Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 25 - EVIL ALWAYS WATCHES


A HAND OF APPLAUSE FOR ZACK EVERYONE!" Mr Print, head of Empire News shouted which got everyone clapping for Zack.

Well except Stella

Aww shucks guys! I don't think this is such a big deal." Zack said nervously.

C'mon boy you deserve this! Your story saved this news starion! I was getting word that people were watching Phoenix news but thanks to you, they're all tuned in to Empire News now! Suck it you bird brain bastards!" Mr Print shouted.

So you really love my story?" Zack asked his co-workers.

Hell yeah! Didn't know what you were up to skipping work all that while but it appears you were cooking!" Amy the previous archorwoman said gleefully

Yeah! That's my man Zack! Always pulling out the best stories outta that hat of his hehe.." Kevin the cameraman said.

Had to edit some parts like those supernames. Expanding man is kinda childish don't you think? How about Expander!" Mr Print asked Zack

Well I happened to like Expanding man. It has a retro feel to it right?" Zack asked trying to get his superne on the board.

Let's go with Expander kid. It's not everything in a story that sticks. But this isn't the time for criticism, it's time to celebrate! Were back to being the most viewed news station in the E state!" Mr Print said which sparked massive cheering among everyone.

Well except one person.

Ok ok.. it's a good story. But what about mine eh? How come it never made the cut boss?" Stella asked, feeling robbed her story which she had been investigating for months, even in Stickville which was in S state, which is about 500 miles away from E state let alone Empire City!

Oh uh yeah! Stella! It's uh.. a good story but we'll it doesn't quite get that "wow" factor we're looking for you know?"

Wow factor? This is about telling the truth! Spreading the word! People need to know what Miltron labs is up to!" Stella shouted angrily which caught everyone's attention.

Especially Zack.

What's she talking about boss?" Zack asked Mr Print who was sweating profusely.

It was the first time anyone saw him so nervous.

Uh.. You know what! Fun's over!" Mr Print shouted which got a combined sigh from all his employees " Everyone back to work! New stories aren't gonna type themselves here people!"

But what about my story boss! Why waste time with new material when mumy stuff is right here!" Stella said.

But Mr Print quickly pulled her to his office without anyone noticing.

Except Zack who was about to tail them until..


It was his phone.

Ah Paulina! I'm at work I.. uh.. emergency? Ok I'm on my way sugar cube!" Zack said as he left the office as fast as he could.

Back in the office, Mr Print's office to be exact.

Did I have you transferred from that small town to the big city for you to charm the masses or be some low rate detective Ms Scott?!" Mr Print said angrily.

Look I get why I'm here, but that shouldn't stop me from doing my part to help the station. Or the country! Milten is a terrorist!"

At that moment Mr Print quickly covered her mouth.

Hey hey! Don't go spreading nonsence now!"

Nonsense! You read my story! Saw the evidence! We have enough of it to get that asshat convincted for life here!"

It was getting clear Mr Print was nervous. He was shaking a d swearing even more than before.

W..wasn't he a friend of yours? I even heard he got a job for that friend of yours. Ivy whatshername! Why'd you want to put him down so much girl!"

He was my friend. I'll admit. But now I know the truth! I'm just keeping Ivy there so she can sneak in some more evidence for me. Once I'm done I'll get her to quit and find her another job. A safer job.

C'mon! Don't you think this is enough evidence?"

Aha! So you do believe me!" Stella pointed out. Severely alarming Mr Print.

Look, it's true..ok.. I won't deny it. But I can't release that information. I'll be ruined!"

So your seriously willing to let a terrorist roam free and import dangerous nuclear weapons components from other countries to save your little news station?" Stella asked.

Hey now! Watch your tone girl. You don't get it! I have a wife. I have kids. You think he'll stop at my station? You clearly don't know this terrorist as well as you think."

That's why we have to release the news and get him in jail ASAP! Before he gets what he wants out of that Black reactor he imported from that terrorist country Yugoslavia! He could be planning a coup with that kind of technology!"

I'm sorry Stella, but for my safety, and yours, you have other drop all this."

But boss.."


Stella looked at him blankly for a second.

It was the longest second for her life.

Ok boss.. I'll drop the story but I hope you know what your getting this country into."

Believe me.. I know." Mr Print said as he sounds his rotating chair away from Stella to get a load of the view of the city and began tearing Stella's story.

All Stella could do was watch while her hard work was torn up like tissue paper.

Soon she had enough.

Stella was leaving the room with no story to tell through the news.


Wait Stella! I need to tell you something.

Stella stopped but didn't turn around. She didn't want to even look at his face.

Evil always watches.."

Stella turned to look at Mr Print's nervous face for a second and left the room.

She didn't know what he meant but she knew one thing, she was taking Milten down even if it was the last thing she did.

Or her country would suffer a horrible fate.

Meanwhile, far of the coast of Empire City... In a dark red room, two familiar faces are having a good at each other...

So I keep the idiotic Super Society off your back and this is how you repay me?" Milten, last name unknown, the founder and CEO of Miltron labs, the biggest tech company in the country of Commonwealth said to his business associate..

The notorious criminal once thought dead, Mr E.

Oh sorry about that Milten! How was I supposed to know you were using that Black reactor?" Mr E said innocently.

Don't play games with me Mr E! Remember our deal! I keep the buffoons the masses call the Super Society off your work whole you keep off mine! Now I need by Black reactor!"

Aww well sorry but I'm also gonna need that Black reactor buddy. I'm cooking up a real mighty plan. Word of advice Milten, leave the city. It's gonna get wild pretty soon.

Leave the.. what the fuck are you planning?!"

Hmmmm it's my little secret. Let's just say, I've got the while Flathead gang to help me!" Mr E says has he motions towards a large corrider with several cells, each containing members of the Flathead gang...

I swear to whatever God you believe in Mr E you fucker! Once I get out of here I'll make you pay!" Falcone Flathead, boss of the gang, screamed as he was currently detained and having his DNA altered, making his mind slowly slip away.

Sorry boss, that one's still got a little fight in him!" Ace said as he was overseeing the mutations.

Wait... Is that Ace? The guy who killed the Danger Squad? What is he... seriously Mr E, what the fuck are you planning?"

Hmm, I'm sorry Milten but I'm afraid thats on a need to know bases, and all you need to know is that you gotta get the hell outta the city pronto! Peace out!" Mr E said as he hung up the call on his giant computer.

Hmmm what a funny guy! Whatever. This world will soon be devoid of his kind. Once the age of man is over. Step by step, bit by bit. Isn't that right Ace?!"

Yeah whatever you say boss."

Hmm you really know how to take away my enthusiasm don't you Ace! Now come on! How is my son doing!"

Your 'son' is currently in stasis but his awakening is 98% complete."

Oh goody! Now let's get a look at the little champ shall we?" Mr E said as he grabbed Ace and headed to the basement to see his greatest creation.

Isn't he a sight for sore eyes Ace?" Mr E said as he made it to the basement, one floor from the bottom of his secret base.

Huh..yeah.. let's get outta here." Ace said, clearly uncomfortable with the sight of the skinny teenage boy with blond hair and stitches made in his elbows.

Aww c'mon Ace! Get a good look! Doesn't he look a lot like Buford? Doesn't he?"

W.. well I guess." Ace responded nervously.

Of course he does! He's Buford's clone after all! Needed him nice and strong to lead my army once the day comes."

That's when the boys eyes begin to open...

Uh.. yeah I'm gonna check on the prisoners boss" Ace says as he gets one last look at the boy, shivering slightly as he does, and leaving the room.

Hmmm seems you scared him off son! Ah well I can't blame him. It is his best friend's face he's starting at. And we both know how that friendship went! Hehehe!" Mr E laughs like childishly as he keeps talking to the boy.

Now rest easy boy, for when the time of man ends, the evolution begins!" Suddenly his eyes start glowing red and his nose twitches profusely.

Oh looks like I finally caught one of the members of that new Danger Squad! Now come on, let's go hunting! " Mr E says as he keeps looking at the boy in admiration with a glowing green light shining below him.

What is this light you ask?

Well it the light emanating from Mr E's greatest creation, the machine that will bring a new age! The age of evolution!

This is The Genesis!

To be continued...