Chereads / Danger Squad Legends / Chapter 20 - THE BATTLE INTENSIFIES


Snek had never felt so alive.

And he had never thought of himself doing this.

But it doesn't matter now. He was feeling fantastic.

As he threw police cars like people's with his hands which were now giant snakes.

How did it get to this?

He was nothing but some delinquent but he had a kind dad he loved. Until he started getting ignored for his bitch of a stepmom.

He needed attention. He needed to feel important.

That's when he found the Flathead gang. Now he was making dough and ascending ranks like crazy. But all he wanted was to be Flathead's right hand man, but seeing loser like Luther at that position really pissed him off.

Especially when it was clear that Luther would betray the gang in a heartbeat to protect his family.

That was until he got his hands on the E toxin.

By making himself a certified lab rat, he got to go on way more missions and he raised through the ranks even faster.

But Luther was still on top of him.

Luckily this mission was gonna change that.

Snek! Good work with those supers but ease up on  the cops! Their gonna send a chopper at this rate!" Luther said, trying to advise the kid who was clearly losing it.

Thanks to the E toxin no doubt.

Shut it geezer!! I'm on top of the world!!" He said as he filled a civilian's car over and tossed it at another police car.

Austin was watching the scene from above. He was debating whether or not he should strike now. He was no hero, he was just a man looking for vengeance. But he needed to wait so someone can stop this and he can snag the black reactor.

Luckily his prayers were answered.

That's when the trio finally returned to stop Snek and Luther.

Let's see what your new sidekicks can do Buford." Austin thought to himself.

Snek threw another car at them but Zack stopped it by elongating his hand.

We can't have him chucking cars!" Jake shouted.

Yeah it's bad for my hand!" Zack mused.

How do you suppose we stop him?" Stacya asked.

Ah! I've got it!!" Zack suddenly blurted out.

Zack then signalled them to come closer and as they did, he whispered something to them that Snek didn't understand.

Snek hated what he didn't understand. Even more than usual.

Hey you ssssimpletons! If you wanna ssstop me then ssstop wasting time and..."

Snek! Stop taunting them and concentrate on stopping them! We're almost home free! And what's with the wierd accent?" Luther ordered at Snek.

Don't interrupt me assshole! Or I'll eat out your fucking brain!!!" Snek said as he twitched and shook uncontrollably.

The E toxin was getting worse. But it was no concern to Luther. It was the boys own fault for sticking it in him so many times. Once or twice? Sure. But 7 days a week?

Practically digging your own grave.

Everyone knew just like any drug the E toxin did damage to the brain the more one took it. Making them more, wild, uncontrollable, animalistic.

But this wasn't Luther's concern. He was more concerned with when the hell Hawk knight was gonna show up.

Zack stopped the whispering and the trio began their offensive.

Aah! Y'all finally grew a pair and decided to face me again huh?!" Snek said as he prepared to grab another car but stopped when he noticed what they were doing.

Zack expanded his hand and grabbed Jake. He then spun him around multiple times and Jake began to glow blue, absorbing the kinetic energy.

Snek knew instinctively what was coming and grabbed the nearest parked car to throw.

However once the car left his grip, Stacya appeared from the ground and bit the car in two with her immense canine teeth. Then she swam back into the asphalt road, disappearing from Snek's sight and smell.

Snek focused back on Jake but he was already in the air heading for him.

Thats right.

Zack threw him like a baseball and he was heading right for Snek.

But Snek was way ahead of them.

He used his snake hand to grab Jake by the torso and slam him into the ground. Dragging him across the road as the van raced ahead.

Any lassst wordsss sssuper freak?" Snek said, readying his other hand to bite Jake's head off.

Freak? I'm not the one with giant snakes for hands." Jake joked

Pretty ssstupid last wordsss huh?" Snek responded, clearly angry at Jake's joke. And calm demeanor in the face of death.

Well they would be if they were my actual last words Rattlesnake guy. Can I call you that buddy?"

We are not buddiesss! YOU ARE FOOD YOU ARE...!!"


Snek! Watch out!!" Luther shouted, but it was too late for Snek to hear as Shark woman busted the side of the van with a well timed shoulder tackle.

And the van was sent flying across the road till it hits the sidewalk on it's side. It was over, Snek and Luther were trapped.

But Snek wasn't going down so easily.

This is Police chief Manson! We have you surrounded! Come out with your hands up! We'd hate for this to get ugly!" Manson said through a megaphone as she had the van surrounded by officers ready to strike.

Ma'am! What do we do about the three supers?" One of her officers asked her.

They ain't supers Frank! Well deal with em later! Right now we got bigger fish to fry! Come on out boys! Let's not drag this out!" Manson shouted at the robbers trying to get them out of the van without force. Considering who was inside after all.

She was tired of all this nonsense.

Uh... Ja.. I mean Blur?..uh.. should we be worried about the police trying to you know..uh.. arresting us?" Zack said nervously concerned about the policemen surrounding not only the criminals, but them too.

They weren't supers after all. They were vigilantes, a much less prestigious title.

I will not be detained once more!" Stacya said violently exposing her rows of sharp teeth.

No need for that..uh.. Shark lady."

Shark woman!" Stacya corrected.

Yeah yeah. Look the police are our allies. No matter what we all the have the same purpose here. Helping people! I'm sure one little chat with the police chief will.."

Not do jack shit!" The police chief interrupted, scaring the trio enough to have them running off.

Until Jale decided to open his big mouth.

Uh ma'am, we have the same mission here, to stop these guys from using this tech to hurt people. Why don't we work together to.."


The police chief gave Jake a nasty slap across the cheek. Although Jake's helmet soaked most of the damage, the message was clear.

They were not allies.

Listen you costumed freaks! Me and my men aren't really keen on the idea of a group of stage performers prancing around and stealing our jobs! Especially with no permission of the government! We hate those glorified actors all right but glorified heroes, oh they really get our bones burning! You know what? Men, take em away!"

Manson then called in some of her men to detain the trio who didn't know whether to resist or give in.

Wait! We're trying to help you!" Jake shouted.

Tell it to the judge freak!" One the officers told Jake while holding handcuffs.

Handcuffs that were bound to hold Jake down until...


Suddenly a giant fist made completely out of snakes appeared from the van.

Then an arm.

Then a leg.

Then a giant man with the head of a cobra.

All completely composed of millions of snakes.

To be continued...