Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 27 - THE DATE

Chapter 27 - THE DATE


Jake could barely even structure a sentence properly. How could he? His sister just got him a date with the girl who was the most popular kid in his school.

Jake tried to start a conversation but his awkwardness got the better of him and he stopped mid sentence not once or twice, but five times!

He then gave her a little look and just like that they made eye contact and he smiled.

Hey don't try to pull a fake smile on me." Ivy said, shutting him down immediately.

Oh uh..y..yeah right.." Jake stammered.

That's when he realized he was fairly confident before but a complete stammering fool now.

Why was that?

Was it because he knew Ivy before he moved to Empire City?

Then he remembered why he was so shy of her.

He remembered how she used to intimidate every guy in the school.

Including all the bullies.

And why was that?

Because she's fucking rich." Max said to him with his head deep inside the pages of a good Harry Potter book since it would be a while since a teacher was coming to teach in their class. years ago.

Her dad owns the largest tech company in the city so she's basically rolling in cash. If anyone wants to mess with her, she'll mess with them back at infinity times the scale. I'd stay clear of her Jake. She's a total bitch." Max told Jake who was staring at her.

But Jake ignored his warnings and continued to stare at the confident tyrant of a girl in front of the class, behind her was her pose of bullies and before her was a nerd being harassed.

Awww what's wrong little bitch?! Never talked to a girl before? Speak up! I only asked what's your favorite uh.. what the fuck was that shit called again? Anemi?"'s pronounced Ani..anime" the boy said.

The nerve on Ivy's face could be seen from miles away as she grabbed the poor boy's face and slammed him onto his desk.

And you the fuck gave you permission to correct me you nerdy little bitch? Why? Do I need a grammar lesson or something? Or you think I'm stupid? Hear that guys?! He thinks I'm stupid!"

And just like that, the larger boys ganged up on the boy and began beating and raining insults on him.

Jake had enough.

Jake got of his desk and walked up to help the boy.

Only to be stopped by Max.

Hey man! What the hell are you doing? Seriously man do you want to get beat up?" Max said, holding his friend back.

B..but she's.."

Bullying him? Yeah. I know. It's normal and there's nothing you can do about it. Now c'mon let's just stay at the back of the class so no one can pay attention to us."

Jake complied with Max's suggestions and went to the back of the class. But he never kept his eyes away from that girl. Who was laughing histerically at the boy's suffering.

That was the girl sitting before him now.

What was he gonna say? Should he bring up high school? It's not like he ever talked to her. All he remembered was her shitty attitude.

And how he hated her for it.

Ok, you know what? I don't think this is gonna work out." Ivy said, finally breaking the ice.

Oh thank goodness! I had the same feeling too!" Jake said with a sigh of relief.

The two didn't even order anything and left the restaurant. Just as Jake was calling a cab when they got to the sidewalk, Ivy surprisingly started talking to him.

Look, sorry about this. I owed your sister a favour and it all led to this. I didn't mean to waste your time."

Nah it's cool. Stella was always trying to set me up on dates back when we lived together in Stickville so this is nothing new. But I gotta ask... what kind of favor did you owe Stella?"

Ah well it's a long story hihi.. uh sorry I something in my throat"

Was that a laugh?"

No it wasnt... I..."

Hey you managed to see through my fake smile so you don't need to pull out some kind of fake laugh on me."

Oh uh.. ok."

That's a pretty cute laugh Jake thought, but immediately dismissed the thought right after. After all this was the same horrible girl who always used her wealth and status to treat others like shit.

Hehe.. yeah." Jake said with a slight smile.

Ah, there it is. That fake smile again."

Fake smile?"

Yeah. You did it back at the restaurant quite a few times. It's pretty obvious."

Oh uh.."

You're probably wondering how I know. Let's just say, if you live a life like mine. You gotta keep up fake appearances."

Y..yeah ok I guess." Jake said, completely not expecting to hear that from her.

So was her bully persona one of those appearances?

They stood there for what seemed like an eternity until...

While I'm at it, lemme just say I'm sorry for probably bullying you back in high school. I was a real jerk and..."

Oh don't worry. You never bullied me. Honestly you never really looked in my direction." Jake said, which surprised Ivy.

Oh really. But you seem so familiar. C'mon we had to have talked once."

Nope. Not once. I should know. Whenever we were in the same room I couldn't keep my eyes of you. Seems you never gave me a passing glance."

Oh wow. That's a pretty creepy thing to say to a girl you just met isn't it?"

Oh..shit! Yeah um.."

Hey I'm kidding! C'mon! Don't be such a worrywart. You seem like a good guy."

Thanks. And you seem like a good girl. That's why I can't fathom how you were like that in high school."

Yeah. I'm sorry. Who I was then isn't who I am now. Hell who was then wasn't even the real me."

Huh. Then would I get the chance to see who you are now?"

Upon saying this, a cab pulled over to pick them up. Jake opted to go back to the restaurant to finish the date.

Hihi.. I'd like that." Ivy said and the two headed back the restaurant to finish their date.

While across the street, a certain individual wearing a four eyed mask watched them with a grin from ear to ear.

I'm sorry madam but you've exhausted your reservation."

W..what? But we only left for like ten minutes? We didn't even order anything!" Ivy said, with extreme annoyance in her voice.

I'm afraid that's our rules here. Once you enter our premises, you've exhausted your reservation. I mean, between you and me, those are some bullshit rules, but I work here so what am I supposed to do?"

Y..yeah Ivy Let's just leave.This isn't worth it.

Yeah you're right Jake. I know another place we can talk."

Ok sure Ivy. What do you have in mind?"

And just like that, the two left the restaurant and headed to Empire Central Park, the largest park in the city.

Too bad business wasnt booming.

Huh, for the largest park on this city, barely anyone comes here." Jake said as the two took a stroll across the middle of the park.

Yeah. I guess since that East pines park downtown has like a zoo and a mini carnival and all that, people kinda lose interest in a plain old park with grass and trees and all that." Ivy said, picking up little flowers off the ground as she went.

I don't know. I like that simplicity of it all. It's so uh.. whats the word again..."


Nah... But it rhymes with tranquil.. I mean like a serene and beautiful place you know?"

Pretty sure that's what tranquil means."

Really?! Naw! It's gotta be something else! It starts with a "t" and ends with an "anquil"! What on earth could it be?"

Hihi! Your messing with me aren't you?"

If I say yes do I get to hear that cute little laugh of yours again?"

Huh.. never heard anyone call it cute before."

Huh? So is that why you opted for that nasty cackle back in high school?"

Oh gosh hihi..! Was it really that bad?"

Well I get the feeling you only used it to impress someone."

Several someones actually. "

Well you don't need that for me."

Thanks. You're really sweet. Much better than all my dates before."


Let's just say you're not the only one who your sister tried to get a few dates out of."

I guess you owe her a lot of favours."

Well after a little "incident" I ended up owing Stella a boatload of favors."

Well at least one of those favors got me to meet you."

Yeah, I guess that isn't so bad..."

As Ivy laughed the beautiful light of the moon shined on the two, and once she stopped they looked nowhere else but into each other's eyes for a centuries or what seemed like so.

For whatever reason, they seemed... at peace. Like all the problems they both faced were no longer before them. All that was before them was each other, staring so deep into themselves they were peering into their souls.

As they came closer, something awakened within the both of them. Something strange. Jake had never known this feeling before but every part of his body told him to embrace it and that he did.

Ivy knew this feeling all too well but this time it was different, more real, more hopeful. That's what led her to take a leap of faith.

In the form of a kiss...

The two embraced each other tightly as they kissed passionately as well, they barely knew each other but this felt so natural. Like something they were meant to be doing. For that reason, Jake never wanted to let go.

But he did once he accidentally bit her lip.

S.. sorry! Its my first time and I messed it up! It felt so good and I messed it up! I'm so.."

But Ivy covered Jake's lips and giggled her cute little giggle again.

Hihi.. dang your so cute! I don't think I can keep my hands of you! C'mon, let's head to my place and I'll show you how to really kiss a girl." Ivy said with a wink which set Jake's heart ablaze.

Oh...uh...y..yeah sure." Jake stammered but he didn't care. All he seemed to care about was the girl standing before him. The girl he hated most back in the day was now someone he loved so deeply he couldn't believe it himself.

As for Ivy, ever since the incident she never thought she could trust anyone but Stella ever again but now there was this guy. He was so simple. So genuine. And she never wanted to let him go.

The two held each other's hands tightly as they left the park. They stared deeply at each other as they chatted like lifelong friends.

Ivy began to trust Jake but wasn't sure of her feelings and decided to let him know something about her....

Something that seemed to scare all the other guys away.

Wait, I'm not sure you'd like to come to my place."

Why not?"

I'm kind of a snake collector. I've got a couple of them back at my apartment.



C'mon? You really think I'm scared of a bunch of snakes? Let's go!" Jake said with new found confidence as he pulled her arm and the two left the park chatting like little kids along the way. Soon they got to know everything about each other.

Well almost everything.

Including their shared little to no interest in supers which surprised Jake as everyone was interested in them for one reason or another.

I don't know. They just seem so, fake to me. Like they're all about fame or something.." She said..

She was just like him..." Jake thought.

Eventually on the way home they were so deep in conversation they were practically best friends by the time they got to Ivy's apartment.

And when they got there...

Huh.. I guess we're here." Jake said as he noticed how messy her apartment was. It as like a mirror of his to the "T". Well except the giant snake crawling below her dining table.

Oh shit! Monty! I'm so sorry Jake, he never stays in his cage."

Oh no problem! He honestly kid of cute really." Jake said as he moved close to pet the large reptile.

Something that deeply surprised Ivy.

In an extremely good way.

Y..Yeah, and I do recall I owe you a lesson on kissing eh?"

Uh..yeah.. I do remember that.Dont worry ma'am, I'll promise to be a good student!"

Oh your such a cutie!" Ivy said, pulling him close for a kiss.

Until something strange caught his eye..

Which made him push her away.


S..sorry Ivy, I gotta go. I have a.. thing. Don't take this the wrong way I really like you but I.."

Oh it's ok I get it. You're shy! That's all. No need to make out on the first date. Heck! Kissing lessons?! What was I thinking?!" Ivy said, laughing nervously.

No! I mean I..."

But she simply covered his mouth, kissed his cheek and sent him on his way.

See you cutie hihi." She said with a wink.

Y..yeah. See you." Jake said and waved her goodbye as she closed the door in front of him.

Now outside the apartment, his nervous face became a serious one.

You can come out now Stacya!" He shouted.

In an instant, Stacy jumped out of the ground with a splash and stood before Jake, sweating profusely all over.

J..Jake! I'm so sorry to interrupt your sacred mating ritual but we are needed now!"

Hey! It wasn't a mating ritual ok! Now what do you mean we're needed? You better have a damn good reason for ruining my date.

Yes! But words aren't enough! Allow me to show you!"

Stacya suddenly grabbed Jake by the arm and pulled him into the ground and the two swam for Jake's store.

Meanwhile back in Ivy's apartment...

Ivy fell jumped for joy.

Oh my gosh Monty! I can't believe it! That date was amazing after all! He's such a cute guy and there's something so so genuine about him! He didn't even find you or my snake collection wierd at all! I'm gonna make sure I don't fumble this! I have to! Who knows? He may even be the one!" Ivy said as she bounced of the room with cheerful exuberance.

Yeah, he's a real dreamboat."

M.. Monty?! D..did you just"

Hehe no, this ain't Monty dear."

That's when the snake before her began to mutate and grow legs, then a human torso..

And soon Ivy realized that was no snake. It was a man..

Wearing a four eyed mask.

Who..who..are you?" Ivy said, her face covers in a cold sweat.

Oh, just a friend of your boyfriend over there."

Wh..what kind of friend are you supposed to.."

And just as Ivy said that everything went dark.

Jake watched his store burn to the ground in silence. Firefighters were trying to put out the fire with a crowd of people watching from behind. Jake was among the crowd. He didn't want to come forward and claim ownership.

Besides, what's there to claim?

Stacya, so you said some guy called Mr E did this?" Jake asked with a silent fury.

Yes! He broke in and kidnapped Austin! I'm afraid he may have gotten to Zack as well!"

Well then. I guess this guy's got some kind of vendetta against us or something. C'mon. Let's go deal with him."

But friend Jake, your costume! It's destroyed! How are we.."

Who gives a damn about some crappy costume?! I only wore it to make Mr Buford happy! Now the store he left me along with it are gone now! And I'll be damned if I let that asshole get away with it. Now c'mon. Let's deal with him, costume or no costume."

Stacya looked at Jake in awe as he faded into the background, completely escaping the crowd.

Now the hunt for Mr E began...

To be continued...