room in an undisclosed location.

Not through the news. They had their own source.

So father? What do you think?"

I like him."

I don't know. I think Max made a wrong choice. It's good we gave him to Mr E."

Well you arent here to think eh Bishop? Now c'mon lighten up and enjoy the show. The Lost light will surely gain from this."

To be continued.