Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 24 - OLD FRIENDS

Chapter 24 - OLD FRIENDS

Stella! What are you doing here!?" Jake asked his sister who he hadn't seen in over a year with tears welling up in his eyes.

I'm here to see you silly!" She said as she hugged Jake tightly and the both began crying.

Of all the people who really cared about Jake who were few and far in between, Stella was the one who stuck with him through thick and thin.

However, he had a slightly jealous of her.

No I mean what're you doing in Empire City? I thought you worked in Stickville!"

Oh I moved here a month ago! I needed a big break in my career and working in our hometown wasn't gonna get it for me. I needed to move up and Empire News was as up as it gets. Plus all the big time journalists have worked there so I decided to throw my hat in.

I thought you were a news anchor? "

Yeah I am but that's not my passion. I've been trying to get into investigative journalism since that's were all the action is. Sadly it seems my pretty face didn't get me where I wanted to go... But enough about me! How've you been?"

I'm good. Life's uhh normal... I guess"

Normal! You are the owner of this store of convenience my friend Jake! I believe life is as you say, in tip top shape right?" Stacya said, wearing her human disguise and the store's apron and hat.

Oh and who is this? Friend of yours Jake?"

Uh.. yeah.. more like my employee.. uh Stacy..uh just Stacy. I think she was just leaving." Jake said nervously as he tried to push Stacya away who was quietly residting.

Wait, did I hear that right? Employee? You own this place? I knew you worked here but owned here? Nice job big bro! Life is in tip top shape for you!"

In ..yeah I guess. It's uh.. nice owning my own store but you know.. it's ..uh.." Jake kept on stammering, just like his own self.

He could keep his confidence in front of Hawk Knight and even psychopaths like Meat, but was a nervous wreck in front of his sister.

Hell, how could he keep his confidence in front of the girl that made him look like a loser all his life? Whether it was intentional or not, Stella was always the talented one amongst the two.

While Jake fumbled in every field, Stella excelled.

She was good in sports, athletics, she was smart as a whip and learnt faster than anyone Jake knew. She was also packed full of charisma and made friends like it was nothing.

While Jake was struggling to hold conversations. Well not anymore but you get the idea.

But now Jake was different. He had powers now! He was a hero! He was the Blur!

That would be really useful if he could actually tell her about it though. Sadly, thanks to her job and ambitions she's the worst person to tell such a secret.

And the worst part of it all is he doesn't even hold any resentment towards her. She was always nice to him and stood up for him. Even against his parents. She truly was the perfect sister. But was he the perfect brother?

He didn't even believe it himself...

It is very hard! Managing of the needs of costumers and all that! But friend Jake is very reliable! Isn't that right friend Jake?" Stacya chimed in right in time. Now was Jake's chance.

Uhh... Yeah it's hard... But I always pull through.. yeah .. I uh..." And he was stammering again. He needed something to change the subject and fast.

Hey! Who is that outside?" Stacya said pointing to someone having a hard time cleaning bird poo of of Stella's car, repeatedly dropped the rag and cursing loudly.

Oh yeah! HEY IVY! GET IN HERE!" Stella shouted in an authoritarian tone that nearly Jake Jake a heart attack.

The girl ran in as quick as she could. She was a thin nervous looking girl with black hair with a green strand of of it covering her eyes, which were behind a pair of uniquely unremarkable glasses.

She wore a white shirt and black skirt, suggesting she worked at an office, but her demeanor made it obvious she was someone's assistant. The type to get you coffee or something.

She reminded Jake so much of himself in the past... But that name.. Jake knew only one girl with that name.

Ivy! You remember Jake right? My big brother from high school?"

P..p.. pleasure to meet you once a..again" Ivy stammered looking down and extenting her hand for a shake.

One Jake responded with in extreme surprise.

How could he not be? This was the richest and most popular girl in his school after all!

Uh.. h..hey Ivy! You look..uh.. different." Jake said as she shook her hand which made her blush and cover her face with her other hand.

Oh come you two! You haven't met since high school! A simple handshake is not even close to enough Stella said as he brought them both in for a big hug with herself in the middle whole Jake and Ivy got so close their noses were touching.

Ivy jumped back and hid behind her hands nervously.

Jake would've done the same a few weeks ago, but not now.. the old Jake needed to be removed. But by bit if necessary.

Well you guys have a lot in common I guess! If only there was a way to catch up.. wait.. what are these?" Stella said as she removed some pieces of red paper from her pocket.

Reservations to that new fancy restaurant Red lobster? Oh my gosh that's great! But wait, it's only two reservations! Oh well, guess you two will have to go without me!"

Jake knew what Stella was doing. She had done it tonnes of times before. She was trying to hook them up on a date.

However Jake always knew how it goes. They start the date and it get super always for them both and he wasn't willing to risk it.

Aww actually I ...uh.. have to run the store.. I own it.. after all..hehe.." Jake said, trying to dodge it.

Which would've worked if..

Do not worry friend Jake! I shall watch of the store till you return! You go on this date! Then you can tell me the month and year it occurred!"

I'm loving this girl Jake! Now you two go and have fun! Okay Ivy?"

Ivy merely nodded her headed profusely while looking away.

Stella immediately got a call from her phone. She quickly answered it and after a short conversation..

Sorry guys, I've got a meeting to attend to! How about I drop you both off at the restaurant! It's on the way to my office." Stella said enthusiastically.

Jake couldve said no and saved himself from the embarrassment. Now he was on his way to a date with the most popular girl his school all those years ago.. well at least that what he remembers her for. Since this girl seed like an entirely new person to him...

I wonder how this disaster's gonna turn out" Jake thought as the car drove of and watched Stacya wave excitedly at him.

And another thought crossed Jake's mind..

What's Zack up to?

This is insane Zack! Paulina said as she pointed to the TV in her apartment which showed a news report of new supers stopping a robbery.

As these new supers escaped before police could catch them, one thing was certain, a new wave of vigilantism is one the way!" Stella said on the news

Hey.. I've seen her before. That's Jake's sister Stella!"

Who cares! You're on the news baby! Do you know what this means?!"

I know! I'm a super now! You know, I'm the one who gave them that story my sweet gem hehe"

No! It means you're in great danger!"

Uh.. I thought you'd be excited."

Excited?! How can I be excited when the man I love is gonna be hunted by the police for vigilantism!"

C'mon babe! This isn't that bad."

It's one thing that you continue your training with Captain Rocket, who is dead by the way! But it's another to actually head out there and get yourself in trouble in the eyes of the law!"

Getting in trouble? I believe it's called heroism babe."

No I believe it's called vigilantism baby. You have to stop! I can't have you thrown in jail!"

I won't get thrown in jail sweet gem. I'll be careful. And besides, you should be proud! I'm following in your footsteps."

My footsteps? I'd be dead if I was still in this hero business. Just like the rest of my team."

I know but you're not! Because you were careful!"

No because I was lucky! Hmm I think it's time you knew..

Knew what? Wait, you mean what happened to your team? I thought you never wanted to talk about it"

Yeah.. I did. And I love that you never brought it up but I see now that you need to know what happened to my team. My friends. The Danger Squad...


Ah! That's my phone" Zack said as he quickly answered the phone." Uh huh..ok..I'll be there in in giffy.. it's work dear! I gotta go. Mr Print has got something to tell me. Maybe it's about my story. Well talk about this later. Ok?"Zack said as he pulled her in close for a kiss and bolted out of the apartment.

Oh.. uh you know what it's fine... Take your time." Paulina said to herself as Zack was long gone. She gave a sigh of relief that she didn't need to relive that day..

Blood and guts spilled everywhere..

Her friends body parts splattered all over the walls and floor of their old base on Danger Island...

..thanks to their oldest and closest friend and teammate Ace...

She would've been dead if her failsafe hadn't kicked in and healed her in time...

But that was a story for another day..

To be continued..